Why must I die for you?

Olivia pushed past the stunned onlookers, leaving the scene as they stood frozen in response to her words.


With a hardened expression, Olivia said this.

"Human beings are just so disgusting."

The last shred of Olivia's love for humanity seemed to break as she muttered those words, covering her mouth.

Having encountered the ugliness of human nature numerous times, it seemed that Olivia had finally lost any remaining sympathy for her own kind.

"Don't be so harsh. Those people just don't know any better."


Olivia clicked her tongue.

"Right, I suppose if they knew, it would be different."

Olivia looked at me.

"They would have probably claimed that since the demons saved me, I must be filthy and impure, and should be tied to the stake and burned."

Olivia's eyes changed.

The eyes that always appeared somewhat sorrowful now seemed to reveal a dark abyss, reminiscent of Lydia Schmitt's gaze.

The evil and repulsiveness of humans had ultimately broken Olivia.

I couldn't find the words to argue against her.

I couldn't refute Olivia's claim that humans, ignorant or knowledgeable, were disgusting in their actions.

"The Demon King? Yes, I don't know why the demons saved me. But if the Demon King's true goal is to recreate the demon realm and kill all humans..."

Olivia gripped my hand tightly.

"I'll fight to protect the few people I love. I'll never fight for creatures like them."

Olivia embraced me.

Just as Ellen had done.

Olivia had also made up her mind to fight.

However, her underlying reasons had drastically shifted compared to the Olivia we knew.

It couldn't have been any other way.


Olivia was the epitome of a strong-willed person with a gentle exterior. She was kind and friendly to many, yet steadfast in her convictions.

But even such a person could break when pushed to their limit.

She was growing weary of gently rejecting and pushing away the countless people who clung to her.

Recent events had driven Olivia to the edge of emotional collapse.

Discovering that the orphanage she had been sponsoring was embezzling funds and starving the children, Olivia felt a sense of betrayal.

And in the end, she faced people who weaponized their tears and demanded that she become a sacrificial victim.

Realizing she had no reason to live for such despicable beings, Olivia transformed.

If she had to fight the Demon King, she would, but not for the sake of humanity, as Olivia declared.

It seemed that if she understood this feeling, she might join forces with the next Demon King to bring about humanity's destruction.

However, I didn't want to exploit Olivia's broken state. I didn't want to burden such a pitiable person, who had suffered enough, with some bizarre sense of duty.

In the end, I didn't wish for the destruction of mankind either.

Of course, Olivia hadn't changed much compared to her usual self.

“Get lost. Don't be annoying.”

“Wh-what? Um, senior, what are you...?”

“Didn't I tell you to get lost? How many times do I have to tell you I'm not going? Are you an idiot?”

“What... what... what are you... um, senior...?”

“If you're not an idiot, why do you keep making me repeat myself? Hey, look me in the eye. Look me straight in the eye.”

“Um, senior, you're scaring me. Why are you suddenly...?”

After that, I saw Olivia harshly snapping at people a few times.

It wasn't just Lady Lydia Schmitt who demanded her return to the religious world.

Perhaps until now, Olivia had shown reluctance and refusal to those demands, but she seemed to have moved beyond that and began to respond more fiercely.

In a way, I thought that was a relief.

“Ah, Reinhardt! Want to have lunch together?”

But when she scolded her junior like that, and then immediately smiled brightly when she saw me.

Rushing over, grinning, and linking arms with me...


It felt like she had become even crazier than before...

I was... a little scared.


Olivia had changed.

But the superficial changes seemed to be positive.

People kept clinging to her because she appeared overly kind, and they couldn't let go of her, even when they didn't feel forced.

To put it nicely, she seemed like an easygoing person.

When Olivia began to act more hostile, people seemed to be too scared to speak to her casually.

Olivia would not lose to anyone in terms of strength. If anyone tried to use force against her, they would only end up being beaten.

So, I thought it would be good for Olivia to be strong for her own sake.

During such a vacation, one day.

"Are you ready?"


In the southern forest where the Rotary Club headquarters was located, I met Eleris.

"I will now explain the Council to you. You must remember it well."

My meeting with the Vampire Council.

For this, Eleris began to inform me of the precautions I needed to take, from one to ten.

The future would change significantly depending on today's meeting results.

So, there was no room for mistakes.



The Epiaux fortress, which I returned to via teleport, had become even more sinister than before.

The fierce blizzard surrounding the fortress created an even more eerie atmosphere, perhaps due to the beings inside.

"Where's Lydia?"

"I told her not to leave her room while the meeting was taking place."


Damn it.

I didn't particularly care for that fellow, but because Eleris was taking care of her, I couldn't help but worry. She's scared out of her wits now, and we've come this far, so there's no room for foolish actions, despite the circumstances.


I returned to the form of Valier using the ring of Sarkegaar.

This was my second act under the name of Valier, not Reinhardt.

Attending the Vampire Council.

A gathering of the lords from the five vampire families.

It was the same place where we played the mafia game during the last temple group mission. It felt eerie and amusing to think that now the place was filled with the so-called Vampire Lords, who could turn the entire continent upside down just by showing up.

As I opened the door to the meeting room, I saw that four people were already seated at the round table.

They didn't belong to the Demon World, so they didn't show any particular respect towards me.

Some looked at me with interest, some with disinterest, some seemed to look down on me, and some were unreadable.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Valier."

Considering my age and that they didn't belong to the Demon World, I decided to address them with a respectful tone, though not excessively polite.

And as soon as I sat down, a chilly laughter filled the conference room.

"So, the master of the nonexistent has arrived."

The nonexistent.

It must have been a reference to the now-vanished Darkland. I didn't bother responding to the provocation.

The vampire who mocked me was a pale-faced woman with seductive red lips.

Even setting her beauty aside, there was something distinctive about her.

I wasn't particularly surprised, having already heard about her from Eleris.

"Nice to meet you. I'm the lord of the Thursday Night of the Seven Nights, Luruien."

Long ears.

There could be only one explanation.

She was an elf.

A long-extinct elf, now living as a vampire.

It was clear that the Vampire Lords were ancient beings, even when simply speaking with the first Vampire Lord.

Not only was she an elf, but the presence next to her was even more astonishing.

"Pleased to meet you, young Demon King."

A profound voice came from the figure seated next to her.

"I am the lord of the Friday Night of the Seven Nights, Gallarush."

With a massive frame and rock-like, solid-textured skin, red eyes, and fang-like teeth protruding from his lower lip, he was an orc vampire.

Even just hearing about him had been strange, but the oppressive aura he exuded was no joke.

All Vampire Lords were said to be exceptional mages, but this one seemed like he should be wielding a stone axe instead.

Next, there was a vampire with a gaze full of curiosity looking at me.

"Hi Archdemon! I'm the lord of the Wednesday Night, Lucinil! Nice to meet you! I'll speak casually since I'm older. Okay?"

"…Uh, sure."

For some reason, this vampire was high-strung.

She appeared as a young girl, and her behavior was indeed childlike.

'While they all have their peculiarities, they aren't savage beings. Given their long lives, they are quite well-mannered. You could consider the lord of the Wednesday Night… harmless.'

She appeared as a young girl vampire, but….

She wasn't human to begin with.


I heard she was a Homunculus.

I never imagined a Homunculus could become a vampire. It was a mystery who created such a Homunculus, and how she became a vampire was also unknown.

Lucinil must be the most peculiar being among the Vampire Lords present here. Lucinil looked at me with a face full of curiosity.

And finally.

"It is an honor to meet such a distinguished being."

The elderly gentleman removed his fedora and bowed deeply to me.

"I am Antirianus, the lord of the Saturday Night of the Seven Nights."

He stared at me with an inscrutable smile.

I heard he was human.

Antirianus looked the most ordinary of those present, except for Eleris, and yet, he seemed the least ordinary.

In fact, Eleris warned me to be cautious of Antirianus. He said that his intentions were difficult to discern.

Tuesday’s Eleris

Wednesday's Lucinil.

Thursday's Luruien.

Friday's Gallarush.

And Saturday's Antirianus.

Five of the Seven Nights were present at the Vampire Council.

"Now, let's proceed with the council meeting attended by the Archdemon."

Antirianus declared the meeting open in a subdued tone.