192 Three spring (1)

"April 12, 1892"

Lilian Bennett

"Teacher, how are you doing?

I came to the capital city as a freshman at the Capital Defense University. I was surprised that I wasn't an exceptional student at Queen Isalt Girls' School!

I'm still in a daze, too. It was a miracle that I became a 979th student at the Capital Defense University.

My father told me that if you're a girl, you can go to a girls' school where you can learn sewing and lyrics, but you don't have to go to a higher school. He would have opposed my going to school until the end if there were no culls in our territory.

I can't say this to anyone, but I was grateful for the spider beasts that crawled out of the shade of an old tree.

It was under the tree that I always prayed to the goddess to send me to school.

As if the Goddess had granted my wish, my ether sensitivity was expressed on the day when the beasts of death were accompanied.

In a small town that had no knights and no sorcerers, I was the only one who had Ether sensitivity!

Although it was only an ether with a glimmer at the fingertips, I could have carried out the pruning scissors.

When I hit it with all my might with golden scissors, the spider with thin legs left behind a nail-sized black crystal and the puss disappeared.

My father could no longer dissuade me from wearing a golden ether. He was the chief of security in the village who was said to be quite good at swords, but he didn't have the ether sensitivity.

It was through the newspaper that I first became interested in the Capital Defense School and Ether Sensitivity. The newspaper I used to read to learn grammar was not very interesting, but it was different three years ago on the day of spring.

In the back of my diary, there is still a scrap of Asher's newspaper article that caught the day's death.

The newspaper became interesting after I saw the article. My reading skills have improved a lot.

Professor Maria Gentile's article in the series was so interesting! I waited for the bargain to come out. I bought it with my allowance.

It was a really kind book. Now that I can do the ether cycle just by reading, I really can!

I'm sure anyone who takes the exam at the Capital Defense College has the book! It's now the best seller of Bruneen and Carolingian editions.

Anyway, 's blue low-end cover has been exposed so many times that it has faded and worn out the corners.

The hunger for magic and ether grew stronger, so I bought magazines and books when I got my allowance.

Then I learned about Prince Three, the strong prosecutor with red hair, the brave warrior with navy hair, and the brave Angelium twins. The members of the 977th Golden Discipline!

The seniors are now in the third grade, but they have nothing more to learn with magic, and they are beyond the abilities of the knights as prosecutors! How amazing!

I wasn't the only one who had rescued an opera singer, dug up a "remembered space" twice, and admired boys and girls bravely against the beast in the far north.

The entrance examination of the Capital Defense University increased the competition rate every year, and when I took the test, the competition rate reached 28:1.

And now I'm wearing the same school uniform as them.

Would you believe this was better than the muslin dress that nanny had made for her debut in society?

My father was angry again when the customized school uniform box arrived. The skirt is too short for a daughter of a sensible family. But what can I do, he can't follow me to the capital!

Even while I was leaving home for the entrance ceremony, I acted like a girl who fell in love for the first time. The day has come when I meet the prince, the king of conquest, and the dashing Asher.

How sweet it is to be able to call them seniors!

When I said this, the messenger who was helping me move my luggage to the dormitory the day before school started made a strange face. Do you think it's because you're too busy showing off the countryside?

However, the day after the entrance ceremony, the expectation that I would be able to see my seniors from afar was shattered.

The seniors who went to the southwestern garrison army were so active there that they couldn't come back to school for a month even after the new semester began.

Magazines and newspapers piled up in the dorm bedroom.

I bought all the articles about seniors and scraped them together. (Housemate Gisela also added a few!)

And finally, the opportunity came!

Today's strike halted the operation of streetcars, wagons, and subways throughout Lundane, leaving many of the company's employees unable to report to work.

That's why I, the first-year senior, delivered Professor Jebedi's memo to Asher's lab, which returned to school last night from the military camp of the southwestern garrison!

I was excited to be able to go to the lab of a research student that I only heard about, but I couldn't find it at all.

I heard that the shortcut is to leave Kanghak-dong in the 1st grade and cross the forest without the lamp tree behind... Somehow only the forest continued. The road was dark even in the middle of the day due to the growing trees.

The small envelope in my arms began to feel heavier and heavier. I'm disappointed that I can't even deliver a letter properly at school.

The school is really big. I think I'm lost.' I was thinking about that.

(In order to deliver a sense of urgency, we will move the conversation!)

My legs were tangled and I missed the floor because of anxiety.

It was that moment.

Unfortunately, the bicycle was approaching me at a tremendous speed.


Boom! Boom!

What could have happened?

Who on earth was the poor man who was running on a bike full of luggage on a school forest trail?

I fell forward and threw away my school uniform and skinned my knee.

I cried a lot, but now I'm a student at the Capital Defense Department. I couldn't show myself like that, so I managed to bear it.

a half-baked bear

I saw dirty boots with worn-out noses in front of me. I quickly looked up.

Only then, I was able to look at the opponent who quickly broke his bike so that he wouldn't fall.

The bicycle ran into a tree by the side of the road and the handle was crushed, and the chain was also missing.

A young man who is taller than me and has broad shoulders, with a big wooden box in one hand... He was holding out the rest of his empty hand to me.

"Are you okay? Can you get up?”

I couldn't speak because I was dazed.

The man looked as comfortable as holding a piece of paper with a heavy-looking box and a bicycle.

The boots were covered with dirt, the clothes were rags, and the blond hair was clumped up in a mess, and I became a little scared of a young man with a beard.

The forest road is usually deserted. Today, I was shaking my limbs when I ran into a crane with a knife in a school without a messenger or staff.

Then, a weak voice came from behind the young man.

"You ran even though you went slowly, and you ended up falling out. My goodness."

"Oh, don't open your eyes like that, young master. I had an unavoidable circumstance. But all the cargo is fine!"

…the bell and the student? Guard and Master?

At first glance, the man called the master entered the country much better.

"That's still what you're saying? I guess the role play was fun.”

"I left the procession because of my response, and I can`t thank you enough. If you were alone, you'd be booed as a nobleman!"

"Do you deserve to say that? I was so excited about my pool that I pretended to be a wanderer, and now I'm complaining."

It was hard to understand the mysterious plot of the two, but I felt relieved when I realized that I was not alone in the dark forest with a knife-cut rhubarb. I got rid of my nervousness and I got hiccups came out.

Dda, hiccups.

"Oh, my God. Are you okay? You fell down. Does it hurt a lot? Oh, my forehead and knees are bleeding. I need to treat it.”

The jewel-like blue-green-eyed young man was strangely sensitive, but only in his way of speaking. His eyes were sharp, but he didn't look like a bad personally.

I answered foolishly stupidly.

"Okay, that's okay, that's okay...Yes."

Only then did the second young man who found me step forward.

He was a man with a very strong appearance. My father would say that he is not like a man.

The faded, fine brown hair cast a shadow on the forehead, and the high cheekbones gave a faint impression of the pale complexion. It's dark under the eyes, so it adds to the tiredness.

Even though he was tall enough to be second to a blond, he didn't feel overwhelmed by the fact that his clothes were dried up to look empty.

But it's weird, right?

I can't avoid a person who seems to be swayed by May's soft wind heading slowly toward me.

Unlike the impression of a delicate appearance, no emotion was read from the young man's expression that looked at my wounds in a businesslike manner.

I got goose bumps in my sleeves.

"You don't look all right. First grade?"

"I'm in pain. Please treat me quickly."

"It's going to happen if you don't look at it."

The young man on the side of the road pulled out a aesthetic wand from his jacket.

"The Wizard?"

I'm not a kid. I couldn't even refute it, and I just gave a stupid breath.


The branches and leaves of the forest fluttered violently. Not because of the wind, but because of the flood of ether.

What surrounded me and came up in layers was the magic formula of [sensitivity] and [lipid] that felt as hot as a metal just cast from a blacksmith's shop.

The passionately thin lips finally made the statement.

"Let the leak stop.”

My eyes were cold because of the too bright light. I know two kinds of school meals, Inspector and Hematopoietic. And I knew the truth that Professor Jebedy, the royal wizard, wrote it at the age of 20.

Stop the leak of life.

It was a saying that during the reign of Queen Carmela of the fleet, he simultaneously healed a hundred wounded soldiers in a hundred wounded soldiers at the same time.

Only students can inherit the true will of their teachers. And Professor Jebedy's disciples are only one, before and now, and perhaps in the future.

Clayo Asher, the youngest five-level magician in history and the youngest surviving wizard to have a knight.

I ended up crying with a mixture of strange injustice and sadness.

What! You look totally different from newspaper illustrations!’

That's when I remembered the lesson that my teacher gave me at school. The important thing is that you shouldn't believe everything written in writing.

That's why I'm sending you this letter. Stay healthy.

With respect and gratitude. Lilian Bennett.