Chapter 743 The True Hero

Name:The dragon's harem Author:
Chapter 743 The True Hero

The gang's boss stood from his chair, walking toward the men standing in front of him. "Lay low and bait the assassins. We have more manpower than them, we could win in a direct conflict."

"Boss, can we prepare an ambush here?" A man asked.

"That's a good idea, gather all around here and prepare. They'll attack at night. We have to eliminate them if we don't want lord Jordan to have us all killed, it's either kill or be killed, so be prepared." He smiled, looking at the men. They were all well-armed and strong enough that he could rely on them.

BAM! BAM! As they talked, they could hear two heavy things fall on outside the door. The sound was faint but audible enough to alert them. The boss immediately signaled for the men to ready their weapons.

CLICK! CLICK! The lock on the massive gate twisted and turned, someone was trying to silently pick it open. They wouldn't have noticed if they were busy, but since their attention got pulled by the sound, they were all aware and ready to strike.

The boss smiled. ^The fools came to us on their own, and through the door nonetheless. I'll slaughter them the moment they walk inside.^

As the thugs slowly approached the door, ready to strike the moment it opened. The door in the far back behind them was the woman from earlier resting, it silently opened and Jack started sneaking behind them. You could see the woman dead in the room behind him. A mere spring and a pair of old lockpicks were rattling the front door.

Jack looked around, inspecting the thugs. All of them had at least an arming sword and a dagger, but some of them had different weapons.

Ten looked to be around level 10 based on their gear and stances, wielding only the arming swords and daggers, those were probably the new recruits and thieves of the group. A whole seventeen-thugs looked fairly stronger, probably around level 17-20.

Of those seventeen thugs, there were four who wore robes and held staves and wands, wizards, and probably powerful ones at that.

Then the boss looked to be on a whole other level, extremely powerful and holding several magic items which Jack immediately noticed could be worth a lot. The eyes of an experienced thrive never miss an expensive magic item, just how he can tell fake gold from real one at a glance, experience.

SWOSH! Jack threw a small pouch at the wizards, spell casters should be taken first as their magic could change the tide of any battle.The most uptodate novels are published on n0velbj)n((.))co/m

The boss immediately noticed the attack and turned around, slashing the pouch in half.

As the pouch burst, it released a cloud of pepper dust, causing everyone inside to scream as their eyes burned, turning bright red.

STAB! Jack rushed right through the cloud and stabbed one of the wizards in the throat. The other two wizards tried casting spells, but couldn't due to the extensive caught they were having which made it impossible to chant.

The other gang members started blinding taking guard as they couldn't see through their tears, and the only one who managed to move was the boss. He pulled a crossbow and fired directly at Jack's face.

With a quick move, Jack used the wizard he just killed as a shield then pushed toward the other two wizards, cutting them down before the boss could lung at him.

Unlike the thugs, Jack has trained to get used to the hot pepper, putting it in his eyes daily to get used to the burning sensation. He could see and move fairly well as he didn't even get bothered that much by breathing it, although he always wore a mask just in case, and not to get identified.

But even with that net, Jack didn't slow down and kept flying everywhere, firing his bolts. He laid the net and knew how to move in it without triggering anything.

The boss started struggling as almost each of his slashes trying to deal with the bolts ended up in his injuries from the wires or being blasted with a bomb of some kind. He couldn't even use a powerful spell to blast everything away, as that would trigger all the bombs at once and possibly kill him.

The bolts started hitting the boss left and right, piercing his shoulders as Jack kept firing endlessly.

"I would've recruited you to our ranks if you didn't kill so much." The boss smiled, "This much talent, and to think you're this skilled with traps." His muscles expanded as the bolts got ejected from his wounds and his eyes flashed red.

BAM! In the blink of an eye, the boss spun around with a flash of fire, cutting all the wires and unleashing a powerful shockwave that triggered all the bombs at once. Jack gasped as he landed on the wall, ^This idiot? Did he kill himself, no, this is bad.^

From the smoke, two red wings emerged covering the bandit boss as two horns extended from his head with flames gushing from beneath his feet. "You seem to have planned to fight me even if I was at least level 50. But sadly, you're out of luck coming against me." He pointed his sword at Jack.

"I'm a level 150 half-red dragon."

Jack immediately tried to retreat, ^Suck a monster, he's almost as strong as Eris. Not worth dealing with alone.^

"Where are you going?!" The boss appeared behind Jack swinging his sword.

Jack tried to block, but he got slashed across the chest and eyes and sent rolling on the ground.

Thud! The boss landed, staring at him with a passive face.

"Nothing can win against raw power and talent." He pointed his sword at Jack, "Stand, your death won't be painless."

Jack giggled as blood dripped from his slashed eyes. "What a pain in the ass. But fine, I'll have a nice night later." He stood, blood gushing from his chest.

"So you can still move." The boss smiled.

Jack reached into his pocket and started pulling a strange weapon, a whole zweihander in his right arm and a wakizashi in his left arm.

"A great sword? And that knife, one from the this magic..." He gasped, "A holy sword?! Are you a hero?"

CLANG! Jack rested the zweihander on his shoulder as he barely stood with black veins spreading across his body, he had drunk the berserker potion he had in his back tooth, the same one he used to fight the incubus's magic in the past.

"YEAH! I wouldn't want to bring my wife to this retched place, I'll have to clean you, bastards, out! For our first school date." He growled with blood gushing from his sliced eyes.