Chapter – 59

EP.59 Hell (2) (Revised)

An unprecedented monster wave has occurred.

So far, only two A-class monsters have been confirmed.

In response, the Hunter Association issued a hunter mobilization order for the nearby area, and guilds dispatched their affiliated hunters.

Hurry up!

Dont push! Were already packed in here!

The nearby area was already chaotic.

Hunters were appearing, but the outcome was uncertain.

At least in the area where the monster wave occurred, it was best to stay far away.

Even in the middle of the night, people who thought so joined the long evacuation procession.

Around the evacuating people, hunters and soldiers were controlling them.

Dont go that way! Its dangerous!

Follow the instructions!!

But their shouts were nothing more than echoes.

It was natural.

There were not just one, but two A-class monsters.

And it wasnt just A-class monsters.

There were also monsters estimated to be B-class, and numerous lower-ranked monsters.

Truly a situation that could be described as hell.

In short, peace was shattered.

As peace crumbled, people recalled the nightmare of 25 years ago.

The time when dungeons and monsters first appeared in the world.

Sigh, how far will it go this time? It would be great if it ended quickly without much damage.

One hunter on the scene complained.

It hadnt even been a full day since this wave broke out.

No, it had only been a few hours, but the atmosphere was grim.

While overcoming the previous crises, the world had been returning to a peaceful state.

For a while, there was a belief in peoples hearts that peace would continue.

But that belief was shattered.

There was even anxiety that such incidents might become more common in the future.

In fact, increasingly powerful monsters were gradually revealing themselves.

Just like now.

Itll be over soon. Still, we should be okay considering our capabilities, right?

A fellow hunter approached, expressing discontent.

They were hunters affiliated with the Phoenix Guild.

The Sacred Guild guys went to deal with A-class monsters. Two of them.

If its the Sacred Guild, of course, Kim Soo-Ho went. It makes sense for a holy knight to be dispatched against undead.

The A-class monsters that appeared in this monster wave were Death Knight and Arch Lich, both undead.

Attacks with the light attribute were most effective against the undead race.

And the most suitable guild for that was the Sacred Guild.

Especially Kim Soo-Ho was the most appropriate.

Having received the title of holy knight from the White Order on the El Dorad Continent, he could easily eliminate this threat.

Even though they belonged to different guilds and considered each other rivals, they had to unite in the face of such a serious crisis.

Yeah, please dont come just to us for help.

Especially when it came to matters involving ones own life.

Tsk, but seriously, how is the world going to turn out like this?

They heard that the origin of the monster wave had not been found yet.

In such a situation, the combination of Death Knight and Arch Lich was enough to make ones heart tremble.

They were not just strong; they were beings beyond that.

The skill that turns people into monsters was truly malicious.

If not dealt with quickly, this area would be filled with ghouls and skeletons, it was only a matter of time.

In their minds, they desperately hoped that the hunters of the Sacred Guild would resolve the situation.

Of course, it would be dangerous, but ones own life was more precious.

Fortunately, if you could call it that, they were lucky compared to the Sacred Guild.

Unlike the Sacred Guild, they were controlling citizens from the rear.

While the two hunters were deep in conversation, screams erupted from the rear of the procession.


What the! Why are there monsters here?

Screams burst from all directions, and people began to flee.

It truly became a chaotic scene.


The hunters turned their heads at the sound.

There were indeed monsters there.

They were dwarves with green skin.


Everyone was armed with equipment.

Could monsters keep popping up like this!

Report to headquarters immediately! And the rest, prepare for battle!

The hunter who was controlling the scene shouted orders to the surroundings.

Fortunately, if you could call it that, the monsters were only goblins.

Goblins werent particularly challenging.

They acted in groups, but as individual monster, they were quite weak.

Here they come! Get ready!

The goblins were approaching.

The Phoenix Guild hunters assumed a posture to brace for the impending impact.


Everyone tensed, swallowing nervously.


The goblins suddenly stopped in their tracks.

Everyone, hold!

Someone from behind the goblin ranks spoke.

The presence emerged from among the goblins, revealing itself.

Everyone was astonished.

They fell into silence simultaneously.

Some were even rubbing their eyes to confirm if what they were seeing was real.

Wow, a crown?

The revealed goblin had a different appearance from the typical goblin.

It had a larger build, and unlike the regular goblins, it exuded charisma.

Above all, the crown on its head indicated that this goblin was the Goblin Lord.

Does this make any sense!

The hunters despaired.

There were clearly only two A-class monsters.

And both of them were supposed to be dealt with by the Sacred Guild.

However, a third A-class monster appeared.

It was none other than the Goblin Lord.

Since the Goblin Lord could control all goblins freely and devise strategies, it was not an easy opponent.

Dammit! Quickly, go and bring Team Leader!

T-Team Leader? Whos the Team Leader?!

This idiot! Snap out of it! Its Team Leader Jung Ye-rin!

The hunter shouted.

From his mouth came the name, Jung Ye-rin, Team Leader.

The daughter of the Phoenix Guilds leader, who had recently cleared a dungeon.

Interestingly, that dungeon happened to be the Goblin Lords dungeon.

A time when everyone thought it was impossible.

Ye-rin had conquered the Goblin Lord and returned.

Thats why the hunters of the Phoenix Guild sought out Ye-rin first.

The monster before them now was also the Goblin Lord.

So, there was an expectation that Ye-rin might do something about it.

For now, everyone, slowly step back!

Now that they knew the Goblin Lord was present, the best course of action was an immediate retreat.

The Phoenix Guild hunters started stepping back, waiting for Ye-rin.

The Goblin Lord stood still, observing the movements of the opposition.

The goblins, with a disciplined stance, awaited the commands of the mid-boss, the Goblin Lord.

The current location of the Goblin Lord was in an area close to the dungeon with a dimensional portal.

Not attacked by monsters, just killed by the people in front of them.

Hey, seen enough? Since youve enjoyed the sight, bring out everything youve got.

One of them said to me.

Huh? That guys weapon looks good.

Someone was interested in the demon sword Maru possessed.


I couldnt say anything because I was dumbfounded by their appearance.

The guys in front of me were also hunters.

Sometimes there were guys like them.

In the midst of danger, they only cared about their own survival.

Certainly, the current situation with the monster wave was dangerous.

Kneel and hand over that weapon. Maybe you know? We might spare your life only.

Even defending the area was insufficient, and yet, they were oppressing fellow humans.

Ha This guy wont listen even if I say this? Kneel if youre weak, punk!

When I didnt say anything, they approached angrily.

In an instant, past events flashed before my eyes.

Being discriminated and bullied at the academy but enduring it.

Even after barely graduating, working as a porter wasnt a smooth life either.

How about life in this world?

Werent there guys who were targeting me until recently?

Of course, behind that, even the guy from the academy I attended was involved.


Yes, I know.

If youre weak, its like this.

Now its a world where the strong dominate the weak.

The voice of the weak had no meaning.

If youre strong, even if you commit a crime, its not a crime. But if youre weak, even a small thing becomes a sin.

Nothing has changed.

I quietly murmured.

Of course, its not something I should say.

After all, looking closely, the current situation happened because of me.

Probably, the damage would have swelled like a snowball, and it might still be ongoing.

Yes, I didnt do anything good.

I know that well.

But they crossed the line in a different sense.


I briefly said his name, and Maru raised his sword.

Then, with all his strength, he stabbed the opponent.


The sword pierced the heart of the guy who was approaching Maru.


In the blink of an eye, one person perished.

His group, who were his comrades, were shaken.

They didnt expect Maru to be this powerful.

If the opponent realizes that they are weaker, most people react like this.

It was the same with the guys who tried to kill me in the dungeon.

Maybe their expressions were like that too.

Strength was like this.

You underestimated me too much.

It might have been just pity.

Maybe I wanted to appear morally righteous.

Their bewildered expressions were visible to me.

And behind them, I saw the corpses.

If I didnt have this strength,

If the opponent was stronger than me,

The person lying there on the ground might have been me.

But theres no if.

They collapsed because I was stronger than them.

No matter what story you tell, it ultimately comes down to strength.

Even if I promote ethical behavior, its just one persons conscience.

That alone cant change the world.


Those who misuse distorted values and power.

Kill them all.

To eliminate them and change the world, in the end, it required strength.

That strength would allow me to create a better future that I dream of.

Bodies piled up on the ground.

It might be difficult to clean up under normal circumstances, but dont I have a useful ability?

[The skill True Dungeon Master has been activated.]

[Would you like to use the corpses of these hunters as an offering for your dungeon?]

The corpses lying on the ground gradually disappeared.

This absorption was different from the offerings sent by Celia.

Their corpses were intended to be used for the development of my dungeon later.

It was also my power.

But I know.

No matter how powerful the strength is, if I cant control it, its meaningless.

Lets go.

Now it was time to move forward again.

To seize power for myself.




Unconsciously, I reached the location where Death Knight was visible.

And I confirmed that Arch Lich was beside him.

Everyone was watching ahead, but I couldnt see what they were looking at.

However, Celias figure was very faint.

she must be doing well.

At least thats what I thought, and I ordered Maru.

Maru, go and bring those guys here.

Upon receiving the command, Maru rushed forward with the demon sword, radiating a black light. The targets were Death Knight and Arch Lich.


However, the superior existence, Death Knight, was well aware of Marus approach.

Death Knight immediately turned his body, intercepting Marus sword.


The sword clashed with a shield adorned with a dark flame, accompanied by a maid outfit. Arch Lich, standing beside them, opened its mouth.

Ddak-ddak-ddak-ddak. Dalgduk.

(You are like us, so why are you disrupting the plan? This is the plan of our great master.)

Arch Lich spoke while holding a feather-like quill. Then, a skeleton holding an ink-filled bottle beside it opened the bottle.

Arch Lich dipped the quill in the ink and promptly started writing something in the book it held.

[Daring to rebel against the masters plan and causing disturbances. This is an issue that cannot be resolved with mere deductions, and we request an immediate dismissal from the position.]

But Maru had much to say as well.


(This is an order from our master.)

Arch Lich lifted its head at Marus words. Upon closer inspection, a familiar presence could be felt. Far away, a figure in a black robe became visible.


Arch Lich nodded its head.

[Listen to the words of our great and noble master so well. This is commendable.]

Hope you enjoy the chapter, if you wish to support me or read advance chapter you can do it Here

Translator Note:

Hi guys, sorry for not updating for a quite time. I had some accident awhile back when I travel back to my hometown, my laptop was being stolen. My whole data of translation is lost and now I just bought a used laptop for the translation, also I need to start collecting the novel raw again from the beginning.

I will try to get back to my regular schedule on posting the chapter.

Thank you so much for your patience.



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