[Affectionate male supporting system is being bound, character memory and plot outline are being transmitted... Progress bar 85/100]

【Ding! The transfer is complete. The plot of "Genius Painter" has started. Please play your own role as the host. Your role will be the key to the development of the plot. When the audience's coolness exceeds 100 points, they can leave this world. 】

【Code-named "711" role-playing system, we are here to serve you wholeheartedly! 】

Lu Shijin opened his eyes, unfamiliar memories flooded into his brain like a flood, his brain swelled in bursts, his temples throbbed faintly, and it took a while for his confused consciousness to gradually wake up.

There are two memories in Lu Shijin's mind, one belongs to himself. At the end of this memory, he was fired from the company. The boss ordered him to take all his belongings and get out of the company immediately. He was hit by a speeding muck truck, and his body flew out dozens of meters like a rag doll—

Probably dead.

The owner of another memory, according to the information given by the system, is a supporting role in the show "Genius Painter", and Lu Shijin is his actor.

"Student, are you not feeling well?"

The female invigilator noticed that a student in the back row was holding his head with a distressed expression, and came to the student's seat and asked with concern.

Lu Shijin slowly raised his head and showed a pale and feeble smile to the invigilator, "I'm sorry teacher, I have a severe headache and may not be able to continue the next exam."

The owner of this face has bright and soft facial features, fair skin, and looks as inoffensive as a soft white rabbit. His eyes are big and moist, and his eyes are sincere and not evasive. He looks like a good student.

Especially the smile on his lips, forbearance and strong, although it is a smile, it can make people feel that he is trying his best to endure the pain, and his heart can't help clenching.

"But this is the final exam..." Although the invigilator sympathized with the student who was suffering from illness, he also remembered his responsibilities as an invigilator and encouraged Lu Shijin softly, "If you can persevere, just persevere?"

Lu Shijin closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, "Thank you, teacher, but my head really hurts. Can I choose to make up the exam?"

He frowned slightly, his delicate brows wrinkled, and his grievances were naturally revealed, which made the invigilator's heart soften.

Invigilator: "Okay, you hand over the test paper to the podium, then leave the test room, and move a little bit, so as not to affect other students."

After handing in the papers and leaving the examination room, Lu Shijin walked out through the teaching building.

Now is the final exam stage, the students have all finished their classes, the teaching buildings are used as exam rooms, and the campus is quiet.

"Your role is a top student with excellent academic performance. If you drop the test, your grade point will be lowered. Do you know what the consequences will be?"

The system's voice suddenly appeared in Lu Shijin's mind, cold.

Lu Shijin was a reporter before his death, and he dealt with text a lot, and read a lot of time-travel novels, so he quickly adapted to the fact that he became a time-traveler.

Lu Shijin said calmly, "If I don't give up the exam, will I take that paper?"

There was a bit of disdain in the system's voice: "You can buy props cards in the system mall to help you complete the exam, you don't need to do it yourself."

Lu Shijin: "If you have props, didn't you tell me earlier?"

System: "You didn't ask."

Well, it's quite a character system.

Lu Shijin went on to ask with a good temper: "Then can I see what items are in the system mall now?"

System: "It's useless to read, you don't have any reward value that can be exchanged for props."

Lu Shijin: "How to get the reward value?"

System: "There are two ways, one is to automatically get reward points when the plot progresses to a certain level, the other is to exchange audience coolness points. At present, the progress of the plot is 0, and the audience coolness is 0."

The implication is that you are a poor man, you can't afford it, don't look at it.

Lu Shijin smiled. This way of traveling seems to be different from what he imagined. It doesn't matter if there is no golden finger, and it is bound to an orphan system that seems to be very difficult to get along with. I am afraid it will be difficult to walk in the future.

"Master System, I have a few questions to ask you."

System: "Speak."

Lu Shijin: "The system and the host are bound, right?"

System: "Yes."

Lu Shijin: "What happens to the system if the host dies?"

The system stammered: "You, what do you want to do?"

"What do you want?" Lu Shijin stood by the largest artificial lake in the school, looking at the reflection on the water, he laughed, and the reflection laughed, "I don't want to live anymore."

The system tried its best to hide the panic: "Please calm down, our affectionate male supporting system is already the simplest system in all systems, as long as you follow the plot, the customs clearance is very easy, as long as you complete the final ultimate task, the Lord God can Satisfy your desire!"

Lu Shijin took another two steps forward, the toes of his shoes had already stood on the edge of the river bank, and he would step into the river if he took another step forward.

"But when I see other people playing games, it's either 998 for a knife, or full level if you enter the game. If you give me a three-no account, how can I play? It's better to just die now."

"Don't! Everything is negotiable!"

As a role-playing system with relatively simple tasks, System No. 711 has brought several hosts, none of which came up like Lu Shijin and said to give up.

In its experience, after hearing that the host can fulfill his wish after completing the task, they all conscientiously play their roles according to the development of the plot, and selflessly contribute light and heat to the protagonist.

Even if the protagonist abuses me thousands of times, I treat the protagonist like my first love.

As a system, 711 also has its own mind.

It has witnessed that every host will jump in without hesitation in order to become the protagonist, even if he knows that there is a **** hole in front of him.

Although sad and angry, as a system, 711 has no choice but to cooperate with the host to complete the task.

711 thought that Lu Shijin would be the same as other hosts. He was resigned, but he didn't expect to encounter a hard nail.

Lu Shijin stretched out one foot and touched the surface of the water, the reflection swayed and twisted with the sparkling waves, and the expression of the shadow was a little weird.

"Can you negotiate?"

711: "Can, can, can!"

Lu Shijin said, "Tell me about it."

711: "It's such a host. I haven't finished talking just now. Although you can't buy items in the mall now, this system can give you a chance to use items in the mall for free. What do you think?"

Lu Shijin sat down on the muddy ground and started taking off his shoes and socks, "Ten times."

"three times!"

"Fifteen times."

"Five times!"

"make a deal."

711: ... woo woo, it's just a robber!

Lu Shijin slowly stretched his feet into the water, "Besides, I don't like the tone of voice you just started talking to me."

711 is really afraid that he will stand up and slide into the deep water area, "Change! I will change! You don't like my current tone, how about I download a voice pack of Sister Zhilin for you?"

"There's no need for that, I always have a whistling female voice in my head, and I'm terrified." Lu Shijin sat and stretched, "If you tell me, you should change your tone and talk to me earlier, no that's all. Is something wrong?"

711 laughed dryly: "Then, can you do the task now, host?"

Lu Shijin didn't have an inch, and was quite satisfied with the conditions that the system promised him.

But he didn't stand up, but soaked his calf in the water.

The owner of this body not only has a good face, but also has a perfect leg shape. The calf is straight and slender, and the muscles are well-proportioned. One more point is slightly thicker, and one point less is too slender.

Lu Shijin was dangling his legs in the water. Although the river in the middle of winter was not frozen, the icy coldness was enough to make him think about many things.

"Genius Painter" is about a young man named Ruan Siheng who is extremely talented in painting. After experiencing the frustration of exhaustion of inspiration and unable to pick up a paintbrush for a period of time, with the help of his lover and friends, he finds himself back in his life. The original intention of painting, and finally regained the inspiration to become the story of a generation of famous painting masters.

The role played by Lu Shijin is an insignificant but important soulful male supporting role.

The university where he is now is a well-known art academy in China. The campus is built against mountains and rivers, with a beautiful environment. Every building is designed with an artistic atmosphere. There are only two kinds of people who can study in this kind of school.

One is not bad money, and the other has dreams.

Lu Shijin belongs to the latter.

Lu Shijin's family conditions are average, and it is thanks to one person that he can afford to go to an art academy that burns money.

That person is Huo Qi, the eldest grandson of the top-level wealthy Huo family, and the standard multi-gold, affectionate and tyrant general character in urban dramas.

Huo Qi is Ruan Siheng's high school classmate, and has had a crush on Ruan Siheng since high school.

However, Ruan Siheng only had his art in his heart.

In order to pursue his achievements in painting, Ruan Siheng went abroad to study painting under a famous master before he finished his senior year of high school.

It also took away the love that Huo Qi had not had time to say.

Ruan Siheng has been studying painting for eight years. In these eight years, Huo Qi has not forgotten Ruan Siheng until one day, Huo Qi met Lu Shijin, who had just entered the university.

Lu Shijin looks like Ruan Siheng in five or six ways, especially the way he is painting seriously in front of the drawing board, which is very similar to the first love of Bai Yueguang in Huo Qi's memory.

And both of them learned painting, isn't it destined?

Huo Qi and Lu Shijin proposed to communicate, and promised to bear all the expenses of Lu Shijin during the university.

Lu Shijin, who has not yet stepped into the society and is pure like a little white rabbit, naively thought that Huo Qi really liked him.

As everyone knows, he has become someone else's substitute in the unknown.

711: "Host, your mission is to stand up when the protagonist needs you and bring about a happy ending. It's really lucky that the host can randomly come to our affectionate male supporting system. According to the randomly selected sample survey, our difficulty score is only Two stars, it's easy to complete the task, hoo hoo, come on, host!"

Lu Shijin turned a blind eye to 711's cuteness: "Good luck? It's such good luck to be a substitute for others, do you want it for you?"

711: "Host, you really like to joke, I'm just a system." Poor, weak and innocent TvT

Lu Shijin's beautiful double eyelids and peach blossom eyes looked into the distance casually: "You said that after completing the task, you can fulfill one of my wishes. This wish can be anything?"

As soon as 711 heard the drama, he hurriedly lured him: "Of course, no matter what your wish is, even if the host wants to return to the real world in the end, it's okay!"

Lu Shijin grabbed a weed and bit the stem in his mouth. The slightly bitter juice numbed his taste buds. He had not known what sweetness was like for a long time.

"Who said I was going back?"

711 was stunned, most of the hosts it took would want to return to the real world after completing the task, after all, there are their relatives and friends and everything they are familiar with.

Lu Shijin doesn't want to be reborn, so what does he want?

711 felt that something was wrong: "Then...you think?"

The grass stalks swayed up and down in Lu Shijin's mouth, just like 711's mood at the moment.

Lu Shijin slightly hooked his lips: "I think... It has nothing to do with me whether others are happy or not. I only need to be happy myself."

711 noticed that the host who wore the original owner's little angel's face suddenly had a chilling smile on his lips, and he actually shivered.

It feels that in the next second, Lu Shijin is likely to exchange a bomb from the system mall and go to Huo Qi to die together.

"Host, your phone is ringing." 711 heard the ringing of the phone, although he was worried, he still did not forget to remind him dutifully.

Lu Shijin took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and the caller ID was "Secretary Hao".


"Hello, Mr. Lu, Mr. Huo wants to see you tonight. My car will arrive at your school gate in half an hour. Please prepare."

Huo Qi never took the initiative to contact Lu Shijin. If he wanted to see Lu Shijin, he would ask his secretary to pick him up.

So apart from this Secretary Hao, no one knew that there was Lu Shijin around Huo Qi.

After Secretary Hao finished speaking, before waiting for Lu Shijin's response, there was a bit of impatience in his voice: "Mr. Lu, did you hear that?"

Lu Shijin asked 711: "I must see this turtle grandson?"

711 anxiously reminded: "Host, you must follow the plot to complete the mission. Huo Qi is the protagonist. You must go when he needs you."

Lu Shijin laughed and said to Secretary Hao in the phone, "I see." Then hung up the phone.

Secretary Hao thought he had auditory hallucinations just now. In the past, the little stand-in received a call from him and knew that Huo Qi wanted to see him.

But just now, he seemed to hear a sneer?

Lu Shijin put on his shoes and socks, patted his buttocks and stood up. He picked up a piece of stone on the shore and weighed it in his hand.

Then the body leaned back, and the stone piece in Lu Shijin's hand flew forward and bounced on the water seven times before sinking.

711 is very cheering: "Amazing!"

Lu Shijin snapped his fingers and was very satisfied with his record.

"Let's go to the convenience store, let's meet Mr. Huo for a while."