Chapter 455: The Universe That Even The Immortals Couldn’t Reach

Chapter 455: The Universe That Even The Immortals Couldn’t Reach

Originally, it had nothing to do with them, but now Wang Xuan, Zhao Qinghan, Wu Yin, and Qing Mu were fleeing for their lives. They had warships behind them biting at their heels and eager to wipe them out immediately.

"What did you guys do to offend someone?" Wang Xuan asked. He was still unaware of who was chasing them.

The mechanical little bear blinked its big eyes and said, "The Specters, the Celestial Elf, and the Giant Dragons."

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Qing Mu couldn't help but slap it too. They had offended not just one race but seemed to have angered multiple!

"Don't hit me, or I'll get mad. You're no match for me!" said the little bear while rubbing its head. It looked at Qing Mu with a hint of emotion.

Qing Mu glared at it, feeling belittled not only by a horse but also by a lump of metal. He rolled up his sleeves and was intending to educate the mechanical little bear.

"Forget it," Wang Xuan stopped him. "Let Transcendent Ma help you vent your anger."

Qing Mu was speechless. He felt a bit skeptical about life. He had entered the transcendent realm and still couldn't beat this little mini bear that was just over a foot long.

Transcendent Ma was a man of action. With a clatter, he stomped down with all four hooves. It smashed the head of the mechanical bear so hard that its head deformed and left four large dents. Tears welled up in its eyes, its actually shedding metallic tears.

"Do you have no sympathy?" said the Little Fox as she extended her claws and pushed Transcendent Ma aside.

"The deed is done. Let's focus on how to resolve it," Zhao Qinghan comforted the little bear, telling it not to be afraid and assuring it that she was there, willing to listen to any secrets it had.

Wu Yin also spoke up, saying, "Be gentle, stop hitting its head!"

After several days of fleeing, they temporarily shook off their pursuers. However, it was monotonous, dull, and endless as they sailed through the vast dark void day after day. This grand and desolate unknown gave a very unsettling feeling. It was too quiet and it was eerily silent.

Qing Mu said, "Maiden Fang, Zhang Patriarch, Demon Lord, and the Hades Blood Patriarch have also entered deep space. I don't know where they're headed. Unfortunately, it's too difficult to meet in the vast universe."

In the star map, there were clearly several inhabited planets along their route. However, they didn't explore them when they passed by them, let alone encounter anyone in the vast universe.

Wu Yin spoke up, "The so-called extraterritorial civilization seems to be a whole new universe that is detached from ours. It is far beyond the reach of our domain."

She and Zhao Qinghan were also studying the star map to understand the dominion of extraterritorial civilizations in which it was too distant.

"We're about to traverse another wormhole and we’ll enter a new starry sea. Even so, we haven't left the heartland of mythical civilization," even Transcendent Ma sounded dispirited. This journey was too dull.

Little Fox also felt bored and said, "It's bearable for a few days when someone crosses the universe alone, but prolonged travel like this can lead to depression."

And so, day after day, they continued to drift away. They traversed many wormholes and had been traveling for many days. Throughout the journey, aside from the occasional spaceship wreckage not a single soul was seen. Traveling in such a desolate environment made them long for the lively world of mortal existence.

"Attention, we are about to leave the territory of the immortals. We are about to cross into the extraterritorial domain," the mechanical bear reminded them. From this point on, the path ahead would be unknown and unpredictable.

In the region beyond the wormhole, there were vast nebulae blocking their view. It was hazy and profound. It resembled the primordial chaos.

"Master, I am about to leave the original world. Perhaps I am about to enter a new universe. My strength may surpass yours when I return," Qing Mu murmured to himself.

Silently, the silver-white spaceship pierced through the wormhole and emerged from another fresh expanse of stars. They had officially set foot in the extraterritorial domain. Several days later, their journey was no longer so monotonous. Along the way, they saw massive nests that belonged to an unknown race capable of surviving in the cosmic void. Additionally, spaceship wreckage appeared intermittently. It indicated they were approaching the inhabited areas of extraterritorial civilizations.

"The foreign gods, you are nearing the Land of Immortality. Report yourselves!" a powerful signal came from the stars ahead. It was captured and deciphered by the silver-white spacecraft. Wang Xuan and his companions realized that outsiders like them, including the immortals, were known as foreign gods in this land, a place where even the immortals couldn't reach.