131 Opera House Murder Case (3)

"Anyway, it's a good time to grow up. I'm taller than before, so I'm getting a lot of clothes. I know you don't think much about money, but it's also good to see your eyes wet with tears. The glow is worthwhile because I'm becoming more and more like Baron Asher."

"I know Lady has some impure interest in my father, but should I tell my son about it?"

"Unhappy? Unhappy? I'm just loving a handsome man with a clean heart like a lily of pure white lily. If you gain some weight, you'll get a passing grade, but you're still poor all along the way!

It's not his fault that his body's fuel efficiency is at the level of Ferrari, but Clayo had nothing to say when he heard the pinnacle.

A fine hand wearing silk gloves shook Clayo's wrist.

'I always think this lady is as powerful as a strange sense of beauty.’

"You thought I was stronger than you think, right? Look at this, you're too weak. I can't even hold a sword in my report card!"

"Can Lady Dionne hold a sword that says that to me?"

"Of course. What do you think is in my mass production handle that you made before? What I brought today is the Umbrella Sword. Well, you can't get a spear through the beast, but if you're a person, you're going to make a gap for a while."

Clayo yelled at Gansred Dione, but he couldn't even get his money back. Even she could swing the sword with her slender arms.

"I didn't know all about Lady Dionne's abilities."

"Let's have him know. I'll protect you if you do this!”

"That's very reassuring. If possible, I'd prefer not to fight Lady."

"Well, honestly, even the most ruthless murderer wouldn't work in the middle of a theater filled with thousands of people."

Asking for a ticket, I gave Dione a brief explanation of the whole story.

She was also surprised and promised cooperation. He also asked if he would hold a meeting with the police chief, but Clayo rejected the proposal.

Whether it was a strange red ether or a magical murder, it was considered an event beyond the scope of the police's.

"If we have the right evidence, we can ask the Capital Defense Corps to investigate. I don't have the authority to investigate people, but I have the authority to investigate magic’

Since last summer, Clay has been interested in reading various laws and regulations related to the Capital Defense Corps and schools.

It was a habit he had developed since he made a dog-like bluff because he did not know the rules of alternative service.

"Oh, by the way, did you say that the item I asked for on the phone was complete?”

"Oh! That's right, here it is."

Dione, who pulled up the silk gloves that had slightly come down, took an envelope out of a handbag woven with a pearl handle and handed it to him.

While Clayo checked the bill in the envelope, he picked up a wooden box that had been left harmless in a corner of the bookcase.

"I made the cylinders of the revolver myself from Ma Gwang-seok iron, and the silver bullets turned our workmen into glue to meet the date. I'm ready for the night shift, so please know."

Inside the box, there were 60 rounds of ammunition plated with a thin revolver and mana stone silver. It was shiny maybe because it was freshly done.

"Oh, I'm sorry to bother you."

"That's why there's a night shift on the bill."

After reading the detailed items, additional allowances were paid to the tax workers for working more than eight hours a day.

It was clear that Greer Young-ae was a conscientious business operator than others. Still, Albion chose a 12-hour workweek, six days a week.

"Then I'll double the night shift allowance."

Clayo, who took the checkbook out of his coat pocket, doubled the night shift pay item and wrote the total amount and signed it.

Dione smiled Bessie as she took the check.

"You know how the world works. If you tell me what you're going to do next, the workmen will try to do it in a hurry. They liked that they could give new clothes to their children thanks to extra work this time again.”

Dionne seemed to have a close enough relationship to have a personal conversation with the workmen.

"That's how you pay for it."

"Oh, my God. How can you understand the physiology of people who are paid so well, a master who has never made a dinar in his life?"

Clayo swallowed a bitter smile inside. I couldn't explain to Dionne the past that I've tried to be bitten by a salary man.

Just in time, the user announced Isiel's arrival.

Finally, Dione looked at himself in the mirror, arranged the fur-lined cameo, and handed over Clayo's baby hair.

Clayo put a revolver box in a large picnic basket that Mrs. Canton visited and closed the lid and picked it up. It was quite heavy.

The two men went down the hall to go downstairs.

Clayo had a heartache when Isiel and Dionne got together.

"I'm telling you in advance, she'll probably be wearing a school uniform. You should never nag about her dress."

Dionne, who considered her dress as a kind of speech, was worried that she might put words on Isiel, who would wear a school uniform, while going to the concert hall.

"Of course, you know much more about etiquette than I do, but please don't say anything because Isiel has a reason for the dress."

"I know. How can I blame Kishion Young-ae's black proxy coat? It's presumptuous to put words on her eloquence."

Clayo was dumbfounded by a 180-degree different reaction from usual.

"…no, why do you respect him so much? Why do you hold me so tightly?”

"Ha, are you and Kishion Young-ae the same? He's a man of loyalties to inherit the land and protect the border, but you're not."

"Excuse me, Lady Dion. I know I'm comfortable with you, but why don't you try to cover your words for a little bit?"

"Who doesn't know how people feel, and you bring it up to me? Ugh, it's a thousand years early.”

Before Clayo could refute anything, Dionne opened the door wide with a cheerful gesture.

Isiel stood in front of the centerpiece.

He looked like he was wearing a school uniform and flipping his sword gracefully.

I had asked Dionne to do something new, but I felt a little, a little bit sorry.

Clayo, who shook his head, quickly blew the futile idea of the dress.

Even with her slim, elastic limbs wrapped in achromatic suit, Isiel didn't need more decorations.

What more do we need to add as the colorful red hair, like a fire burning with roses, adorns our ears, and the sparkling eyes are so clear than Peridot?

Dione has the battlefield of Dione and Isiel has the battlefield of Isiel. Isn't it the pride of Isiel that he is always ready to fight?

"Thank you for waiting. Cyclion's love. I apologize for making you walk far away."

"No. Lady's intention is to see the performance, and it's a long walk."

"You understand me, you're so generous! I can't, you get up, too!"


The behemoth, which had been spread out like a rug on the floor of the drawing room, rose up aestheticly at the call of Dionne and shook his body.

Both Isiel and Dionne could not take their eyes off Behemoth, who began to groom the Marquis.

The sight of two incredibly beautiful people staring at only one old fat cat was like a scene of some absurdity.

The giant tomb of obesity enjoyed the eyes of the beauties and picked out fur. He looked generous to see if Madeira he fed in the afternoon was satisfied.


'That, that's a stagger because you didn't sober up. Oops.'

"If you're done grooming, let's go to the opera with your sister. I've been looking forward to it for half a year!"

"Hey, you got a drink?"

"Ekarat San Rose Champagne has been sent to the theater in advance, so you can drink it while watching the show! I'll give you a few drops, too!"

The eyes of the behemoth, which had been fumbling, began to shine like a green lantern star.

"Oh, can I trust that alcoholism?"

Arthur and his friends were now saddened by a single eye to track down the red ether.

Then the ether-sensitive behemoth was the best mercenary.

As soon as I got home, I got a 20-year-old Madeira of spleen.

Behemoth, who noticed Clayo's haggard expression, grinned furtively, stretching his mouth.

"Ewwwwwwwwwww. You hear that? Bring him in.)”

Clayo opened the picnic basket he had brought down. All right, so please come in quickly.

Security blocked the party in front of the stairwell on the second floor of the opera theater.

"Excuse me, but what's in the basket... Are you an animal?"

Clayo, who was carrying a big picnic basket, stopped suddenly. The black tail, which was not all in the basket, moved gently.

"Pets are not allowed in the seats. If you don't mind, could you leave it up to us? I'll take care of you during the performance."

"You can't put a pet in the audience? There's no such thing in the Royal Opera operating rules."

"No, it's....”

Dionne's tone was gentle but his attitude was firm. She would have really read the rules of theater management. Considering the truth, there's nothing to say about the expenses.

'That's not the rule. Who would think of bringing a pet to the opera house... No, it's all my fault.'

"Sir Clayo here has the right of a Capital Defense Commissioner to accompany his pet into the palace, but he can't. Does that mean the authority of the Royal Opera is higher than that of the royal family?"

Security was seen flinching at Lady's spirit and the heavy name she was thrust into. I knew it wasn't a good thing, but I wasn't in a position to decide how to do it now.

'If you don't take the behemoth in and let it loose, it'll definitely go into hiding and sleep or steal a drink.’

As soon as things seemed to be going well, Dionne poked Clayo in the ribs.

"Now, naturally, put the cat basket in one hand and give me an arm. He escorts me in an attitude of seeking the right of the right."

"Well, that's too much. You can't lift it with one hand."

"Oh, my God! I'm going crazy."

Eisiel, who caught the whispering of the two, slipped the cat basket out of Clayo's hand.

Then he stood behind them, escorting them.

The cold, cool air made the guard speechless.

Clay held out his arm awkwardly and escorted Dionne.

People's eyes gathered at the recent scuffle, and the back of the head seemed to prick.

So three people and a cat were able to get out of security and reach the second-floor box seats.

The cozy balcony box seats were laid with luxurious chairs in red velvet.

In a few minutes.

Sitting in a seat engraved on the copperplate with the family name of Asher, Clay thought.

"I was trying to borrow a cat's hand, I didn't want to overpower it... It's already spilled. Phew.'

Behemoth sprang out of a narrow basket and was crushing Clayo's knee.

Clayo was shy with a white-looking cap over his black cat fur in a dark-looking dark.

Of course, shame is his share, and Dionne never cared.

"Ray, Ray. Can you see the empty seat on the other side?"

Dionne whispered over the fan as if she had found something interesting.

Based on the stage, I could see the box seats on the right and the box seats on the left.

"You said it was a popular show, so why is it empty?”

"That's a royal seat. Queen Julaika is a big fan of opera, and she always shows up in the season, but she hasn't appeared since Gehime became a movie star. You're not going to listen to a thousand songs that you don't know. Well."

"Will one of the queen be absent from the ceremony?”

"That's right~ It's a place for guests invited by the royal family and the royal family. Once every ten times, the queen's only son fills her seat, and she's also participating in winter training for the Southeastern Guard."

The queen's only son is Aslan, the second prince.

"…do you mean the second prince is not in the capital?"

"I'm sure."

Then the guess doesn't add up.

Clayo inadvertently looked back at Isiel sitting on the left. She seemed to have the same question on her face.

I thought Red Ether had something to do with Prince II....

'No, would your mother do anything dirty for the prince, the princess of the Empire? Whether you know it or not, it's being handled by a working level. Let's take a closer look.’

Clay turned on "Tardiness." I was concentrating with all my heart while enduring the accompanying dizziness.

An extended sense passed through one person and one person who filled the theater as if they were elders.

We looked at the entire audience and even the symphony orchestra members.

'Let me see, someone over five levels of ether stress... There it is. There are two!’