Chapter 114: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

These are the two explosive news that the Sect Master and the two elders heard today.

Thinking that the three of them are over 200 years old together, they have never experienced any big storms in their lives, but when they heard Zhou Xueyuan said that they would join Lu Shijin, their jaws dropped.

The whisks held by the three of them fell out of their hands in unison, and then hurriedly bent over to pick them up, but because the three of them bent down and bowed their heads at the same time, their heads happened to touch each other, causing the three of them to see gold stars in their eyes, staggering back, and embarrassed. unbearable.

"Junior Brother Zhou, because my brother's ears are not very good, I didn't listen carefully. What did you just say?" The older Qiu Elder responded quickly and straightened the crooked crown. I hope Zhou Xueyuan can understand his suggestion and quickly put it back together. Take back such frivolous words.

Zhou Xueyuan was unmoved, and he repeated the words again lightly, "I said, I want to join Lu Shijin."

The head was furious, flicked his whisk, and pointed at Zhou Xueyuan with trembling hands: "It's unreasonable! Junior Brother Zhou, how can you say such ridiculous and generous words? Now he is your junior nephew, and you are his senior uncle, how can you be with him? Is he a legal partner?!"

"Why not?" Zhou Xueyuan said indifferently, "The lifespan of immortals is long, and there is a Taoist companion between master and apprentice, not to mention that he and I are only masters, uncles and nephews in the name, and it does not violate the rules of ethics. "

The headmaster was speechless: "Then... that's not possible! What a formality!"

Zhou Xueyuan glanced at the sect master, "Xu Shi is the sect master and I haven't seen each other for decades, and I have forgotten my old temperament. When I act as Zhou Xueyuan, when have I ever cared about the word 'style'?"

The head's eyes were round, and his beard was blowing tall. Obviously, he was very angry. Elder Qi was afraid that the two would quarrel, so he quickly stood in the middle and acted as a peacemaker.

"Senior Brother Chief calm down, Junior Brother Zhou is afraid that he has just woken up, and his mind is still a little unclear. Everyone is calm and calm."

Zhou Xueyuan didn't buy it, "I'm very sober. Every word and every word I said was carefully thought out, not nonsense."

"Listen, listen to what he has to say!" The head sneered again and again, "Okay, Zhou Xueyuan, you are so talented that you don't even listen to my senior brother, right? You still know that you are Tianqing. Are you a member of the sect?! You are going to join your apprentice nephew now, so will you betray your apprentice and be an abandoned apprentice of the Qing Sect that day?!"

"Sect Master! Why do you have to be so decisive?" Elder Qiu stopped in front of the Sect Master and persuaded him, "I think that Junior Brother Zhou is not someone who doesn't know the importance of it, so let's ask the situation first, Junior Brother Zhou, why are you? Would you like to join with the present?"

Zhou Xueyuan said indifferently: "This seat has taken a fancy to him."

"You like it?" Elder Qiu asked uncertainly.

Zhou Xueyuan didn't speak, but everyone knew that silence meant acquiescence.

Elder Qi rolled his eyes and asked suspiciously, "But Junior Brother, aren't you too obsessed with your cultivation? If you have feelings for people, wouldn't it ruin your practice?"

"I am no longer the Zhou Xueyuan of the past, the Zhou Xueyuan of the past cultivated the ruthless Dao, but now," Zhou Xueyuan raised his hand and looked at his palm, "I am not only a person, if I want to cultivate a true fruit, it is not only the cultivation of the ruthless Dao. There is a way to go."

Elder Qi: "…"

"I don't care if you are alone or a few people, as long as you are a disciple of the Tianqing Sect and my junior brother, I can manage you!" Take it, how can you still look like an immortal cultivator.

"Okay, alright, let's just say a few words less, this matter is a big deal, let's discuss it from a long-term perspective, and besides, don't you have to ask Junior Nephew Lu's meaning?" Elder Qiu played carelessly, "Also, Junior Brother Chongxiao is still in seclusion, and now he is his disciple, so I have to ask him about joining together."

Elder Qi hurriedly winked at Zhou Xueyuan, motioning him to stop contradicting the head, "Yes, yes, this matter will not be discussed until Junior Brother Zhongxiao comes out of retreat."

Zhou Xueyuan's face was pale, and he didn't speak anymore, but he didn't let go, Xu Xu bowed to the three of them, and left with a flick of his sleeves.

"Look at him! Lawless! He actually proposed to join his junior and nephew, it's just..." The head was impatient, he couldn't think of any adjectives for a while, and after a while he pointed at Zhou Xueyuan's back and cursed, "It's disrespectful to the old man! "

"Okay, senior brother, don't be angry," Elder Qi sighed, "Don't you understand Zhou Xueyuan's temper? When Shizun and his old man were there, his temper was so twisted that even Shizun's decree did not work. Those who dare to disobey, now that the master has passed away, I really can't think of anyone in this world who can control him."

Zhou Xueyuan returned to Lu Shijin's bedroom. Lu Shijin was taking out the gifts he received one by one and tidying them up, making a whole bed.

Aware that Zhou Xueyuan was coming in, Lu Shijin knew it was him, so he was busy packing his head without raising his head, "I'm back? The head and the elders, are you willing to recognize you?"

Zhou Xueyuan didn't answer, walked behind Lu Shijin, and suddenly reached out and pinched the back of Lu Shijin's neck.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing?" Lu Shijin couldn't turn his head, he reached for Zhou Xueyuan's hand with his backhand, trying to remove Zhou Xueyuan's hand from his neck, "If you have something to say, you don't know if a gentleman should speak or not. ?"

"Are you a gentleman?" Zhou Xueyuan asked coldly.

Lu Shijin: "Why am I not?"

"It's a gentleman, you don't know whether a man or a woman is a man or woman?" Zhou Xueyuan exerted a little force, lifted Lu Shijin and leaned back, and his eyes became colder when he saw that Lu Shijin was still holding the sachet that the little junior sister gave him.

"What kind of relationship is it between men and women? What are you talking about?" Lu Shijin was inexplicable, and was forced to raise his head and stare at Zhou Xueyuan angrily, wishing he could bite him hard, "Hey, if you don't let go, I'll turn my face!"

"What are you holding in your hand?" Zhou Xueyuan said, "If you want to weave a pair of mandarin ducks, it will take you all the day to make a pair. I send you a sachet as a sachet, and it looks like a sachet. It is really fraternity, and there is no mercy everywhere.”

Lu Shijin blinked twice, and a cool feeling rose above his head. Could it be that Zhou Xueyuan saw him talking with his little junior sister just now?

It's not good, Zhou Xueyuan can't find out what's in this sachet, otherwise, there's no way he's going to think about it!

Lu Shijin subconsciously hid the sachet in his sleeve, but when he was stealing the bell, Zhou Xueyuan thought he cherished the sachet and couldn't let go of the little sister.

Zhou Xueyuan's body pressure dropped to freezing point, "You treasure it very much."

"No, that you misunderstood, the little junior sister gave me the sachet, it's not the kind of affair you think." Lu Shijin explained, "What she wants to give me is actually what's in the sachet."

Zhou Xueyuan snorted coldly, obviously not believing such a statement.

"Then you say, what's in the sachet?"

Lu Shijin: "Actually, it's nothing... It's just some medicinal pills sent by the younger sister for healing."

Zhou Xueyuan: "Elixir? Since it's an elixir, why don't you use a sachet instead of a bottle?"

Lu Shijin: "...Xu Shi, what is your daughter's hobby?"

"Give him to me." Zhou Xueyuan stretched out his hand and decided to verify it himself.

Lu Shijin opened the sachet, poured out a pill and pinched it at his fingertips and showed it to Zhou Xueyuan, "Show it to you, it's an ordinary medicinal pill, little junior sister, she is afraid that I will be in danger again, and she will give me some with her fellowship. Isn't pills a normal thing? There is nothing wrong between me and her, so don't be jealous, okay?"

Zhou Xueyuan didn't have the patience to listen to Lu Shijin's explanation, so he grabbed the medicinal pill from his hand, crushed it and put it under his nose to sniff it.

Then his face became even more ugly.

"What, what's wrong?" Lu Shijin noticed Zhou Xueyuan's expression, his Adam's apple rolled, "Is there anything wrong with this medicine?"

Zhou Xueyuan pursed his lips coldly, "Medicine is indeed medicine, but it can't cure injuries."

Lu Shijin was struggling, "What are you eating?"

"Treat men's kidney deficiency disease," Zhou Xueyuan sneered, "I can't see that your little sister is still very concerned about your body?"

"Hey, little junior sister, she is a medical practitioner, and a doctor's parental heart. She sees that my kidneys are a little weak recently, so it's okay to send me some nourishing medicine, right?" Lu Shijin made up his words and quibble, "To be fair, you can't just rely on a sachet Just convict me of being sloppy?"

"What are those on your bed?" Zhou Xueyuan was finally willing to let go of Lu Shijin's neck, picked up the bottles and jars, opened them one by one and studied them. His expression became subtle. Those are pretty much the same.

"These are the gifts that my juniors and brothers gave me, which shocked me." Lu Shijin whispered, really wanting to bury his face in the quilt.

Zhou Xueyuan squinted at him with a half-smiling smile, "Why, all your younger brothers and sisters know that you have this problem?"

Red Guoguo's contempt! What an insult to his masculine dignity!

Lu Shijin deliberately laughed at himself: "Yeah, it's no wonder that the kidneys are not deficient if you indulge every night until dawn. The younger brothers and sisters all know that I have a good relationship with Junior Brother Lin, so I can give us some of these things to make up for our bodies, can't we? Right? , would you like to have some too? After all, Junior Brother Lin's body is yours now, and you have to take good care of it. You may not have noticed it just now, and I was afraid that it would hurt your self-esteem, so I didn't tell you that you are older than Junior Brother Lin's time. More than a little bit shorter."

Zhou Xueyuan: "…"

Happiness is someone else's, and Ye Yeshengge is also someone else's.

Why is there only kidney deficiency and premature ejaculation, is it his?

Zhou Xueyuan's face was as ugly as if he had swallowed a fly.

Lu Shijin saw Zhou Xueyuan's face and was very happy, but he didn't dare to show it, lest Zhou Xueyuan be angry and strangle him.

He waved his hand generously and said, "Do you like this sachet very much? Then I'll give it to you. Remember, the medicine can't be stopped."

Zhou Xueyuan threw the sachet in his hand, swept all the tonics to the ground, and quickly overwhelmed Lu Shijin on the bed.

Zhou Xueyuan stared at Lu Shijin with a deep gaze, "If I don't eat these messy things, it will make you unable to get out of bed. Do you want to try it?"

"Uncle, isn't it okay? It's daytime, so aren't you afraid that the head will come to you?" Lu Shijin smiled, not panicking at all, not afraid to provoke Zhou Xueyuan to death, "Why don't you try again at night? Oh I forgot, at night It's not easy for you to say, sigh, if you want to blame it, it's the wrong time for you to appear."

Lu Shijin succeeded in angering Zhou Xueyuan, only to hear a low laugh escape from Zhou Xueyuan's throat, and said in a solemn tone: "You don't need to wait until night, to treat you, you can do it now."

Before Lu Shijin had time to react, suddenly the world was spinning around in front of him, and the picture was distorted. When everything in front of him calmed down, the others were no longer in the original bedroom.

This is where? Lu Shijin looked around and found himself in a valley with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

There are a few wisps of clouds floating in the blue sky, the distant mountains are indigo, the water is clear, and the melodious birdsong in the mountains and forests can be heard from time to time, which is a refreshing place.

"Why did you bring me here?" Lu Shijin asked Zhou Xueyuan who was standing next to him in confusion.

Zhou Xueyuan: "This is the mustard seed space transformed by this seat."

Lu Shijin: "I know, so what?"

Zhou Xueyuan gave him a meaningful look, "No one can open this place except this seat."

Lu Shijin: "..." Listening to Zhou Xueyuan's meaning, is it possible that he is going to be locked here?

However, Zhou Xueyuan seemed to be able to see through Lu Shijin's mind, and admitted unabashedly: "It's as good as you think, you stay in the mustard space of this seat, if this seat won't let you out, the two of them will never want to see you again. "

Lu Shijin was very angry, and said angrily: "Zhou Xueyuan, are you unreasonable?! Let me out before I get angry!"

Zhou Xueyuan was unmoved. With a wave of his hand, a small wooden hut appeared on the ground. He said lightly, "You stay here until things are done."

"What are you going to do?" Lu Shijin asked cautiously.

"The ceremony of joining this seat and you." Zhou Xueyuan said.

Lu Shijin: "Combined nationality?" He recalled that the meaning of the cultivator's joint nationality seems to be similar to the meaning of marriage in the mortal world, so Zhou Xueyuan intends to marry him?

Lu Shijin didn't know whether to be happy or angry for a while.

"Joining the nationality means joining the nationality, why are you keeping me here?" Lu Shijin was incomprehensible.

Zhou Xueyuan smiled lightly, "Because this is the one who wants to join you. From now on, all the families of Xianmen will know that you and Lu Shijin are my Taoist companions of Zhou Xueyuan and have nothing to do with them. Do you think they will be reconciled?"

Lu Shijin's eyes were slightly opened, he deserves to live a long time, the old thing is scheming!

"Don't you think you're like this... don't you win?" Lu Shijin felt a little distressed for the other two personalities. If they woke up and found that they were gone, how anxious should they be?

Zhou Xueyuan said indifferently, "As long as you can win, it doesn't matter how you win."

Come on, it's really unscrupulous.

"Uncle, uncle, don't leave me here alone, okay? There is no one here, so I will suffocate to death." Lu Shijin decided not to be hard or soft. He stepped forward and hugged Zhou Xueyuan's arm to show Well said, "Isn't it a joint membership? Can't I promise you yet?"

Zhou Xueyuan lowered his eyelids and glanced at him, "It doesn't matter whether you agree or not, what this seat wants is that the two of them stay out of trouble before the ceremony is held."

Lu Shijin understood that Zhou Xueyuan was the king who ate the weight this time—he was determined.

So I decided that no matter what, it would be better to stabilize Zhou Xueyuan and let him go out, than to stay here and not be able to do anything.

Lu Shijin had an idea: "...then as long as I don't tell them, they won't know?"

Zhou Xueyuan frowned slightly and didn't quite believe it, "Would you?"

"Yes, yes!" Seeing that Zhou Xueyuan's expression was slightly loose, Lu Shijin hurriedly struck while the iron was hot to express his determination, "You have to believe, I am absolutely willing to join you! I swear! That's it, as long as you let me go Go out, I will never tell the two of them about the joint membership, and when we do the joint membership ceremony, even if they want to object, it will be too late, Shishu, do you think this is good?"

Lu Shijin kept talking to himself, but he didn't notice that Zhou Xueyuan's eyes were tightly closed, and his brows were wrinkled deeper and deeper, a look of pain.

After Lu Shijin finished speaking, Zhou Xueyuan opened his eyes, and the indifference in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a strong anger.

Lu Shijin heard Zhou Xueyuan respond to him in a strange tone behind him: "So, it's really good."

"Yeah, do you think it's okay too?" Lu Shijin raised his head with a smile on his face, but when he saw Zhou Xueyuan's eyes, the smile froze on his face.

Wait, this look? Why do you feel cold on the back of your neck?

Lu Shijin asked tentatively, "Mu, Mu, Mu Cang?"

Zhou Xueyuan, no, it is Mu Cang now, looking at Lu Shijin and smiling without saying a word, but there is a chill in his smile.

Woohoo! Do you want to bring people like this? It's not like they don't say hello anymore, and they change people after chatting and chatting, right?

Wait, this is Zhou Xueyuan's mustard space, right? Zhou Xueyuan is gone, how are the two of them going to get out? !