Chapter 64: The World Marches

Name:The Elder Lands Author:
Chapter 64: The World Marches


More than a fortnight after Sawyer began building the road, he barged into Lucans study in righteous anger. They tore it up! He shouted in Lucans surprised face.

Hed been sampling the book hed bought from the shopkeep. He closed it slowly, keeping his eyes on the fuming Sawyer, then settled back into his chair. Before he could tell the engineer to elaborate, the young man opened the floodgates all on his own.

The work weve done on the northern road is ruined, Sawyer grated out. The building materials we left there have been removed as well. Were set back more than weve worked.

Lucan found himself on his feet without feeling it. Are you certain?

The materials are not there, Sawyer fixed him with a flat stare. And neither is what little of the road weve paved.

Lucan stormed out of his study, ignoring the engineer shouting after him. He headed to his fathers study. The knight had been happy to hear that Lucan had found a way around Sir Wards tolls when he had told him, and Lucan imagined he would be as furious as him to hear this.

He arrived, knocking on his fathers door, whose firm voice allowed him in.

The knight was seated behind his desk and Thomas happened to be present too.

Lucan didnt mince words. He has torn up the road were building, Father, and all building materials left there were taken.

His fathers eyes rested on him for a moment as he absorbed the words. Then he stood up, his eyes shifting to Thomas. Have the stableman prepare our horses. All of us. He marched out of the study, gesturing for Lucan to follow him. Don your armor.

The ride to Sir Wards territory was more ominous this time. All their men-at-arms were with them. Two of them had been on watch near the eastern forest, but theyd collected them on the way there.

Thomas accompanied them, but he was riding at the tail of their procession lest he be caught in the fighting should this affair come to conflict.

They crossed the bridge, and after a while were riding into Sir Wards territory. Eerie breezes tickled Lucans ears for the rest of the ride. That was, until they saw the riders on the horizon.

They were expected ahead of time. Again. Lucan found that unsettling.

Sir Ward approached them armed and armored with his men-at-arms. Ten to their seven. But that wasnt all. Lucan saw two young men who bore a strong resemblance to the knight. He assumed they were his sons. There was also another manor knight according to his appearancein the livery of Duke Elmere, accompanied by his own two men-at-arms.

Whove you gone to hide behind now, Ward, Lucans father rang out as both parties came to a stop a distance from each other.

I dont need to hide behind anyone from you, Sir Ward shouted, his horse sensing his agitation and stepping forward. His two sons urged their horses forward beside their fathers too.

Then perhaps the duke should not take sides, his father said.

We Sir Vicks paused as one of his men whispered something to him. Then he turned towards the horizon, and Lucan saw there that a rider was galloping recklessly towards them. He was as lightly clad as his horse without arms or armor and he rode like the wind.

Sir Vicks trotted forward to meet him and the man brought his steed to a halt. A missive, Sir, for a matter most pressing. He handed a sealed letter to the knight.

Sir Vicks opened it calmly, but as he began to read, the signs of agitation increased on his face. By the end of it, his lips were pressed, and he seemed anxious about something other than their quarrel.

Sir Vicks? Sir Ward inquired.

The dukes knight turned towards them and spoke solemnly. Im summoned back to Arpague. I propose that you both return to your estates as well. Soon, you ought to be receiving word of this.

What is it? Lucans father asked.

The kings ritualists, with the affirmation of rangers, have determined that the Waliss recession is not caused by drought. The Wildermen are somehow holding back the river. His Majesty has named Crown Prince Dane Baroun as Marshal of the Realm. And his highness has called for all vassals to raise their levies and rally to their closest camping grounds, Sir Vicks grew silent for a moment, as though giving them room to breathe, then he finally said it. We are going to war.

There was silence as everyone took in what the knight had said. Lucan heard one of their men-at-arms swallowing loudly, likely Ryder.

Even Sir Ward seemed subdued at the news.

But to raise the levy to march south at a time like this, his father said solemnly. What about the Vincemare?

Ah, you must not have heard yet, Sir Vicks said. Theyve entangled themselves in yet another war with the Liberferians. Hamodeus will be happy to use the Principality to deplete the fishfuckers in another war. We need not worry about them for a while yet.

I see, Lucans father said.

I suppose this affair may be resolved later, Sir Vicks added. There are more pressing matters to concern ourselves with now.

Lucan had no intention of waiting until later. If Sir Ward was intent on hindering their attempts at circumventing him, then he would tell Sawyer to begin building the road again, this time while they were on campaign. The knight could come back to an already usable road. He was welcome to attempt to destroy it while they were on watch then.

Everyone acquiesced to Sir Vickss advice, and they soon scattered, each party riding back to their estate with due haste.

And so, two winters after his Blessing, Lucan would march to war.