But no matter what, the ability of the surname Gu has not evolved, which is already a fortune in misfortune.

The sunlight in the basement couldn't get in, so Tang Qin and the others were locked here, and they couldn't use their abilities, just like ordinary people.

Of course Lu Shijin could save them out, but after going out, he was faced with hundreds of other abilities in the base. These abilities were following Mr. Gu's lead. As long as he said they were evil abilities, they would attacked as a fugitive.

To capture the thief, capture the king first, you have to find a way to control Mr. Gu in his hands.

It's a pity that there is a limitation in the system, it can't hurt the characters in the plot, otherwise, 711 can easily get the surname Gu, so Lu Shijin doesn't need to worry so much.

"Brother Xiang, Brother Lu, what are we going to do now? Even if you were all arrested, aren't we all finished?" Tang Qin slumped to the ground, looking like a concubine, "Su Ling, she's still waiting for me... …What to do? What to do? Who can save us now? It’s over, it’s over…”

Lu Shijin couldn't have sympathy for Tang Qin, and now he realizes that he regrets it. What did he do earlier?

Although Tang Qin turned his back on Xiang Ting at that time and was somewhat influenced by Mr. Gu's mind-reading skills, if he hadn't doubted Xiang Ting early in his heart, no matter how clever his surname Gu was, he wouldn't be able to alienate them.

Mind-reading controls people's hearts. In the final analysis, the practitioner sees the desire, greed, and hatred in the heart of the practitioner, and uses them to induce the dark side of people's hearts, thereby achieving the effect of controlling people's hearts.

And like the heartless Lin Dong, Xian Yu, a person who has no desires and ambitions, is not easily controlled by mind reading.

Therefore, Tang Qin has come to this stage, and it is entirely his own fault, and he is not worthy of pity at all.

Generally, a powerful and witty protagonist will always have one or two pig teammates beside him. Lu Shijin is already used to this setting, and he doesn't bother to listen to Tang Qin's constant complaints, so he pulls Xiang Ting aside to discuss countermeasures.

When dealing with Gu, the biggest trouble is that he can control people's minds. He may control his mind before he gets close to him, so he must take advantage of his chaos and can't concentrate on using mind-reading techniques. Fatal blow.

"It's not yet daytime, his mind reading skills won't work, and when the sun rises, he will definitely come back to us." Lu Shijin analyzed calmly, "Before that, we have to think about his weaknesses that can be exploited. , as long as he can't use mind reading, we have a chance to kill him."

Xiang Ting agreed with Lu Shijin's words, but they and Mr. Gu had only met twice, so how could they know what weaknesses he had.

Mr. Gu is insidious and cunning, and has a deep sense of government. This kind of person is the most cautious and suspicious. I am afraid that even the person closest to him will not have a heart with him, let alone tell others about his weaknesses.

The two stared at each other for a while, unable to figure out why, and at a loss.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, there was not much time left for them, and the surnamed Gu seemed to be coming, but they hadn't come up with a countermeasure.

Lu Shijin took a deep breath and made a decision: "Forget it, the soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, let's take one step at a time! When he comes, I will try to divert his attention. You can find an opportunity to hold him hostage and let him go. He let us out!"

This was the end of the matter, and there was no other way. Xiang Ting could only nod and agree, but he knew in his heart that the hope of success was very slim.

"Don't be discouraged," Lu Shijin showed Xiang Ting with a relaxed smile, patted his chest and said, "You have to believe in the strength of the king of mouth guns, you wait and see me scolding the blood of the surnamed Gu, Qiqiao will make smoke. !"

A smile appeared on Xiang Ting's solemn face, "Okay, I'll wait to see your performance."

Anyway, there is no way to think of it, it is better to face everything that will happen next.

Since the surnamed Gu wanted to use him and Xiang Ting, their lives were not in danger. Lu Shijin slowly calmed down, found a space in the room to sit down, and waited for the surnamed Gu to come to the door.

"Convenience store, when the surnamed Gu comes over, you can help me monitor his heartbeat and blood pressure." Lu Shijin secretly explained to 711.

711 doesn't know why: "Why?"

Lu Shijin explained briefly: "I have to know his weakness."

711 didn't ask any further questions, and simply agreed: "Okay, as long as it doesn't directly hurt the character, I can help you."

After counting the time, it was almost dawn. I thought that Mr. Gu would not rest until it was nearly dawn, and would not come to them soon. Unexpectedly, after waiting for a while, he heard the sound of a door opening outside.

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting looked at each other, stood up at the same time in tacit understanding, and took two steps back.

The iron door opened, and Mr. Gu walked in alone without his subordinates.

Presumably what he did is disgraceful, it is still in the experimental stage, the less people know, the safer it is for him.

And he is also very confident in his mind reading skills, and he is not worried that he will not be able to deal with Xiang Ting and Lu Shijin alone.

"You're finally here," Lu Shijin said, "Let me wait."

Mr. Gu turned on the light, still with a gentle and polite look, and said with a smile, "It seems that I made you wait for a long time, but it's okay, I will make you feel happy right away."

"Oh, is it?" Lu Shijin snorted coldly, "How do you want me to be happy?"

"Aren't you the kind of person with a special physique?" Mr. Gu smiled ambiguous, "How about a method of happiness, why do you have to tell me clearly?"

When Tang Qin who was in the iron cage heard this, he pointed at Lu Shijin in surprise, "What? Brother Lu, are you too?" He turned to look at Xiang Ting, he understood everything, and clenched his fists in regret. Head, "It turns out that Brother Xiang, your ability evolution is because of this! I'm such a stupid pig!"

"Can't you play some other tricks?" Lu Shijin sneered, "Gu, are you a psychopath, do you like watching adult sports so much? Why don't you play it yourself? Don't you want to evolve your own abilities? ?"

Mr. Gu ignored Lu Shijin's ridicule, pointed to the three pairs of people in the cage, and said with a smile: "I don't need to evolve in this way, it's savage and uncivilized. You don't think they are like my pets. Is it the same? I put them in heat, let them mate, and let them use them for me, hahaha, this is what advanced creatures should do."

Lu Shijin's words were sharper, and he scolded: "Things that are inferior to beasts are also worthy of high-level creatures, which is ridiculous."

The smile on Mr. Gu's face has not changed, and according to the real-time monitoring of 711, after being scolded by Lu Shijin, his heartbeat and blood pressure have not changed, as if he is a person who has no temper at all.

Lu Shijin thought angrily, it's not that he has no temper, but that he is too thick-skinned and shameless!

It seems that trying to provoke the surname Gu by verbal abuse will not work, and he must be stimulated from other angles.

Mr. Gu walked to the cage, knocked on the cage, awakened the two people inside, and looked at Lu Shijin with a smile, "Thank you for your compliments, I can still do something worse than a beast, are you interested in knowing?"

"What the **** are you trying to do?" Xiang Ting asked in a deep voice, realizing that Gu was going to attack Lu Shijin.

Mr. Gu chuckled: "Yo, do you want to be a hero to save the beauty? Are you two a couple?"

Lu Shijin: "So what?"

"If it's a couple..." Mr. Gu stared at them maliciously, his eyes were like poisonous snakes, and he said with a gloomy smile, "You say, if I put you in separate cages and let you both face Wouldn't it be exciting and interesting to have **** with other people on the other side's face? Huh?"

Lu Shijin: "..." Fuck, this is really a pervert!

711 suddenly called the police: "His blood pressure has risen a little!"

Can you not rise, come up with such a disgusting method, of course the surnamed Gu finds it exciting, and it is strange if it does not rise.

Is there something wrong with this man? You can't do it yourself, and you like to watch others do it?

what is this? Bad taste?

"That's it?" Lu Shijin sneered disdainfully, "I thought you could come up with something more sinister. It's a pity that you overestimated my relationship with him, and we didn't know each other for half a month. To the point of being loyal to the other party, let you down."

"Really? Why don't I believe it? I want to see if Mr. Xiang next to you has **** with someone else, will you be angry?" Mr. Gu suddenly turned his head and stared into Xiang Ting's eyes, coldly. Say, "Come here."

Xiang Ting followed the demon. Under Mr. Gu's gaze, his brain lost his ability to think. He unconsciously followed his instructions and walked towards him step by step. Lu Shijin couldn't hold it, so he shouted in a hurry. Xiang Ting's name.

"Save your energy, you can't wake him up, he will only listen to my orders now." Mr. Gu continued to stare at Xiang Ting and sneered, "Don't you care? Then what do I ask him to do? It shouldn't matter. I'm going to put him in the cage now, in front of you, and **** others, hehe..."

"Fuck you!" Lu Shijin saw that Xiang Ting had entered the cage, and was so anxious that he rushed towards Mr. Gu, raised his fist and waved it, but Mr. Gu easily grabbed his wrist.

Under Xiang Ting's training, Lu Shijin was actually not so sensitive to the touch of outsiders. Although Mr. Gu held one of his hands, he still had the strength to throw another punch, but he just raised the other one. Hand, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, pretending that his body was sour and fell to the ground.

Mr. Gu already knew that Lu Shijin, a power user with a special physique, couldn't stand the weakness of others, and he was undoubtedly deceitful. He thought he had controlled Lu Shijin, so he couldn't help laughing proudly, "I'm too big! Want to ruin my good deeds!"

Lu Shijin scolded while pretending to be weak: "Old pervert! Old bastard! Are you **** mentally ill? Like watching others wear cuckolds?"

"Yeah, you're right, I just like watching other people wear cuckolds, how interesting is that?" Mr. Gu pinched Lu Shijin's chin and said to him condescendingly, "Your boyfriend has **** another man, he is dirty, Will you still like him? Will you still accept him? Oh, I've been worrying too much, and someone will come to you soon.

Lu Shijin almost vomited when he heard it, gritted his teeth and restrained himself, and then he resisted not smashing Gu's face with a single punch.

Lu Shijin turned his head and didn't want to look towards Ting, but Mr. Gu pinched his chin and turned his face away, forcing him to look at Xiang Ting.

When he turned his face away, out of the corner of Lu Shijin's eyes, he accidentally caught a glimpse of Tang Qin, who was huddled in the cage and kept silent.

A conjecture popped up in my heart, the reason why the surnamed Gu chose Tang Qin as the experimenter was because he had a girlfriend?

"You like watching other people's NTR so much, have you been greened too? That's why you took revenge on the society?" Lu Shijin said anxiously and tentatively, "Tell me how you were greened, you should be greened very hard, how many? This time? Caused you to have a physical aversion to sex? Are you embarrassed to see a couple as a couple? Are you actually jealous of us? Because no one loves you and no one really cares about you, right?"

After Lu Shijin finished speaking, he hurriedly asked 711: "Convenience store, has his heartbeat increased? Has his blood pressure increased?"

711 immediately reported: "The rise is the rising point, but it is not very obvious."

Strange, could it be that he guessed wrong? Didn't get to the point yet?

"Sincere? What is that? I don't care about it at all." Mr. Gu snorted mockingly, "Isn't your so-called sincerity played by me? What kind of sincere love, in my opinion, is nothing at all. not worth!"

What a hard-hearted, ruthless person.

Lu Shijin thought about it, who would look down on feelings and not believe in love?

Either he has been hit by emotional wounds and despaired of his feelings, or it is - he can't have love at all!

Lu Shijin's mind suddenly flashed, and his eyes couldn't help moving to the crotch of Gu.

Thinking about this person's perverted methods, why is he so similar to the old **** who tortured girls for fun in the novels he had read before? !

Yes, it sure is! Here's your chance!

Lu Shijin also imitated Mr. Gu's expression and laughed, "Of course you don't want to be sincere, because you can't get it at all!"

"What did you say?" Mr. Gu's expression sank, and the constant smile on the corner of his mouth also faded.

"I said, no one in this world will love you, no one will give you their sincerity," Lu Shijin smiled happily, "I finally know why you know there is a shortcut to evolve your abilities, but you don't use it, Are you not good at that thing? You are not a real man, are you? Hahaha!"

Lu Shijin watched his expression while laughing. Sure enough, the surnamed Gu couldn't laugh. Not only that, but his face was extremely difficult to see. It was obvious that Lu Shijin's words had hurt his feet.

711 was overjoyed and reminded: "Host! His heartbeat has accelerated rapidly, and his blood pressure has also risen!"

Lu Shijin sneered: "Very well, it seems that I was right. The surnamed Gu is indeed incompetent! It is estimated that he has been suppressed for a long time, so he is so perverted."

Finding the point that made Mr. Gu upset, Lu Shijin continued to ridicule: "No wonder you like watching people NTR, you are jealous of others being loved, but you don't? How do you feel when you watch others do it?"

"Shut up!" Mr. Gu was furious, let go of the hand holding Lu Shijin's chin, got up angrily, and kicked Lu Shijin to the ground with one kick.

Lu Shijin took that kick abruptly and did not resist. He knew that he would anger Gu and crack his mind-reading skills. Success or failure was in this!

Lu Shijin pretended to be still weak, got up from the ground staggeringly, looked at Mr. Gu's angry face, and continued cruelly: "Are you envious? Do you think you are a waste? Even if What if you dominate the world? You are always alone in this world, because who would like a eunuch? Hahaha!"

The word "eunuch" completely angered Mr. Gu, making him furious and losing his senses. He just wanted to cover Lu Shijin's mouth and strangle his neck, so that he could no longer speak!

Mr. Gu walked towards Lu Shijin with an ashen face. He thought that Lu Shijin had a special physique and had no ability to resist him, so he planned to kill him directly without using mind reading on Lu Shijin.

He wanted to see Lu Shijin's heart-felt pain under his torment, and the expression that life is better than death, so that the hatred in his heart could be relieved.

Lu Shijin was forced to step back again and again, pretending to be terrified and yelling: "You, you, don't come here!"

With a sinister smile on the corner of Mr. Gu's mouth, he moved his knuckles and took out a knife from his pocket, "You are very smart, but I don't like smart people the most. I thought you were useful, so I wanted to keep you. One life, but now it seems that there is no need. If you can speak like this, I will cut your tongue first and see how you will talk in the future. Oh, by the way, don't you look down on people like me? Then I will wait. I'll make you just like me!"

Fuck, it really is a metamorphosis within a metamorphosis!

There was a faint cold light on Xiao Dao Dao's body. Lu Shijin pretended to be afraid and swallowed his saliva. He raised his eyes and looked over Mr. Gu's shoulder. He noticed that Xiang Ting in the cage rolled his eyes, as if he was about to regain consciousness.

Seeing that Mr. Gu's knife was only a few centimeters away from him, Lu Shijin accidentally tripped over in a panic when he pretended to retreat.

When he was about to fall down, he supported his body with both hands, and swept his legs towards Mr. Gu's feet. Mr. Gu was unprepared, and was hit by Lu Shijin, his feet were swollen, and his center of gravity was unbalanced. He fell straight to the sky and fell to the back!

Lu Shijin immediately stood up and rushed forward, snatching the knife from Mr. Gu's hand, shouting Xiang Ting's name, and aiming the knife at Mr. Gu's eyes and slashing quickly!

I don't know if it was Lu Shijin's call or Mr. Gu's screams, which awakened Xiang Ting. Xiang Ting's consciousness broke away from the control of mind reading. Seeing Lu Shijin and Mr. Gu fighting together, he quickly stepped out of the cage and rushed to help Lu Shijin. .

Lu Shijin scratched Mr. Gu's eyes, and he could no longer use mind reading to control others. Without mind reading, how could he be the opponent of the strong and strong Xiang Ting. After Xiang Ting rushed over, he would be relieved in just two strokes. The ground subdued him.

Lu Shijin got up from the ground, clapped the dust on his hands, rubbed the chest that was hurt by Mr. Gu just now, and kicked him fiercely to vent his anger, "Damn, dare to kick your father, courting death!"

Hearing that Lu Shijin was kicked, Xiang Ting grabbed his hand and asked nervously, "How is it? Are you not injured?"

"No," Lu Shijin waved his hand, "I don't pretend to be weak, how can I let him relax his vigilance. Well, if I can get rid of this old pervert, it's not in vain for me to suffer this pain, leave him alone, he's gone. Eyes are trash, save others first."

Tang Qin was overjoyed when he saw that Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting had defeated Mr. Gu. He stretched his hand out of the cage and couldn't wait to shout, "Brother Xiang, save me first! Save me!"

Tang Qin was in the cage on the far right. Xiang Ting was originally the closest to the cage on the left, but after hearing his call for help, he hesitated. He walked outside the cage where Tang Qin was, found an iron rod, and smashed the top of the cage with force. , and rescued Tang Qin.

"Thank you, thank you Brother Xiang!" Tang Qin stepped out of the cage, bowed towards Ting and thanked him repeatedly, looking like he was very grateful, Xiang Ting patted his shoulder and said indifferently, "It's okay, we are teammates, we should save you. Yes, I'm going to save others, and you save the girl who was locked up with you."

Tang Qin turned his head to look at the girl who was curled up in the corner, looking like a frightened bird, frowning, obviously hesitating.

But it was Xiang Ting's order, and he had to rely on Xiang Ting to save his own life. Tang Qin hesitated for a while, but went into the cage and forcibly pulled the girl out.

Over there, Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting were smashing the locks on the other two cages to save people. They didn't notice that Mr. Gu, who was behind him, struggled to stand up and groped out of the room.

But Tang Qin saw it. He subconsciously opened his mouth to remind Xiang Ting, but suddenly an idea came to his mind, and he held back the words. When Mr. Gu was already far away, he pretended to be surprised that he had just discovered it. He shouted, "Brother Xiang! The surnamed Gu is gone, he ran away!"

When Lu Shijin looked back, the old pervert really disappeared. He secretly said something was wrong. He thought that he was no longer a threat if his eyes were blind, but he was still able to run, which was really careless!

Lu Shijin snorted: "Go and chase him back! Don't let him call a helper!"

"I'm going!" Tang Qin took the initiative to invite Ying, and strode out of the door.

The other two people in the cage were still in a coma, and Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting finally woke them up.

These people didn't know what happened, and they were still confused. Lu Shijin didn't have time to explain to them in detail, but only said that he was here to save them and let them go with him.

It took about three or five minutes to save the people. When Lu Shijin was about to leave, he somehow felt that something was wrong.

Seeing him stop, Xiang Ting asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Lu Shijin glanced at everyone's faces one by one, and finally knew what was wrong.

"Tang Qin went after Gu, how long has it been?" Lu Shijin asked Xiang Ting with a frown, and said to himself, "How long does it take to chase a blind man?"

After Lu Shijin's reminder, Xiang Ting also noticed something strange, and his face changed slightly. Could it be that Tang Qin was in some trouble?

"Are you going to leave?" The people behind saw them standing still and urged impatiently, "If you don't leave, I'll leave, I don't want to stay in this **** place anymore!"

The few people rescued by Lu Shijin and the others pushed me and I pushed you, and hurriedly walked out of the basement, but before they reached the corner, suddenly someone noticed something abnormal in front of the aisle and shouted: "Look! What is it!"

Everyone looked up and looked forward, the passage in front had been blocked by a black mass of "people", and they were swaying and rushing towards them.

One by one, their movements were stiff, and their throats let out a low growl like a beast. The air was filled with a mixture of blood and carrion. These were not humans, but zombies!

"Zombie! Run away!" The few people who were still shouting to leave first were so frightened that they turned around and ran back, but the zombies smelled the smell of living people, just like the hungry wolf saw the meat, and it was slow just now. The action suddenly accelerated, rushing over like a tide!

Lu Shijin, Xiang Ting, and the girl who was in the same cage with Tang Qin walked last, so they were the fastest to return to the room.

They didn't rush to close the door, they wanted to wait for those people to come in before closing the door, but who would think that the zombies were moving too fast, the poor people were only a few steps away from the safe iron gate, but they were thrown down by the zombies behind them. , instantly became meat in the mouth of a zombie!

The screams came one after another, and when Lu Shijin saw that these people were helpless, he decisively closed the iron door and locked it, keeping the zombies out.

The zombie smelled the breath of a living person behind the iron gate, and slammed on the door frantically outside. Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting looked at the iron gate worriedly, worried that the gate would not be able to be held sooner or later.

Lu Shijin said bitterly: "The surnamed Gu must have released the zombies. If I knew earlier, I shouldn't be soft-hearted, cut the grass and root out, and should kill him directly!" He thought of something again, and paused, "No, no, if He was the one who let the zombies out, he was blind, and he would definitely die, unless he wanted to die with us... But Tang Qin went after him, there is no reason why he couldn't catch up with a blind man..."

Xiang Ting guessed what Lu Shijin wanted to say, and suddenly clenched his fists, his eyes filled with anger, "Do you suspect that it was Tang Qin's hands and feet?"

Lu Shijin lowered his eyes and pondered for a while, and quickly figured out the cause and effect, "I understand, the other end of the basement should be the zombies that Mr. Gu raised, Tang Qin should know, so he deliberately released those zombies for the purpose of Wants us all to die here. As for why—"

Lu Shijin didn't say anything. He looked at Xiang Ting and forced him to face the reality of being betrayed by his "teammates" again. Xiang Ting was expressionless, and then he continued: "As long as we are all dead, it will happen here. No one will know about it.”

Lu Shijin laughed coldly, it was really a good play of a farmer and a snake.

Sometimes, the so-called "friend" is more terrifying than the enemy, because you never know when he will stab you in the back unexpectedly.