After having been so engrossed for a rather long time, she began to roll her eyes slowly. Bael’s gaze had been fixed on her chewing lips for quite some time. He even rested his chin leisurely as he sat with his back leaning against the backrest. It had been as if he was simply watching an interesting play.

“Excuse me, Demon King.”


“Would you like to dine together?”

It was actually a burdensome amount for her to eat alone anyway. She also wondered if he—just like the other demons—was, in fact, curious about human food so she carefully asked, but he gave no answer in return.

After she struggled for a moment, Julia eventually realized that his gaze was still transfixed on a single spot. She thought that maybe Bael was curious, but he couldn’t simply speak up in order to protect his face. It was something that others would have a laugh at: the absolute monarch of the Demon Realm was actually curious about some mere human food.

Julia, having made up her mind, was just about to reach out her hand towards the table when a trail of  long black hair cascaded down gently against the back of her hand. Then, Bael bit a little off the bread which she had eaten.

Julia instantly lowered her head slightly in return to hide her suddenly feverish face for some reason.


Bael mumbled with an impetuous expression as his brow wrinkled all of a sudden. He didn’t really express it from his own mouth, but Julia could already tell. His eyes seemed to think about the real reason he was currently eating that garbage.

As she was afraid that this displeasure of his would eventually spark towards the innocent Kimaris, Julia hurriedly added in.

“I-I was the one who asked for this. It’s often not possible to go back and forth between the Demon World and the Human World, so please find food that can be stored for a long time instead. Originally, the Human World’s food wasn’t always this bad.”

“The bottom line is that they don’t actually taste good.”


“You keep on eating this garbage anyway. That’s why you can’t really have control over your body properly.”

Julia vaguely rolled her eyes away. She had never been as weak as he thought she was. However, the reason why she often collapsed was because of her physical strength that usually decreased due to the use of skill or also because of Bael who had pushed her too hard even during a single affair……

‘Come to think of it, it’s actually all the Demon King’s fault.’

It wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t touched the Tower or Legion and of course, if he hadn’t touched her at all.

However, she didn’t have the courage to speak up directly in front of the Demon King, so she simply bit into the bread without thinking instead. It was the spot which Bael had just nibbled previously.

Right at the moment when Bael’s eyes began to glow strangely as he looked at Julia, a loud fanfare had resonated from the entrance of the Demon’s Castle all of a sudden. She waited for the sound to simmer down, but the distant sound started growing closer and closer by contrast. In fact, it was clearly facing towards the Demon King’s bedroom.

Bael, who had perhaps realized the reason, rubbed his forehead with a very tired face in response.

“Ha, the troublesome guy is here again.”

“A guest? But then, I’m only dressed like this…”

Since she had just woken up after being sick, all she had on was a pair of thin negligee and an outer robe. It was embarrassing to even call it a set of indoor clothes, so it wasn’t appropriate to greet guests at all.

However, Bael grabbed Julia as she tried to get up and instantly pulled her towards himself. The door slid open just as she had fallen onto Bael’s lap.

What appeared from beyond was a very beautiful boy who could have been mistaken for an angel—had the place not been the underworld itself.

“Ah, the Great Lord of the Demon Realm.”

The boy immediately approached him with an extremely honored face before kneeling down on one of his knees. Unlike his youthful appearance, his behavior and manner of speaking could be seen to be quite classic.

“This Paimon greets you.”

[Paimon, the King of the Four Realms, the 9th demon in the Demon Realm who rules over the west as well as fire.]

Paimon rose from his seat and smiled delightedly at Bael as well as Julia who was currently sitting on his lap.

“Ah, while I was living in the west, I heard that the Master had obtained a concubine. Please forgive me for coming so late to visit and congratulate you as there have been some busy matters at work.”

“You have shown your face already. Now, just get out of here.”

“Demon King, what are you doing to a child…!”

Julia, who twisted her body in surprise, suddenly felt something heavy under her hips that was gradually increasing in volume. Even when it was still, it had been so monstrous in size that the slightest amount of strength made it feel terrifyingly oppressive all over.

At this rate, she really couldn’t guarantee her future. Julia started to sit down slightly forward before wiping off the cold sweat from her palms. As she slowly calmed down, Bael’s strength loosened a little in return.

“You’re really kind, but don’t you worry. If the Master is really angry, it won’t just end at this point. The reason why he simply forgave my sudden rudeness unlike the usual has been because of you, his beloved concubine, who is right by his side.”

A child who seemed to be about eight years old at most was speaking so eloquently and even though she already knew that a demon’s appearance and actual age could be different, it was still awkward as she couldn’t really adapt with it.