Chapter 394: the dust settles

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Sirius Black wriggled wildly under the worried eyes of Harry and Lupin, knocking the chairs out of the office.

Because Sirius' mourning was too tragic, everyone except Snape showed an unbearable look, and Fisch even raised his hand and wanted to give him a [Rejuvenation], but it was only by Mag. The professor stopped me...

God knows if that would make the drug useless, and Black would suffer in vain.

After a while, Sirius's movements began to slow down, and the wailing gradually subsided, but there would still be one or two faint moans from time to time.

At this time, his limbs were paralyzed, lying on his back on the floor, his face was covered with sweat and tears, his eyes were slack, his expression was blank, and even saliva was dripping from his mouth... like a mental retardation.

"Minerva, Severus' potion is horrible meow!"


Even the daring Fisch was frightened by the effects of this mindless potion. Snape's potion could actually turn people into fools!

He plunged his head into Professor McGonagall's arms and carefully glanced at Sirius on the ground from the corner of his eye. At the same time, Cat Cat twitched her nose a few times, trying her best to remember the smell left in the empty medicine bottle on the ground.

"Don't worry, Fish, no one will make this medicine except me, and I don't plan to use her on anyone else."

Snape comforted the cat and then walked to Sirius's side and squatted under Harry's vicious gaze.

He lowered his head to admire the miserable appearance of Sirius, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. If it wasn't for Dumbledore's urging, Snape would have been able to watch it all night.

At Dumbledore's urging, Snape brought the clarified potion to Sirius's mouth and dropped three drops into it at will. .

With the feeding of Veritaserum, Sirius's eyes became even more dazed, as if he had died, and his cheeks that were still twitching slightly slackened, looking very peaceful.

Dumbledore also squatted down, looked at Sirius and asked, "Can you hear me?"

Sirius's eyelids twitched a few times, and he replied in a flat, emotionless tone, "I can hear you."

"I want you to tell us," Dumbledore said softly, "the truth about how James and Lily were discovered by Voldemort."

Sirius shuddered and took a deep breath. With a remorseful look on his face, he replied, "It's all my fault. I persuaded James and Lily to replace the secrecy with Peter..."

His voice was still monotonous, but Harry could hear the pain in it.

"...I don't understand why I didn't see him as a spy in the first place. He always liked strong friends to get their attention. It used to be us... me and Remus... and James... "

Sirius's answer was not much different from before, even more detailed, and then Dumbledore asked some questions such as how he escaped Azkaban, and how he found Peter, his answer is still the same as before .

"It seems that Sirius and Remus didn't lie..." Dumbledore stood up straight and looked at Snape, "Severus?"


Disappointment flashed across Snape's face, and he turned his head away, tacitly giving up reporting to the Ministry of Magic.

Only then did Lupin and Harry quickly step up to help Sirius up, and then Harry asked in worry and surprise, "Will this relieve Sirius from wanted?"

The cat on the other side was also surprised.

"That's right! Fish's bounty is gone too, meow!"


"If Fish wants a bounty, it's okay to hand Black over to the Ministry of Magic now."

Snape sullenly encouraged Fish, and answered Harry's question sideways.

And Lupin shook his head with a wry smile at this time, he told Harry: "Severus's heartbreak potion has not been approved by the Ministry of Magic, they will not believe Sirius, and those officials..."

People at the Ministry of Magic would not admit that they had caught the wrong person without actual evidence.

The latter paragraph Lupin did not say, just let Harry know that Sirius had to continue to hide.

Harry was a little disappointed.

Mao Mao is also very disappointed...because his bounty is gone...

Also cheated by Banban to eat a lot of food!

As for Snape's suggestion, of course Fish couldn't actually do it. Although he didn't know why Black was innocent and was still wanted, the cat itself had no habit of wronging good people, even if he was not very good at it. like him.

"Okay, let's all go back," Dumbledore began to drive people. "It's very late now. As for Sirius, leave it to me to arrange."

Although Harry and Fish wanted to stay, but under the double pressure of Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, they could only return to the dormitory in despair.

"Harry! Fish! Are you all right?! Black and Lupin?!"

As soon as the two got out of the wall, they were immediately surrounded by Ron and others.

Although Harry knocked himself unconscious before, Ron didn't care, but grabbed his friend's arm and asked with concern.

Harry looked at Ron's worried expression and felt very guilty. He first apologized to Ron, then looked at the classmates around him, and said, "Professor Lupin was knocked out by little... er... Black Well, we failed to catch him and he escaped."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It's so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Before returning, Dumbledore had told the two of them not to tell the truth, because if they did, the Ministry of Magic would probably guess that Sirius was hidden by him. As for Ron, Harry planned to do so later. Tell him the truth alone.

"Professor Lupin is not with Black?" Ron was stunned, scratched his head in embarrassment, and turned to look at the crowd around him, "But everyone already knows about him being a werewolf... and Someone has already used owls to deliver letters to the house."

"Even if Lupin is a good man, I don't want a werewolf to be my teacher!"

"That's right! It's too dangerous!"

Even in Gryffindor House, there are many people who fear and hate werewolves. Even if they know that Lupin is not a bad person, they don't want him to continue teaching.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously impossible for Lupin to continue teaching The curse of the mysterious man is still powerful..."

Ron, who revealed this secret, resolutely threw the pot.

Harry rolled his eyes, but he wasn't too sad, anyway, Lupin himself said that after the semester ended, he was going to track down Pettigrew Peter's trail, and he didn't intend to stay.

"But then again, it's no wonder that Black was able to escape from Azkaban, but even Fish couldn't keep him."

Neville on the side couldn't help but sigh, the others nodded in agreement, and the girls looked even more worried.

"Fortunately, Fish was not injured by Black, so don't do such a dangerous thing in the future."

Xia Pei touched the kitten's head and persuaded earnestly.

Then the strong cat will quit immediately.

"It's not dangerous, meow! Fishh knocked Black down with just one punch, meow! That guy doesn't even have a wand, how could he hurt Fishh! Fishh is so powerful!"


Feixu angrily retorted that he dared to underestimate the strength of the cat, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed!

"Right, right! When I arrived, Fish had actually caught Black." Harry interrupted Fish quickly, and quickly recovered, "It's just that the arrival of Snape and I made little... Black If he finds an opportunity, he will escape."

After being interrupted like this by Harry, Fishh remembered that this matter needed to be kept secret, so the kitten swallowed the follow-up words decisively, and then pushed through the crowd and ran into the dormitory.

"Feixu is sleepy, I'm going to bed, good night everyone!"



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