Chapter 858: How To Kill A God

Name:The dragon's harem Author:
Chapter 858: How To Kill A God

The stats of being, there are essentially four. The normal two known as life and death, then immortally and complete destruction. When someone is alive, their soul is tied to their bodies with a silver thread akin to an ambilocal cord, and when they die, that thread is severed and their souls ascend to the afterlife.

The conditions for someone's death differ, aging is merely that cord detreating through time, the more damaged it gets, the more the body gets shriveled and weakened until it reaches a point when the cord snaps and the person dies.

Complete destruction is when the soul itself gets destroyed and thus the person can't even exist in the afterlife as a soul.

Immortality on the other hand is when the silver thread gets stronger and turns into a golden chain, binding the soul to the body, or to an object either through magic or divine powers. Liches do the same thing, they use the thread to link their souls to an object, which is called phylactery that holds their soul, and thus are immortals that can always create a new body for themselves as long as they've got magic and bones to do it in their magical storage.

Now that Gojo had died he became aware of his silver thread and had clearly understood that the god's dominion over mortal cleanly severs it like a blade cutting a yarn thread. As a soul haunting his own body, he could see his severed thread dangling from his belly button, wondering why dragons even have belly buttons even though they are born from eggs. To anyone, that fact seems strange, but to Gojo, it means he still has a lot to learn about himself and the dragons.

Wild magic isn't any form of complicated and well-calculated magic, it's just raw mana flowing violently in random paths, resulting in completely random and chaotic outcomes.

Gojo had hit 5-5-4-1, a spell that once disappointed Lucy and would've disappointed him as well if the situation had been different. Immortality for one minute.

After gazing upon Limbo, Gojo understood how some wild magic effects work. Immortality happens when the powerful flow of mana passes by the silver thread linking the body and the soul, causing it to become stronger.

Gojo's silver thread that was severed cleanly by Korah's authority got welded back by the wild magic, lifting him up from dead to mortal, but not immortal. The wild magic wasn't to make people immortal, it only raised them one step on the scale of death->life->immortality.

Gojo's soul finally returned to his body, and he glared at Korah with a large smile on his face. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"DIE!" Korah immediately noticed that Gojo had come back to life and killed him. Gojo's body went limp for a fraction of a second and Korah giggled, "Fool."

CRACK! Gojo's body moved and punched Korah so hard that he sent him flying to the ground with a massive shockwave.

Korah hit the ground and stood up, ^Wait, he's still alive. But he isn't an immortal.^ As a god, he could clearly tell that Gojo is a mortal, not an immortal.

"Well, you killed me, indeed for a second time I died." Gojo laughed as he glared down at Korah with a crazed smile, "But...since the wild magic still flows through my silver thread, you can sever it as many times as you want, it'll just get welded back up again...It's really amazing...the more I understand about the magic and this world, the more fascinating it becomes!"

of Korah's energy.

For a demi-god to finally accent and become a lesser god, they need to gather a lot of believers, which means the number of believers affects the god's divinity. It's not that a powerful god would have a lot of believers, it's the god who gathers a lot of believers that will

ascend higher.

Gojo could still see it, the divine magic, those golden specs of light falling from the sky toward Korah's body to heal and energize him.

"It's a massacre." Gojo said as his eyes flashed blue, gazing upon the world from the infinite void, burning with potential.

In the next second, Gojo unleashed his expansion to its full range but removed all of its damage. His goal wasn't to kill but to locate his targets. Using his after-death knowledge and expertise in magic, he traced all of the divine magic Korah was getting back to his believers and located each and every one of them.

Those praying in the church, in their houses, in shrines, on the street, while working, those drinking, all of them were living under the gaze of the stars as Gojo's will reached the magic

around them.

The stars of Orion twisted in the sky as Gojo closed his eyes, and Korah immediately knew what was going to happen. "Your inhumane bastard!" He screamed, lunged with as little power he had regenerated, and tried to interrupt him.

"I'm a dragon." Gojo replied, and his magic started working, cutting, beheading, burning, and killing every one of Korah's believers that he found. People were peacefully praying in the church, on for a spark of magic to split their bowels open.

A woman was looking out of her window, and her head fell to the streets. And old man tapped

his hurting back, only for his torso to be cut in half and relieve him of the pain. Those who offered foot at the shrine ended up getting cooked themselves in a burst of flames, and nails of ice exploded in some.

That day, Gojo claimed over five hundred thousand human souls, tanking Korah's divinity and regressing him back into a demi-god with only a few couples of believers that slipped through the cracks in Gojo's detection technique.

And with a single step forward, Gojo cut the weakened Korah and snatched the portfolio of

gluttony from his soul. "How do you feel... being slayed by a mortal." He smiled, and fell on his face, the one minute had ended.