Chapter 377: There Was Someone Like Him

Chapter 377: There Was Someone Like Him

The Hades Blood Sect Ancestor paused, then frowned and said, "I don't mind you, let's just sit together." Zhang Daoling felt an urge to hit someone, clutching the bronze mirror, ready to strike him on the head, and clearly wanted to convey, "I mind you!"

"Hades Blood Sect Ancestor, what's wrong?" he hastily retreated, taken aback. "I... am about to exorcize demons!" Zhang Daoling was furious, joking about being seen with this old demon in a couple seats. How could he face anyone after that?

Eventually, he suppressed the urge, his face darkening as he told Mingxue to go buy another ticket immediately. "Who said I'd sit with you?" Hades Blood Sect Ancestor shook his head, "Why bother about appearances? We both are revered teachers. This worldly facade, this shell, what's there to mind? Just think of it as if you're the only one in the world, all fame and disgrace, rise and fall, are but dust."

Zhang Daoling pondered, recalling the strange scripture Wang Xuan gave him, suspected to be left by a severe psychiatric patient, and waved his hand, "Fine, let's just leave it." The Hades Blood Sect Ancestor was startled, turned, and said, "What a joke, how can two old men sit together? I'll go buy another ticket!"

Zhang Daoling really wanted to slap him across the face. After all the fuss, Mingxue was just all talk, not truly understanding the essence. He also couldn't help but mock internally, the reason many impersonate Mingxue isn't unfounded. This guy really is annoying.


Fang Yuzhu entered the theater for the first time, unbothered by the dim environment. The film began with a beautifully tragic scene: an ancient celestial being in white, blood-stained clothes, crossing millennia to descend into the modern world. Despite her ethereal beauty, she appeared lost and carried an endless sorrow.

The movie was advertised as a romantic comedy, but it started with a death scene that left Wang Xuan wanting to confront the director. What happened to the promised fantasy romance comedy? Why did it start with the demise of several celestials and the pseudo-male lead dying tragically, with the female lead traveling through time to the present?

Someone nearby couldn't hold back their frustration, criticizing the screenwriter's and director's logic. The opening was far from comedic, setting a chilly tone that never shifted.

Wang Xuan wanted to comment but held back, noticing Fang Yuzhu deeply engrossed in the story. It seemed she was easily satisfied, perhaps due to her limited experience with dramas.

In another screening room, Zhang Daoling and Mingxue were watching the same film, equally displeased. Zhang preferred stories of clear-cut vengeance and power, where a single gesture could dominate or a sword could exterminate all demons. This melodramatic portrayal of a celestial being in tears was not to his taste.

"This drama is a waste of time," he complained to Mingxue, suggesting they send a dream to the production team to criticize their unrealistic portrayal of celestials. He yearned for a story where a celestial could effortlessly annihilate foes, a tale of a demonic fairy who, in her quest to find her parents, bravely infiltrated the demon realm and fought ancient evils.

As Zhang passionately made his case, spittle flying, Mingxue had to wipe his neck from the spray. A nearby girl with purple hair rolled her eyes, suggesting Zhang's ideal of a celestial was more akin to a demon with her merciless killing.

Zhang clarified, speaking of a "demon fairy" who was decisive in battle, seeking her parents and facing ancient demons with fearless pride, even in the face of certain death. His earnest explanation, however, only earned him sympathetic glances from the girl, who eventually ignored him, treating him as if he were delusional.

"Got tricked, it's not a comedy, it's too tragic," people whispered to each other. Wang Xuan noticed Fang Yuzhu's focused attention on the film, her eyes deepening with a serene and silent intensity, like a quietly falling petal.

Gradually, the audience quieted down. Initially met with criticism, the intense sorrow depicted as the story unfolded silenced the viewers, compelling them to simply watch. The emotional scenes even moved some girls to tears.

"This drama is quite realistic; the latter part resembles an old tale from behind our great veil," Mingxue, the sect leader, commented with a frown. He suspected that someone from their own ranks, familiar with the ancient events, might have been involved in the production. "The tragic elements, especially, seem like they could be part of Fang Xianzi's own experiences," Zhang Daoling speculated with suspicion.

Mingxue internally scoffed, thinking Zhang was only partially informed about these ancient events, which Mingxue himself had experienced firsthand. "Tell me more," Zhang demanded, his gaze sharp as he gestured with a copper mirror, prompting Mingxue to continue.

"There was someone who, even as a mortal, had opened his inner vistas, shining brightly in that era," Mingxue began. "The one from 2,700 years ago?" Zhang inquired. Mingxue confirmed, "Yes, him. He rose swiftly, with a fierce and radiant energy that illuminated his age."

This conversation hints at the deep historical and mystical layers entwined within the drama, suggesting that the story might be drawing from real events or legends known to the characters from their ancient past.

"Was there a romantic entanglement with Fairy Fang? What exactly happened?" Old Zhang's curiosity was aflame.

Mingxue replied, "Somewhat. The man soared to great heights, becoming a powerhouse despite his relatively short period of cultivation. He was fond of Fairy Fang and attempted to get close to her several times, only to be rejected. At that time, Fairy Fang had just defended a young demoness in red, killing the most powerful demon king of the ancient demon clan. She was recuperating in a secret place and refused to see anyone."

Mingxue ignored him and added, "The four attackers failed to find his body. He wasn't dead, though severely weakened, and found refuge to recover slowly."

"Oh, this secrecy I didn't know about. I only knew of three people in history who opened their inner realms as mortals, all of whom met tragic ends," Old Zhang said gravely. It was rare for anyone to replicate their path, and unfortunately, they left no descendants, facing a destiny of hardships.

"And then?" Zhang inquired, keen on the hidden details.

"After he recovered, he silently observed his enemies and soon learned that five supreme beings in the great curtain were hunting Fang Yuzhu."

"Fang Yuzhu was in such dire straits?" Zhang was astonished.

"Indeed. Among them were the four who had previously attacked him, now joined by another, aiming to eliminate the increasingly powerful Fang Yuzhu."

"That man, showing true nobility, intervened directly instead of continuing his secluded cultivation, fearing Fang Yuzhu might be killed. His potential was immense; given enough time, he could have been invincible in the great curtain."

"And what happened next?" Zhang inquired.

"The battle was brutal. That man, proving his mettle, fought to protect Fang Yuzhu, sacrificing himself without retreating. Despite injuring some of the five attackers, they still sought to kill Fang Yuzhu..."

"It's quite tragic," Old Zhang sighed.

"Fang Yuzhu fought back fiercely, inflicting severe injuries on two or three of the attackers. After the initial two retreated due to their injuries, she barely escaped with her life."

Pausing, Mingxue added, "This chapter of her life is seldom mentioned, as Fang Yuzhu later rose to dominance, commanding respect from all quarters, and few wished to revisit her bloody past."

Nodding, Zhang said, "I'm aware of the subsequent events. It was the dawn of Fang Yuzhu's era. She transcended the ancient golden bamboo scripts, forging her own supreme path."

"Yes," agreed Mingxue. "Once the Red Garment Demoness matured, they struck together. Despite the Demoness's inexperience, she managed to distract one attacker while Fang Yuzhu single-handedly faced three supreme beings, annihilating them all in one day."

Old Zhang nodded, "Indeed, it was a battle that shook both the ancient and modern worlds, one of the most astonishing super events etched into the celestial steles of the great curtain. I'm aware of that."

"Fang Yuzhu's silver armor was stained red with blood, bathing in the ultimate true blood. After fiercely killing three unparalleled beings, she turned to find the Red Garment Demoness, shocking the other two enemies into fleeing. She pursued them overnight, killing another, making four unparalleled beings slain in a day and night, a feat that shook heaven and earth."

"It was also in that battle that the Red Garment Demoness officially rose to power, herself killing an unparalleled being."

"These two effectively ended the last glory of the ancients." Zhang Daoling acknowledged, well aware that Fang Yuzhu's continuous slaying of four unparalleled beings in a day and a night included two ancient demon kings and two giants of the ancient human race, all ancient cultivators.

"Fang Yuzhu, dignified, graceful, and gentle, yet she once donned silver armor and fought blood battles against the world."

Mingxue whispered, "Old Zhang, no, Zhang Daoling, you're following them mainly to observe Wang Xuan, aren't you? Do you also think he's unusual, suspecting he might have opened his inner realm as a mortal?"

"You really jump to conclusions!" Zhang Daoling gave him a cold glance.

Mingxue speculated, "Could it be that Fang Yuzhu harbors some regrets from the past, some of her thoughts lingering on this Wang Xuan? Look at her, willingly stepping into the mortal world."

In another theater, Fang Yuzhu quietly watched the 3D projection, scenes reminiscent of the past unfolding before her. The man died a second time, his body shattered by unparalleled beings, his blood staining the void. There was a sadness in her eyes, but she remained silent.