May 16th, 2023

Wu Yimei stood there in a daze, staring with disbelief at the person before him. His hands trembled faintly, and the poisoned needles in his hands fell to the ground.

Only His Excellency……

Only His Excellency could command the Soul-Refining Tower to recognize him as its master, because it was His Excellency who had given it to him back then, and only His Excellency could take it back now.

Only His Excellency could treat his barriers as if they didn’t exist, because back then, he was the one who’d personally taught them to him. Naturally, they wouldn’t be able to stop him.

And only His Excellency knew the words he’d said to him on that day.


His Excellency hadn’t lied to him. They really had meet again.

Wu Yimei’s ice-cold chest was flooded with warmth, as if the chasm of nine years had been instantly filled. His eyes reddened as he looked at the person in front of him, falling directly to the floor, kneeling. “This subordinate pays respects to His Excellency.”

His voice was shaking, and he didn’t dare move his eyes away for fear that it was just a hallucination.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Yimei understood everything.

No wonder Xie Huai would let someone live in His Excellency’s residential palace. It turned out that it was His Excellency, and Xie Huai had recognized him long ago, yet hadn’t told Wu Yimei, causing him to nearly injure His Excellecny by mistake. Wu Yimei’s heart was full of regret and self-blame, saying word by word, “This subordinate previously offended Your Excellency. Your Excellency, please state your punishment!”

Fang Li supported Wu Yimei up and said in a gentle voice, “There is no guilt if you didn’t know. How could I blame you?”

Wu Yimei’s voice was choked up. “Your Excellency……”

In these nine years, there wasn’t a single moment where he’d forgiven himself, regretting that he’d left back then. If only he hadn’t left and had accompanied His Excellency to die on Hollow Ridge. But whenever he wanted to follow His Excellency into death, he would recall the day His Excellency had given him the Soul-Refining Tower and forced him to leave, recalling how His Excellency had said that as long as he was alive, there would be a day they would meet again……

He’d thought His Excellency had tricked him.

These years, he’d carried the notion of taking Xie Huai with him to the grave and had attempted to assassinate Xie Huai again and again, because other than that, he didn’t know what else he could do.

To the point that he couldn’t even take revenge for him……

Wu Yimei’s heart had been full of unending grief.

Fang Li let out a faint sigh, his voice low and soft. “I’m back.”

And in the air above the Ghosts’ Abyss, Xie Huai floated alone in the air, hearing all of it.

He’d just known Fang Li wouldn’t stay put and was sure to go see Wu Yimei, so as soon as Fang Li had left, he’d quietly followed behind…… Wu Yimei absolutely wouldn’t lie to Fang Li, so this was a good opportunity to learn the truth. If that matter really hadn’t been done by Wu Yimei, Xie Huai certainly wouldn’t allow the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance to start a war and fall for the instigations of the evildoer, causing yet more lives to be lost in the war between the righteous and demonic sects.

Although he told himself over and over that he had come for the sake of learning the truth, right now, seeing Fang Li’s completely unhesitating acknowledgement of his identity to Wu Yimei, he still felt his chest tighten, unable to breathe.

The reunion and acknowledgement that he had been waiting for from start to end without being able to receive, Fang Li had given to Wu Yimei without a moment’s hesitation. He’s the one you actually care about, the one you can open your heart and entrust everything to……

And what did he himself amount to?

Even though he knew very well that he shouldn’t bicker with Wu Yimei, jealousy still tore at Xie Huai like a vile beast trapped in a cage, thrashing against the walls again and again, trying to break free.

Xie Huai’s hands tightened into fists, his jaw clenched tight as he continued to listen.

Inside the cavern.

Wu Yimei looked cautiously at Fang Li and asked, why was Your Excellency at Hollow Ridge?

Fang Li smiled. “Xie Huai discovered me by chance. We’ll talk about that in the future. The reason I came to see you today was because I have something to ask you.”

Wu Yimei said, “What is it?”

Fang Li said, “Ten days ago, Black Star Tower was hosting the Ascension Conference, and Yin Kui sent people to stir up trouble. He used the demonstone and the eight-cornered bronze bell, causing countless casualties during the Ascension Conference’s trial. Were you the one who ordered it?”

Wu Yimei’s brow furrowed, and he said without hesitation, “I wasn’t aware of this matter. Ever since the day I left Hollow Ridge, I’ve been recovering from my injuries the whole time. After that, a subordinate reported that Yin Kui had taken the opportunity to steal the demonstone and the eight-cornered bronze bell and fled. He’s never really been content with his place, and I was unable to deal with him at the moment, so I allowed him to go. So it turns out he’d gone to the Ascension Conference.”

Fang Li nodded.

It was about the same as what he’d guessed. Yin Kui’s actions had evidently been directed by someone else, and their goal had been to frame Wu Yimei…… or, in other words, to sound out Fang Li.

Fang Li said in a heavy voice, “The Thousand Immortals’ Alliance believes that you were the one who directed it and has already brought a large army to lie in ambush a hundred meters away.”

Wu Yimei’s expression chilled, and he said, “I’ll set traps right away. Let them come, and see if they can still return!”

Cough cough cough, Fang Li sure hadn’t come to leak the news so that Wu Yimei could instead ambush the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance. He said, “You mustn’t. Take your people and retreat immediately, don’t engage in conflict with the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance.”

Wu Yimei didn’t actually care about the matter with Yin Kui. He’d long found the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance a thorn in his eye. There were all his sworn enemies who’d attacked His Excellency back then, and he wasn’t going to rest until they were all dead, anyways! So even if he was being framed right now, he didn’t mind in the least. He might as well fight back. Only, he hadn’t thought that Fang Li would instead have him retreat. If they really retreated just like that, wouldn’t the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance think that he was afraid of them?

Wu Yimei said reluctantly, “Why?”

Fang Li sighed. “If you really clash with the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance, wouldn’t you be falling for someone’s trap? Right now, the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance has the advantage of numbers, and I’m afraid your side won’t be their match……”

Wu Yimei was just about to say that he wasn’t afraid to die.

But Fang Li looked into his eyes and said firmly, “This lord knows that you’re not afraid of fighting the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance, but this lord is worried for you…… Besides, right now this lord has no one who can be relied on. You’re the only one who can be trusted. Are you also going to disobey this lord?”

Wu Yimei’s chest immediately warmed, and he said respectfully, “This subordinate obeys.”

He was the one who’d been rash. Since His Excellency had returned, then naturally, everything would be done according to His Excellency. He still had to preserve this life of his in order to continue serving His Excellency.

Fang Li saw that Wu Yimei had been placated and was satisfied.

He instructed Wu Yimei some more and arranged all of the following matters, then prepared to leave.

Wu Yimei said hesitatingly, “Your Excellency, are you going to go back? …… Why don’t you leave with me?”

Fang Li fell silent for a few moments.

Actually, it seemed like there really wasn’t anything wrong with leaving with Wu Yimei right now, but he thought about how he’d left in secret, and Xie Huai might not have found out that he’d left yet. When Xie Huai came back and saw that he was gone just like that……

He would definitely feel hurt, right?

Although he and Xie Huai’s relationship couldn’t be sorted out cleanly, in the end, he owed Xie Huai somewhat. If he hadn’t known that Xie Huai liked him, running would be fine, but now, he couldn’t do so anymore. Even if he was going to leave, he should talk things out clearly with Xie Huai face to face…… Something like leaving without a word again, he truly couldn’t do.

Fang Li said slowly, “No, this lord still has to stay for the time being.”

Wu Yimei was completely puzzled.

Xie Huai was the enemy who’d killed His Excellency, and even he wished for nothing more than to kill Xie Huai, so why was His Excellency willing to stay by Xie Huai’s side? It couldn’t be that His Excellency still couldn’t let go of Xie Huai to this day?

But Wu Yimei also didn’t understand why, now that Xie Huai had already discovered him and His Excellency’s cultivation hadn’t recovered yet, Xie Huai didn’t simply deal the killing blow.

He couldn’t understand the relationship between the two of them.

Fang Li saw through Wu Yimei’s doubts and thought to himself that he couldn’t let Wu Yimei’s misunderstanding go on like this. What would he do if he weren’t here anymore in the future, and Wu Yimei continued to look for Xie Huai to seek death?

Fang Li paused and said slowly, “You don’t need to worry, Xie Huai won’t harm me.”

Wu Yimei was startled.

Fang Li really had no way to tell his loyal subordinate that back then, your boss actually committed suicide. That was really too cruel to Wu Yimei, so he could only say, “You need only keep one thing in mind. Remember, you mustn’t go to Xie Huai to look for trouble. What happened back then wasn’t as you’ve heard.”

Wu Yimei had far too many questions and doubts in his chest, but His Excellency had already spoken to this extent, so he could only answer respectfully that he understood.

Fang Li gave Wu Yimei a communication talisman, then turned and left.

From the night sky above, Xie Huai silently watched this scene, and the pain and dark thoughts clamoring in his chest were suddenly melted without a trace by a surge of warmth.

He trusted this much that Xie Huai wouldn’t harm him.

He was going to return to his side.


Fang Li returned the way he’d come and smoothly slipped back inside, discovering that Xie Huai hadn’t returned yet. He probably hadn’t been caught, right?

Everything on Wu Yimei’s side had been arranged properly. Fang Li plopped into bed and was finally able to have a good night’s sleep.

He slept all the way until noon the next day, and when he woke up, he found that Xie Huai was sitting beside him, Xie Huai’s abstruse eyes fixed on him. Fang Li was immediately wide awake.

Xie Huai looked at him for a long time, then said mildly, “The Thousand Immortals’ Alliance has decided to launch a sneak attack on the Ghosts’ Abyss today.”

Fang Li blinked, oh.

He rolled over and was about to go back to sleep, but Xie Huai picked him up in one hand. Xie Huai looked at him profoundly, the corners of his lips hooking up, and said in a meaningful tone, “Don’t you want to go take a look?”

It’s not like they could get in a fight anyways, what was there to see?

Fang Li mumbled blearily, “Sleepy……”

Xie Huai watched his innocent and perplexed appearance and, recalling how he’d been scheming with Wu Yimei just last night, let out a low laugh. How can you not take a look at the good show that you arranged yourself?

Just like that, he took Fang Li with him.

Outside, the forces of the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance were already waiting to set out, and the heads of all of the major cultivator sects were already on the main ship.

Seeing that Xie Huai was still bringing Fang Li at this time, Qi Ding and the others were astonished.

No way, right? Bringing this fool along to the trial domain was one thing, but now they were going to attack the Ghosts’ Abyss! He was going to bring this fool along for something as dangerous as that?

Absurd, far too absurd!

Qi Ding and the others couldn’t resist trying to persuade him out of it, but Xie Huai’s expression remained placid and unmoved. “He goes wherever I go.”

Seeing that Xie Huai wouldn’t listen to anyone, the crowd could only give up in the end, thinking, it couldn’t be that Xie Huai actually didn’t like this destined union of his, so he was constantly bringing him to these dangerous places on purpose? Just in case this fool accidentally died, he wouldn’t have to take him as his Dao companion?

Cough, that idea truly was a bit dark. Using these kinds of thoughts to measure Yuyi-jun was heresy, heresy! Perhaps Yuyi-jun just had the confidence of a master and was sure that he could protect his own?

Fang Li gave the crowd a smile.

Don’t worry, no need to be nervous, nothing will happen to any of you! Nobody will die today.

The crowd saw how this fool was still giving them a silly smile at a time like this, completely oblivious to the danger he was about to face, and immediately felt pity and a bit of tenderness in their hearts.

Only Xie Huai sensed a trace of the true meaning behind Fang Li’s smile, and the corners of his mouth tugged helplessly.

Jade Hawk Palace was proficient in medicine and arrays, so the matter of repelling the poisonous miasma was left to them. Several hundred female cultivators in tight-fitting black robes alighted before the miasma and sent out a copper mirror in front of them. The copper mirrors shot out eye-piercing light, and the light from hundreds of copper mirrors gathered together, cleaving open a path through the miasma with a deafening roar.

The cultivators from Heaven’s Summit entered the path first, swords on their backs. Cloudbank Keep and Black Star Tower’s cultivators followed.

The other sects then followed behind.

Because the poisonous miasma had been abruptly split apart, the poisonous insects and beasts in the dark forest ahead of them were suddenly revealed. Some fled in a panic, and some began to attack the cultivators, but they had made preparations ahead of time and didn’t allow the creatures to retreat.

A few patrolling demonic cultivators appeared in front of them, and before the demonic cultivators even had time to respond, they were all cut down before they could make a single sound.

Their journey progressed extremely smoothly.

The people of the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance arrived at the bottom of the Ghosts’ Abyss and saw that the demonic cultivators’ nest was just before their eyes. They hadn’t thought things would go so smoothly and that they would manage to kill all of the demonic cultivators who’d resisted along the way. The crowd was overjoyed. Just at this time, all of the demonic cultivators that they’d killed previously suddenly crawled up from the ground. Their bodies still had bleeding holes and were in all kinds of wretched states, and they turned their heads one by one, revealing horrifying smiles at them.

Xin Hanzhou immediately realized that something was wrong, and with a wave of his hand, a blazing fire barreled towards those demonic cultivators. One demonic cultivator was burnt to a crisp with a roar of the flames, and paper ashes slowly fell to the ground.

It turned out that all of the demonic cultivators they’d killed along the way had been made of paper!

Those paper demonic cultivators couldn’t be killed and would continuously revive, revealing terrifying smiles at them. The sound of countless poisonous insects swarming towards them traveled over from afar……

From start to finish, not a single living person had appeared.

The people of the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance finally realized that they’d fallen into a trap. All of this seemed to have been waiting here for them!

There were some who turned tail and tried to flee, but when they turned around, they found that the path was gone and the scene before their eyes changed, tossing them into an unfamiliar place. They were trapped inside a labyrinthine array, and this array was clearly very masterful, to be able to trap so many experts in the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance. Not knowing how many poisonous bugs and traps were hidden in the darkness, many people’s hearts began to chill, already regretting this trip.

This time, the casualties were sure to be grave!

Only Fang Li remained unperturbed, even yawning with boredom.

Xie Huai had been holding his hand the whole time and lowered his eyes to glance at him.

The maze array shifted and changed, quickly separating the people of the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance. Many fell into the encirclements of the poisonous insects, and some had already begun to despair. But what surprised them was that those poisonous insects surrounded them, but didn’t attack……

Just what was going on?

Xin Hanzhou and Ji Yuyao watched this scene coldly. They were peak-level masters of the cultivation world, and although a moment of unpreparedness had caused them to fall into the demonic cultivators’ trap, breaking free was only a matter of time.

Ji Yuyao waved her hand, and a black silk ribbon appeared in her hand. The black ribbon looked soft, yet it was incomparably tough, and the insects that touched it turned to dust in an instant.

The crowd joined hands to break through the array.

Half a shichen later,

Xin Hanzhou finally found the eye of the array and sliced it into pieces with a single blow of his sword. The maze array finally scattered, and everyone exchanged glances.

Because they’d discovered……

Although they’d been trapped for so long, it seemed like, not a single person had died?

Qi Ding led his subordinates forward to the demons’ lair, but the lair was completely empty, with not a single living demonic cultivator to be found. Even their belongings had been taken away.

At this point, everyone had realized the problem. Wu Yimei had probably gotten the news long ago. There was a traitor among them!

At this thought, the crowd’s faces became ugly.

Xin Hanzhou pondered for a moment and said in a frigid voice, “They left in a hurry, so they can’t have gone far. We’ll chase after them.”

Xie Huai, who had been silent the whole time until now, finally opened his mouth placidly. “The other party clearly made preparations a long time ago, using the maze array to trap us, yet not harming anyone. Clearly, they have no intent to start a war, so it’s evident that the matter at the Ascension Conference earlier wasn’t done by Wu Yimei. Sect Master Xin, what need is there to hunt them down so ruthlessly?”

Xin Hanzhou said coldly, “Demonic cultivators are crafty and full of tricks. How do we know this isn’t a ploy to confuse us?”

The corners of Xie Huai’s lips quirked in ridicule. “Then why did they never deal a killing blow? If it were really Wu Yimei’s doing, he held the advantage, and every person he killed would chip away at our strength. Naturally, it could only be beneficial to him, with no disadvantages.”

Xin Hanzhou’s face became grave.

Although he didn’t want to let those demonic cultivators go, what Xie Huai had said did indeed make sense. Demonic cultivators had always been cold-blooded and ruthless, yet they hadn’t harmed anyone despite having such a good opportunity, even abandoning their nest to flee. It looked like they truly didn’t want to start a war with the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance. If the situation at the Ascension Conference really had been their doing, how could they not have started a massacre with all of them trapped here?

Was there really another mastermind behind the scene?

Although everyone had been infuriated at the start, after calming down for a bit, many people also thought of this point.

Xie Huai glanced at Fang Li profoundly, then turned back and said slowly, “If we fall for someone’s provocation and start a war between the righteous and demonic sects before investigating everything thoroughly, aren’t we allowing their scheme to prevail?”

After a bit of contemplation, everyone thought, that truly was the case!

Besides, in truth, it would be difficult to avoid casualties if battle arose. If they could avoid war, then that was naturally best. Many people were already starting to entertain the idea of retreat.

Even a rabbit would bite when cornered. Why pursue a bunch of stray hounds to the death? If those demonic cultivators were forced into a dead end and turned around to bite them, they would also lose a chunk of flesh and bone.

If one could live their days peacefully, who would be willing to fight and kill?

That was what Qi Ding thought. It was evident that there was a problem here, so of course they couldn’t continue on. Instead, the most important things were to figure out just who had been the culprit at the Ascension Conference, and who among them was the traitor. Thus, he said, “Yuyi-jun’s words are reasonable. This matter needs to be discussed further.”

Plenty of people had yet to recover from their fright. If not for Wu Yimei pulling his punches, they would have died here. Right now, they also approved of Qi Ding’s suggestion.

Seeing this disaster vanish without a trace, Fang Li let out a slight breath of relief.

But without Xie Huai’s words, there was no way everyone could have been handled so quickly. Fang Li looked at him with a complicated expression.


Very soon, the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance left the Ghosts’ Abyss.

Xie Huai brought Fang Li back.

Seeing that there was no one beside them, Xie Huai suddenly reached out and pulled Fang Li into his arms, placing his chin next to the young man’s neck, his breath slow yet heavy.

Fang Li hadn’t anticipated Xie Huai’s sudden movement, and sensing his powerful embrace and scorching breath, he immediately didn’t dare move.

What was going on?

Had Xie Huai discovered something?

Xie Huai held Fang Li’s waist tightly, his gaze resting on the side of the young man’s face.

You don’t wish for there to be war between the righteous and demonic sects, and I don’t wish for it either. So those words that you can’t say, I’ll say in your place, just like back then on Hollow Ridge……

In that moment, Xie Huai recalled the past again, the depths of his eyes gentle.

Besides, you do still feel a bit of sentiment for me, right? Otherwise, why wouldn’t you have simply left with Wu Yimei? Why would you come back to my side……

This person was always so fickle and inconstant, making you hate his cruelty and ruthlessness, yet also treating you gently so that you couldn’t help but feel hope.

Impossible to grasp.

Just as Fang Li was filled with unease and was thinking about struggling free, a low, soft sigh suddenly fluttered past his ear. “Don’t move……”

Xie Huai’s lips brushed past the back of his ear, giving it a bite, and then he laughed quietly. “Who knows how Wu Yimei got the information? There must be a traitor among us. If the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance were to find the traitor, I wonder how they’d cut him up and stew him……”

Fang Li’s body stiffened minutely.

Sure enough, Xie Huai knew it was him!

But…… You definitely wouldn’t sell me out. Besides, you also know that this is the best outcome, right? At the time, if not for Xie Huai’s words, the Thousand Immortals’ Alliance wouldn’t have retreated so easily.

But Fang Li finally realized why Xie Huai was angry.

He’d secretly snuck out to see Wu Yimei and had even hidden it all from him. Xie Huai was sure to be unhappy, but he really hadn’t done it on purpose……

It wasn’t that Fang Li didn’t trust him.

It was just that he still hadn’t figured out how to explain things to Xie Huai!