Lu Shijin saw his own reflection in Xiang Ting's eyes.

The shirt on his body is wrinkled, the black-rimmed glasses cover half of his face, the eyes behind the lenses are a little dull, and the long sea of ​​​​hangs down on his forehead, casting a shadow on his eyes, and matching what he just said , Even he himself felt that he seemed a little-indescribable sense of wretchedness.

Lu Shijin is self-aware. His image of a wretched otaku, a handsome man like Xiang Ting, I am afraid that he would have to be short-sighted at 1800 Baidu to see him!

Even 711 couldn't hold back and let out a short laugh.

"Convenience store, you laughed! Don't think I didn't hear it!" Lu Shijin became angry.

711: "It's not my fault, because it's really funny."

Lu Shijin: "It's funny how tall you are!"

711 is serious: "If you don't believe me, watch the barrage yourself."

Lu Shijin suddenly appeared in front of densely rolling barrage bars.

[What is this surnamed Lu doing? Toad wants to eat? ? ? 】

[EXM, what did he just tell Xiang Ting to do? Am I hallucinating or is he telling a joke? 】

[Originally, the plot made my palms sweat so nervously, but now, he made me laugh. Is he here to laugh? 】

[It is recommended to pee in place and take a photo of yourself 23333]

[Xiang Shuai's expression is so wonderful, it cracks hahahaha! 】

Rely on, this group of Yangou audience! There are no eyes to recognize Mount Tai!

Lu Shijin was inspired by the audience's ridicule, and he still didn't believe it. When these Yangou audience saw his true face, would they still mock him for eating swan meat!

"Are you kidding?" Xiang Ting was silent for a few seconds, and then a cold voice broke the suffocating silence in the compartment.

Lu Shijin no longer had the psychological barrier he had just now, so he had to put Xiang Ting to sleep and find a place in the audience who looked down on him.

People, sometimes you have to be shameless, and many opportunities are missed because of too many worries.

Lu Shijin: "No. I know that now I look like I've lost my mind to you, but everything I say is serious. If you want to save your friend, then come to me."

"Is this 'go' the one I understand?" Xiang Ting asked.

Lu Shijin nodded with a very solemn expression.

Xiang Ting's expression was indescribable: "..."

It was the first time he had heard someone make such a request directly to him.

In school, although some girls chased after him, they were quite euphemistic.

Either invite him to dinner, or invite him to watch a movie together.

The most blatant thing was that it was a dinner party for a club activity, and he was coaxed by his classmates to let him send a senior sister back to the dormitory.

As a result, the senior sister excused that it was too late and the dormitory aunt refused to open the door for her. She went out to open the room alone for fear of encountering bad people, suggesting that Xiang Ting would live outside with her.

What did Xiang Ting do in the end? Of course, he knew that the senior was implying him. Out of a gentlemanly manner, he did not leave immediately, but took the senior to the Internet cafe outside the school, and drove two machines to take the senior for the night.

That night, the poor senior sister sat next to Xiang Ting and watched a movie all night. The panda eyes were boiled out, and Xiang Ting, who was immersed in the game, didn't wait to look at her. This kind of ignorance made people feel more embarrassed than outright refusal.

After that night, Xiang Ting became famous in battle, and after that, no girl dared to take the initiative to court him.

Xiang Ting knew what to do to avoid future troubles forever, and everyone who knew him knew that Xiang Ting was a scheming boy.

However, he only had the experience of rejecting girls. A man suddenly made such a bizarre request to him, which caught Xiang Ting by surprise and didn't know how to react.

Xiang Ting is a straight man, still the kind of straight cancer.

In the past, if a man dared to joke with him like this, Xiang Ting would have rolled up his sleeves and punched someone in the face.

But now, in the face of the enemy, if there is an infighting first, how can we talk about saving people?

Xiang Ting looked at Lu Shijin with gloomy eyes, suppressing his anger and contempt, and restraining his killing intent, causing Lu Shi's back to get chills in the future.

A melody suddenly came to mind - "I should be under the car, not in the car..."

"I'm not joking, and I don't mean to offend you." Lu Shijin licked his dry lips nervously, "Listen to me, my physique is different from ordinary power users, which can absorb and transform energy..."

Next, Lu Shijin explained the effect of his special physique to Xiang Ting. After hearing this, Xiang Ting's eyes were still cold, and he obviously still didn't believe Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin understands that if it were him, he wouldn't believe it. Is there a more ridiculous reason to cheat than "papapapa can evolve into a superman"?

He felt that Xiang Ting didn't use his power to electrocute him now, and he was already showing mercy to Xiang Ting.

"I'm in a hurry to save people, so I don't have time to listen to your jokes." Xiang Ting turned around expressionlessly, intending to open the door and leave. Lu Shijin was in a hurry and couldn't take care of his weakness. He held Xiang Ting's arm tightly to prevent him from letting him go. Leave, "Don't go! You're going to die now!"

"Mr. Lu, please respect yourself. I see that you have helped me last night, and I have been patient with you and pestered me again. Don't blame me for being rude to you."

Xiang Ting waved his arm to get rid of Lu Shijin, but he didn't exert much effort at first, but he didn't expect that Lu Shijin was so weak and was thrown to the ground by him.

Xiang Ting couldn't help but turn around and looked down, Lu Shijin was overjoyed, it was now!

The black-rimmed glasses fell to the ground just now. Lu Shijin saw Xiang Ting's chance to look back at him. He raised his head and threw his bangs back, revealing a full and clean forehead, and a pair of gleaming eyes under his thick sword eyebrows. Peach eye.

What really caught Xiang Ting's attention was the tan mole under the eyelid, which seemed to add a bit of charm to the already handsome face.

Xiang Ting saw Lu Shijin's appearance clearly, and his eyes were lost for a moment. He didn't expect that Lu Shijin, who had taken off his glasses, looked like this.

When Lu Shijin saw Xiang Ting's eyes, he was elated, and attacked with my beauty!

At the same time, the trend of barrage comments also changed immediately.

【? ? ? Turn on the beauty filter? Is this the same ugly **** just now? 】

[Oops, it sounds like a heartbeat! I eat this color ah ah ah ah! 】

[Suddenly I can do it hahahaha, hey! It's all because it's a face-seeing world! 】

【Tell me now! Where can I buy this beauty camera? Ask for a link! ! 】

[This time I look up and kill me for a second, Xiang handsome guy can't let you let me come! 】

[Since my sister can do it, so can my sister! ! 】

"I can't watch you go to death, Xiang Ting, the first time I met you, if it wasn't really desperate, I wouldn't tell my secret. Do you know what this secret means to me once it's made public? I It will become a tool in the eyes of the superpowers to help them evolve, and become the object of their competition, which is not good for me at all. I tell you, just because I am willing to trust you and want to help you save your friends, are you Do you still doubt me?"

Lu Shijin blinked, his dark eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and he looked pitiful, arousing the man's desire to protect.

Xiang Ting let go of the doorknob.

What Lu Shijin said really made sense, he didn't need to make up such a set of lies that sounded full of loopholes to deceive himself.

It's not that Xiang Ting is narcissistic, he knows that he looks good, so just now he also wondered if Lu Shijin had a crush on him, so he would say that kind of thing.

But after seeing the appearance of Lu Shijin taking off his glasses, Xiang Ting dispelled his doubts, with this face, what men and women wanted could not get.

Xiang Ting was not confident enough to say that if he was so handsome, he would fall in love with him as long as he saw it personally.

"There are three first-order ability users in it. As long as you become a second-order ability user, you can easily defeat them. I have already told you the method. The choice is up to you." Lu Shijin returned to the seat and sat down. Later, he moved to keep a distance from Xiang Ting, giving the opponent a chance to fully consider.

If Xiang Ting really doesn't want to, he can't force others to get on him.

Xiang Ting wondered, "What are first-order and second-order power users?"

Lu Shijin forgot that there is no concept of rank among the current power users, so he told Xiang Ting about the power division of power users.

"You made this up yourself?" Xiang Ting had never heard of the fact that the abilities of power users are also graded, so he couldn't help but wonder.

Lu Shijin was too lazy to explain, "You just think so."

Xiang Tingding stared at him for a while, and suddenly asked, "How do you know that, with you... that one, can evolve into a second-order power user?"

Lu Shijin: "…"

How should he answer this? Did he tell Xiang Ting that he came through?

Xiang Ting thought of a possibility, his eyes darkened, "Have you tried it with someone?"

"No!" Lu Shijin denied it, and being suspected for no reason made him a little angry, "Hey, I've already told you how to save your friends. They are in danger now. You are still here, mother-in-law, are you a man?"

Xiang Ting's face was calm and his eyes were dangerous, "Who do you think is not a man?"

Lu Shijin unbuttoned the two buttons on the collar of his shirt and stabbed his neck to provoke him, "If it's a man, come here!"

Xiang Ting stared at Lu Shijin, the corners of his mouth pursed into a line, clenching his teeth, it seemed difficult to make up his mind.

Before today, Xiang Ting was quite sure that he liked a woman, but he had never had a girlfriend. A classmate jokingly asked him about his ideal type. Xiang Ting thought about it at the time, but there was only a very vague figure in his mind. , he couldn't tell what type of girl he liked.

And at this moment, the blurred figure suddenly became clear, it turned out that there would really be a person, eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose are exactly what you like.

But this person is a man, which is the biggest problem.

Xiang Ting never thought that he would be interested in a man. His roommate used to show him a calcium film as a prank. Xiang Ting felt disgusted when he saw that picture.

But if the face of the protagonist of the calcium film is replaced by Lu Shijin, it seems not so difficult to accept.

Humans are indeed visual animals.

"Have you made up your mind?" Seeing Xiang Ting sitting there for a long time without moving, Lu Shijin kicked Xiang Ting's leg in dissatisfaction.

The touch, neither light nor heavy, recalled Xiang Ting's scattered thoughts, and the place touched by Lu Shijin began to rise in temperature as if it was on fire, and inexplicable anger came to him.

The apocalypse came unexpectedly, and suddenly possessed supernatural powers overnight. After that, he lived in fear of being chased and killed by humans every day. Now his companions are being held hostage, and he cannot save them.

Anxiety, anxiety, confusion, anger... These negative emotions are like huge boulders weighing on Xiang Ting's heart all the time.

Usually, I can barely control it without being affected, but now I can't hold back all of a sudden. These emotions are like a beast roaring to break free from the cage, eager to vent.

[No, no, no? Really going? The car was driving so fast that the wheel ran over me in the face! 】

[This is the most direct **** drama I've ever seen hhhhh]

[I apologize for saying that the male supporting role is a toad, and sure enough, Zhenxiang will be late but will never be absent]

[Go to gkdgkd! I like such simple and crude ghs! 】

【What are the sisters so excited about? Even if ghs can you watch it or what? 】

[Turn off the lights is a good way, turn off the lights is a wonderful way, I don't know all the postures! 】

Xiang Ting couldn't remember how he dragged Lu Shijin over and pressed him under him. When he saw Lu Shijin, his eyes were red, like a lone wolf in a desperate situation.

Xiang Ting pulled down Lu Shijin's pants in silence, without hugging or kissing him. This was just a **** of mutual use, there was no love, and of course there was no need for extra actions.

Although he had no experience with men, when Xiang Ting had seen calcium tablets, he probably knew what was going on. He also knew that two men had to prepare tools, otherwise the recipient would be in great pain.

There are no tools at hand now, so the process may be difficult, and Lu Shijin is bound to suffer some sins.

But what does this have to do with him? Xiang Ting forced himself to cool down and not think about those things, since it wasn't his initiative to mention it anyway.

But when Xiang Ting took off Lu Shijin's underwear, he found that it was not that simple. Lu Shijin's underwear had become wet, as if it had just been fished out of the water.

Is this Khan? what is this else? Xiang Ting felt that his three views were a little broken.

Where does all this water come from? But I haven't touched him yet.

Xiang Ting didn't know what to say in a low voice, but when he saw Lu Shijin's eyes, the word "True Sao" was written brightly.

Lu Shijin covered his eyes with his hands in embarrassment, what the **** do you think I want to do? Don't I **** want to control myself? But can't control it!

"Will you come? Can you save people?" Lu Shijin growled embarrassedly.

Xiang Ting didn't hesitate any longer. Although it was the first time, Lu Shijin had a special physique and the process was not too difficult.

During the whole process, Xiang Ting's face was always tense, venting his emotions on Lu Shijin.

Nothing to do with romance, just to complete the mission to save people...


After a long time, the old car finally stopped shaking and vibrating.

The narrow space was filled with the smell of dampness and ambiguity. Two men were lying on both sides of the back seat of the car, their chests heaving and panting heavily.

Although the first time was not pleasant, Lu Shijin's thirsty body was somewhat satisfied.

"Have you evolved?" Xiang Ting looked at his body, as if he didn't feel any changes.

But Lu Shijin has a clear understanding. His five senses seem to have become more acute. He could only hear someone talking in the room just now, but now he can vaguely hear what they are saying, and his eyesight has become better. The pores on Xiang Ting's body can be seen.

Lu Shijin picked up his trousers and put them on. His voice was a little hoarse because he was holding back just now.

Xiang Ting also put on his clothes and raised his hand to try to summon thunder and lightning. This time, he felt that the energy was much stronger than before, so he couldn't help but glance at Lu Shijin.

When Lu Shijin found Xiang Ting looking at him, he raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "How is it? Isn't it amazing? Now believe I didn't lie to you?"

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood you before." Xiang Ting apologized very happily.

Lu Shijin didn't care anymore, buttoned his shirt, straightened his wrinkled clothes, and prepared to open the door to go out, "Let's go, go and clean up those bastards."

Xiang Ting also opened the door to get out of the car, but when he closed the door, he noticed the pair of black-rimmed glasses that had fallen under the seat.

Lu Shijin usually wears these glasses, he should be deliberately covering up his true appearance and not wanting to be known.

After all, the world is dangerous now, and ordinary people are innocent and guilty, and they are too good-looking, and sometimes they will bring danger to themselves.

Moreover, Xiang Ting had a faint idea in his heart, he didn't want others to find out what Lu Shijin really looked like.

Xiang Ting picked up the pair of glasses, caught up with Lu Shijin and handed them to him, "Your glasses."

Lu Shijin looked at Xiang Ting and said nothing. He took the glasses and put them on naturally, "Thanks."

Seeing that Lu Shijin had turned into a sluggish otaku again, the corner of Xiang Ting's mouth lifted slightly in satisfaction, as if he was smiling.

The two walked towards Lin Dong's house, and as soon as they got close, they were discovered by the three abilities in the room.

The three men quickly opened the door and rushed out, looking at Xiang Ting and Lu Shijin maliciously, and laughing, one of them said, "The boss is right, you are so stupid that you will bring it to the door by yourself! Save yourself the hardship!"

boss? Listening to their tone, it seems that there are helpers?

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting looked at each other and made eye contact. The other party still had reinforcements. At such a time, no nonsense.

The two had a very tacit understanding, just looked at each other, and silently discussed the countermeasures, Xiang Ting dragged the three of them, and Lu Shijin went to the basement to save people.

Xiang Ting's eyes were sharp, and he walked towards the three of them step by step, his hands facing down, and electric current slowly gathered between his fingers, and blue sparks were visible to the naked eye.

The three abilities were also ready to fight, and said with a grim smile: "Okay, it seems that he is not afraid of death, so let you taste the power of grandpa!"

It was a standard cannon fodder line at first sight. Lu Shijin was not at all worried that Xiang Ting would lose to them, so he bypassed the battlefield, rushed into the house and went straight to the stairwell.

He pulled away the floor at the fastest speed and went down to the basement. With his night vision ability, he successfully found the four tied people in the basement where he could not see his fingers.

"Who!" Tang Qin asked alertly when he heard someone come down.

Lu Shijin: "It's me, Xiao Lu."

As soon as Lin Dong heard it was Lu Shijin's voice, he howled excitedly: "Good brother! I knew you would definitely come to save us! Woohoo, you scared me to death!"

Lu Shijin walked over, helped them untie the ropes that bound them one by one, and said calmly: "Now listen to me, the three people outside seem to have helpers, and we have to get out of here before their helpers arrive. Dong, your house is no longer safe, come with us?"

Lin Dong patted his thigh and lamented, "Why is my life so bitter!"

Du Jiang said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, it was my carelessness that hurt everyone."

Su Ling: "Du Jiang, no one blames you. If you agree that you will have both blessings and misfortunes, don't say anything that will affect you or not."

Lin Dong said embarrassedly: "Yes, I don't mean to blame you."

"Oh, it's okay, Brother Dong, it's not a blessing for Sai Weng to lose his horse," Tang Qin advised. "Just go with us. What's the point of being alone? There are so many people, and I'll accompany you to chat along the way."

At this point, what else could Lin Dong say, so he nodded in agreement.

"By the way, I have to take everything here! It can't be cheap for the bad guys," Lin Dong was an optimist. After a while, he regained his vitality. "Du Jiang, can your space hold it?"

Du Jiang: "Yes."

Lu Shijin couldn't help urging, "Hurry up, hurry up."

Su Ling: "Everyone, come and help!"

"By the way, you are here to save us, what about Xiang Ting?" Tang Qin asked as he moved things, "Where is he?"

Lu Shijin: "He dealt with those three abilities outside."

"What? You made him 1v3?" Tang Qin was surprised. "No, I have to help him. How can he beat three people by himself?"

Lu Shijin reached out to stop him, "No need to go, he can handle it, his abilities have evolved, and it's more than enough to deal with those three people."

Tang Qin asked in disbelief: "Evolution? How did it evolve?"

Lu Shijin said perfunctorily: "This is a long story. Let's talk about it after we go out. Have you finished cleaning up? Leave as soon as you finish cleaning up."

No matter how many questions the others had, they could only give up. They left the basement with Lu Shijin and walked outside the house. As expected, Xiang Ting had already dealt with the three little rascals.

"Brother Xiang is awesome!" Tang Qin kicked the three people who were standing upside down and found that they had been stunned. He exclaimed, "I heard that your abilities have evolved? How did you evolve? Quickly teach me? "

Xiang Ting glanced at Lu Shijin. Although the four of them had a fateful friendship, he didn't want to tell Lu Shijin's secret.

Xiang Ting said vaguely: "I don't know how it evolved, it just evolved like this."

Tang Qin flattened his mouth regretfully, "Okay, maybe this is fate. Let's go?"

"Wait," said Xiang Ting, pointing to the three people, "Have you seen the tattoo marks on their wrists? They seem to be an organization. How on earth did you get into trouble with them?"

The tattoo was in the shape of a sun, surrounded by a snake, very strange.

Tang Qin: "Lingling and I went to find Du Jiang. On the way, we met these three people who said they knew where Du Jiang was and wanted to take us there. We were also stupid, so we believed that, and then we were knocked unconscious by their sneak attack and woke up. Then we went back to the basement."

Du Jiang went on to say: "I met them when I was collecting supplies. They said they knew where there was a lot of supplies, so they tricked me into following them, and then knocked me out."

Lin Dong raised his hand: "I don't know anything. Not long after you and Xiao Lu left, these three people rushed into my house and tied me up!"

Xiang Ting's face was solemn, "It seems that they have a premeditated plan to pick out the superpowers."

Tang Qin: "But why? What good will catching us do to them?"

Lu Shijin listened to them endlessly, and was a little anxious: "What's the benefit? If we meet again in the future, we'll know. It's getting late, so let's leave first."

Everyone thought it too, so Du Jiang released the car from the carry-on space, and everyone got in the car one by one.

Fortunately, it was a seven-seater bus, and the six of them could fit in. Du Jiang had a driver's license and was the driver, sitting in the driver's seat.

Su Ling and Tang Qin were a couple and naturally wanted to sit together, so Lin Dong ran over and hooked Lu Shijin's shoulder, "Little Lu, let's sit in the back."

Lu Shijin was not prepared to be touched by Lin Dong's shoulder, his body was uncontrollably weak, and his feet obviously stumbled, and he quickly took a step to the side to avoid Lin Dong's touch.

Lin Dong was puzzled by Lu Shijin's estranged attitude, "What's the matter, Xiao Lu?"

Xiang Ting noticed Lu Shijin's reaction, and remembered that Lu Shijin had told him just now that he was a sensitive physique, and when others touched him, he would feel weak and weak.

Will that also flow?

Xiang Ting was taken aback by the question that suddenly popped up in his mind, and cursed himself where he had gone.

But at the same time, he felt unhappy for no reason. He didn't like when others touched Lu Shijin, and he didn't like Lu Shijin's reaction to others' touches.

Just like when he was a kid, he didn't like having other people get his hands on his toys.

What should I do so that Lu Shijin will only react to him in the future?

"I'll sit in the back with him, you can take the co-pilot." Xiang Ting walked to Lu Shijin and separated Lin Dong for him.

Lin Dong was puzzled: "Why?"

Xiang Ting was expressionless: "Because whoever is fat will take the co-pilot."

Lin Dong: "???"