171 Against the Darkness (6)

The prince's unique skills reached the limit and he was demanding urgent [reduction]. The onyx of sleep was like a Mana Stone to help in that case.

"It's a Mana Stone. Tasserton would have given it right away if he ordered it. Why did he run directly to Tristane?"

Clayo had the clues given.

the strangely unstable state of the prince

Mana Stone to stabilize emotions.


Without capturing the tension between the prince and the boy, the knights on the periphery were somewhat puzzled.

'What's the little wizard doing to care about the crown prince?

One of them, an article that looked exactly like Trude, but was much younger, told a story I knew in a loud voice.

You didn't know? You're the youngest knight, Sir Clay. A wizard who won the Water Defense Medal by holding the hand of the capital!'

'Speak like a horse. Second, Trude, from the capital city of Niya, but how do we know about the capital that was stuck here?’

There's a central map on the castle! Don't you read it? When I was in the capital with Confucius, the whole society was infested with that wizard story. Magic down the window, making the snow fall.’

"Little Trude, you'really?’

It's real! There was even a rumor that you were in a personal relationship. The AP's drivers told me.’

'Oh, I thought you were just a rich kid.’

"No, the capital defense. George, the swordsman, sent you a letter! There are so many kids at school!'

'Who opened the letter?'

I don't even remember! How busy we were!’

Amid the uproar over the banquet hall, Clay closed his eyes for a moment and opened again as if determined.

Instead of the protagonist hidden in the darkness over there outside the field, it is the master of honor that Clayo has gained in the midst of this bright threat.

Melchior could not even wait for a blink of an eye and expressed his impatience. The prince, who was always calmer than his age, grabbed Clayo's elbow in an uncharacteristic manner.

It may have been just a sign of familiarity to others, but in reality, he didn't control his power at all, so the whole left arm was tugged as soon as he was caught.

Melchior is also a four-level prosecutor, even though he is not as trained as Arthur and Aslan. When he did his best, Clay was helplessly shaken.

As if to share intimate private conversations, the words the prince puts into the boy's ears are cold and businesslike.

"Have you ever met the Duke of Tristane?"

"No, interviews were not allowed."

"Then now is a good time to meet him. I'll gladly accept the arrangements that have kept you here."

Melchior, who recited an unexpected sound, drew Clayo as if urging.

Prince Tasserton led the two men without an order, directly counting the meaning of Melchior.

Confucius' attitude toward the crown prince was more polite than the eldest son of an old peacock, like a private servant or servant. That's why Clay was considered strange.

Melchior quelled the question of a sudden exit just by looking around the crowd. in an attitude that makes one dare not question

While being held by the prince's rake-like hands, Clayo matched his steps and acted as natural as possible.

It's dark outside and bright inside, so you'll be able to see inside very well from outside.

If given a little more time, Arthur would jump into the door and try to put a stop to this sudden arrest.

Normally, the youngest's immature behavior was pretending to be generous with laughter, but today's man was different.

Clayo reads what a man who loses his smile can do. He will never be a full beast then.

Looking back, Arthur was still unable to break through Mietz's jersey.

'That's enough.’

Clayo lowered his eyes to prevent the discovery of a silent conspiracy between Mietzs.

Soon, instead of the smooth, worn floor of the banquet hall, a dark corridor was visible.

Melchior's hand, which still does not let go of Clayo's elbow, was terribly cold.

The peacock's bedroom was the top floor of the main palace.

The old-style building had a narrow window, so the air flow was bad. The smell of filling the room was the smell of death.

Theo Tristane, like a closely dried mummy, was in such a state that it seemed strange to be breathing.

The Onyx of the Sleeper, which Arthur gave to Vice President Rotan, was placed under the duke's pillow.

It seemed to have done little to improve the peacock's condition because it was a gemstone without any magic.

The significance of the mana stone was just the earnest origin of the knights and the people of castle.

"What kind of magic formula could save a human being?’

Healing magic was not all-around. Old man Mayer, a three-level wizard living in the castle, seemed to be strong enough to hold the Duke's breath.

In the first manuscript, the late Duke of Tristane had never appeared alive.

'Of course I had to give Melchior a squad of knights.'

But the Duke of Eui didn't die because the skinny old man was resisting the author's will?

If Melchior could do so, there was no way that another person could not do the same thing.

It was strange to think of now that there was a wizard from the capital attached to an old man who would die quickly if touched.

The best string Tasserton had was Melchior, and in fact Melchior had no reason to keep Theo alive.

Melchior of 'fifi' tends to tolerate all other developments, even if they are damaging to him. I don't think the speech was a lie....’

Rather, Tasserton did not seem very interested in the Duke's life and death.

The knight, who looked down on his father, picked up Onyx and handed it to Melchior with his hands.

'Promise' again guided the use of mana stone.

Onyx of Bedding

: It brings stability to the body and emotions and enhances mental defense.

Under the light seen only by Clayo, Melchior, who sat leaning against the chair by the bed, pressed the lightly sweaty temple.

His eyelashes trembled with pain, shaking together the shadow he cast. Shading over his bloodless cheeks caused a tearful illusion.

The prince, who barely managed to control the pain, looked dryly at the Mana Stone that Tasserton politely supported.

Although he was not very enthusiastic, Clay could guess that the prince needed that mana stone.

Boiling in the eyes of the prince with a broad scarlet glow, it was a kind of anger and impulse.

He was a prince who could not read everything. Today, however, some clues came out of his extraordinary behavior.

Perception and Separation were still open. The epic intervention chart, which reached 30 percent, gave Clayo more intuition than he originally had.

"That's a control freak's attitude, angry that he can't control himself. He's sick and tired of having to entrust himself to something outside.’

The previous manuscript did not give a full account of the inner workings of "Melkior Rio Gnan."

The prince, who was an unknown disaster and an iron hound.

He who is sweating and enduring pain here in front of Clayo's eyes is the same and not the same.

The fact that the inner side of a person who never thought it could be understood at first glance gave "Jeongjin" an impression that was difficult to explain.

All this is just a story written by someone, in which those with blood, flesh and body temperature suffer.

This was an event that transcended the reality he knew.

Clayo tried to distract his feelings. If there is any object in this manuscript that is most inappropriate to pity, it is Melchior.

"Lord Clayo. You can run a law school, right?”


Inspector was a very basic magic formula. Fran can write it, so any wizard will memorize it.

"But why do you have to bring me here to use magic?’

Melchior's condition of stealing his sweaty forehead worsened over time.

The power contained by the crown prince is too strong for a human mind to handle. Along with that beautiful golden hair, madness also descended from the royal veins.

'If he goes crazy....’

If the moment that "the incident" arrives from the reality chosen by Clayo, not the white and black bookshelf, is now.

As soon as the prince's possibility was paid attention, a great fear has been swept over. Clayo forced his body to tremble as if he had chills.

At the same time, the intensity of the separation was increased to the maximum. He was suddenly released from pressure after being deafened as if he had been taking off. Separation brought Clay back the calmness of the situation.

"Come on, I'll tell you once, do as you say."

Melchior, who picked up the mana stone from Tasserton's hand, urged Clayo to accept it.

Having caught the precious Mana Stone, Clay focused his attention on Melchior's intentions.

"You were definitely a level four wizard. Fill all four magical slots with [reduced], and finally use this onyx to double-fire the same magic wand."

"Are you the subject of [the Inspector]?”

"Who would it be, then?”

"It's not a magic formula that leaves an aftereffect on the body if you fail, but I'm nervous about using magic on the precious part of your life. Of course you look a little tired, but if you're not fighting for seconds, you should return to the capital and show it to the Royal Magician....”

"You are a knight who has been commissioned by me, so you have an obligation to carry out orders.”

"While the [reduction] magic is applied, the degradation, which is not a wizard, is completely defenseless. Are you all right?"

"Here lies my loyal knight, so you can stop worrying. Open the circle."

Clayo, who thought, "What do you believe in and leave me to treat him?" suddenly realized the answer.

Believe it or not, Clay is the only one here who can do it.

If you were a three-level wizard who cared for the peacock, yes, you wouldn't be able to use a double rash.

Melchior was desperate.

The expression "Desperate Melchior" gave the impression that the investigation was wrong. It was an adjective that should not be modified with that person.

Nevertheless, that tough order sounded like an entreaty.

"What punishment would I face if I failed?”

"Well, that could be decided by Prince Tasserton, not me."

The prince, who had closed his lips as if his mouth was dry, easily lowered, completing the sentence with a voice that added more humanity than needed.

"Do you know, Lord Clayo? When the Duke dies, the title will be inherited by his successor. The noble and unjust Duke of Armorik has the right to summary judgment on all humans in the territory of the North, and it's not like a magistrate's authority."

Clay was reflexively looking back at the Tasserton on the left.

Before I knew it, Confucius was picking up a sword from the sword without a sound. Shaking gas lamps lit a sharp sword as if the darkness could be distinguished.

Tasserton had no agitation even when he was talking about his father's death. He didn't even look at the Duke of Clayo in the first place.

Melchior Riorgnan was the only one to be seen in his heart-felt eyes from the time we first met. Except for Melchior, all humans have no meaning to Confucius.

Clayo realizes.

Tasserton Tristane was a man who could kill his father if necessary. without a moment's hesitation