"'Truth Card', used 1 times, takes effect immediately after use, asks any question to the person being used, and the person being used will answer truthfully, cannot lie, and lasts for 30 minutes."

As soon as 711 finished speaking, Lu Shijin saw a white light that only he could see flying towards Du Jiang, but Du Jiang was unaware.

"Du Jiang, let me ask you again, can we trust you?" Lu Shijin asked Du Jiang with a frown and a smile.

Du Jiang wanted to swear to say "Yes", but for some unknown reason, his tongue reached his palate, the initials of "Neng" were about to make a sound, and his tongue suddenly knotted and said "No".

Du Jiang's face changed instantly, how could he unknowingly speak the truth? !

"What did you say?" Xiang Ting was stunned when he heard Du Jiang's answer. Is Du Jiang joking?

However, Lu Shijin knew that it was the "truth card" that took effect, and what Du Jiang said was clearly his true thoughts.

He knew that this grandson had a ghost in his heart.

Lu Shijin held his arm, one hand rested his chin, and his eyes looked at Du Jiang from head to toe, his eyes were like watching an animal show in the zoo, and Du Jiang was furious when he saw it, "Why are you looking at me like this? ?"

Lu Shijin chuckled, "Don't be nervous, let's play a game."

"What game?" Du Jiang took a step back subconsciously. He suddenly regretted coming here tonight.

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, "I ask you to answer. I ask you, have you betrayed us?"

Du Jiang shook his head to deny it, but his mouth was out of the control of his brain and answered honestly, "Yes."

As soon as he finished speaking, he wanted to bite off his tongue and pointed to Lu Shijin in horror, "What kind of magic did you, you do to me!"

"Witchcraft?" Lu Shijin laughed, "You have a ghost in your heart, and you accidentally told the truth, and you blame me? Did I force you to admit it with a knife?"

Xiang Ting's face froze, anger rose between his brows, and the gun in his hand was raised again, "Du Jiang, what are you trying to do?"

"I, I..." Du Jiang wanted to explain, but he couldn't say the deceitful words. He was afraid that he would talk nonsense again, so he simply covered his mouth with his hand, turned around and ran away.

Lu Shijin immediately snorted: "Chase! Don't let him go to rescue soldiers!".

Xiang Ting had already rushed towards Du Jiang vigorously. Du Jiang, a weak scholar, could outrun Xiang Ting, but he was caught by Xiang Ting within two steps.

Knowing that Du Jiang was not good, Xiang Ting stopped thinking about his teammates' feelings, and tied Du Jiang firmly to the trunk with a rope, letting Lu Shijin fall.

Lu Shijin took out a dagger, patted Du Jiang's face with the blade, and said with a smile, "Du Jiang, I knew you were dishonest, and you were still playing tricks to death. You thought you were just making up a story. Will Ting believe it? Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Du Jiang gritted his teeth and closed his mouth tightly, as if I wouldn't speak no matter why.

Lu Shijin sneered, moved the dagger down, and threatened coldly: "Do you think that if you don't speak, I can't do anything about you? If I go down with the knife, you may become a eunuch. You have to think clearly. Be a **** or tell me the truth?"

"Despicable!" Du Jiang squeezed two words out of his teeth, staring at Lu Shijin resentfully, his teeth clenched, wishing he could eat his flesh.

"I heard it right? You are a despicable villain, but you call others despicable?" Lu Shijin's hand trembled deliberately, slitting Du Jiang's trousers with a knife, cutting the base of his thigh with a knife.

Du Jiang suddenly screamed and screamed in pain. Lu Shijin was afraid that he would draw the enemy too loudly, so he motioned Xiang Ting to use a rag to block Du Jiang's mouth.

Lu Shijin said impatiently: "I have no patience. If you are still not willing to tell the truth, my hands will no longer shake with this next knife. Whether you want to tell the truth or be an **** is up to you."

Du Jiang's eyes widened, facing the ruthless Lu Shijin, who dared not speak, this man is a devil!

"Have you figured it out? Do you want to answer my question?" Lu Shijin ignored Du Jiang's eyes and asked coolly.

Du Jiang nodded slowly and reluctantly.

Lu Shijin curled his lower lip coldly and took away the cloth strip from Du Jiang's mouth, "Say, why did you betray us?"

The beauty of the "truth card" is that as long as it is opened by the user, that is, there is nothing to say, even if you want to hide it.

Like pouring beans, Du Jiang spit out the truth all at once.

It turned out that when Xiang Ting and the others arrived at Lin Dong's house that day, Du Jiang saw that there were so many materials stored in the basement of Lin Dong's house, and he thought of taking these materials as his own.

There is a basement full of materials. Even if others want to take them, they can only take it. But Du Jiang is different. His storage space can hold several warehouses. With these materials, he can live a very good life. For a long time, there was no need to worry about food, but Lin Dong said that he did not want to go on the road with them, and Du Jiang had the idea of ​​​​snatching these materials.

Such a sinister and dishonorable idea, of course, can't be said to Xiang Ting and the others. Seeing that he will leave the next morning, these materials have nothing to do with him, and Du Jiang is anxious.

So he excused himself to go outside to find supplies, and tried to find a way to force Lin Dong to go on the road with them.

Unexpectedly, he really found a way.

Du Jiang ran into a group of people and overheard that they were looking around for people with abilities to join their organization. Those people claimed that their base was very harmonious and united, and they didn’t have to worry about being hunted down by humans, and their living conditions were very good. , In addition to three meals a day, he can also rely on doing tasks to obtain the evolution ability of the crystal nucleus. Du Jiang, who has had enough of hiding in Tibet and fleeing life, can't help but be moved.

So he took the initiative to find those people and expressed his willingness to join them, and also said that he had several companions, but the companions were not necessarily willing to listen to him, so they had to ask them to help him perform a show together, and deceive his companions to the base together go.

Those people agreed to Du Jiang, and it didn't take long for Tang Qin and Su Ling to come out to find Du Jiang. Those people tied them together as Du Jiang said, and then went to Lin Dong's house to find other people.

Du Jiang originally thought that he was thinking of the whole team and that he had a stable place to stand, which was better than desperation? But he never imagined that Xiang Ting would suddenly evolve supernatural powers, and he killed all these superpowers by himself, and rescued them all with ease.

Under Du Jiang's self-directed and self-acted performance, although he succeeded in getting Lin Dong to set off with them, his attempt to deceive Xiang Ting and the others to go to the base with him failed, and he also offended the people at the base. Who knows Will it be pursued by others in revenge for this incident?

If he told a lie, he had to use countless lies to make up for it. Du Jiang was afraid that his scheming would be exposed, and he didn't want to continue living a hard life with Xiang Ting and the others, so he thought of leaving alone.

But if he leaves, the supplies that belong to Lin Dong will naturally be returned to others. Of course, Du Jiang will not be willing to let him take out all the things that were in his pocket.

Du Jiang suddenly remembered that the people at the base said that there were zombies in the town not far away, so he had a plan. He could take the opportunity to find supplies and escape by suspended animation.

So, under the pretext of looking for gasoline, he deliberately drove Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting to a town with zombies. Both Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting knew what happened next.

"You betrayed us because of those supplies?" Xiang Ting suddenly felt that he was ridiculous. His teammates, who repeatedly ignored the safety and danger, treated him like this. He could betray him without hesitation and even kill him for the sake of food. , What kind of monsters and monsters did he stay with before? Simply ridiculous!

Having said this, Du Jiang no longer concealed it, he simply tore his face and said angrily: "Yes! People do not kill themselves for their own sake. In the end times, only the strong can live longer. But my abilities are useless except to hold things, I can't rely on others, relying on you to live forever, I have to think about my own survival, I just want to live longer, is that wrong?!"

The answer to him was a shrill and angry cat meow, Fat Ju jumped off the stone flexibly, kicked up his hind legs and slapped Du Jiang's leg with a savage claws, and then took another bite to vent his anger.

Du Jiang screamed in pain. He didn't know that Fat Ju was changed by Lin Dong, so of course he didn't understand why Fat Ju would suddenly scratch him when he was fine.

Fat Ju is so angry that his beard is shaking. The food he has been hoarding for so long has been stolen by Du Jiang, a shameless man. He can't be angry, but he still remembers Lu Shijin's order. He didn't reveal his identity, just With round cat eyes, he stared at Du Jiang gloomily, showing his fangs in protest from time to time.

"It's not wrong to want to live," Lu Shijin waved Pang Ju to step back, and said coldly, "But you robbed the details that didn't belong to you, used the teammates who helped you along the way, betrayed him, or even put him to death. Wrong! You haven't awakened yet? Even if you can live to the end in the last days by stealing, robbing, and cheating, you are just a despicable villain who can only live in the shadows forever!"

Du Jiang laughed: "Yeah, I'm despicable, I'm shameless, I'm dark, but how can he be better than me?"

Lu Shijin: "What's wrong with Xiang Ting? He's not good enough for you?"

Du Jiang's glasses were slanted on his face, and he stared at Xiang Ting with gloomy and frantic eyes behind the lenses, "Good for us? You didn't tell us how your abilities evolved, didn't you? Don't you just want to be with us? Being the boss, shall we always obey your orders? You can go wherever you want, and do whatever you want. How cool is it to be the boss? Xiang Ting, if you are so great , so selfless, why do you hide your evolutionary method? You are also selfish, so how can you be better than me? A kind of person, hahaha!"

Xiang Ting smiled bleakly. Although he had already seen his teammates' affection, his heart still felt as if he had been stabbed by a knife, causing a dull pain, "So, that's how you see me."

"Just treat a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain, don't pay attention to him." Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, too lazy to listen to Du Jiang's crazy words, and then asked, "Did you go to Mr. Gu's base after you left us? ?"

Du Jiang: "Yes."

Lu Shijin: "Are the actions of Mr. Gu that you just said true?"

Du Jiang: "Yes."

Lu Shijin: "Are you sent by him to follow us?"

Du Jiang: "Yes."

Lu Shijin: "Why did you tell us the truth about the base, and why did you lie to us to go back?"

Du Jiang: "Mr. Gu knows my relationship with you, so he sent me to guide you back. This is the task he gave me. As for why he did this, I don't know. Ting will go back to rescue Tang Qin and Su Ling. After all, you like to be the leader of the team the most, so why would you let your teammates be in danger and not save them? But now it seems that I misunderstood you, you just pretended to be righteous and awe-inspiring In fact, he is also a selfish person who is greedy for life and fears death!"

"The dog can't spit out ivory, so shut up for me." After Lu Shijin asked what he wanted to ask, he was about to put the rag back in Du Jiang's mouth when he suddenly remembered something, and then picked up the dagger and patted Du Jiang's. Face, "Hey, open up your portable space."

Du Jiang: "What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Lu Shijin sneered and pointed the knife at Du Jiang's eyes, "You don't need to return the things you took from others? Stop talking nonsense, open them quickly, or I'll gouge your eyeballs!"

Du Jiang looked at the tip of the knife that was only separated from his eyes by a lens, and shivered and shivered. He felt that Lu Shijin should do what he said, so he obediently opened his personal space.

Lu Shijin greeted Xiang Ting and directly reached out to dig it out, and took out a lot of the treasures that Du Jiang had hidden in it. As soon as Fat Ju saw that the cans, rice, and noodles that he had hoarded had been lost and found, he happily fought among the piles of cans. Roll away, meowing excitedly.

Lu Shijin took out the portable space again, and actually took out a small hard bag for him.

As soon as Du Jiang saw that Lu Shijin took the bag out, his face changed greatly, and he shouted like an enemy: "Give it back to me! It's mine!"

Lu Shijin weighed the small bag in his hand and said disapprovingly, "What's yours? You say it's yours and it's yours? Your name is written on it? Who knows if it was you who stole it again, I declared it was stolen goods, Confiscated, now mine."

Does this guy speak the truth? Simply a robber!

Du Jiang was so angry that he didn't care that the rope was in pain, he struggled and shouted, "Give it back to me! Give it back to me!"

Lu Shijin was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he waited on the rag and waited until his ears were quiet before opening the small bag.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the bag, a faint blue light was emitted from the inside of the bag. Lu Shijin took a closer look. Good guy, a bag full of crystal nuclei. According to preliminary estimates, there must be a hundred or so, enough for a first-order ability user to directly Level three.

"Fuck, I got rich."

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting looked at each other and were surprised. Where did Du Jiang come from so many crystal nuclei? Why doesn't he use it himself?

But after thinking about it for a while, it becomes clear that whose dog Du Jiang is now, is naturally the crystal nucleus who gave him.

As for why he didn't use it, it might be because of his ability-breaking ability, it's useless after using it, but the space for putting things has become larger.

Lu Shijin is very happy. In the end of the world, the crystal nucleus is a hard commodity before gold, and it is extremely precious. Du Jiang is afraid that he would never have dreamed that the crystal nucleus that he has hoarded for so long will be cheaper for him, Lu Shijin, right?

Du Jiang was gagged and could not speak, so he could only protest Lu Shijin's occupation of his treasure in a hurry.

Of course Lu Shijin ignored his protest. While grimacing at Du Jiang, he proudly put the crystal nucleus in his pocket, and then motioned to Xiang Ting to talk to him away.

Lu Shijin restrained his smile and asked solemnly, "Gu's surnamed Gu asked Du Jiang to trick us into going back. What do you think his purpose is?"

Xiang Ting: "I can't guess, we meet by chance. I can't think of why he takes so much trouble to deal with the outside world."

Lu Shijin thought for a while, thought of a possibility, looked at him with great concern, and said, "You said, when he used mind reading on you, did he already know the secret between you and me?"

"You mean?" Xiang Ting's expression became tense immediately, "He knew about that?!"

Lu Shijin nodded heavily, "Judging from the way he looked at me, it's very possible."

Xiang Ting frowned and thought, "But, why didn't he do it when we were in his territory? He let us go?"

"The surnamed Gu is a good player in manipulating people's hearts. There are so many people in his base. If he attacked us in front of so many people, it will inevitably arouse suspicion from others," Lu Shijin slowly talked about his guess, "But wait for Du After Jiang tells us the truth, it will be different if we go back to him to settle accounts and save people. At that time, he can deal with us openly without causing suspicion from other people in the base. Of course, this is just my conjecture. As for What the surnamed Gu wants to do, he has to ask himself."

"Ask him?" Xiang Ting lowered his voice, "You mean, we're going back?"

"Of course," Lu Shijin said calmly, "the surnamed Gu has already set his eyes on us, and we already know his secret, he will never let us go and let us go. If this person is not removed for a day, it will be a disaster to keep it in the future sooner or later. , instead of waiting for him to come to the door, let's take the initiative to strike him off guard."

Xiang Ting has regarded Lu Shijin as someone who can rely on life and death. As long as Lu Shijin wants to do, he is willing to accompany him unconditionally, so he asks without hesitation, "What plan do you have?"

Lu Shijin lowered his eyes and pondered for a while, then raised his head and waved to Fat Ju who was frantically scratching Du Jiang for revenge: "Brother Dong, come here!"

When Fat Ju heard Lu Shijin's call, he stopped his paws, gave Du Jiang a warning with a grin, and then ran over happily with four short legs.

"What are you doing meow?"

"Brother Dong, now I have a difficult task for you, do you dare to take it?" Lu Shijin asked with a smile.

Fat Orange replied without thinking, "I don't dare."

This decisive answer was exactly what Lu Shijin had guessed. If he dared, Lu Shijin would have doubted whether he was Lin Dong.

"If you take it, I'll reward you with a bag of dried fish, no, no, it's a bag of this." Lu Shijin took out the bag containing the crystal cores and shook it in front of Fat Ju, "A bag full of crystal cores Oh, the ability that can help you rise to Tier 3, do you want it?"

The fat orange cat's eyes stared at the bag in Lu Shijin's hand, a little moved, "What mission do you want first, is there life-threatening meow?"

"It's definitely a little dangerous," Lu Shijin said, "but I believe that your intelligence, Brother Yidong, is definitely not a problem."

Chubby Ju was touted a little flirtatiously, raised the cat's head high, raised the cat's tail, and said proudly, "That's right, don't flatter me, meow, just say what you want me to do meow."

Lu Shijin glanced at Du Jiang, who was like an eggplant beaten by frost, and said: "Du Jiang definitely can't let him go back. In order not to scare the snakes and arouse the suspicion of Gu's subordinates, he needs someone to replace him. Du Jiang go back."

Fat Orange narrowed his cat's eyes, "What do you mean, meow."

Lu Shijin shook the bag, "After you absorb the energy in the crystal core of this bag, your supernatural ability can be raised to the third level, and you can become someone else's appearance, so you can pretend to be Du Jiang and go over there. Undercover, let us know if there is any trouble."

Fat Ju (Miaomiao shocked.jpg): "...The difficulty of this question is beyond class, meow, I have never done such a thing, meow, what if it is discovered, meow?"

"It's impossible to be discovered. How long has Du Jiang been there? I must be unfamiliar with the people inside, and no one will recognize you." Lu Shijin said in a persuasive manner, "Besides, even if you are discovered, your abilities are very good. It’s easy to use for escape, either turn into a mouse to burrow in the ground, or turn into a sparrow and fly away, what can those people do with you?”

Fat Ju tilted the cat's head and thought for a while, what Lu Shijin said also made sense, and the three of them are now grasshoppers on a rope.

Although Lin Dong was timid and afraid of death, he still had some sense of loyalty, so Fat Ju raised his fleshy cat paw and patted his chest, "Okay, let me try it, meow."

Lu Shijin happily stuffed the bag with the crystal nucleus into Fat Ju, "It's almost dawn, you quickly absorb the energy in the crystal nucleus, and then go back in the shape of Du Jiang."

Fat Ju bit the crystal nucleus bag and dragged it aside to absorb the energy. Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting returned to the tree that tied Du Jiang.

Xiang Ting glanced at Du Jiang's angry, twisted face, and asked, "Lin Dong has become Du Jiang, so what should I do with this real Du Jiang?"

"How to deal with it? Of course it is to destroy the corpse and destroy the traces." Lu Shijin laughed twice, flicked the dagger in his hand, and aimed at Du Jiang's chest, "The white knife goes in and the red knife goes out, or just kill and dig one. Bury it."

Du Jiang was so frightened that he was so frightened that he was afraid that Lu Shijin would stab him with a knife.

Lu Shijin shrugged his shoulders: "It's boring, I can't help being scared at all."

Xiang Ting asked him seriously: "Really want to kill him?"

Lu Shijin looked at him with a smile, "Can you do it?"

Xiang Ting was silent, although Du Jiang was sorry for him, but if he wanted to kill him, he really couldn't do it.

"Knowing that you're soft-hearted, I just said to scare him," Lu Shijin threw the dagger and said, "Tie him up, throw him in the trunk, take him away, and then throw him away in a safe place, and let him fend for himself. go."

Xiang Ting raised his lips and smiled, his cold eyes softened unconsciously when he looked at Lu Shijin.

The way Lu Shijin dealt with Du Jiang just now can be said to be ruthless and cold-blooded, but he doesn't seem disgusted at all, but finds it extremely interesting and cute.

This allowed Xiang Ting to see that Lu Shijin had another side. Unlike his weak physique, his heart was actually very strong, stronger than anyone else, and thorough.

Xiang Ting suddenly understood one thing. Lu Shijin didn't actually need anyone's protection. What he needed was someone who could stand by his side and fight hand in hand with him.

And he wants to be that person.

No matter how long the night is, it will eventually pass. As long as the universe does not explode, the sun will rise as usual every day.

After Lin Dong absorbed the energy of a bag of crystal nuclei, his ability was successfully raised to the third rank. He tried to change according to Du Jiang's appearance, and successfully became an identical Du Jiang, and asked for a trace from Du Jiang's mouth. Lin Dong went undercover after finding the location of the attacker.

After Lin Dong left, Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting put away the tent, put the supplies back into the van, and prepared to leave.

Xiang Ting sat in the driver's seat, and suddenly felt a little dazed when he started the car, "Where are we going next and what are we going to do?"

Lu Shijin clasped his arms and said as a matter of course: "Of course, I want to do the most important thing right now!"

Xiang Ting was dazed by the "most", "What?"

Lu Shijin turned his head to the side and looked at him deeply with meaning, "Upgrade your abilities! Save the world!"