220 Schedule and Harmony (1)

Prior to the start of the second semester, Fran decided to stay in the attic of the O'Reiles area and concentrate on his writing activities.

I thought I would explode Hydra's poison, but so far, there is uncertainty in the manufacturing method and ingredients, so there is not enough evidence to compile it into writing.

"Also, if a lot of humans find out that this is possible, then there's no one who can imitate it. If they no longer have experimental victims, they try to be careful in their presentations. All I want is to reveal the truth and ask for the responsibility of the perpetrator, not to stimulate public curiosity."

Fran was a conscientious writer, as can be seen by his stern attitude.

"But if you don't write about HYDRA's poison, it would be in his nature to write a declaration of workers' unity.’

Clayo was a little shrugged as he felt like backing the author, who was sure to come up with a problematic book.

Thinking about this and that, my hands, which were quite skillful in tying tie's knot, stopped.

'No, but... If I were a bourgeois who supported the author of the Workers' Declaration, would I be the Engels position? Is that so...?

Clayo shook his head.

It was such a escapist dog joke that I thought of it myself, but I was speechless. Not knowing about Fran's work was what helped him.

In Albion, the organization itself was not illegal, but the leaders of the strike could be charged with all sorts of charges.

In that context, it was highly likely that Fran would be transferred to a book. Wouldn't it be better to have fewer people know who wrote such things?

Especially if you're in a position where you can't ignore the prince's call.

Clayo once again looked at himself in the mirror and chose the right dimple for Ty. For the king's representative, it was best not to make a point where he would be caught, whether in costume or manner.

His face, which rose in the middle of the mirror, was a specimen of the insect-chewinged expression.

'You'd look better if you had a sandwich with only half a cockroach in your hand.’

"Your wagon has arrived."

Hearing Mrs. Canton's notice, he took a aesthetic step. To respond to the embarrassing call of Melchior.

The month of the month of the Albion was a beautiful season that was difficult to describe even with a thousand lines of implementation.

The breeze contained the sourness of early summer, but the face of a young man standing alone in the garden in a suit full of top hat and cane was never straightened out.

The cottage garden was too large for a deep palace, making it difficult to find a single person.

Clayo sighed deeply.

Do we have to go find him? He's the shit he's calling.'

Fortunately, the weather was good. Basically, the humidity was low, so it was pleasant and refreshing even in the middle of the day.

However, if you spread out "lardness" and "difference" to the fullest extent, whether the weather is good or bad, you get away from the inside.

As he moved into the middle of the garden, Clay found his popularity in the opposite direction. It was the back of a two-story cottage with red tiles.

Clayo shuffled his feet and walked away. Even the cones and geraniums around the terracotta pomegranates have not made him feel better.

At the end of the path, which led to the Cottage, there was a small octagonal pavilion with the white paint of the pillars peeled off and the bronze plate laid out.

The table, located under the shade, was moderately cluttered with various objects. It was like a kettle with red tea at the entrance and an old wooden box with a letter.

Standing by the table, Melchior was skipping tea leaves.

Dirted work clothes, off-the-shelf work gloves, horticultural kit at foot, and a crown prince wearing a straw hat.

"I can't get used to it even after seeing it twice.’

The second time. It will be awkward to see this again and again.

"Are you here? Sit down."

Clayo sat down, taking care not to show his inner feelings.

"I'm glad you've been well."

Regardless of the young man's hard attitude, the prince poured his own cup of tea.

All of a sudden.


"It's been a while since I've been troubled. And I've given it a lot of time to spare time. You have a good time.”

Clay turned to the garden along Melchior.

Alium, which was as soft as a dandelion of purple flowers, a cart chrysanthemum of green light, and a purple Delphium were blooming side by side.

The garden, where the noble-colored summer flowers were mysteriously harmonized, looked strangely good even when the caregiver's hands were less crazy and disorganized.

"Thanks to you, I got a chance to see such a beautiful sight.”

"Yes, I'm always more satisfied with the results of the grazing than with the man."

Clay had nothing to say, so he only drank tea. We cannot point out the king's incoherent way of talking to him.

Currently, there is no one in this country who can do such a thing.

As Julaika and Aslan were gone, and the Duke of Krüll was not out of his land, their power naturally subsided.

Voices questioning the legitimacy of the crown prince have almost died down.

The industry, which understood the amazing function of T-flume parts, has already served Melchior like a king. Capital was stronger than customs and religion.

The opening of the station raised the recognition of Melchior internationally.

The international train departing from Brunen and Carollinger changed its last stop from the center to the east.

Foreign envoys, businessmen and tourists who came out of the station were often overwhelmed by the grandeur of Melchior Boulevard.

I don't mean to make a fortune, but he's a very generous man.

Melchior rhymed as if he had read his thoughts.

"I've heard that you're doing a pretty good job in O'Reillys, but you look so dark."

"What are you trying to say again?" Clay smiled.

"Isn't it because of the shade? Besides, hotels are Lady Catarina's business, not mine. I'm just getting the zone."

"If her work goes well, it will benefit you, too."

"Well, Lady Catarina seems to have had a hard time dealing with the tax commission. It would be a great honor for you to come to the hotel to help the wife who led the prosperity of O'Reillys."

It meant, "Why do you make a mockery of worrying about other people's businesses when they are investigated in retaliatory tax and bought them?"

It was a word with quite a big thorn in it, but when a young man like a wild grass put it in his mouth, it sounded meaningless and quiet.

Melchior looked jolly.

"Yeah, I'll do it if I have the time. This year, the queen and her son were absent, so a letter came to me asking me to attend the debut dance."

"If you show up for me, it will be a great gift for the first ladies in society this year."

"It's going to be an unusual social season in many ways. By the way, it's the first time that a debut tint ball is held on the east side of the River Tempus, but I don't think you're that surprised.”

Clayo squinted his eyes.

When Melchior says something out of the blue, he tries to throw a bomb. Experience has given us a grasp of it.

"I don't even have a younger sister in my family who's going to make her debut, so I don't think it really hit me."

"Really? I thought you were being easy because I knew this was also the holy grail of 'prediction'. As if the land along the boulevard had been bought up in advance, knowing that the area would thrive."

'Oh, my God. That's right.’

Clay quickly put the tea cup down on the table so as not to break it.

The last time I faced him, I couldn't afford it because Arthur was in an urgent situation. But now that I've come to my senses, I feel completely wronged.

'You're not at the level of sexuality, you're the incarnation of Erato, but you're always being worked up by God and you're being ridiculed by someone who works overtime?'

"It is true that I have benefited from the signs of prediction, but I don't know all about the future of the world. Especially if it's news about me in the newspaper community."

"So it would be the duty of the Lord to believe again. How about this one? Looking at the pictures in this week's social column, the second oldest in my family grew out his hair quite long. Much earlier than last time."

It was clear that 'last' did not point to months or years ago.

Now, Melchior continued the conversation on the premise that Clay knew the development of the previous session.

It was hard to hide something different from Arthur's.

"But I didn't write the length of Aslan's hair in detail. What do you know!’

"I don't know what you mean. Why is the length of the second prince's head a problem?"

"Yeah, you seem to be well versed in everything, but you are foolish in everything. The black hair that the men grew out of is a symbol of the Castileen dynasty."

"I didn't know because I had short insight."

"Of course, I didn't always see Aslan claiming to be a well-informed successor to the entire kingdom and monarchy. The timing was different every time. What will happen this time? Is he trying to gloss over God's safety by declaring it very early and putting together the events?"

It wasn't just a matter of hair length.

It reminded me of Dionne, who was previously reading all the information from a postcard in Catarina.

Bruneen said it's just that men grow their hair too... How would I know that would be such an opinion?'

There was a way to read out the signs of war, in addition to a life-threatening infiltration investigation or checking the market price of the major rock.

However, I thought that the reason why I couldn't read such a book was because I had a previous life or that the time I lived here was not short.

It was just that the blood did not internalize the way the blue think.

But do I have to know something like that, when the 20th century is already around the corner?

Even if it was a royal family, Arthur was a forgotten element because he was far from such a custom.

That's why I didn't hit the king's neck. The old island nation once rolled its crown-tipped head on the floor. Come on.

The profane thoughts of the millennium dynasties were mixed up in his mind, and Clay changed the subject.

"If you want to get the information you want to know, I know you're right to question the Bruneen officer who made the whole country tumultuous."

"Oh, I can't use that. The arrogant knight of Mainrat became an invincible guest after being transferred to the capital city. They couldn't even send the coffin back to their homeland because only the body was left untouchable."

It was not something to say with a clear smile, holding a white pottery with a refreshing herbal tea.

As soon as the afternoon light, which crossed the pillar of the pavilion, brushed the crown of the prince's cheek, Clayo shrieked.

The area of deposit in the bright eyes was wider than a few weeks ago. On the other hand, the rusty bronze-colored frames were narrow.

It was not a man's business to look into the eyes for a long time.

As he lowered his eyes naturally, Clay turned to the garden.

He used his skills against Bruneen. Judging from the aftereffects, they must have poured out additional functions. I thought I'd call you out of the blue.’

If Melchior had opened the head of Officer Brunnen, he would know better than Fran or Clayo about HYDRA's poison and Zuleica's plan to use it.

'But he didn't do anything. Rather, it prevents the information from spreading, pushing the back to the end of Aslan's’

Melchior's meaning is the same even after repeated confirmations.

The acting king will not accuse Prince II of treason. If necessary, damage the evidence and kill the witness.

The sacrifices and pain that innocent people will suffer in the process are the price that Melchior does not count.

'Melkior has no will to solve this unprecedented situation. No, I'd be glad if the fire didn't get any oil.’

Aslan is a man who drives Arthur to the brink of death.

Melchior himself has given up killing Arthur, but he who hates the prophecy of God will welcome anything that increases the complexity of the world.

As a result, Melchior is in a state of need, so Clay was called to this position.

Because Melchior shouldn't have been faster than Aslan would have caused the Prince's Rebellion.

How far is this God's will and how far is the effect of the disordered path?

Does he know that actions taken to deviate from God's will never return to God's plan again?