Lu Shijin knocked on Rongzhi's door, and Rongzhi came out wearing a nightgown.

Lu Shijin noticed that his hair was wet, and joked, "Why did you take a shower before it was night? Didn't he know I was coming, so he did it on purpose?"

Rongzhi closed the door, ignoring Lu Shijin's rudeness, "Tonight may be a sleepless night, if I don't wash now, I'm afraid I won't have time to wash."

Lu Shijin curled his lips in disapproval. He didn't forget to take a shower at such a critical juncture. It seemed that cleanliness was really serious.

There is a new set of clothes on the bed, which should be ready to change after the shower.

He didn't specifically go to the bathroom to change his clothes. When Landing Shijin's face, he picked up his suit pants, bent down and lifted the pajamas and robes and put them directly on his legs.

The man's legs were slender, of a healthy wheat color, and his muscles were strong and looked very explosive. His legs were put in. Lu Shijin's eyes moved up as the man raised his waist, and saw a pair of black boxer shorts wrapped in shorts. The curve of living is very **** and makes people blood boil.

After putting on his trousers, Rongzhi took off his nightgown and threw it on the bed casually, revealing his perfect inverted triangle body. , probably with a nosebleed, and looked away as if nothing had happened.

Rongzhi buttoned his shirt slowly, as if he didn't think there was any problem with changing clothes in front of Lu Shijin, which made Lu Shijin wonder if Rongzhi did it on purpose.

Mingming had just told him that he was **** and changed his clothes in front of him. Isn't this the seduction of Chi Guoguo, challenging his self-control?

Lu Shijin is very melancholy. It's a pity, no matter how excited he is, he can't do anything else. Who made them two brothers now.

Rongzhi suddenly asked Lu Shijin, "You just left alone, what are you doing?"

Lu Shijin turned to look at him, the button of the man's shirt had been buttoned to the top, and he couldn't see anything. Lu Shijin couldn't help pursing his lower lip and felt a little regretful.

Say he didn't do it on purpose, but the seduction scene just now should not be too obvious, but he did it on purpose. Now there are only the two of them in the room, and now they are dressed so tightly, this man's mind is hard to guess. Ruthless!

But now that these are a bit out of place, Lu Shijin pondered for a while, and decided to tell Rongzhi the clues he had investigated.

"I actually found something in Mr. Lu's study, that's why I left with an excuse."

Rongzhi: "What?"

Lu Shijin took the photo out of his pocket and shook it, "An old photo."

Rongzhi came over to look at it and was a little puzzled: "A woman and two children? Who are they?"

"Obviously, this is a mother with two children. I just figured out their identities. These two children are—" Lu Shijin didn't give up, he pointed to himself and then to Rongzhi, "You and I, Women are our mothers."

Rongzhi's eyebrows twisted into the word "Chuan".

"I didn't expect it?" Lu Shijin said with an exaggerated twitch at the corner of his mouth, "We are actually half-brothers!"

Rongzhi: "..."

"Looking at your expression, do you think I'm joking with you?" Lu Shijin restrained his smile and asked seriously.

Rongzhi didn't speak, but his raised eyebrows clearly expressed doubts.

Lu Shijin held back his laughter and told Rongzhi the story that Xu Chen had inquired about from the housekeeper. He finally sighed, "May all lovers in the world become brothers and sisters, and don't deceive me!"

"Have a lover?" Rong Zhi propped up on the back of the sofa Lu Shijin was sitting on, looking down at him with deep eyes.

Lu Shijin patted his mouth lightly and shrugged, "It's fine, just kidding."

Rongzhi's face was expressionless, he didn't seem to think this joke was funny, and his eyes were still deep.

Lu Shijin was a little uncomfortable when he looked at him, and moved his **** quietly to stagger the distance, "closer to the topic, this way, I probably understand my character's murderous intention to the old man, he may know about his mother and the old man back then. First, the old man was the third party in his parents' relationship, and he was also the culprit who indirectly caused his mother to die of depression and premature death. Second, when he had become accustomed to his identity as the young master of the Lu family, suddenly one day, the old man forced him to Recognizing a murderer he hadn't seen since he was born as his father made him feel that Mr. Lu didn't really regard himself as a son for so many years, and raised him just to forgive his sins, so he resented Mr. Lu, this is him Murder. But there's one more thing I don't understand."

Rongzhi lowered his head and listened carefully to Lu Shijin's words. Hearing this, he raised his head, "What's the matter?"

Lu Shijin: "It stands to reason that my killing the old man has nothing to do with the inheritance. It is purely a personal grudge. I can kill him whenever I want, but why did I choose to do it the night before? Is it a temporary passion to kill? The reason? It's something I've been unable to figure out, and I have a hunch that the answer to this question is the key to unlocking the truth."

"Your reasoning makes sense." Rong Zhi nodded in agreement.

Lu Shijin looked at him and smiled, "Actually, I still have a question that I don't understand, that is, why do you want to hurt the old man? You are his own son, and you must have a share of the inheritance, so why do you want to hurt him? "

Rongzhi walked to the bedside table, opened the drawer, took out a thick notebook, came back and sat down beside Lu Shijin, and put the note-taking method on the glass coffee table, "On the first night, after the dinner, Mr. Lu first asked Do you remember the room I went to?"

Lu Shijin nodded.

Rongzhi pointed to the black cover of the notebook and said, "He gave it to me, and the reason is above."

Lu Shijin picked up the notebook and flipped through it. It recorded a list. Although Lu Shijin had never heard of a single name, judging from the profiles of the people on the list, they should be some management personnel within the Lu Group.

"Who are these people?" Lu Shijin closed the book and asked Rongzhi suspiciously.

Rongzhi: "I have close contacts with me in the group, and support my company's middle and senior management from a standpoint."

Lu Shijin: "Oh, I see, you want to cultivate your own power in the company, and the old man discovered it."

"Yes," Rong Zhi said lightly, "that night, the old man took this list and warned me that if I was eager to form a gang before I established a firm foundation in the company, I would be excluded by other shareholders, so he did not plan to put the company in the company. Leave it to me, but will leave it to a professional manager to take care of it. After I left the room, I received an instruction from the APP asking me to go to the kitchen to do something with the food prepared for Mr. Lu. I guess it was because I was dissatisfied. "

"Do you think there are other reasons?" Lu Shijin held his chin and pondered for a while, "He was supposed to be the noble and precious young master of the Lu family, but by accident he became an orphan who was adopted in the orphanage, until not long ago. Only when he was brought back to recognize his ancestors, doesn't he have any resentment in his heart?"

Rongzhi was silent for a moment, "What are you doubting?"

Lu Shijin didn't know what to say, did he just say "I suspect that you may be the murderer"?

It hurts the feelings, but also hurts the brain.

"Based on the current situation, who do you think the murderer will be?" Lu Shijin changed his euphemism and asked Rongzhi tentatively, cautiously.

Rongzhi: "It's hard to say."

Lu Shijin slandered: It's so obvious that it's hard to say, is it difficult for you to say or is there a ghost in your heart that you don't want to say?

Lu Shijin's mood became dull. He wanted to unravel the truth that had troubled him for a long time, but he was also afraid that it would become a haunting nightmare after unraveling it.

"It must not be you." Lu Shijin's voice was muffled, and he covered his mouth after he finished speaking, and he was surprised that he had spoken his heart out without knowing it.

Rongzhi heard Lu Shijin's overtone, "You doubt me?"

Lu Shijin: "..." How should he explain?

However, Rongzhi didn't seem to be angry, his Adam's apple moved, and the curvature of the corner of his bowed mouth was fleeting, "You doubt me, so you dare to come to my room? Are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

Lu Shi shrank back into the back of the sofa in the future: "...If you have such a plan, then I can only admit it, but I still believe that you are not."

"But your eyes tell me that you are afraid." Rongzhi leaned his upper body and leaned oppressively towards Lu Shijin.

"No, no."

Lu Shijin stammered, instinctively aware of the danger, his back muscles couldn't help tensing, but he kept telling himself to stay steady and not act rashly. He believed that even if Rongzhi was a murderer, he would not attack him. After all, if he wanted to Start, he has already died more than ten times.

Rongzhi saw nervousness and alertness in Lu Shijin's eyes, and suddenly raised a hand, Lu Shijin was like a bird in shock, immediately raised his hands and folded them in front of him to make a self-defense action, but Rongzhi's hand didn't go to Lu Shijin at all. As he stretched out, he just loosened the collar of his shirt and looked at Lu Shijin with a half-smile.

Lu Shijin: "..." So embarrassing.

"No? What are you doing now? Do you think I'll hit you?" Rongzhi asked calmly.

Lu Shijin put down his hands, "Well, conditioned reflex, you know, the subconscious reaction is not something I can control if I want to." , and asked in a heartless way, "You shouldn't really hit me, right?"

For a moment, Rongzhi didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh.

"Since when did you start doubting me?" he asked rhetorically.

"Just... after the results of the second round of voting come out..." Lu Shijin blinked, "It's actually quite obvious, isn't it? The murderer is among the few of us who didn't vote, and it's possible for anyone." And your suspicion maximum.

Of course, Lu Shijin didn't dare to say the last sentence.

"So you doubt me?" Rongzhi turned his face to the side, casting a shadow on his side, and his brows seemed a little lonely, and said sullenly, "I thought there was enough trust between us. You all doubt me, how can this game continue."

The disappointing tone made Lu Shijin feel that he had committed an unforgivable mistake.

If this man is not very good at acting, or he knows how to manipulate people's hearts too well, no matter what, it is very scary.

Just when Lu Shi had the urge to repent with Rongzhi and begged him to forgive himself, a scream suddenly sounded outside the door——

"Ah—dead! Dead!"

Who is dead? !

Lu Shijin and Rongzhi looked at each other with a condensed expression on their faces, stood up almost at the same time, opened the door and rushed out together.