Chapter 2562: Weird beast illustration

Su Yu threw her palm, and three flying needles flew out in sequence.

At close range, ordinary people are simply not responding.

However, this early peak authentic man is very human after all.

He opened his mouth and drank, and a yellow beam of light spewed out, throwing the flying needle away.

But a second flying needle followed, piercing his brows.

As a last resort, he could only take a step back and change his offense to defend, avoiding the attack of flying needles.

Kekan avoided it, and a third flying needle pierced his brows.

This is the soul-eliminating flying needle made by Queen Nine Phantom Queen herself.

One can kill an authentic master.

The man yelled in pain, his soul was badly damaged, but he did not die immediately.

Because its repair reached the peak of the early days!

The palm of his hand grabbed the eyebrow and sucked the flying needle out.

But at this moment, a second flying needle shot.

"Go!" How can a flying needle hurt him again if you are prepared?

A slight slip of his shoulder avoided the flying needle.

However, it was extremely strange that he avoided the flying needle, but as a result, he was shot into the eyebrow by the flying needle.

Because the flying needle contains the realm of space.

He seemed to avoid it, but it was just his illusion.

Two flying needles instantly frozen most of his soul.

As a result, his consciousness became confused, and he attacked wildly.

The third flying needle in Su Yu ejected.

Just listen for a moment, the flying needle just popped out, and the next moment it fell into this person's eyebrows.

That's because the last flying needle contains the realm of time.

The three flying needles are continuously immersed, and the authentic owner will definitely die in the early stage!

His body gradually stopped struggling, and finally he lay on the ground motionless and died completely.

Su Yu stood up slowly, and was slightly exhausted to examine the injury of Empress Nine Youmei.

His vest was shattered and the injuries were not minor.

Su Yu's palm condenses a touch of the realm of life and heals it.

After half a cup of tea, Empress Nine You Charm recovered more than half.

"Don't worry about me, help the clone." Su Yu said.

The latter immediately rushed over and assisted in the killing of the chase.

Su Yu added the power of Xuan Dao.

For a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After thinking about it, Su Yu grabbed the palm of his hand and grabbed the line of his destiny.

The trace of the break has disappeared.

It means that he has passed through life and death.

"Thanks for asking the water." Su Yu sighed slightly.

Without her help, this time may not be able to survive.

Thinking of her, Su Yu was worried: "I don't know if she and the slave king are safe."

Thinking so in my heart, I grabbed it in the air, trying to grasp the fate of asking water.

However, his palm was empty.

Su Yu trembled in her heart, and caught it again, still unable to catch it.

The fate of only one person cannot be grasped.

That's ... dead man.

Ask the water something went wrong!

Su Yu's heart was agitated, and she immediately moved forward.

After an hour.

He appeared in a field of grass, but all he saw was the slave king in a coma.

"Wake up!" Su Yu kicked him.

Suffering from external stimuli, the slave king finally woke up.

After a brief confusion, he immediately exclaimed: "Ask the water, where is the water?"

Su Yu asked for details, and his face suddenly sank.

"She actually pretended to be me, and led away the enemy?" Su Yu's throat seemed to be blocked.

Unexplainable discomfort, unexplainable shock.

Asking water was just a creature he had inadvertently created.

It can be used for sacrifice at any time, and Hao is not valued.

Why can she do this for Su Yu?

How could you even give up your life?

Huai Ling's extremely complicated mood, Su Yu used various means to investigate the situation nearby.

Finally locked a direction and galloped away with the Slave King.

A wave of shimmering lake.

A beautiful woman in Tsing Yi put her hands on her chest and bathed in the sunset.

The long shadow quietly accompanies that lonely shadow.

It is like a stone statue, a fairy who is fixed in the long time and space, and always stops there.

"Ask the water!" The Screamer shouted a heartbreaking shout, pounced on him, and held the shadow in his arms.

What I can hold is just a piece of icy cold.

The coldness was like a sharp sword that penetrated deeply into the heart of the Slave King.

He shattered the tenderness, the beauty, and the goodness that remained in his heart.

Before encountering water, he never asked about good and evil, but only asked his preferences.

But after asking for water, for the first time, he wanted to be a good person.

At least, I'm asking the good person in Shui's eyes.

Now, all these are torn apart by the cold sharp blade in his arms.

"Ah! No!" Slaughter King Yang Tian cried.

The cries reached Jiuxiao, shattering the clouds.

It rained heavily, poured down, and fell on the earth.

But no matter how the beastmaster cried, she asked the water to be held in her arms calmly and quietly.

Those eyes can no longer be opened.

Su Yu was silent, but her heart was stirred like a knife.

He looked up at the sky and looked at the falling raindrops, his heart was sad.

"Am I wrong?" Su Yu said to herself.

Perhaps from the beginning, he shouldn't have created Ruoshui.

Her existence and her demise are bound to be a tragedy.

"If you are wrong, ask Shui to thank you, what are the best wishes and expectations of the world?" The Slave King had already quieted.

He lowered his head, his voice was hoarse, and he had extra penetrating power.

"It's not you who's wrong, it's not asking the water, it's the world."

On the back of the Slave King, the naked eye could see a trace of black mist permeating, condensing into a sloppy beast face.

That face, Su Yu actually felt a little familiar.

"Shaohao!" The slave king asked the water, his voice was low: "I, destroy you!"

With a roar, the Slave King turned into a black mist and went straight to Beiming City.

Su Yu stretched out her arm and stopped it: "Don't go, if, if you want to ask Wake to wake up, you can see you again."

It was said that the body of the slave king trembled suddenly.

"Can you resurrect and ask the water?" The slave king took the last trace of fluke.

Su Yu shook her head: "At least not now, but there may not be a glimmer of hope."

"If one day, my eight fields reach the Yuan level, maybe it will resurrect her soul and body."

Now forcibly resurrecting ~ ~, it will only be the same as asking for water.

"Yuan-level field?" Slave King stared at Su Yu deeply.

He put down the questioning water and gave it to Su Yu: "Save and ask the water, I will help you reach the Yuan level!"

After speaking, he didn't wait for Su Yu to ask questions, and then turned into a dark mist.

Su Yu looked at the puppet face behind him, thoughtfully.

Finally, I looked at the water in peace and prayed for water, and my heart hurt inexplicably.

His sleeves shook, and a force of life poured into the water, making his body immortal.

Until one day, Su Yu could open her eyes again.

"A lifetime will never create life." Su Yu whispered.

Change it today and make up at the end of the month. In recent days, my mood has been unstable and my code has been affected. I hope everyone forgive me.