Chapter 14

EP. 14: Desolation and Regret (2)

“Do you know the commonality between goblins and orcs?”

Celia said in a gentle voice.

The question was directed at the adventurer Denver.

However, Denver couldn’t respond.

“It’s wa...ter.”

It had been two days since they were trapped in the dungeon.

His vision had blurred, and his body was craving water intensely.

Denver extended his tongue toward the air, hoping for even the tiniest hint of moisture, but his thirst only grew stronger.

However, Celia continued her explanation, not minding Denver’s state.

“The commonality is that both races have a very low chance of females being born. Typically, around nine males are born for every one female.”

Of course, there was a possibility that even that one female might not be born.

Celia chuckled softly.

“Because the number of females is so limited, they couldn’t increase their population through conventional means. So, they had to choose an entirely different method. Do you know what it is?”

Even with Celia’s continuous questions, Denver didn’t provide an answer.

He was already half out of his mind, completely exhausted.

He couldn’t think of anything.

He could only see one person before him.

Jane was already lying on the ground with her clothes torn apart.

Unidentified liquids covered her. Her body and mind had been defiled by the goblins.

“The answer is that they reproduce through different species. However!”

Celia shook her head and opened her mouth.

“Orcs aside, it’s really difficult for goblins to find other species for reproduction. Goblins are responsible for the lower levels of the food chain, so it’s not easy for them to seek out other races.”

So, goblins had been resorting to human reproduction.

“Of course! Among humans, they exclude the strong ones like knights or mages. Hoho.”

Even goblins had limits, and they couldn’t do anything about powerful humans.

Denver’s expression twisted suddenly.

Up until now, her actions and words made it easy to understand what she meant.

“I have a question that arose during this. I wonder what kind of power goblin offspring born between a human with magical abilities and goblins would possess.”

They were all unusual goblins.

In the future, they would raise the goblin offspring in this dungeon.

These creatures would be born in this dungeon, and they would work as laborers for the dungeon’s growth.

“Ah, just thinking about it makes me so happy.”

Celia covered her face with both hands and showed a euphoric expression.

However, for Denver, there was nothing more dreadful than that.

Using people for the reproduction of monsters... it was unthinkable and unacceptable.

Denver, with a trembling voice, finally managed to speak,

“Do you think you’ll get away with this?”

He shouted with all the strength he had left, using all his might.

“If we can’t get out of here, do you know what will happen? If there’s no contact within a week, other adventurers will come!”

His words were a fact.

If adventurers who had accepted the dungeon quest failed to make contact for a week, the guild would start an investigation.

It was the guild’s policy to meticulously manage the dungeon to prevent monster waves.

“Then you and that smug bastard are done for! It would be better if you released us right now!”

“How dare you... A creature who didn’t even deserve to be called an insect dared to mention the Master. It was unpleasant.”

Celia grabbed Denver’s mouth with her hand.

Pulling down his face wouldn’t be enough.

She did this to shut him up, forcefully.


When Celia flicked her finger, the goblins that had been resting began moving again.

Their only goal was pleasure, and Denver was forcibly made to watch that horrifying sight.

“You can’t urn your head... away. I hope you understand that the price of invading the Master’s dungeon is to accept the consequences?”


And thus, Denver, who had once loved that girl, met his end while embraced her.

Tears streamed down his limp face, but no one knew if they were tears of sadness or tears of joy, celebrating liberation.

However, it had become meaningless.

Denver’s lifeless body began to move again.

It was an extremely unnatural movement, a result of the Death Knight’s skill.

[Death’s Shadow]

A skill granted by the Death Knight, resurrecting the one killed by it as a ghoul.

Denver, who had his heart pierced, was reborn as a ghoul.

“Cel...lia... No... Loyalty... Only...”

However, it was not an ordinary ghoul.


Celia also seemed surprised by the ghoul’s behavior.

Even though he had become a ghoul, his former attraction still remained.

“This is quite surprising. However, your loyalty should be directed solely toward Master.”

Celia smiled and tried to send Denver, who had turned into a ghoul, to the first area.

But the ghoul didn’t budge.

“Hmm... I should have not used charm if I knew this annoying thing would happen.”

But it was too late.

Denver, in his ghoul form, would continue to follow Celia.

“Well, it can’t be helped. From now on, I’ll just call you Denver, so don’t get in my way.”

Celia pushed Denver aside and clapped her hands.

“Now, there’s a lot to do.”

Master had instructed her to manage the dungeon, create despair for those who set foot inside, and for that, she needed to stay busy.

Trading with merchants to obtain necessary items, managing various tasks throughout the dungeon, there was plenty to do for a while.

However, Celia didn’t seem tired at all.

“From now on, it’s time to spread the Master’s will throughout the El Dorad continent!”

Considering the future where the entire continent would be covered with the Master’s fame, the current hardships were nothing.

“I hope that day comes soon.”

Celia’s maniacal laughter echoed through the dungeon.




– Successfully repelled intruders. –

– [Mid Boss] Unlock conditions are met! –

– [Mid Boss] Unlocked! –

– When there are 30 or more monsters in the area, you can designate the ‘Mid Boss’ for that area. –

– Unlock conditions for [Dungeon Support & Dispatch] are met! –

– [Dungeon Support & Dispatch] Unlocked! –

– You can provide support to other dungeons or dispatch monsters. –

– Acquired Unique Monster Denver (★★★). –

The alarm on his smartphone kept ringing.

Unfortunately, Lee Kanghyun was currently working as a laborer in the dungeon, so he couldn’t check the alarm.

But the alarm didn’t stop there.


– Scoring in progress... –

– Successfully completed the tutorial. –

– Lee Kanghyun’s soul is bound to the dungeon. –

– This alarm will be automatically deleted in 5 minutes. –


Read at ILC Translation


● Author’s Note

I’ve made many modifications, reducing and removing explicit descriptions in this chapter.

Hope you enjoy the chapter, if you wish to support me you can do it Here