Chapter 860: To Feed The Devils

Name:The dragon's harem Author:
Chapter 860: To Feed The Devils

Korah growled, ^This old man, for Silent Snow to be acting this way around him. He has to be him.Ʌ

Cain turned toward Korah and slowly lifted his hand, "You've done your part. But...sealing Sena wasn't a part of that."

The scenery quickly changed into a massive white room.

Korah looked around, trying to escape but he couldn't find any path. This place is completely severed from the outer world.

"Cain!" Amaterasu floated down from the ceiling, "Is Bela annoying you again?" she said with a smile, landing before him. Looking at his face with a smile on her face, her glowing red lips sparkled as the two suns burning in her eyes flashed with power.

"I've gotten used to her." He smiled, "You've come because of Eris, right?"

"She's my paladin so of a demi-goddess, she's also under my pantheon, I must stand for her." She slowly turned, her strangely large kimono waving on its own as her hair seemed to flash red for a second.

"Lesser God Korah. I don't care if you broke the divine order, criminal bugs are still tiny bugs, they won't amount to anything anyway." She stood there, glowing faintly. "Do you know what the sun is?"

"The sun is the sun." Korah growled, thinking and trying to figure a way to get out of here.

"First, let me show you how your life and everything in the mortal world is worth nothing. All of your efforts and struggles are meaningless." She waved her hand and they started zooming out until they looked down upon the mortal world, a massive planet.

"See that small patch of land? It's the massive continent you've been living in, all of your struggles hadn't scratched this planet, not even a bit." She giggled as Korah's face slowly paled.NewW novels updates at

"Now...this is the sun." They zoomed out even more, and the whole mortal planet felt like a grain of sand falling into the ocean when they reached the sun.

"You can train your whole life, gather all the believers you want, max your level to 1000, no, even if Aria lets you reach level million. Your fist will never reach the sun, let alone gain the right to face it." She approached Cain, "Even Aria herself can't beat me." She combed his beard in her finger, and her red glowing nails flickered with magic.

"Are you sure about that? The last time I saw you two together, she was stepping on your face." Cain replied with a smile.

"Using your power is cheating!" Amaterasu protested with puffed cheeks.

At that time, Korah was as shriveled as a dead shrimp on the side of the hot summer road.

"What's this?" He said with a smile, rushing toward the humanoid flames with a happy face.

"The fallen god of gluttony, he's been sentenced to sat the devil's hunger for all eternity. Want some?" She said with a gentle voice, "I can see it, you've achieved great things."

Abel scratched his head, "Nothing great, in fact, I just got killed in a fight and resurrected."

"You're too humble for a devil." The fire replied, "I can see it through the flames. You've been burned to death trying to hold a demi-god. That's a magnificent feat worthy of such a feast." She filled a large bowl for Abel and lifted it up, shouting, "For the health of this young devil who died fighting a demi-god! His deeds shall be praised through the nine hells!"

The massive and terrifying pit fiends, the balors, the powerful devil kings, all the fiends of hell present shouted in unison, "To his eternal glory!"

Everyone celebrated for almost an hour, and lastly one finally asked Abel. "Say, young one. What's your curse?"

"Me?" Abel pointed at himself, "It's nothing great. This is it." He pointed at a boulder, and a hole got punched in from almost ten meters away.

"The fear of holes, I can make them anywhere within my range, infuse my fists with them, and my enemies end up like wasp nests. The curse itself is called, [Hole]" Abel shook his head, "It got no tricks or special property, just punching holes in things until they die."


Back in the mortal world, Eris opened her eyes in the morning. She yawned and looked at the bed next to her, Lydia still hadn't come back since she left with Jack yesterday.

She woke up and walked toward the bathroom, washed her face, and changed her clothes. Before leaving, she opened the new cabinet she had Mira make her. Inside it was a little shrine of stone. She put a gold coin in the small basin before it and prayed a bit to the new demi-

goddess of greed.

In the past two days, Eris had noticed that prayers from following demigods grant far more power than normal mortals, that is why she and the other decided to exchange prayers each day in the morning, helping each other grow stronger as fast as possible. Inside the university's large artificer's workshop, Mira had spent the whole day swinging her hammer down. Blacksmithing wasn't something she's used to, and it felt a bit strange. But she got an idea, one she herself deemed stupid, but it might work.

Mira had spent the whole night trying to forge a golden blade as an experiment. Dripping in sweat, she lifted the burning hot blade and took it toward a large barrel of dragon blood. She had worked poor Alcott to the bone to get it.

As she carried the sword with one hand, she cut her wrist on the barrel's edge and poured her blood into the mix. "Please, don't explode, don't explode, don't explode..." She closed her eyes and plunged the sword in.

In a flash of fire, it exploded and sent her flying back, this was the third time. She coughed smoke and pulled a healing potion from her pocket, "Who's the idiot who said the third time is the charm?" She sat up and looked forward, the sword had shattered into pieces. "Failed again," She looked at the window, and gasped, "AH! The sun is up, I totally forgot!" She rushed toward the corner of the warehouse and opened a small cabinet, praying to a shrine that was a candle covered by a human skull that had a butterfly drawn on it with blood.

"I hope Eris isn't angry that I'm late...she always prays on time and even gives offerings..." She looked at the other corner where she had a pen of hens... "We don't need to eat chicken today, do we?"