After the original owner became a superpower, he didn't feel any difference, and he never thought about saving the world. He was such a salted fish. When he was working in 996, he was looking forward to the end of the world and ending this painful day every day.

Now that the end of the world is really coming, the original owner is much calmer than ordinary people. There is no TV, mobile phone, computer game console, and so many comic books in his house are enough for him to kill time. Anyway, one day is a day.

He stayed at home for several months until humans and powers began to confront each other, finally breaking the peace of his otaku life.

But fortunately, the original owner's five senses are sensitive, and relying on the ability of hearing and night vision that is different from ordinary people, he successfully avoided the human roundup, and on the way to escape, he met a group of similar people who were walking together, and they were also chased by humans. Killed, forced to leave the home and seek protection from the organization.

The number of human beings is far more than the superhumans. At night, if the superhumans are discovered by humans, they will be lambs to be slaughtered.

Therefore, the ability users also have to form a team. Multiple people are multiple powers, so the team accepted the original owner and fled with them.

But after a long time, the people in the team discovered that the original owner seemed to have no other special features except for better eyesight and hearing, which was not comparable to their ability to call the wind and call the rain.

In the apocalypse, resources are limited, and even if they reach the organization base, they cannot accommodate all the superhumans, so the team members discussed with the original owner behind their backs, and wanted to leave the useless original owner behind.

So, Lu Shijin was thrown from the plane by them.

Okay, at least they didn't throw him down directly and gave him a parachute.

This time it was really a paratrooper.

Fortunately, it was daytime, not the time for human activities, so Lu Shijin landed on the ground, so he didn't have to worry about being chased by humans.

But at night it would be very dangerous. Lu Shijin raised his wrist and looked at it. There were still 2 hours before the sun set, which meant that he had to find a safe place to spend the terrifying night tonight.

Lu Shijin took off his parachute, studied it and didn't take it, abandoned it, and then walked to a river, planning to drink some water to rest first, and observe the surrounding environment by the way.

He walked to the river and lowered his head to take a look at his face in the water. His hair seemed to have not been trimmed for a long time, and it was lying on his forehead, looking very rigid; , Even if you can see that his facial features are handsome, but he is covered by such a pair of black-rimmed glasses, others are not interested in giving him a second look; the clothes he wears are also very simple and plain, standard for otaku, T-shirt and jeans, No bright spots.

In short, his attributes are written all over his body - I am a dead man.

Most people in the world have a bad impression of otaku. They feel that they have poor physical fitness, cannot carry their hands on their shoulders, and have poor social skills. They cannot communicate with others. Except for the possibility that their hands are faster, such people are almost useless in the end times. .

This is also the reason why the original owner is despised in various ways in the last days.

Lu Shijin tried to take off the pair of glasses, and brushed the messy hair on his forehead back, his temperament changed drastically from just now.

Under the plump forehead is a pair of smart peach blossom eyes, and there is a small mole under the eyelid.

It's also because the original owner's emotional intelligence was too low, and he had a beautiful face in a prosperous world but didn't know it. He could rely on beauty to commit murder, but in the end, he was degraded to the point of being disliked by thousands of people.

Lu Shijin felt sorry for the original owner. If he had changed his image sooner, Xiang Ting might have fallen in love with him long ago. After all, whether it is world peace or the end of the world, as long as it is a person, it is Yangou.

Lu Shijin wanted to throw the glasses away, but after thinking about it, he put them back on.

In the apocalypse, people's hearts are sinister, and he has such an enchanting face. What should he do if he encounters someone with bad intentions? He can't protect himself with his power that is almost impossible.

So I'd better disguise it first and talk about it when I find Xiang Ting.

After studying his appearance, Lu Shijin looked up at the sun. It was visible to the naked eye that there were dark spots moving on the sun.

He observed the surrounding terrain again, and there were plains where no one could hide. Only the southwest seemed to have a small forest and a small hill that looked less than 500 meters away.

If you are looking for a hiding place, there is no doubt that it is the best choice.

But humans are not stupid. At night, they will definitely increase their search for the woods and hills.

This is the disadvantage of fighting alone. If you want to find someone to discuss the combat plan, you can't find it.

By the way, let's confirm Xiang Ting's position first.

"Convenience store, where is Xiang Ting now?" Lu Shijin asked 711.

711 took a look and said, "It's not too far away, and it's not too close. Xiang Ting is now more than 200 kilometers away from you."

More than 200 kilometers away, Lu Shijin has no means of transportation now, and it is impossible for him to find Xiang Ting before the sun sets with his two legs.

So tonight, he was destined to spend it alone.

Lu Shijin wanted to hide in the woods, but he quickly denied his idea.

If he hides in the woods and humans round up the woods, there are plains everywhere, and he will have nowhere to escape when he wants to.

So - the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Lu Shijin decided to find an unoccupied house to hide for the night.

It's daytime, and humans are hiding at home to rest. Lu Shijin found a hidden place to observe each house. Basically, there are traces of people living there. Only one looks very rundown, and the weeds at the door are all tall. No one takes care of it, no one should live there.

Lu Shijin slipped quietly to the backyard of the house and glanced inside. It was quiet inside. A thick layer of ash had fallen on the furniture floor. Several chairs were lying on the ground and no one was there to help them. There must be no one living there. .

Lu Shijin was relieved and decided to hide here tonight. He pushed the window and couldn't move it, for fear of causing suspicion from humans, so he could not open the window violently, so he exchanged the reward points with 711 in the system mall for a "Through the Wall". Ka" walked straight into the house.

As soon as he entered, he was choked by the dust in the whole house. Lu Shijin fanned his hand and removed the dust in front of him. He looked around the house to find a place to hide.

It is not safe to hide something under the bed in the wardrobe. If someone searches here on a whim, it will definitely reveal the contents, so you must find a foolproof place.

"Convenience store, scan this house to see where you can hide people." Lu Shijin ordered 711. Fortunately, he still has the golden finger of a convenience store, which can be regarded as an ability.

"After scanning, there is another floor below the house, which is a basement." 711 reported truthfully.

"Basement? That's great, let's go to the basement and see, where is the entrance?" Lu Shijin asked.

711: "There is a compartment under the stairs. Open the compartment door, push the floor, and there is a passage to the basement below."

Lu Shijin was overjoyed when he heard that the entrance was so hidden. Unless it was the owner of this house, no one would have thought that the entrance to the basement would be under the stair compartment! Steady tonight!

Lu Shijin went down to the basement as 711 said.

At this time, the reward points that Lu Shijin had accumulated in various worlds came in handy. If he was lacking in the apocalypse, he would redeem it from the system mall. Don't be too happy as if he had a treasure bag with him. He is the richest in the apocalypse. people!

Lu Shijin exchanged a flashlight and came out, illuminating the situation in the basement, and found a surprise, there is actually a lot of food stored here!

In addition to the wine cabinet full of various wines, there are several large boxes filled with all kinds of fast food cans. There are also bags of rice, wheat and other grains stacked in the corners. Lu Shijin made a rough estimate. These foods are enough for a family of three to eat for three to five years!

Simply a landlord! Now that food can no longer be grown outside, synthetic nutrients are unpalatable and expensive, so these foods are more precious than anything else.

It's a pity that the owner of this house should have died in the end of the world, and he didn't have time to enjoy the stored food, which was cheap for the uninvited guest Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin was thinking about how he could take all the food away. He was alone. Even if he used both hands and feet, he could only take away a very limited amount of food, unless a truck came over and packed all these things away. .

But where to find a truck? Lu Shi is worried now.

After worrying for a while, he felt a little hungry, and it was still a while before sunset, so he took a bottle of canned beef and a bottle of canned soybeans, left the basement and went to the upstairs restaurant to eat and think.

The tableware and chopsticks are all placed in the disinfection cabinet, so even if the disinfection cabinet is covered with dust, the tableware and chopsticks inside are spotless.

Lu Shijin took a pair of chopsticks, opened the can and put it on the dining table, brought a chair that didn't fall down, wiped the dust on the chair and prepared to sit down.

Lu Shijin sat back slowly. Surprisingly, he was almost squatting down, but he didn't sit on the chair. He couldn't help but look back in surprise, only to find that the chair moved back at some point, so he Can't sit up.

what the hell?

Lu Shijin was stunned, he clearly moved the chair behind his **** just now!

Did someone move his chair? Is there a second person in the house? Are you pranking him? !

Lu Shijin noticed something strange, but he didn't make a sound, he moved the chair forward again without any sound, then sat down calmly, and when his buttocks were almost flush with the seat, he suddenly looked back, and the chair moved back silently as expected. !

"Who is it?" Lu Shijin drank in a deep voice, stood up and looked around vigilantly, this is definitely not a spiritual world, it should be the existence of other supernatural beings in the room.

Lu Shijin guessed that the other party might be invisible.

There was no response in the room, and Lu Shijin silently explained to 711 in his heart: "Convenience store, scan the surroundings with an infrared device to see who is doing the trick."

711 quickly completed the scan, reporting: "No second life form other than you was detected in the room, but..."

"But what?" Lu Shijin asked.

711: "There's something wrong with that chair, there's a heat source on it."

Lu Shijin turned his head and stared at the chair. There was a heat source on the chair. Could it be that the chair could be changed by a person?

It sounds incredible, but forget that this is a world of supernatural powers, everything is possible.

Lu Shijin looked around the chair, took out a kitchen knife from the kitchen, made a "chopping" gesture towards the chair, and sneered: "If I don't show up again, my big knife will fall!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that the chair legs of the chair stomped on the spot like a human, and then automatically fell to the ground and rolled, and instantly turned into a person who fell to the ground!

Holy crap, what kind of superpower is this, it's amazing! Lu Shijin was stunned.

"Heroes, spare your life! Heroes, spare your life!" The man got up from the ground in dismay, folded his hands and begged Lu Shijin for mercy.

He is a short boy who looks no more than thirty years old. In the end world when everyone is short of food and clothing, he is actually chubby and fat. At a glance, he can tell that he is usually well-nourished.

"Why are you pretending to be a ghost?" I don't know what the other party's purpose is, Lu Shijin didn't let his guard down, he still held the guess in his hand, and asked eagerly.

The man didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Heaven and earth conscience, why am I pretending to be a ghost? To be fair, this is my home, and I didn't bother with you to come here uninvited. You still want to chop me up with a kitchen knife?"

"You are the owner of this family?" Lu Shijin was dubious, "but you are a supernatural being, living with humans, so you are not afraid of being killed by humans?"

Man: "You saw my power just now. I can turn into an object. Even if someone breaks into my house, they won't be able to find me."

Lu Shijin slowly put down the kitchen knife in his hand, "Why don't you leave? Find other abilities to form a team?"

The man pulled out a chair and sat down, and said nonchalantly, "Why should I leave? I have food and drink at home, why should I go out to live a desperate life?"

Lu Shijin remembered that the basement was full of food, and the man did have the capital not to rush for his life.

"But the food will run out one day, what are you going to do then?"

The man said cheerfully: "Then hang it up by a trousers belt. Anyway, I'm the only one left in my family, and there is no point in living. In fact, I had long expected that such a day would come, so I had the foresight to hide in the basement. I have eaten so much, and when the end comes, I will find a place to hide and be at ease, and I will kill myself when I finish eating, so I don’t bother to go out and fight with others.”

Lu Shijin understood that a man is also a fat man, but he knows how to enjoy it better.

After the man introduced his experience, he looked at Lu Shijin with interest, "Brother, you are amazing, you found my basement as soon as you came to my house, and you saw through my disguise, what is your ability? ?"

Lu Shijin borrowed the donkey to hide his true power: "Yes, see through."

The man's eyes lit up, "It's amazing, it's really impossible to hide anything from your eyes!"

Seeing that the man was very friendly, Lu Shijin had to stay here tonight, and sincerely apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't know this was your house, I thought it was an empty house, so I came in. I was offended just now, I hope Don't be surprised."

The man waved his hand boldly, "Hey, what's the matter, I've been hiding here for almost half a year, and there's no one to talk to all day long, I'm almost suffocated, you're here just in time! I think you're pretty good. Let's make friends? My name is Lin Dong, what's your name?"

Lu Shijin: "Lu Shijin."

Lin Dong said with admiration: "You are still the first power user who dares to hide in my house. The most dangerous place is the safest place. Not bad, I like to deal with smart people. It's getting dark soon, let's hurry up. Pack up and hide in the basement?"

Lu Shijin nodded and said yes, the two of them arranged everything back to the way they were, erased the footprints on the ground, and hid in the basement.

Lin Dong found that Lu Shijin still had a flashlight in his hand, and was very emotional, "Brother, your flashlight still has electricity! I was afraid that the end of the world would come, and I thought of preparing everything, but I forgot to prepare more candles, it has been several months. I saw the light at night, my God, the light is so beautiful!"

Lu Shijin smiled and handed the flashlight to Lin Dong, "Then I'll give it to you."

Lin Dong was very surprised and moved a little after the surprise. He cherished and took the flashlight with both hands, "It's very interesting that you can give me such a precious thing. I've made a deal with you as a friend! You can eat all the food here. Eat whatever you want and stay safe."

Lu Shijin helped his black-rimmed glasses, "Thank you." It's still very cost-effective to change a flashlight to a place to live and to eat and drink for free.

The basement of Lin Dong's house is very large. In addition to the place to put food, there is also a room for rest.

After dinner, Lu Shijin found some newspapers and cartons to put on the ground, and laid a mattress to use as the bed for the whole night. Lin Dong was afraid that the electricity in the flashlight would be used too fast, so he turned it off after Lu Shijin finished making the bed. Flashlight, the basement fell back into darkness.

Lin Dong hadn't talked to anyone for a long time, so he couldn't sleep because of excitement, as if he had opened a chat box and talked with Lu Shijin endlessly.

Lin Dong: "What's your plan next?"

Lu Shijin: "I want to go to the south to find a self-help organization for supernatural beings."

Lin Dong: "Just you? Is it too dangerous?"

Lu Shijin: "Let's see if anyone joins me on the road."

Lin Dong: "You might as well stay. The food here can be eaten for several years. As long as there is something to eat, you can live. Maybe the sunspots will be normal at some time. It's better than being scared outside."

Lu Shijin: "Thank you for your kindness, but I'm going out to find someone."

Lin Dong asked curiously, "Who?"

Lu Shijin didn't know how to introduce Xiang Ting's identity to Lin Dong, and said vaguely, "The person I love."

Lin Dong stretched his voice "Oh" to show his understanding, and said generously: "Then I will pack canned food for you to take away when you leave tomorrow, so that you don't have to work hard for food. I hope you have lovers to reunite soon."

This little fat man is not bad. Lu Shijin's affection for Lin Dong has increased a lot, and Lin Dong's ability is actually very powerful. He can transform into an object.

"What about you, do you just want to stay here all the time?" Lu Shijin persuaded, "We can actually team up to find the organization, it's very safe there, don't worry about being hunted down by humans, you stay here alone, the food will one day. You will finish eating, what if you don’t want to die at that time?”

Lin Dong refused without thinking: "Forget it, my ability is the lowest-level ability, and it can only be turned into a chair, a table, these dead things, I feel that I will give away my life as soon as I go out, or not I'm dragging you down."

To persuade a fat man to step out of his comfort zone is as difficult as making a flying bullet turn around.

Lu Shijin didn't insist, and chatted with Lin Dong for a while, when suddenly a small bell rang in the basement.

Lin Dong immediately got up from the bed and snorted as if facing an enemy: "Someone is here!"

Lin Dong installed a trap in the house, and when someone invaded, the bell in the basement would ring.

Although the entrance to his basement was designed to be extremely secretive, he couldn't help but feel nervous when he knew that someone was over his head.

Lu Shijin also sat up from the mattress, held his breath, and listened to the movement above.

Listening to the footsteps, it seems that more than one person has come, I hope the secret of the basement will not be discovered.

Lin Dong's house was disguised as an uninhabited barren house by him, and no humans have come in to search it for a long time, so today he suddenly heard footsteps on it, and Lin Dong couldn't help but be suspicious.

"When you came in, no humans should have found it, right?" Lin Dong asked Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin: "Probably not."

"Don't you have a see-through eye? Can you see the situation above?" Lin Dong paused and patted his head, "Oh, it's night now, the ability disappeared, I forgot."

Lin Dong almost forgot to mention Lu Shijin, yes, 711 can scan the above situation.

"It's okay, my abilities are not affected by sunlight." Lu Shijin pretended to be forced while letting 711 scan.

Lin Dong was astonished, "Damn, so awesome?!"

"Four people are here." Lu Shijin conveyed the results to Lin Dong while listening to the 711 report.

Lin Dong: "Only four people? That's okay."

Lu Shijin suddenly said: "No, it's not a human, there is no crystal nucleus in the brain, it's a person with supernatural abilities."

Lin Dong: "...Power users? That's not the same kind? What day is today? People come one after another at home? I guess these power users are the same as you think. The most dangerous place is the safest place." Lin Dong walked away Going to Lu Shijin's side to sit with him, people are always used to holding a group when they are in danger. He asked worriedly, "How is it, will they find us?"

Lu Shijin asked 711 to pay attention to the above situation and shook his head: "Not yet."

"I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend," Lin Dong said to himself, "I can afford one, but if you come with five, the landlords will be impoverished. Forget it, they can't find us, we Just don't go out, act like they don't exist."

Lu Shijin was about to agree to Lin Dong's proposal when 711 suddenly said, "Host, one of the people from outside seems to be Xiang Ting."

Lu Shijin said in surprise: "Who are you talking about??? Xiang Ting?"

Lin Dong was inexplicable: "Who is Xiang Ting?"

Lu Shijin: "We have to go out. The one above is my friend."

Lin Dong: "..." The social phobia of the fat house was committed, and there was a hundred rejections in my heart.

But there is no way, that is the friend of his new friend, that is, his friend. Although Lin Dong lives in a house, he is still very loyal.

Lin Dong reluctantly agreed: "Okay, then invite them down."

The two returned to the stair compartment, and as soon as they opened the door, they were discovered by Xiang Ting and his group.

"Who!" Everyone dared not speak loudly, their voices were deliberately kept low, and the room was dark, but Lu Shi had good vision tonight, and could clearly see that the people who came were three men and one woman, and two dark guns The mouth was aimed at him and Lin Dong.

Lin Dong pushed Lu Shijin and whispered, "Isn't it your friend? Why don't you seem to know you?"

Lu Shijin didn't have time to talk to him, raised his hand, and said, "Calm down, we are also supernatural beings. This is not a place for Tibetans. If you want to survive, come with us."

The four-person team, you look at me, I look at you, can't make up your mind, and finally spoke for the tall, thin, tall boy: "Okay, thank you."

Since they are all abilities, there is no reason to kill each other, so the four-member team temporarily believed Lu Shijin's words.

Lu Shijin stared at the talking boy for a while, this is Xiang Ting, right? Too handsome, right? There is also a convincing sense of majesty about him.

Lu Shijin suddenly felt that something was wrong with his body.

Holy crap, do you want to be so coquettish, just looking at it makes the water come out?

Lu Shijin, can you control how much you send? !

Xiang Ting and the others entered the basement with Lu Shijin and Lin Dong, the flashlight was turned on, and the four-member team was blinded by the pile of food in the basement.

A boy sighed: "Damn, this is a rich man's house!"

Lin Dong looked at Lu Shijin's face and said generously, "You can take whatever you want to eat, you're welcome."

Although they heard Lin Dong say this, the four of them didn't move. The other three were all looking at Xiang Ting. It was obvious that Xiang Ting was the one who made up his mind.

Xiang Ting's cold eyes were sharp, looking at Lu Shijin and Lin Dong, "We don't know each other, why do you want to save us?"

"Don't know each other?" Lin Dong was surprised, pointing to Lu Shijin, "He said he knew you!"

Lu Shijin coughed, "Yes, I know you, but you may not know me." He looked at Xiang Ting, "Your name is Xiang Ting, right? You are a student of University A, and one of my former teammates is you. The counselor, he told me about you and showed me the graduation photos you took."

Xiang Ting's suspicions were not over, "Even so, how did you guys find out that it was me when you were down there just now?"

"Oh, you said this," Lin Dong said carelessly, "Xiao Lu's ability is clairvoyance, and it is not affected at night, isn't it amazing?"

"Perspective?" The four-person team looked at each other, and one of the girls with a ponytail suddenly reacted, covering her chest with both hands, staring at Lu Shijin and screaming, "Rogue!"

Lu Shijin: "???"