Chapter 135: Husband is a lemon extract (over)

After Xu Meiru left, Lu Shijin returned to his and Fang Xiran's room.

Fang Xiran saw Lu Shijin come back, closed the book he was reading, stood up, and asked with concern, "Why did you go out for so long and see Xu Meiru? What did you say to her?"

"Don't worry, this time she will definitely believe that our relationship is not on." Lu Shijin vowed.

Fang Xiran: "So sure? What did you say?"

Lu Shijin glanced at him and hesitated, "Are you sure you want to know?"

Lu Shijin's expression made Fang Xiran sure that he definitely didn't say anything nice about him.

However, curiosity still overwhelmed everything, Fang Xiran nodded decisively: "Yes."

"Actually it's nothing," Lu Shijin rubbed his neck and said lightly, "I'll tell her that you were injured in a car accident, and you're just inhumane."

Fang Xiran: "..."

"Don't look at me like that," Lu Shijin noticed Fang Xiran's murderous eyes, and explained, "I said this to help you lie to your stepmother? The reason that I can't be human will definitely convince her, and This is still an irreconcilable contradiction, you think, who can accept a sexless marriage?"

"You told her that I'm not humane, ah bah, you lied to her that I'm not humane, that's the same as telling the whole world, what do you think others will think of me when I go out?" Fang Xiran was so angry that she was blue-faced, "I'll see you later. When I get to a person, I have to explain to him that I can be humane? Now I finally know what it means to spread a rumor and break a leg!"

Lu Shijin pouted innocently, lay down on the bed, and said confidently, "I'm doing it all for your own good, so forget it if you don't appreciate it, but you blame me in turn. If you want to refute the rumor, go to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow, and then have the check-up done. As a result, if you post it on a circle of friends, doesn't everyone know that you are not sick?"

"Lu Shijin!" Fang Xiran gritted his teeth, this person was really sent by God to torture him, making him love and hate.

Lu Shijin felt that Fang Xiran might want to strangle himself now, so he picked up the quilt and covered his head, covering the corners of his mouth that could not be held back, and said with a sullen smile, "I'm going to bed now. I'll talk about it tomorrow, good night and good night!"

pissed him off!

Fang Xiran clutched his chest and felt an arrow shot in his heart, which was stuffy and painful.

No, he had to find a place for last night's "accident"!

Fang Xiran took off his pajamas and fell viciously to the ground. Just as he was about to pounce on Lu Shijin, who was hiding under the quilt, he took a step forward and stopped hesitantly.

If you become a quick shooter this time, won't the humiliation be washed away forever?

Just to be safe, try it yourself first.

Fang Xiran tiptoed into the bathroom, locked the bathroom door, and fiddled inside for a long time, confirming that he was still the overlord who couldn't fall, pulled up his pants, and came out of the bathroom with confidence.

Lu Shijin was already lying on the bed and was about to fall asleep, when he suddenly felt Fang Xiran pressing on him, his eyes barely opened, "What are you doing? What time are you not going to bed?"

"Don't sleep." Fang Xiran lifted the quilt and unbuttoned Lu Shijin's pajamas, "I have to prove my innocence to you first."

Lu Shijin was confused: "What's the matter?"

Fang Xiran pinched his waist, gritted his teeth and said, "Prove that I'm not sick! Tonight's decisive battle until dawn, no one is allowed to sleep!"

The man blocked Lu Shijin's mouth as if venting his anger, and ate all the words he refused.

This night, Lu Shijin paid the price for his underestimated enemy. Fang Xiran tossed Lu Shijin over and over again in order to prove that he was fine. Lu Shijin once thought that he went to the bathroom before secretly taking drugs.

In short, after this night, Lu Shijin never mentioned asking Fang Xiran to go to the hospital for an examination. He was afraid that if he mentioned it, his waist would suffer.

At that time, he was the one who went to the hospital to check for kidney failure.


After Xu Meiru learned about Fang Xiran's "secret", she actively and enthusiastically helped Lu Shijin to introduce some experts specializing in andrology.

However, Lu Shijin told her that Fang Xiran avoided doctors and refused to go to the hospital for examination, so none of these experts would be of any use.

Xu Meiru helped her out with her idea. She knew an old Chinese medicine doctor who had been treating Y and X diarrhea for more than 40 years. She had a lot of experience in this area. Yes, trick Fang Xiran to take it and see if it has any effect.

Lu Shijin was a little hesitant. After all, no one went to see the doctor. How could he take medicine indiscriminately?

But Xu Meiru persuaded him earnestly that Chinese medicine is different from Western medicine. Most of them are tonics and will never have any side effects. Even if you are not sick, you can take it to keep fit.

Lu Shijin agreed suspiciously. He wanted Xu Meiru to help find the old Chinese medicine doctor, but Xu Meiru refused on the pretext that he did not know the severity of Fang Xiran's condition. He gave Lu Shijin the address of the old Chinese medicine doctor and let him find it himself.

After Fang Xiran found out, he sneered.

His stepmother's work can really be said to be flawless. She just introduced a doctor to Lu Shijin enthusiastically. She didn't participate in other things. If he took the medicine prescribed by this old doctor and something happened, she could also do it. Leave yourself clean.

Therefore, Fang Xiran guessed that Xu Meiru must be making a fuss about medicine.

"What can you do with medicine? Without her hands, could it be possible that she can buy an old Chinese medicine doctor to poison you?" Lu Shijin was puzzled, "I have investigated that old Chinese medicine doctor, and it is really powerful. He has been practicing medicine for decades. Now, since he is highly respected, it is impossible to help Xu Meiru to harm others, right?"

"The medicine prescribed by the old Chinese doctor is naturally fine," Fang Xiran pointed to Lu Shijin, "because it is you who has the problem."

"Me?" Lu Shijin also pointed back at himself, and suddenly reacted, "You mean, that woman wanted to kill someone with a knife?"

"Can she play any other tricks?" Fang Xiran already knew Xu Meiru's methods like the back of his hand, and sneered, "Anyway, after taking the medicine back, he kept an eye on her, as long as she wanted to do something, she would definitely be able to catch her. "

After picking a time, Lu Shijin went to the old doctor to prescribe a course of Chinese medicine and returned to fry it.

The old Chinese doctor told me that this medicine should be boiled for two hours and boiled in four bowls of water into one bowl. The best effect is to take it every night before going to bed.

Therefore, after getting the medicine back, Lu Shijin was not worried about handing the medicine to others, and would decoct Fang Xiran himself every night.

In fact, he knew that Xu Meiru was going to use his hand to harm Fang Xiran, so of course he wanted to give her this chance.

That day he was frying traditional Chinese medicine in the kitchen as usual, Xu Meiru passed by the kitchen and came in to take a look.

The smell of traditional Chinese medicine was unpleasant, so Xu Meiru stood far away and glanced at her, "Oh, what kind of pan-fried medicine are you using?"

Lu Shijin has lost his sense of smell because of the smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the past two days. He pinched his nose and said, "It's just an ordinary pot."

Xu Meiru laughed, "After all, I am young and have no life experience, so I have to use a casserole for decoction."

"Where is the casserole?" Lu Shijin asked.

Xu Meiru pointed at it, "Which cabinet should it be in, I used it when the servant made soup for me before, I don't know where she put it, you can find it by yourself, I'm leaving, it smells too bad. "

After Xu Meiru finished speaking, she left without any intention of coming in to get in touch with the medicine.

Lu Shijin wondered if it was because he was here that Xu Meiru was not good at starting, so he deliberately left the kitchen while decoction.

However, he had already put a pinhole camera in the kitchen to shoot at the pot of decoction. If Xu Meiru really dared to poison it, she would be photographed in it.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed by the results. For a week, there was no evidence that Xu Meiru had been exposed to drugs.

Both he and Fang Xiran doubted, could it be that they were wrong? Xu Meiru didn't want to make a fuss about medicine at all?

But she is so kind, just introducing Chinese medicine to Fang Xiran for treatment?

"Otherwise, she is calm and wants to do it later." Lu Shijin returned to the room with the fried Chinese medicine, and was irritated by the unpleasant smell of Chinese medicine, "But this course of medicine is almost finished, so she will Aren't you afraid that you won't have a chance if you don't start?"

Fang Xiran was also puzzled. It stands to reason that Xu Meiru knew that he was investigating the car accident, and she should have been impatient to attack him.

Lu Shijin put the medicine bowl on the table in a bad mood, "Anyway, after the rest of the medicine is used up, I won't go to get the medicine again, I'm almost killed by the smell, no matter what I smell now, A smell of Chinese medicine."

Fang Xiran rubbed Lu Shijin's hands, "Thank you for your hard work, baby."

"You know I've worked hard, then you drink the medicine." Lu Shijin snorted coldly, "I spent two hours frying the medicine, so I can't just waste it."

Fang Xiran didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'm not sick, how can I take medicine indiscriminately?"

Lu Shijin: "The old Chinese doctor said that this medicine is a tonic for the kidneys and yang. You can take it whether you are sick or not."

Fang Xiran refused to drink the medicine Lu Shijin had fried before, so he could only pour it into the toilet, which made Lu Shijin feel distressed.

Anyway, after making sure that Xu Meiru didn't use the medicine, it's okay to drink it, so Lu Shijin forced Fang Xiran to drink his "hard work".

"Okay, I'll drink it, can I still drink it?" Fang Xiran couldn't stand Lu Shijin's chatter. He compromisingly held up the medicine bowl, his lips resting on the edge of the bowl, and suddenly Fuzhi thought of something.

"If the medicine is ok, could it be that she did something else? But the medicine did not pass through the second person's hand after taking it back..." Fang Xiran muttered to herself for a while, raised the medicine bowl and asked Lu Shijin , "What utensil did you use to decoct the medicine?"

"It used to be an ordinary pot in the kitchen, but later..." Lu Shijin remembered something, and his eyes lit up, "It was that woman who said that a casserole should be used for decoction, and told me that there was a casserole in the kitchen, could it be the casserole that has a problem? ?!"

Fang Xiran put down the medicine bowl, stared at the dark and thick medicinal juice inside, and said solemnly, "It's possible, but this is just our guess. You can take this bowl of medicine and test it tomorrow to see if there are any problems."

The next day, Lu Shijin took the medicine to the laboratory of a research institute and asked someone to test it.

The test results came out, and the truth was shocking.

The concoction contains mercury. Although the concentration is not fatal at once, if it is taken for a long time, it will cause people to be in a trance, damage their organs, and eventually die.

Lu Shijin immediately went back to Fang's house and sent the casserole he used to decoct the medicine to the laboratory for further testing. The results proved that the mercury in the medicine came from this pot.

No wonder Xu Meiru never touched the medicine, because she had already moved her hands and feet on the pot.

The mercury concentration is not high. If Fang Xiran really drank the medicine, it would not be in immediate danger to his life, but the poisoning will always be discovered, but even if Fang Xiran is rescued at that time, his body will be completely collapsed. Xu Meiru could no longer pose a threat.

When the incident happened, Xu Meiru could have secretly changed the pot, and then put all the charges of poisoning on Lu Shijin's head, because she had never touched the medicinal materials, and there was no chance of poisoning. She just mentioned it casually to Lu Shijin. It's better to use a casserole for decoction. Otherwise, what can you blame her for?

This trick is really sinister.

Lu Shijin told Fang Xiran the results of the test, but he was still frightened and said angrily: "Fortunately, you were very alert and didn't drink that bowl of medicine last night, otherwise, you would have really fallen for that woman's trick!"

Fang Xiran sneered, "She's also exhausted. In order to deal with me, she was able to come up with such a sinister trick, and it's not in vain for me to design it."

"This should be considered irrefutable evidence? What are you going to do? Report her directly to Mr. Fang?" Lu Shijin asked.

Fang Xiran: "Actually, I already have the evidence that she wants to kill me. Zhao Ze has already helped me to interrogate the driver's confession, but I told him to keep quiet for now, just to see if Xu Mei has any regrets. For Er's face, as long as she feels a little remorse and no longer harms people, I can still let her live, but it seems that not only does she have no regrets, but she is even worse."

Lu Shijin: "Then give her a fatal blow so that she can never hurt anyone again!"

Fang Xiran looked down at the two thin test reports in his hands. The hair hanging down from his forehead cast a shadow on the bridge of the man's tall nose.

"I don't want to give this evidence to my father."

Lu Shijin asked in confusion, "Who do you want to give it to?"

Fang Xiran raised his eyes and said slowly: "Fang Zhuoer. Xu Meiru wants to harm me, but she is afraid that I will block Zhuoer's way. If I go to expose Xu Meiru's conspiracy, maybe Zhuoer will hate me because of this, which will lead to our brothers being against the wall. , I will now hand over the choice to him to see how he handles it, whether he chooses to cover up his mother or choose to stand on the side of the law."

Fang Xiran's decision surprised Lu Shijin, but it was reasonable.

Is this forcing Fang Zhuo to identify his mother? It sounds cruel, but it is the best way.

Fang Zhuoer is the source of all contradictions and the protagonist of this plot. He should not always be a carefree boy hiding behind his parents.

He should learn to grow, learn to take responsibility, and learn to distinguish right from wrong.

If not, how can the audience identify with his protagonist status?

In the same way, Fang Xiran should also care about Fang Zhuoer's younger brother. Whether it is the original plot or now, if there is no intervention from Xu Meiru, Fang Xiran and Fang Zhuoer should be able to live in harmony and support each other.

The wealthy family should not only have interests, but also family and trust.

"Convenience store," Lu Shijin called 711 silently, "report the progress of the plot completion and audience coolness value."

711: "The plot completion rate is 75%, and the audience coolness value is 30%."

It's time, it's time to return the home court of this world to Fang Zhuoer.

Lu Shijin looked into Fang Xiran's eyes and said decisively, "Zall is a good boy, I believe he will make the right choice."