104 the divine right (1)

In the bedroom, the luggage that everyone had worked together to move was still there. The elongated box was lying at the bottom.

'They must have left it like this.’

"Huh. You see the longest box over there? On the floor."


"Get that out."

"Hey, I called someone so meaningfully to get them to work....”

"I'll do it."

"No, Isiel. Just stay."

Arcer, kneeling on the floor, easily removed his luggage and pulled out a box of swords. I shook my head and refused to give it up to Clayo.

"That's Arthur's for you, so take it and use it."

"What is it?"

"Sword. You broke it before.”

"I already got a new practice sword."

"How long will your sword last? Take it when you give it to me. Hurry up and open it."

"…thank you."

Arthur began unpacking the sword without further reluctance.

I've been thinking about it ever since I saw "Begg's Sword."

There was only one reason why Clayo, who couldn't even hold the sword properly, welcomed the item that he didn't need at all.

"He's up a lot faster than the previous version of the manuscript, so you have to get the right sword. That way, you'll be less hurt and less likely to die.'

He had to be properly equipped with weapons as he was the main character who had no awareness of the fate of the entire world.

For future development, it was considered profitable not to sell or swallow only this item, but to give it to Arthur.

'Now that Barg is out, the dungeon will open soon, and we can't let him jump in with a single industrial sword.’

A beautifully finished "Begg sword" appeared under layers of silk.

The sword house, made of ground black leather, was embossed with a wave pattern inspired by the day, and was surrounded by silver decorations at the end and beginning of the sword.

Arthur, who held the sword, showed his sword as if possessed.


The day cut the air with a sharp ear. It was a sword that could cut down even the ghost.

'As expected. The length fits his height. It's black prepared for the main character.’

While Clayo was satisfied, Arthur was mesmerized and looking at the day.

It was obvious that the tendon stood on the arm holding the sword.

Nor did prosecutor Isiel take his eyes off the sword.

"Am I allowed to receive this kind of monster? It doesn't just look like a sword, it looks like a harness."

"It's true that it's a horse tool, but it doesn't have any other functions besides being strong. Don't expect it to raise your level."

"I don't think it's a thing to say so lightly."

It was Arthur who did not want to lay the sword, but was so precious that he picked up the words of speculation.

It's good to have a sense of reality when you grow up after a hard time, but isn't he a prince too common-minded?

Clay was desperately holding back his laughter and pretending to be serious.

Did you forget what I said, 'With all my heart and soul.' It hasn't even been a few weeks."

"I didn't think I'd get this much support right away."

"It's not free, so I have to pay it back later.”

"With what?"

"Would a noble seat be enough?"

As soon as I mentioned my title, Isiel's eyes seemed strangely cold, but he ignored it.

It's a fair trade. There are 100 seats in the House of Lords, and if you give me one seat there, I can have a mansion.'

It's a gift anyway, but you don't have to give it to them for free.

Even if you don't need weapons, the Asher mansion was a clay you really wanted.

"…I'll remember."

Arthur's face was so serious that Clay finally burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, yes. Don't forget your resolution."

'This is it. Low-priced, high-priced.'

There is nothing in the world that you can't get as a fortune.

History tells us. You can buy both titles and titles with money.

'Promise' sent out a new message just in time. Now it was a chain reaction that wasn't surprising.

[—Increases user intervention in narrative.

— Calculating cumulative proportion of epic intervention plots (□□%)]


The next day, the class was classical.

It was difficult for Clayo, who had already missed school for weeks, to follow the story, but it didn't matter.

It was peaceful to be blanking out the explanation of Absalom's poet Gye Gwan.

The trees on the campus slowly fall with autumn leaves, and the wind gently blows.

On such a autumn day, even the boring voice of the teacher analyzing poetry felt good.

There was only one difference in school.

Immediately after Barg appeared, the forest in the middle of the school was off limits to students.

Looking out of Ganggang-dong, we could see the internal solidarity surrounding the door of Manemoshine shining 24 hours a day.

It is the first time in a thousand years that Clayo and Arthur used as their backs have regained their roles.

I felt at ease, thinking, "Now that I've done that, whatever happens, I'll figure it out on my own."

After class, Clayo, who was caught in the twins' lunch, called the carriage with a reluctance.

The horseman asked where he was going.

"Where are you going?”

"Go to Congress, please."

The horseman once again looked at the student who called the carriage.

"The council needs a permit to stop the carriage, so please check in advance."

"Oh, here's your pass."

Clayo, who was standing in a rage without a bag, finally took out the documents from his arms and showed them.

The horseman was quite surprised, but he hid his surprise as a guest's professional.

"What the hell are you doing... Is he heir to the nobility or to the House of Representatives?'

"Okay, I'll get you there quickly."

The coachman's answer became more acute and polite. In my mind, Clayo got into a sobbing carriage without knowing his misunderstanding.

Today was the day to receive the letter of defense for the capital in question.

'It's good to get it. But did the prince himself give it to him?

It was very embarrassing to face Melchior.

He also attended a meeting of the Royal Advisory Committee before the medal was awarded, and received an official notice that he should testify first about the attack on the beast. As a result, Congress became the destination, not the royal castle.

When I asked Jevedi, she said that calling the committee is not a big deal, so I can talk comfortably.

However, Clayo, who revived his small-citizen spirit, was eager to avoid the situation.

In the previous world, he lived a life that he had never been to a police station, let alone Congress.

Phew, let's put up with the pension. It's going to come out for life, and it's going to raise prices.'

In fact, Seo Hoon itself could have been a big problem.

If you were not only given the qualifications equivalent to the article, but were a formal secretary where the covenant was forced, it would have taken a great deal of effort to avoid it.

Clayo found out that efforts to protect the land market were so difficult only when he came to the world.

The straight sandstone pillars and the high palace buildings overwhelmed visitors.

The internal structure was also very complicated, and it was only possible to find the royal office of the nobility under the guidance of the House of Commons.

It is now used by the Crown Prince, the king's representative.

"Magician Clayo Asher, let's go."

"I'm coming in."

Guards on both sides of the entrance of the office informed the crown prince of Clayo's visit.

Clayo immediately turned on the "Division" of "Promise."

The bell politely opened the door, but Clayo didn't fall off.

He had to make great efforts to keep his eyes on the prince.

This is an adaptable kind of stimulus, and at any time that beauty will be new and shocking forever.

Melchior, who was standing by the window facing the river, looks back on this side in a heartless manner.

The prince just looked at him without using any skills, but Clay at the front of the door stiffens his legs.

Why can a living being be shaped like that?

He was described in the last manuscript as a character with exceptionally good looks, but it was an overly insincere description.

The author's appearance is a worldview with no elves or fairs, which raises a fundamental question about his existence itself.

The excessive sense of human beauty is difficult to fully accommodate, causing some kind of discomfort.

Even his servants and guards do not make eye contact with Melchior because he is the crown prince.

Because he was hard to keep an eye on without defense.

"Clayo? You must be very nervous.”

"…yes, it's the first time in Congress."

'It's because of you, it's because of you!' Clayo, who couldn't say, shook his head awkwardly.

Even if you don't know what the whole identity is, that guy was Prince Melchior Rignan anyway.

If he was caught acting rashly, he would definitely bite it to the end.

"We still have some time before the meeting. Would you care for some tea?"

Melchior sang Clayo in a strange tone.

"Thank you."

In the simple office without decorations, a large mahogany desk was placed across the window, with a simple sofa and a table in front of the desk.

Clayo has settled in aesthetic.

Melchior took the teacup awkwardly when he reached out from the port.

The prince first savored the car direction and lowered his eyes. Clayo didn't even know the taste and just passed it.

The desk was crowded with ink, pens, and documents, probably because he was just working.

'I've heard that the prince is competent... You've been diligent enough diligent.’

As Clayo was distracted, the conversation didn't go smoothly.

Nevertheless, the prince patiently led the story.

He was a man of remarkable ability to create a social atmosphere under any circumstances.

The weather, the taste of tea, and the return of the top of Asher are the topics of conversation, so Clayo is relaxed. I didn't even know it was because of the separation.

At that very moment, Melchior burst in.

"But you're wearing a school uniform again today.”

"Yes, I asked the wizard, Jebedi, and if he visited Congress, he advised me that the uniform was the most appropriate outfit."

"I've sent you more appropriate clothes than this, but I can't believe me.”

Clayo almost missed the cup he was holding. I felt like I had a good lunch.

What Melchior refers to is the problematic "Lionan royal robes." Why don't you ask me why I don't wear it?

If you were a real illegitimate child, you wouldn't be able to do it. If you didn't have it, you'd feel pressured to have it.

"Oh, I can't burn it up."

As expected, he was a prince who seemed to be convinced of Clay, who was unable to read his mind, as his half brother.

Since he could not read his thoughts using his own skills, it was clear that he intended to think about people like this.

In that case, the answer was the most important.

"Thanks for the favor, but it was too big for me."

As if it had been an unexpected response, Melchior, who lifted his beautiful eyebrows, smiled a deeper smile.

"Oh, my God."

"My physique is so poor that I don't have the dignity to match the gifts. It's a very precious-looking outfit, so I didn't dare to put it on."

"That's too bad. The robes look great on all of our brothers."

He's coming in without blinking again.’

Clay was so nervous that he looked at Melchior's movements. I was just wondering if I could use the "Saving of Ganpa" skill.

Fortunately, Melchior didn't try to do anything that had previously failed.

"When his skills failed on the day of his birth, the prince knows the world was shaken, right? Arthur, too, could feel the ideal when the world collapsed.’

It was okay not to use skills easily, but it made other methods of interrogation more persistent. In a situation where there was no possibility of affirmation or denial, the moment I was facing the prince was close.

"Clayo, your face seemed to be transparent, but you didn't actually tell me anything, so I thought you really looked like my brothers."

"I'm not your brother, I'm just a common bookshelf," said Clay, swallowing his inner screams.

Melchior, who was looking closely at Clayo, who had become pale, tilted his head affectionately.

"Anyway, you should try to eat. He's tall, so long."

"…Thank you for your concern."

At that time, a parliamentary bell with a watch in the assembly between the crown prince and Clayo carefully stepped in.

"It's time for a meeting of the Royal Advisory Committee, sir."