Chapter 795 The Healing Class

Name:The dragon's harem Author:
Chapter 795 The Healing Class

Eris sighed, staring at the board with a bored face.

"I know this might seem complicated, but we'll see it in action soon enough." Their teacher Lala smiled. "We'll make a quick tour of the university's church of Amaterasu. I'll show you some basic effects and interaction between believers and their god, and how to harness as much power as possible."

Even though Lala was a believer in Gracie that didn't mean she couldn't receive holy or divine magic from Amaterasu if she asked for it. Most of the gods are friendly with each other and would happily help the believers of each other; it's the rare few that fight with each other.

Gracie was a special case even among the friendly gods. What she embodies are the concepts of lust, love, life, and more, basic needs for every living being which made even the evil gods give her some respect.

As they reached the school's church, Lala approached Amaterasu's statue and opened her palm. "As you can see, holy magic is best used for healing. And Divine magic is for damage, it's especially effective against the undead."

"How good are you with blood?" She looked at the students with a smile.

They looked at each other, confused. "What do you mean by blood?"

"How many injuries you saw? Are you used to seeing those?"

"I've worked as a healer for the frontlines in many monster stampedes." Lydia replied, "I've seen people bitten in half."

"I've got blasted several times myself... that wasn't fun." Eris added.

While those two were quite used to it, most of the students shook their heads. They've never seen something besides small cuts and stabs. They are nowhere near battlefield healers.

Contrary to most beliefs, healers are the lifeline of all armies and adventuring parties, especially at higher levels of combat. Without them, deaths would rise to the sky and most wars would've taken a whole different course.

Albeit that most religious clerics and paladins can be obnoxious and hard to deal with, some even say painful to even speak with, people still tolerate them. All of that for one reason, it's the fanatic belief in their gods that turns into healing power. If you're gravely injured, you'll want the healer who would be the most insane about their religion, as he would have the best healing.

Lala pulled a sword and extended her left arm. "I'll show how to use healing magic the best. So we'll start with this." With a swift move, she slashed her left arm on the elbow, cutting it down.

Several of the students turned around and puked, their stomachs couldn't handle the splashing blood.

"AH...this pain... it's good." Lala gasped with a slightly red face. "No, I need to heal it quickly."

With a golden spark, her arm grew back.

When Eris tried to heal Lala, she only ended up making a stump.

"See? It's far harder when trying to heal someone else." Lala healed her arm and pointed at the corpses. "Get back to study."

"You too healed yourself." Eris growled.

"I did since I don't expect any of you to be a willing test subject." Lala smiled.

Eris immediately cut her arm again, "Then show us how you heal someone else."

Lala lifted her palm with a smile. "Of course, here you go." With a blinding flash, Eris's arm grew back in the blink of an eye. Despite her being a vampire and should be harder for Lala to heal her, she didn't seem to have any trouble at all.

"As a healer, I'm far above both of you." She stared at Eris and shifted her eyes to Lydia. "You can heal yourself well but fail at healing others. And Lydia there is the reverse she can heal other people but fail when it comes to herself. I bet she can regrow my arm but won't be able to heal herself."

Lala sat on the base of Amaterasu's statue and put one leg on another, "Everyone should work on their weakness and make sure it's fixed. In this class, we're trying to make powerful and reliable healers that save lives and keep people alive. Some of you might use that power as adventurers and go on your own life, some of you would sit in a church and heal civilians and some would go to war as battle healers. They are all important roles that need you to be the best."

Healing and healers play an important role in humanoid life as they preserve lives. Potion can achieve that, but the side effects are harsher in them. A healer can dial down his healing magic if the target doesn't have enough stamina to heal, but a potion can't.

"You can't sit on Amaterasu's statue." Lydia stared at Lala as she saw her sitting on the base of Amaterasu's statue. That was both disrespectful and highly frowned upon.

"That the rules you people made based on you lives, morals and believes. There is no direct order from Amaterasu not to sit here." Lala smiled, "You might not know, but the sun loves to stand high and look down upon people. To have them yearn for her warmth and light. Sitting here might make her feel better, seeing someone sitting at her legs."

Lala lifted two fingers up, "Those of you who manage a sufficient healing output might receive a special course with me. How to amplify and expand healing into a massive area and that would put you another level to other healers."

Lala's eyes flashed pink with a violent spark as her hair blew back with a strong gust of wind. A wave of holy magic so heavy that none of the students could figure out from which god it came filled the whole church.

[Holy Expansion: Holy church of life]

"Everyone in my range is instantly fully healed to the point they look immortals. As long as I stand alive, and my stamina holds, this is a no-death, no-harm zone. It can even revive those who died less than a couple of minutes ago." She stared at them with a smile.

Eris couldn't feel it, but Lydia managed to vaguely catch on the fact that this holy magic wasn't coming from Amaterasu, which meant it was coming from Lala's true goddess, Gracie the goddess of love, lust, and life.

^She's on another level.^