Chapter 1195: 9 Demon Sealed God

It can be said that it was he who helped to form an alliance between the six gods and fight the alliance gods together, and he was the one behind the scenes. ℃ ∮ ∮ ∮ ∮ ∮ ∮ ∮ read ∮ ∮ ∮, book, .∮.o≈

On the side of Su Yu, plus the pirate god, there are up to seven deities!

In addition, Baotong business **** and holy **** are the best masters in the East Gods Alliance. In contrast, the first **** of death cannot be closed, the second **** of doom falls, and the difference in the power of the gods between the two sides is extremely large. Disparity.

It is for this reason that the pirate **** dared to face the seven gods directly on the shore.

"Allied gods, hum, this time is a good way to succeed in buying the pirate god. It is really hard to not admire you!" The wolf **** stared at the pirate **** with contempt.

As the leader of the gods, Baotong Business God has a magnificent spirit: "Here is the scourge of Xinghe, which has already become the target of public criticism. Now he is ordered to pursue two alliance traitors, and by the way destroy it! Still not arrested?"

"Well, you forgot the lessons of the blood in the past, but dare to speak wild words!" The wolf **** sneered: "Let ’s go together, an unforgettable lesson for the gods of the Alliance!"

With a loud roar, the wolf **** took the lead and turned into a towering giant wolf, taking the lead.

The gods behind him, including the **** of books, also fought bravely forward.

Baotong Shangshen glanced at Su Yu, got Su Yu nodded, and Baotong Shangshen took a deep breath: "Allied gods obey orders, kill the gods who are not profligate!"

"Kill!" There was an instant of killing, and more than a dozen magical lights were intertwined in one place, bursting out of the beastly magical lights that shook the stars and rivers!

The scattered light of God runs through the heavens and the earth, crushing the barriers of the cave world and breaking up the cave world.

Many Shintos are intertwined and an unprecedented collision erupts!

Vaguely, Su Yu even saw the colliding Shinto, breaking through the barrier in the meditation, and on the endless sky, several broken chains were looming.

"That's ..." Su Yu was shocked. Wasn't the familiar chain the broken chain when she was enlightened?

That is the law of heaven!

But looking around at the people, except for Su Yu, only the Book God looked up, and the rest were unaware, as if no strange chain flash had ever been discovered.

"Is it only me and Shushen can see?" Su Yu was startled. He had discovered the Tianshu given by Yunyazi. Did Shushen also ...

Between his thoughts, two people were caught in a decisive battle.

The war at the deity level is far from being able to participate in Su Yu, especially the collision of Shinto. Su Yu does not even have the qualification to be aware of it.

When the god-level war begins, the creatures below also begin the war.

Dust fairy, and the army under the dust fairy, began to fight.

As far as the strength of the two sides is concerned, the pirate god's army is less than one-fifth of the other party. Once contacted, it will be defeated.

However, everyone knows that the real battlefield is the battle of the gods, and their victory determines the final battle.

According to the current situation, the gods of the Alliance have absolute crushing power.

Not only are the individual strengths stronger than them, but they also occupy a huge advantage in numbers, and soon they down the wolf gods and others, showing a state of suppression.

Because of this, although there are as many quasi-gods as powerful, although there are as many as ten, far more than the three Yuanyuanxin, Black Phoenix, Ada and Aer, they dare not act rashly, in case one of the gods in the alliance Withdraw and get rid of them with a few breaths.

Both sides set their sights on the battlefield of deities.

A seemingly short tea time, in fact, a dozen gods have already engaged in thousands of rounds.

Finally, a muffled sound, the zombie in the land left by the gods, was penetrated by the Holy Spirit in the flesh, and even the source of the gods was broken up.

A god, this time falling, is even the spirit of God, also under the alliance of the gods of the Alliance, bombarded in ashes.

Successfully killing a **** on the other side, the morale of the alliance gods rose sharply, and the offensive became more fierce.

The Pirate God hesitated, and it seems that the Alliance is more reliable.

"Don't panic, continue!" The Wolf God sang loudly and fought hard with Baotong Shangshen.

Although the full strength of the wolf **** is commendable, but it is not an enemy of Baotong Shangshen, it is easily broken by 30% of the blood of Baotong Shangshen and suffered heavy damage.

The gods in the rest of the god's relics were more or less severely hit. Seeing the failures and failures, things were not good.

However, instead of panic, Wolf God's eyes appeared ridiculous.

"Hurry up, let's continue, and the land of God's Legacy is here today!" The great situation overjoyed the Alliance Gods. They did not expect that the horrible God of Land of God's Legacy in the rumor was actually so weak.

"Hahaha! It's time to kill them all upside down, hate us for waiting a month for nothing! It's a shame!"

Many Alliance gods glanced at Su Yu, and contempt appeared in the corners of his mouth.

In the world, finally, force determines everything. Su Yu, a speculator, is a small person who is inaccessible after all.

The situation gradually became clear. The land left by the gods was godly and fighting and retreating, and the defeat was extremely obvious.

The Alliance Gods are so excited and excited that if they can wipe out the land left by the gods, they will definitely stay in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and they will shock the galaxy. From then on, they will stand in the family of the gods and flow forever.

However, Su Yu, who was always watching, saw the clue.

The gods of the land left by the gods are not defeated, but there is no reason to lose themselves so freely, while the alliance gods are addicted, and unknowingly follow the opponent's retrogression and enter the rest of the Dongfu world.

Seeing this, Su Yu immediately drank: "The poor Kou Mo chase, be careful! The gods of the alliance quickly return!"

Although the Baotong business **** and the holy **** were also full of blood, they were still calm. Upon hearing Su Yu's words, they immediately realized that they had accidentally left the world of the pirate **** Dongfu and hunted into the enemy ’s Dongfu world.

Then there was Su Yu's reminder, immediately rewinding without thinking.

The pirate **** is a good player who is careful to sail a thousand years ship, and even reacts faster than the two of Baotong and Holy Spirit, give up the gods of the immortal land that is about to come, and turn back.

However, what made Baotong and the Holy God look somber was that the other Alliance gods, except for the sword **** hesitated, reluctantly gave up the **** that was about to be killed, and their faces were not returned, but the other gods ignored Su Yu. !!

"Don't return quickly?" Baotong Shangshen sang aloud, and the voice contained divine power to awaken them from the state of killing red eyes.

But even waking up is useless!

"Baotong Shangshen, why do you still listen to this ignorant kid! It is because of him that we have missed a great opportunity and fell into the present situation. Now that the major issues are ahead and the situation is good, how can we let him hold up?

"Exactly, in fact, I have some doubts, where exactly is the **** of feathers? Why do you repeatedly let go of the godless gods!

"Huh! When we calm down these gods, we will torture Su Yu at least once, we must search for his soul at least once, this kid is too suspicious!"

Seeing success ahead, Su Yu once again entrusted them to step back, really bursting the gods.

"Stupid!" The Holy Spirit was anxious for them, trying to rush forward and catch them back one by one.

But, at this moment, just listening to the wolf **** laughed and laughed: "They're doing it! Open that big killer!"


Suddenly, the sky and the earth roared, the barriers of the six cave worlds suddenly broke, and the earth shattered, cracking the cracks leading to the Xinghe.

Looking closely, underneath the continents connected to the world of the six major caves, a huge black ring was hidden.

This ring is engraved with the words of the demons, exuding amazing magic.

The pirate **** just looked at it, and then stunned and said, "It's the Nine Devil Sealed Ring !!!"

The gathering of the nine deities in the land of God's legacy is not without foundation.

It was here that a broken imperial sacred artifact, the Nine Demon Sealed God Ring, was found.

Its volume is extremely large, enough to build nine cave worlds, and the power released by the Nine Demon Sealing God Ring can also resist the invasion of wild animals, especially the invasion of god-level wild animals.

The existence of this thing is not a secret to the land left by the gods, but if it is to be activated, at least five gods are needed.

The pirate **** did not think that they would use this thing, but the price is only possible to bury the entire Dongfu world. Who wants to sacrifice their own Dongfu world ...

Wait, God of Doom!

The world of Dongfu that he left is not suitable for sacrifice.


A loud noise roared in Xinghe, and suddenly burst.

But it was the world of the Cave of Doom, and it shattered into hundreds of millions of pieces without any signs, returned to a source of gods, and was drawn into the ring of nine magic seals.

Five black Nine Demon Sealed God Rings suddenly burst into deep magic.

Soaring magical energy, just trapped the gods of the Alliance God in them, and the wolf **** and others moved away as soon as the opportunity came.

Finally, the Alliance God who killed the red eye finally realized that he was really fooled!

Panicking, they didn't want to, they teleported back.

However, they were horrified to find that their magical powers had been cut off by the magic ring, and they could not cast it, and could not teleport back directly.

Divine power cannot be used, so what about the divine body?

With a painful scream, when an Alliance God ran into the magic ring directly, and as a result, he hit the black magic fog, the flesh rotted directly, leaving only the soul holding a group of divine sources back.

The Alliance God, who was also preparing to break out, was frightened and retreated.

However, they even shocked them!

Those magic mists turned into dense dense, thousands of demon crows flew towards the Alliance God like a dark cloud ~ ~ The nearest Alliance God was too late to scream, and was rotten by his body and spirit It also corrodes most of it. If there are no other gods to pull it out in time, I am afraid that it will be decayed into ashes in an instant and then fall.

Finally, fear and confusion took over their hearts, and they completely recovered from the manic moment just now.

"Baotong business god, holy god, save us!"

The face of Baotong and the Holy God is extremely ugly, and the sword **** is cold and sweaty, and his face is white. If he hesitates for a while just now, it is the end.

He could not help looking at Su Yu, eyes full of rejoicing and shock, but also full of anxiety.

The situation is completely upside down!

The other six gods are on the front line of life and death. They have only four gods left!

Behind the gods of the other party, he slowly launched the nine black hole, which made the sword **** desperate!

"Death Crossbow !!"