283 City of Eternal Winter (1)

Arthur and Isiel held on to Clayo's reed-like body that was about to break.

In the background, the twins, who had the greatest amount of [hardening], also helped prevent the biting wind that penetrated Clayo's back.

Rachel went to the Sweeney, who was conducting the [hardening] in the Gyeolgye-seok, and made another layer of [hardening].


Once again, Jebbedi, who pushed his cane against the floor, pushed a huge amount of ether into the already laid-out martial arts.


The external solidarity, which turns in reverse direction, has gripped the 'harsh' of trying to get out of the Scola Earth and further apart.

The shadowy "harsh" had the nature of being attracted by the light of Ether, so they flocked to the outer world black.

Clayo put the capital of late into view.

One by one.

The inside of the forehead was as hot as a burning iron ball, and the nosebleed flowed and soaked the collar.

It is a view that is given only after that.

Between the school and the palace, the Tempus River froze deeply, then broke again, and the haze was again repeatedly returning to the warm waves.

Hey, hey!


A bird of fire flew high, melting the black-stained riverside of the West Bank. Even though it was not something to be heard, Ezra's loud cheers seemed to be heard.

The "harsh" that burst out of the door of Manemosine was a situation in which Jebedi's magic was clinging to and competing with boiling water.

Clayo smiled furiously. It was an early but satisfactory result.

"The contingency plan worked.’

There are still six magical slots that Jebedi is using. The other two were left empty to amplify the climate magic that the disciple would double launch.

The two priests have simulated the situation numerous times.

Now it was their turn to bear fruit.

Clayo also extended the Wande high and opened his circle.

Although there are two levels of difference between the teacher and the pupil, Clayo's unusual-sized ether bowl opened a circle in the teacher's ether area, regardless of the level difference.

Even Manemoshine's door, which used to send a warning in red, was pushed by Clayo's ether and could not spread the cold air.

The cherry's rose quartz began to shine among the young wizard's scrawny fingers.

The Mana Stone Arthur worked hard to get by cutting himself off from thousands of cherry blossom leaves in the "Queen's Garden."

In the past, Jebedi alone struggled with it, but now he is not alone, and Mana Stone will be consumed with maximum efficiency.

'You can write a letter of apology or go to court. Can't we use climate magic once or twice?’

Unlike Jebedi, who is the dean of the Capital Defense University and a royal wizard who cannot act rashly, Clayo had no honor to lose.

Also, if the ban is applied to the government, it will be enough to file an administrative lawsuit. Considering the magical powers of climate, such as lawyer fees, it was a small amount of money.

Finally, six magic words that rose from Clayo's palm sprinkled a dazzling light.

[Current] and [Acceleration.

And then [heating] the wind.

The six magic rites, which were extremely reduced for double rash, were in themselves as brilliant as the royal hall or the jewel of the crown jewel.

Clayo managed to utter his words in a shallow moorland where his friends and teachers blocked the wind.

"I found it in the deepest winter, and there was an indomitable summer inside me!1)]”


Rose Quartz, thrown with feeble force, rose to the sky in the storm of Ether and spread a warm glow like grace.

Each broken piece of mana stone was burned with magnificent eter's flames, reversing the climate of heaven and earth.

As I breathed in, the hot air like the afternoon air of summer seeped into my lungs.

Clayo, which usually consumes three times more ethers, made six circles, stretched his wands upward and even higher while stumbling and not falling down.

It was an almost omnipotent 'coordination' skill that everyone who knew Clayo's magic marveled at.

Neither Arthur nor his friends nor Zebedee nor Swain thought about the beasts, the coldness, or the unexpectedness at this time.

Six pairs of eyes were fixed to the sorcerer in the debris of Rose quartz.

I can't think of anything other than what's happening now when I'm in Clayo's magic.

The miracle that the powerful flow of power creates is a departure that steals people's attention.

Clayo's ether never goes against the will of the wizard, and his meaning is always miraculously clear.

It was the same again.

The summer he called spread to the ends of the sky.


At the same time, another stick on the floor filled all his magical slots.

From his flabby robe sleeves, a piece of Mana Stone crystal carved out of the Pusis family's seal came out.

The old man completed all the hard magic he had accumulated throughout his life. The magic, which was implemented in a low-key, true-tongue spirit, was as powerful as it was simple.

"[I can't reach my voice; I can reach my prayers if I can't reach my voice." I hope it's not wrong but right. Apply it without a miss. Hopefully, it will come true.]”

Zebedee performed a miracle-like high-level magic that superimposed the magic of reflection and amplification on Clayo's double rash spell.

The double rash of Meiji Master's Wind and Speed spread the summer that Clayo arrived.

Over the capital, to the end of that horizon.

Late informed Clay of exactly what was happening.

A haze rose above the frozen river, and the wagon wheels no longer slipped on the road that had just been icy.

The guard, whose hands had been stuck to the iron door, screamed on his suddenly melted skin. The Capital Defense Corps wizard hurriedly cast a healing spell on the hands of the guard.

The brutal winter of the beast slowed down with magic and tangle. The subdued cold air curled under the shade, winding up its sharp claws.

Ezra's firebirds were still flying in the sky. Elegant birds flying in the far air did not get caught by the flooring of the beast 'harsh' and set off sparks everywhere.

Although it is a fantastic creature that can only refuel the inside of the 200-meter-wide circle, Ezra worked between Korea and China on the Antario Bridge, which connects the school to the palace.

'I gave him that precious Mana Stone Ruby to do that.’

If you put expensive nuclei in it, the illusionist has been around for quite a while.

It was just a pity that the method of coordination was strange, and it was a magic that could be used as much as Ezra, which was already mixed with a lot of impurities, not humans.

Daria, who had better leadership than Ezra, was approaching the Capital Defense Corps school, leading a sorcerer platoon on behalf of her stranded boss, burning the cold air that burst out of the shade.

Gyeolgye is external, the Wizards ‘ jebedi to restart on behalf may ease the load, ' cause I do.’

The plan was carried out correctly.

Clayo sighed with relief, looking at the situation as late.

all of a heap


Sweat flowed under the pitch of the Swain Temple and fell to the floor, solidifying with drops of ice.

Sensory organs fluctuated while experiencing extreme cold and hot weather at the same time. Nevertheless, the honest knight did not back down or falter.

Yet, the door of Manemoshin is not open.

What shook his mind was the magic of those wizards, not the changes to his body.

a transfer beyond belief in a human event


In the clear air, the door of Manemoshine was revealed. The initial red color had now changed to a light hydrangea color.

The eyes of the priest, who had just jointly performed the historic marijuana law, clashed.

Jebedy nodded first.

His long beard shook, and his reliable cane pressed firmly against the ground.


On top of the magic ceremony of Wind and Augmentation, the brilliant gold color, the pure ether, which did not change color even after becoming the Meiji Master, was raised again.

Jebedi intended to reflect on the magic of suppressing winter until the remembered world was destroyed.

The old man, who maintained a near-miracle method, expressed his intention with his eyes.

'I'll take care of this place, so hurry up and go.’

Clayo bowed his head in gratitude to his teacher. Then he looked at the door.

The ancient numbers on the red-red door are 6.

That number was five in eight bridges. At the final high school, however, there was an additional number, as if Clayo had planned to come and fixed it had been fixed.

Clayo took a deep breath.

'I've arranged to come, so I'll have to go.’

The young wizard quickly stole the flowing nosebleeds from the back of his hand and shouted.

"Let's go in now! Arthur, you first, come on!

There was no element to hold Arthur outside like last time. This time, without wasting the opportunity, Arthur ran lightly to the door.

"Okay! I'll go first."

"You didn't forget where to meet me, did you?”

"I'm good at geography. Don't worry about me, Ray!

When Arthur disappeared to the door, Isiel also followed him without hesitation.

Clayo also gestured to the two twins and Chelsea.



I was frozen into Clayo's mouth, which naturally opened. A handful of heated, crumbly soil came in and chewed it.

It was so sudden that I didn't even know what happened momentarily.



The twins who ran quickly raised Clayo.

As if to protect the sorcerer, the two prosecutors, standing on both sides, pulled out their swords, and then lowered the end of the sword. The children's hands trembled with anger.

It was the right choice.

It was not a one-night mountain without a witness, but it was not possible to point a sword directly at the prince of red blood in the middle of the capital.


Spitting out the dirt in his mouth, Clay thought.

'Maybe someday, but not now.’

One of Aslan's articles was a man who grabbed Clayo's bundle and put him on the floor as he was about to enter the gate.

At this point, Clayo seemed to be able to understand Aslan's feelings of losing the opportunity to Arthur at every chance.

In short, it was a feeling that would be summed up as 'I want to kill you so badly.'


in a twaddle

Three knights lined up behind Aslan with threateningly disciplined footsteps. The knight who filled Clayo soon went to their side and settled down.

Crowel knights wearing black bands were some of those who accompanied Aslan from the southeast to the capital.

All the knights staying at Aslan's residence, Theobald Palace, were tall and broad-shouldered, and the shadow of the pitch was blindfolded and individuals were not identified.

Surrounded by the magical afterglow, the air is warm like spring, and the emotionally cold atmosphere froze around.

The face of the wizard was young with anger. The prince completely ignored Jebedi, who was about to protest, and went to the door.

Aslan's expression, which had already confirmed the stabilized entrance, sank colder.

"Already, he's in.”

He was convinced that 'A' had entered the door.

Clayo got an important clue from Prince II's remarks to himself.

The four knights he accompanied. Aslan is five including himself.

"It means that unlike the last night when you had only one person on your head, you knew the number of people entering the dungeon.’

Whether it was an old document or a memory of the past, it was nothing good for Clay.

Aslan and Clayo were not very happy with each other, and in the midst of this tense tension, Jebedy stepped in.

"Your Grace, I know it's important to respond to the opening of Manemosine's door, but it doesn't make sense to have such a huge student of my own."


"Yes, Your Grace."

"One more frivolous tongue, and the next time I call you, your position will not be magical.”

The veins popped out blue on the back of Jebedy's hand holding a cane. Even the Magician had no choice but to keep his mouth shut in the face of power on the ground.

The Swain Temple moved to Jebedy's side and settled down as if it had blocked the prince from his magic.

Clayo still occasionally chops and spits out the soil. It was disgusting to feel the sand dangling from the teeth.

"He's a prince of red blood, but he's not always the best at poetry and gabbing.’

Aslan's eyes, mixed with contempt and anger, touched the party.

Clayo was a little surprised.

Swain had a history of dirty ties with Aslan in the dungeon just before, and Clayo himself knew he was also hostile as a wizard of the third prince.

'But that look, it's a little bit more—'

At that moment, 'Promise' heated up freely.

The sudden "direct reading" function reads Aslan's expression like a text.

He who succeeds the noblest blood in the west of Dernier wants to be more resolute than anyone else in the world, but things always betray him.

Aslan thinks it is unfair to be placed in a situation where he has to act quickly against such young children and the elderly.

A deep pit, dug up by the discrepancy between ideal and reality, was dug deep in the prince's subdued face.

Black and dark.

Clayo opened his eyes wide.

However, Aslan jumped into the door without delay, as if it was not worth questioning even the irreverence of his eyes.

1) Albert Camus, Return to Tipasa, in The Myth of Sisyphus And Other Essays