Chapter 850: Divine Gauntlet V: Too Angry To Die

Name:The dragon's harem Author:
Chapter 850: Divine Gauntlet V: Too Angry To Die

"You were indeed above all mortals." Korah smiled as he turned around, ready to teleport after Jordan. "Only blame your mortal limits."


As Gojo charged at Korah, ready to finish him off, something happened. It wasn't anything strange, but an expected event, he ran out of mana. That wasn't a problem to Gojo, it'll only take him a fraction of a second to absorb and fully regenerate his. It had already happened before in this fight but it wasn't a problem.

After seeing it happen once in the fight and missing it, Korah had taken a defensive plan. Slowly lowering his output and focusing on defense. He held tight and took the beating, even letting his angel get clubbed to death.

He gritted his teeth and waited, patiently for the second time that Gojo ran out.

When Gojo's mana hit zero, Korah sprang into action with an unorthodox move. Gojo had a barrier spell in place to defend himself in that situation, but due to Korah's plan, it failed.

The move Korah used threw all of Gojo's defensive plans into a loop; he healed him instead of attacking. The barrier wasn't designed to reject beneficial spells and those allowed the healing in before breaking, it's a one-use spell but could pretty much block anything, and it got wasted.

Gojo's eyes and ears healed, and the first thing he saw and heard was the hand sign and the word "DIE"

It was but a fraction of a second, but Korah's divine dominion took over, and Gojo's mortal life vanished.


"You've transcended mortality, it's near impossible to see a mortal stand to a god like that." The angel pointed at the countless heavens, "Pick and choose."

"Come to mine." From the side, a six-armed blue-skinned woman said with a smile, that was Kali, the goddess of orphans and destruction. "You might be faithless, but Liliana isn't. She'll end up in my heaven, so come here so you'll two ends up in the same place."

Gojo looked at the heavens at his right and then turned to his left, seeing other plans of existence.

"Those are the plans of torment. The nine hells, the deepest abyss, the grey wastelands of hades, and the chaotic soup of Limbo, you've earned a right to the heavens, you don't need to worry about them." The angel said with a passive face.

Gojo looked down and saw the mortal world with Korah walking away from his corpse, specs of golden lighting flying everywhere toward him. "I see...those are the particles of holy magic. They form inside his faithful and then go to him, that is how the gods get their immortality and infinite energy."

"As long as we have faithful people, we never die." Kali smiled, "And as long as they pray, we never run out of energy. Of course, based on the numbers, the more a god gets the stronger they become." She waved his hand toward her heaven, "Come."

As Korah looked at the destruction around him, he sighed, "It'll be bad if he killed Eris before me." With a single wave of his hand, he summoned four angels. "You'll do. There is a monster in the desert, go and stall it, kill it, or whatever, I don't want it bothering me for the next ten


"Look!" One of the angels pointed out. A shadow was standing among the ash and smoke. A tall humanoid monster covered in black scales with the head of a dragon, purple magic dripped from his eyes and between his scales as lightning crackled all the way from his wings to the tip of its tail. It was clear at a glance that he had some black fur growing alongside his spine and forearms, with large vampiric fangs.

"DIE!" Korah immediately growled. If it's a mortal, this should be the end.

In the next moment, Arad roared at the ground, blowing the whole area in a massive

explosion several kilometers wide.

The labyrinth was sturdy enough to handle the blast, but the cities were nearby. As the people saw the explosion being far too close, and several times the size of the previous one, their coming death became engraved in stone.

"Dig It!" A vampire screamed. One of Arad's spawns as he stood in the middle of the city. Doma sent them beforehand, and they could only do that as Jack's eclipse was still up. "It's ready!" The other vampire yelled, he was an earth wizard in life, and had dug a massive hole in the ground.

Even more vampires rushed across the city and split into two halves, one half tried to form a barrier to protect the city, and the other snatched every human they could and threw them into the hole. Since they didn't have any time before the blast arrived, the vampires smacked anyone who could use magic and forced them to help maintain the hole. That was their only


The vampires weren't afraid to die in the blast, they'd only return to Arad's blood. But Doma had warned them that it'd be a huge problem for Arad in the future if many humans died and that she'd blame them for it.

In the middle of the burning explosion, Korah gasped as Arad grabbed him by the neck. "Why...didn't..." Before Korah could finish, Arad bit his face off and unleashed another full- power breath into the open throat, which caused a second massive explosion.

Gojo had ripped his eardrums and blinded himself so Korah couldn't kill him with his authority, on the other hand, Arad didn't need to do that. And that was only for one reason, he

was too angry to understand.

Just like how an enraged man can't comprehend words or reason, Arad has turned into a wild monster that can't be reasoned with. He doesn't understand speech, doesn't see anything in the world besides the thing pissing him off, and that thing must not exist.

The vampires protecting the cities gasped, "Damn it! Another blast, can't our lord calm down

a bit?" One cried.

"Look! It's not just two, there are more!" Another pointed out. One explosion after another, Arad was fighting Korah in the heart of countless kingdom-destroying blasts akin to [Ho- white Nova]