“It’s quite fortunate that the system is still working properly.”

When she called out the command, the effect came out normally and other reaction speeds were just the same as before. When she took a quick look at it, there was no problem in utilizing it at all.

She brushed the dirt off her negligee and eventually got up. She had no way of knowing why she had landed here, but she was certain that she never wanted to die simply like this. Just in time, it seemed like Julia could faintly hear the sound of water nearby, so she eventually decided to head towards there.

Shwaaa—the sound of a little waterfall hit her eardrums. Julia carefully poked her head out from among all those thick trees.

“Okay, nobody’s there.”

She actually saw quite a few pools of blood on her way to this place. She was so surprised that she had almost collapsed several times, conflicted over the fact whether it would have been much better for her to stay still at the place where she had first opened her eyes.

Nevertheless, she felt fortunate that she had moved from there now. Compared to earlier, when there was no cover at all, there were actually many places to hide near the waterfall right now and one side of it had been like an open steep—similar to a cliff.

It appeared like she could stand on the edge and look down the mountain view if she were being a little careful. At the same time, if she could find Paimon’s mansion, it would definitely be a little more helpful for her plan to escape.

As she was just about to step out into the water, her eyes suddenly shimmered. A light set of footsteps echoed right behind her. When the blue eyes had captured a sight of Julia’s face, everything was already irreversible.


“Ju, Julia?!”

Kuaang—! The roaring sound of rocks that collapsed against the blue power as well as the rattling of something small plunging into the water had erupted at the same time.


“Afuu, kohk, huhk……”

As she struggled in the water, Julia suddenly realized that she was already in a sitting position. Plus, the fact that she had no problems breathing at all eventually showed that the depth of water where she had fallen into was no more than just a knee high.

While she began to relax herself and blinked her eyes, Legion hurriedly rushed before kneeling down right in front of her. Then, he uttered some gibberish that was quite hard to understand.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, Julia. I thought that I was hallucinating, I thought that the monster was doing something really terrible and I felt like it was you after feeling the mana, but how dare I, I, I—to you…”

“Calm down, Legion. I’m fine.”

“Aren’t you hurt? I launched an attack right before then, but it’s already too late to recall the mana back. Ugh, let me have a look!”

Julia was helplessly shaken by Legion’s power and opened her eyes wide all of a sudden. A red puddle of blood was spreading on the surface where he  had just taken a seat. The amount of blood that seeped out from his side had been so great that it was still being washed away endlessly even by the water current.

“What is this? Legion, you should actually be looking at your own self?”

“I don’t mind. It’s just a little scratch anyway, ugh!”

His actions differed entirely from his words. The moment Julia had grabbed Legion by the shoulder, a groan that was mixed with pain straight away escaped from his mouth. She became startled and immediately withdrew her hand, but her palms were already drenched in red. It seemed that it was not only his side that had been gravely injured.

She silently swallowed her rebuke that ended up getting caught in her own throat. His slumped face appeared unusually downcast as well.

“The one who fell from the Tree of Death was actually Legion, then? I know that you’re a sword master and a very strong one as well, but I really want you to cut back on this recklessness of yours.”


“Let’s get out of the water for now. You’ll definitely catch a cold like this.”

She held onto Legion’s wrist and led the way. Legion trailed behind her while looking like a drooping puppy drenched in the rain.

“Let’s hide behind that tree for now, in case any of the beasts appear.”

“I can’t really feel any energy of a monster nearby. And if it does appear, don’t you worry. I…”


“Sounds—it sounds like a really good idea.”

When Julia puffed out her cheeks, Legion hurriedly agreed with her.

As they hid behind the shadows, she held onto the persistently resisting Legion and forcibly checked his wounds. The most severe condition had been on his side, but there were also several large and small wounds in some other areas. Julia struggled to swallow her nagging once again.

However, Legion also had a lot to say in his own way. He then carefully opened his mouth.

“Julia, do you know how dangerous the situation you are in right now? How the hell did you come here? It would have been utterly impossible for you to come alone since you are far away from the Demon’s Castle, but did someone forcefully drag you over here?”

“That is…….”

She was truly in a dilemma. She wanted to be honest, but no one would have believed her even if she did. Who would agree with her if she said that an item that she possessed had an error and when she woke up, she was already right in the Mountain of Death.

Julia eventually glossed over the situation in an absolutely plausible way. She went out to look for Legion when she heard that he was in the West and before long, she had lost her way. She even twisted her words just enough that even when she were to talk to Kimaris or Lerazier later, it wouldn’t sound that strange.

Fortunately, Legion didn’t ask anymore; perhaps since he could read her confused expression. Julia felt a little relief inwardly as she examined Legion’s wounds once more. This time, he just surrendered himself obediently.

“Where are your things? Are there any more medicines or bandages for you to recover?”

“I lost it while fighting the Tree of Death.”

“It would have been nice if I could stop the bleeding properly.”

“I’m okay.”

“I’m the one who’s not okay.”

As Julia hurriedly looked around, the end of her own white negligee caught her eyes. It had been soaked from the previous fall, but the cloth itself was still clean. Besides, the length was long enough to reach her ankle, so she thought it would be quite okay for her to tear a lot from it.