Chapter 171: Ultimate Challenge (End)

Before coming to the housekeeper, Lu Shijin was afraid that the housekeeper's dog would jump over the wall, so he asked Xu Chen to invite the captain over.

When the captain heard that the murderer had been caught, he quickly rushed over with the crew and took a deep breath when he saw the tragic situation in the room.

"My God!" There were murders one after another on the ship under the jurisdiction, and the captain couldn't help roaring, "Who the **** did this!"

"It's me." The housekeeper stood up and admitted calmly.

"It's you?!" The captain was more shocked to hear the butler's confession than to find the dead person. Obviously, he didn't expect the murderer to be the butler.

Lu Shijin: "Mr. Captain, the housekeeper has confessed to his offense. He did all the murders on the ship. Moreover, Mr. Lu committed suicide, not homicide. Please control the real murderer and wait until tomorrow. to the police."

The captain nodded hastily: "Okay, I know how to do it."

The captain immediately ordered the crew to **** the steward away, but the steward did not let the crew touch him. After arranging his clothes, he walked out with his head held high, not forgetting to keep his dignity at the last moment.

When passing by Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin suddenly stopped him: "Wait a minute, I have another question."

The butler stopped to look at him, and nodded lightly to indicate that he could ask.

"The day Mr. Lu died, was it a special day for him?" Lu Shijin asked.

The housekeeper lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then raised his eyes to look at Lu Shijin and Rongzhi and said slowly, "The day thirty years ago... was the first time he saw your mother, Mr. told me that he used to He didn't believe in love at first sight, but later he realized that some people can remember for a lifetime just by looking at them."

No wonder his role must be chosen to kill Mr. Lu on that day. For him, that day 30 years ago was the beginning of all tragedies.

"I understand, thank you." Lu Shijin was slightly moved, the other party was just an NPC, he didn't need to say so much, but after so many things happened, at this moment he really got involved in the plot and felt the role He looked at the housekeeper and said sincerely, "Mr. Lu asked you not to hold grudges, that's because he has no resentment in his heart, death may be a relief to him, but you didn't listen to him, Push yourself to a dead end."

The housekeeper smiled when he saw Lu Shijin, turned his head and walked out of the room without saying anything.

Lu Shijin watched the butler's back disappear, and his heart was dull, until Rongzhi touched his shoulder, Lu Shijin raised his head blankly to meet Rongzhi's eyes, and Rongzhi bowed his head and whispered in his ear, "You are too deep into the play. "

As if titillating, Lu Shijin was instantly relieved, yes, it was just a play, and he was stunned.

The captain wanted to turn around and leave. He glanced at Mrs. Li, who was lying in a pool of blood, and found that Mrs. Li's chest was still heaving.

"It's too late," Xu Chen interrupted the captain, "with so much blood, the murder weapon has cut through her heart. Moving her now will only hasten her death."

The captain said hesitantly: "Do you want to die?"

Xu Chen said without emotion: "You can't save people who are mortal. Well, let's go. Mrs. Li's time is running out. The family may have something to say at the end."

Xu Chen winked at Lu Shijin, pushed the captain out, and helped to close the door by the way.

There were only three remaining players left in the room, as well as the corpse of Miss Gao who had been frozen and frozen on the ground, and Mrs. Li who had only one breath left.

The thick **** smell reminded the three surviving people that this game is not just a virtual game, death is real, it will hurt and fear.

"The murderer has been found..." Mrs. Feng did not dare to look at the tragic situation on the ground, and hid behind the two men, her face pale, and she asked anxiously, "Did we win?"

"Well." Lu Shijin said lightly, "Actually, from the very beginning, the moment the character card is drawn, whoever wins and who loses is doomed. No matter how hard we try, it won't change."

Mrs. Feng let out a blank "Ah".

"There is no winner in this game," Rong Zhi sighed, "Each of us is just a plaything in someone else's hands."

Mrs. Li, who was lying on the ground, widened her eyes, her expression was painful, and her throat made hoarse breathing from time to time.

Life was passing little by little in her body, but she was unwilling to die like this, her lips pressed together hard, and it could be seen from the shape of her mouth that she was saying the word "save".

Unable to bear it, Lu Shijin approached her and said, "It's not that we don't want to save you, but that we can't save you. In fact, you've pretended very well, but you can only say that you're unlucky, and it was the next game at the beginning. A dead chess game with no chance of winning, you lose to fate."

Mrs. Li seemed to understand Lu Shijin's words, her eyes stared at Lu Shijin for a while, and finally slowly looked away, her eyes looking up absently. She didn't know what she saw, the light in her eyes scattered a little bit, and finally the corner of her mouth overflowing with blood moved, as if she was laughing at the impermanence of fate, and then she closed her eyes.

At the same time, the mobile phones in the three pockets vibrated.

The APP gave them one last instruction.

"Congratulations to everyone who successfully found the real culprit within the limited time and completed the final challenge. After dawn, you will be teleported out of the game. Remember, the strong game, only the strong can win!"

it's all over.

Lu Shijin and Rongzhi left the room. It was already two o'clock in the morning, and it was only three hours before dawn.

In another three hours, they will be able to leave the giant ship called "Fate" and return to the real world.

"Finally..." Lu Shijin stood on the deck, blowing the sea breeze, and couldn't help but sigh, and asked, "Finally what?"

Lu Shijin looked at him with a smile, "It's finally over, I just didn't expect to win in this way."

Rongzhi: "I didn't expect it either, as if we should have won."

Lu Shijin secretly rejoiced, fortunately, both of them were selected as winners.

Although the phrase "luck is also a type of strength" is now suspected of being pretentious, but the fact is that both of them have good luck.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Shijin suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, as if he wanted to understand something, "'The strong game, only the strong can win'... I understand!"

"What do you understand?" Rongzhi asked confused by Lu Shijin's surprise.

"I finally understand the rules of this game," Lu Shijin said with a sarcastic expression and a self-deprecating smile, "So, from the very beginning, this game tells us who will win, have you forgotten the sentence in the game introduction? Only Only the strong can win. The winning or losing of this game has long been decided based on the strength of the players. Only the three strongest players can win. The standard for dividing strength, I think, should be based on the performance in the previous mission.”

Rongzhi understood what Lu Shijin meant, and his heart suddenly became enlightened, and then he said: "I think there must be many taskers like us doing tasks at the same time, and those who inspire them to do their jobs with humility, that is, the so-called In the end, the Lord God can satisfy one of their wishes. But this wish is not so easy to achieve. Obviously, the Lord God does not want to help everyone to complete their injustice, so before making a wish, the taskers still have one last difficulty to overcome, and this The difficulty called 'Ultimate Challenge' can help the Lord God justifiably eliminate most people."

"It turns out that we are not lucky enough, but our strength has been recognized and strong enough." Lu Shijin didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Although he won, when he thought of a ten-player game, only three players survived. It was very heavy. Suddenly, he thought of something. He held his chin in one hand and pondered, "By the way, I can understand that we won. That Mrs. Feng won because of her strength?"

Rong Zhi smiled, "You can't just look at people, especially women."

Lu Shijin shrugged, no matter what the truth is, it doesn't matter.

"It's almost dawn, we can go back soon." Lu Shijin was lying on the railing, looking at the east that was still shrouded in darkness, and whispered, "When you go back, will you still remember me?"

"Why not?" Rong Zhi asked rhetorically.

Lu Shijin tilted his head to look at him, "You don't remember the past, who knows if you will forget the present?"

"Even if I don't remember, can't you tell me?" Rongzhi leaned back on the railing and stared into Lu Shijin's eyes, "What do the words the forensic doctor mean? You won't explain it to me? "

Lu Shijin pretended to be garlic, "What... talk?"

"If my memory is fine," Rong Zhi said with a half-smile, "he seems to have said that he has seen us do something that is a hundred times more intimate than hugging each other? As the client, don't you think that impression?"

Lu Shijin: "..." The convenience store sucks!

"Just...then what... ah!" Lu Shijin's face was hot. Before he didn't know that Rongzhi was Pei Wen, he wouldn't feel embarrassed no matter how he let himself go, but after knowing that Rongzhi was Pei Wen, in front of acquaintances he would not feel ashamed. Just a little cautious.

Pei Wen knew what he was like before, and he also knew what kind of person Pei Wen was, serious, calm and restrained.

After going back, what if Pei Wen doesn't like him now?

Lu Shijin's ostrich mentality began to play havoc, and suddenly he didn't want to go back to the real world. It was so annoying!

"Although... I don't remember what happened during the mission in the past." Pei Wen saw Lu Shijin's worry, and his eyes became gentle, "But I remember the feeling, and I don't feel like lying."

Lu Shijin was slightly stunned, "How do you feel?"

"Heartfelt feeling."

Lu Shijin's heart started beating wildly. Is that what he understood?

"So, even if I forget you after I go back, you can come to me," Rongzhi put his hand on Lu Shijin's forehead and rubbed it, "As soon as I see you, I will recall the feeling of my heart, no matter what. No matter how many times it has passed, it will not change.”

Lu Shijin's mind began to feel dizzy. The rest of his life and the sudden affectionate confession made him so happy that he couldn't find the north. He only knew that he was staring at Rongzhi's handsome face and murmured. : "Mr. Pei...I..."

Rongzhi's index finger was on Lu Shijin's lips, his eyes were deep, "Shh, don't talk, I want to kiss you now."

Lu Shijin looked at Rongzhi's face a little bit enlarged in front of his eyes. When the lips of the two were not too far apart, he suddenly remembered something important, and quickly put his hand on Rongzhi's chest to prevent him from getting closer, "No!"

Rongzhi: "?"

The author has something to say:

Rongzhi: Why not?

ljj: Because you two are brothers now, do you want to be locked up? !

Ends tomorrow.