91 Scary, bad, and the youngest (3)

Aslan was a common practice of eliminating parliament, which is running for despotism, and the crown prince is not the king....

One thing, if you could be king after that, Melchior would not be a good monarch.

"I have to live here for the rest of my life now, and it's hard for a tyrant to climb on the throne. But if the choice is between Hitler and Stalin and the main character, is there any other choice?! Arthur needs to be king in order for the country to work properly.’

Clayo was determined to defend Arthur with more certainty than ever.

It had now been registered with millions of dinars. The attitude toward this world could not be the same as before.

In fact, Isiel wasn't the only one who put the hope of a transformation on Arthur. All of Arthur's colleagues were of great cause.

In front of him, I was a little embarrassed because I was hoping for a steady real estate rent thanks to the stability of the situation, but... Let Arthur and his colleagues play a great role.

No matter what you say, you're not the hero of this worldview. Isn't it the NPC that the author put in to facilitate the story development?

Even if there was a variation in personality or speech, the point is the same. Arthur is an orthodox hero, a hero who leads history in the right direction in this world.’

In real history, there is no 'right direction'. World history does not belong to heroes, nor is it the result of the will and practice of some characters.

The character of the time does not know which choice was right. Because the result of the practice now exists beyond the contemporaries.

However, in the stories written, the judgment of history is set. as the final ending the author wants to reach

Arthur, the hero in the story, is supposed to lead the world and his choice will be right forever.

While Arthur and Clayo were lost in their thoughts, the carriage arrived at the palace.

The ramp, which was lit up in a grand manner, was lined with wagons bearing various family sentences.

When Isiel got off the horse, he handed the horseman over to the stableman and opened the carriage door for Clay.

Maybe it's because of the story just now, but I kept looking at Isiel. Isiel, who has a keen sense, couldn't not feel it.

"What did you talk about with Arthur? He's stealing my attention."

"Professor Rosa Fehite's story...?”

Although his attitude was usually serious, Isiel, who seemed more serious, alternated to Clayo, who stood close to Arthur who followed him in the carriage.

He seemed to understand what I was saying just by hearing that.

"Put a title on it. He is the knight I respect the most."

Arthur fell back when he saw Isiel skillfully escorting Clayo.

"Then enjoy the ball! I'll go see my father. By the end of the day, put the stove in the stove and I'll pick you up again."

Considering the complex atmosphere of the three princes, I understand Arthur's unwillingness to enter the ballroom, Clayo just nodded.

Isiel went first to the drawing room to join the Kishion.

Clayo crossed the corridor alone with a complex decorative carpet past the entrance lined with royal guards.

All the chandeliers glistening in the night was majestic and splendid.

Finally entering the central hall, a low-ranking official who identified Clayo's face called his name.

A name with no title caught people's attention at all. Dionne and Arthur were right.

'This means that you're not going to stand out when you're dressed....’

Novantes' party was not comparable.

From a general in a military uniform with a medal that weighs heavily on his shoulders to a princess in another country wearing a tiara that seems to break his neck.

Everyone was all dressed up and smelled of perfume in the air.

Situated by the window, the orchestra was playing a light dance.

The waiting room connected to the hall was full of laughter and uproar. Some men and women started dancing early.

The night was still young.

The throne of the king and queen on the highest level of the hall was empty. A place one space below that for the crown prince.

Clay picked up a serving champagne glass and slowly savored it.

To match the end of summer, the pale colored wine smelled of Elder Flower and citrus. The perfect acidity gave an elegant and refreshing feeling.

"As expected, the royal drinks are different.’

After emptying the glass with regret, he blinked twice.

As soon as I turned on "Tardiness," I heard the low-pitched voices loudly. The music of the orchestra and the frustration of tightening clothes were amplified several times.

But now was not the time to argue about inconvenience.

"I don't know what the prince intended to send the invitation, but now that he's here, he can't go back with his bare hands."

With a ball of this size, isn't it obvious that all the important characters of the work will appear?

Now that I'm in the same boat with Arthur, I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to recognize the impression of the characters that will be entangled in the future.

Standing on the wall to hide his dizziness, Clay looked around the whole hall. Fortunately or unfortunately, none of the young men wanted a dance request, so there was no need to move.

The view was many times cleaner by "late" and even the faces of the people standing on the opposite wall were clearly visible.

I glanced through the hall, flipping through the "memory" of the "promise" in my head.

The first person to be found was the Duke of Joseph Kruell. The middle-aged man, who turned his gray hair clean, gave a cold feeling because his lips were thin and his chin was firm.

"The bald man who gives a toast in front of me is Count Ramzdale, and is he the good-looking guy with a medal? The people of Aslan are here first.'

It was then.

'You said tigers would come, too, if I told you so.’

"Have Prince Thalan a second round --"

The lower official, who had called Clayo's name without enthusiasm, announced the prince's position with a voice that seemed to be several times as loud as that time.

The music of the orchestra died down, and people's voices grew louder. People bowed their heads one after another, as dominoes collapsed from the entrance.

Clayo also pretended to bow his head and listened to others again.

Proud as a king, the second prince crossed the middle of the hall. His walk was so disciplined that the hem of his clothes fluttered calmly.

Aslan Rignan.

The 25-year-old prince was a tall, confident-looking young man.

The features themselves were similar to Arthur's, but the impression was completely different, perhaps because of the hair and eye color.

Black hair and black eyes, inherited from his mother, stood out among the people of the Kingdom of Albion.

His mother, Juleica, was a princess of the Crown Prince Castile of Brunnen and a cousin of the current Emperor Brunnen.

"Aslan's subtle complexion is that he's the only one who looks so far apart. So I'm obsessed with the legend of King Conquest. Oh, it's just that black hair is a dominant oil field. I know what liberal arts majors know. Scientific discoveries are urgently needed.’

The prince, who doesn't even know Clayo exists, takes arrogant steps. Clay had his profile carved on his head.

It was a little hard to believe that the prince, who still felt a young face and an impure heart, would do all the cruel things later on.

Aslan went to the podium without even looking sideways. At the bottom, there were seats for the second and third princes.

Sitting in his seat, Aslan looked up at the throne of a unit of prince with complex emotions.

Then this night he looked for a long time at the chair next to him that would not be filled.

In Clayo's eyes, who was using "Tardiness," both Aslan's spirit and movement were clearly visible.

'Oh, because my expression changes. It's completely different.’

The prince, with his black eyes and an old grudge, gave him the impression of a villain. But it was clear that some of the youngsters in the hall had different opinions from Clay.

The three or four ladies whined and blushed at Aslan to see what was so good.

'Yeah. Bad guys are always in demand.’

The situation was absurdly funny, and Clay laughed his head off.

When I was in need of money, I was reminded of the romance novel that I had seen through introduction.

"In most romance novels, cold black hair is the main male character, but he wastes his youth by misguided genre and passionate about his brother."

The Duke of Krüll first approached Aslan and bowed. It was obvious that they were having a secret conversation.

'I can hear everything.’

"Is the Queen absent?”

"My mother said she wasn't feeling well today."

"It would be better to have dinner alone than to see your Highness sitting here."

"Well, you don't want your son to come to the banquet where he sits in a lower chair than Melchior. That's the kind of story you're talking about.’

There was no one in the hall to be called a Melchior.

In a sense, of course, everyone except the Aslan faction supported Melchior.

Expectant words went back and forth waiting for the prince, who has not yet appeared. Numerous lips mentioned Melchior with longing and reverence.

Unlike Aslan, whose mother is a commoner, Melchior, who is supported by the pro-Brunenian aristocrat, said that he gained popularity and popularity through his mysterious ways rather than having certain supporters.

'She said she died early, too. Nevertheless, the crown prince had a lot of connections between business and social circles. He became a prince without any official bookkeeping by mixing his ability to live by people with secret intelligence. Oh, right. There was one henchman without a wordless henchmen. Lord Tasserton.'

However, there was no such man as Tasserton Tristane described in the manuscript. Melchior also showed no signs of showing up even though it was quite late.

'The prince is late. Well, the main character appears late.’

After being unable to stand the disturbance any longer, Clayo stepped out through the side door of the hall to get some fresh air.

Contrary to Arthur's concerns, Melchior did not seem to care much about Clay.

"I don't care about a student with so many guests." Our main character went through a lot in this version, so he became very sensitive.’


The problem was that the corridor was turned around looking for a place without human movement.

All the servants were also concentrated in the ballroom, so there were no people in the dark hallway. I would ask for directions if I could see a guard, but I couldn't even see him.

I felt like I was lost.

"When I entered the ballroom, I was on the first floor, but now I'm on the second floor!"’

My legs and back hurt as I wandered around the hall after standing all the way in the hall.

Even though all the windows were opened on the other side of the vast courtyard and there was a ballroom where the lights were lit, it was crazy to go farther and farther away when you went around the corridor.

"Is that the corner you just got out of? If you don't know the way over there... Let's just go out the window. We can use the slow-down law school.’

I had endured it so far because I was warned that magic should not be used in the palace, but I thought I would not be able to go home if time went by.

Clayo, who led a tired body around the corner of the corridor, froze.

A life-size portrait was hung on the wall where the long hallway began. Gas lamps on both sides of the wall lit up the picture.

A portrait of a woman wearing white, standing at an angle, looking around.

Kim Jung-jin knew her face.


Minsan was Madonna of the history department.

Min-san has fair skin and long tail. It was the motive of the rumor that the race was mixed-race because it was a vague impression.

It wasn't a friendly pretty face. Nevertheless, when he smiled a mysterious smile, he seemed to tighten his heart.

The pale purple eyes in the picture look down at Clayo. His long hair was all white, but his height, face, and standing were the same.

There was a small plaque underneath the portrait.

Kim Jung-jin wanted to point a finger at his unconscious.

"Am I... this loser?’

No matter how long I've had a crush, I can't believe I put her face to a fictional character.

He had no relationship with Minsan.

Min-san, who is kind to everyone, often spoke to "Kim Jung-jin" first in college, but only answered as many questions as needed.

Min-san was a senior graduate with a senior entrance examination. Moreover, there is no reason for him to pay attention to poor high school students who are children of great families.

It may be called useless pride, but I didn't want to act stupid under the illusion.

'No, it's the first time something in the world has come out of the manuscript. It can't be me who put up a portrait of Min San...’

Considering other possibilities, I naturally became aware of the promise stuck in my left index finger.

A hypothesis came to mind that explains why the manuscript has items that look exactly like a graduation ring and why the final high school has a figure who seems to be modeled on Min-san.