“The inside is much more colorful than I imagined it to be, so I was a little surprised.”

The interior had been built with black bricks yet it was magnificent and beautiful despite the passage of time. Purple vines were spread between the huge pillars and windows while the pitch-black walls as well as floors glistened like stars in the night sky with the light from outside.

Legion looked around the room and moved closer to the wall. From a distance, he thought that it was just shining due to the material of the stone itself, but when he looked at it closely, the pieces had been reminiscent of murals that were all detailed and intricately engraved. All of the three sides with the only exception of the floor were completely connected like a work of art.

“What is this? Was it carved?”

“I heard that it’s like a myth about the creation of the Demon Realm itself. It was said that it contained the history of the Demon God from right until he had fallen asleep. Still, I’m not actually sure, but…”

Since the sculpture was so elaborate, they had to get very close in order to see the shape in more detail.

Just by looking at it had felt so grand and splendid that it was almost daunting, but Agares and Revenna both added that the inscriptions on the stone wall were all, in fact, naturally formed. It was said that it had never been touched by anyone at all, but it changed little by little and had now taken on the form it possessed today.

Julia tried to touch the sculpture, but shook her head at once. There was an entirely independent goal for entering the tower, so she shouldn’t be wasting time like this. She soon pointed to a spiral staircase that was right across the long hallway.

“The Demon King will surely be on the top floor. Let’s go upstairs.”

“You want to go—just like that?”

“Yes, why?”

As she was unsure of the intent of his sudden question, she only blinked her eyes, but Legion let out a small sigh before he knelt down with his back in front of her.

“It’s completely impossible to climb all the way up there with your stamina. Come on, get on my back.”


“What’s the matter?”

“It’s just—that’s really stupid of me. I understand. How could I even try to go up there all alone?”

Julia smiled innocently as she climbed onto Legion’s back. He further remarked; ‘such an idiot’, but she couldn’t hear him then.

Right after he rose up, Legion seemed to have almost flown through the steep stairs. The ground was moving away at a rapid pace, which she could clearly see. As she watched him run furiously without letting out a single gasp, Julia secretly lowered her gaze in return.

Stupidly enough, only now did she realize that she had done such a terrible thing to Legion. He had already spent a long time on the hellish battlefield. And it was not to die, but to only fight off those demons.

‘It wouldn’t really be good to go and rescue Bael, the King of his own enemy.’

But she just couldn’t turn away now. His image as he was swept away by the waves of the magic crystal before getting torn into pieces, his face as he laughed madly with such red eyes that glistened……

While she was lost amidst her brief thoughts, Legion ceased his movements before she even knew it. The current floor was higher than any of the other floors that she had ever been through. And right at the end of the long corridor stood a huge door that was made out of stone. Legion wrinkled his brow and scanned through the engravings on the said door.

“His taste is just terrible—that Demon God fellow.”

Countless numbers of skeletons were intertwined like a mountain and a shadow with a scythe that had been raised right till the top seemed to be slicing the throat of a demon, whose half of his bones were clearly exposed. The torn wings were drooping limply on the floor while the demon’s blood had pooled into a puddle along the lengthy black hair.

Julia eventually realized who the demon really was right before his very death.

“De, Demon King—!”

“Julia, wait a minute!”

The door, which seemed like it wouldn’t budge at all even if pushed, parted open slowly as if to welcome Julia. Nevertheless, the view beyond that was absolutely terrifying. All of the walls and floors were covered in crimson blood. And a dreadful bloody smell stung her nose at an instant.

Someone was dangling helplessly right in the center of such a hellish space.



Bael, who had been smothered in blood, was suspended in the air while being bound by that purple magic.

It was just like seeing a Noble God hanging on a cross. The scars that came from being whipped hundreds and even thousands of times had shattered his bones as well as ripped out his flesh. His muscles were still beautiful as if it had been sculpted out by a sculptor, but a trail of glistening blood and pieces of flesh seeped from between the gaping wounds.

At that moment, as she approached Bael’s feet, a drop of blood splattered across her cheek. The thick stench of death permeated both her nostrils. It was such a gruesome sight for Julia to behold.


She covered her mouth and retched repeatedly. Her stomach felt contorted as she could hardly stand upright. It wasn’t just because of the reek of blood that had been disgusting as well as the undoubtedly frightening sight.

She simply couldn’t understand why he was driving himself to ruin so much. If he didn’t like everything, wouldn’t it be much better to just throw it all away and live freely instead? He had more power than anyone else in the entire Demon Realm, so why?

Tears started to well up in Julia’s big eyes. She seemed to be buried with him within the terrible solitude that could be felt from himself.

‘I’m going to listen to the reason this time—no matter what.’

Julia, who wiped away her tears roughly, raised her body at once. As soon as she approached closer, much more of the magical powers that kept a hold  of Bael began to recede little by little. It was just as if it had been trying to protect her from ever getting hurt.

But Julia, who was unaware of it all, just reached out to his droopy wings. The power of the magic crystal had completely withdrawn itself before she even realized it. She then placed the now freed Bael carefully on the floor.