Chapter 457: The End Of The Strongest Disciple That Came From An Imperial Palace

Chapter 457: The End Of The Strongest Disciple That Came From An Imperial Palace

A burst of transcendent light mist surged forth. It penetrated through the spaceship and lifted the black Roc into the air. Since it was confirmed that the Land of the Undying allowed transcendent beings to take matters into their own hands. Wang Xuan utilized the time to converse and waited for a moment to confirm that this giant Roc wouldn't be obliterated by the fortress.

In the end, he decided not to engage with it any longer and launched a direct counterattack! The spaceship was torn open with two large holes, but fortunately, it was constructed from active metal, an extremely rare material capable of automatic repair and healing. It only required energy input. With a swoosh, Wang Xuan dashed out of the spaceship.

"Little Wang, be careful!" Wu Yin shouted from behind. She feared for his safety, especially since the Roc was so massive. It measured up to sixty meters long.

Zhao Qinghan glanced at her and swallowed back her words. She simply waved to Wang Xuan as he looked back, signaling him to be cautious. In fact, everyone on board was quite worried.

This Roc of prey was too ferocious. It was able to tear through the metal hull directly which undoubtedly meant that it was a formidable opponent. Nearby, many transcendent beings left their cabin and gazed over. They were experiencing the intensity of close-quarters combat firsthand.

With a loud bang, Wang Xuan pursued and leapt into the air with a kick. He seemed rather small compared to the large Roc that had a wingspan of over a hundred meters. They were totally in different leagues. However, to everyone's surprise, when Wang Xuan's foot collided with the Roc's wings and although he was sent flying backward, he had caused the giant Roc to also stagger.

"It’s mostly machinery with some flesh mixed into it," said someone that finally noticed the anomaly. The black Roc wasn't purely organic, many of its feathers were crafted from cold metal.

"Wow, its strength must be terrifying as it has such a massive mechanical body. Wang Xuan... is in a precarious situation!" Qing Mu exclaimed anxiously. No one could withstand the weight of such heavy metal if it had hit a person.

Sure enough, the mechanical Roc suddenly spread its wings and exuded a fierce aura. It was as if it could traverse the universe, it pounced directly at Wang Xuan. The dominance and the strength made everyone dizzy. It didn't use any technological weapons as it had already dismantled them long ago. It was afraid of accidentally triggering them and being judged by the authorities here. The theme this time was to extend the myth and explore new paths for the transcendent, so using technological weapons such as spaceships were prohibited.

With trans material enveloping Wang Xuan’s body, he dodged its edge. He moved laterally more than two hundred meters and had narrowly avoided a collision with the colossal creature. Chunks of meteorites ahead that were dozens of stories high, were smashed by the black mechanical Roc. It swiftly turned around and formed a black vortex with a snap of its jaws. It was showcasing its transcendent power. Then, it closed in on Wang Xuan and had intended to swallow him whole.

The black vortex expanded rapidly and shrouded the area. It pulled Wang Xuan in and was aiming to engulf him into the Roc's mouth. It was attempting to devour its enemy. Nearby, scattered meteorite fragments that weighed hundreds to thousands of kilograms melted away rapidly, just like snow falling into a furnace.

Wang Xuan broke free and dived at high speed towards the Roc's abdomen. With a loud crash, the metal feathers at the abdomen area collapsed and metal shards fell off. The black Roc trembled but remained unharmed. This massive mechanical lifeform was immensely strong. Even if Wang Xuan could punch a hole in its body, it wouldn't amount to much for it.

"Who is this person? He is very strong. He is temporarily holding back the black Roc. This is not simple," someone spoke up.

Others were surprised.

Was this black Roc really so formidable?

"The mechanical black Roc belongs to the skilled practitioners of the Land of the Undying in this star domain. It's one of the most renowned rising stars in the past few decades, even breaking through the limits!" someone said.

This star domain was known as the Land of the Undying. The starry sky where Wang Xuan was located was called the Land of Immortals. Further away, there were domains of technological life and divine beings. This time, the Land of the Undying and the Land of the Divine were the main initiators. They wanted to explore the future to prolong the existence of transcendence.

Of course, the term breaking through the limits was translated. Different domains had different names for it, but the heights of their brilliance were consistent, revered and praised by all transcendent beings. It represented an incredibly splendid realm. Breaking through the limits meant the tenth stage. At times, it was even difficult to find more than a few instances in the vast expanse of stars, in a whole civilization or on many transcendent planets.

"It's really... a Limit Breaker, he’s at the tenth stage?!" Many people were shocked on the spot. This meant that the black Roc was a pinnacle figure in this domain. It was difficult to find anyone that matched it.

"Of course, it had broken through the limits indeed! In the Land of the Undying, disciples who emerged from the Imperial Palace of Gouchen are outstanding figures among those who broke through the limits. They have dominated for decades. It's difficult to find opponents within the realm of this world!" Transcendent beings in the Land of the Undying were well aware of the power and terror of the mechanical black Roc. They were revealing its details.


"These sword lights are too terrifying! A small spaceship can be instantly crushed if so many swords attack at once. The mechanical black Roc is actually a being at the wanderer level!"

People were shocked to realize that the black Roc had long surpassed the tenth stage. It was reaching the peak of the transcendent, it was at the wanderer level. Its unique phenomenon was extremely terrifying, leaving behind mountains of corpses and seas of blood as it rose through battles.

Surprisingly, the young man remained dominant. He transformed himself into a wheel of swords, with countless sword radiance bursting forth. With a loud bang, Wang Xuan shifted sideways and aimed for the previously injured wing. The opponent was massive which required him to focus his attack on one area to cause effective damage.


Surging with trans material, one of the mechanical black Roc's wings was pierced through by Wang Xuan's wheel of swords. It was severed by him after striking it repeatedly. A cry from the black Roc echoed. The wingless mechanical black Roc became furious and dived towards Wang Xuan once again.

However, it was even more terrifying this time. The humanoid wheel of swords displayed its power starting from its abdomen. It had severed its body. The massive iron body became a shackle and was unable to evade the attack. It ended up heavily injured.

"Oh... my god!"

"Even the transcendent black Roc can’t stop the young man. Who is he?!" someone said.

There were large numbers of transcendent beings here, the cream of the crop from various regions were all shocked. Anyone who understood the origins of the mechanical black Roc trembled with fear. Zhao Qinghan, Wu Yin, and Qing Mu felt incredibly shaken.

It was their first time witnessing a battle at this level and they were exceptionally nervous. Their hearts were pounding like drums. Little Fox and Transcendent Ma were completely dumbfounded. With just his flesh and blood, Wang Xuan had dismantled such a massive metal life form and had left them in awe.

A Roc cry echoed and there was a drastic fluctuation in spiritual energy. It was as if space-time was distorted. The mechanical black Roc's body split open and a dazzling silver light burst out from within. Out came a three-meter-long white Roc. The mechanical black Roc had preserved the remaining flesh and blood here. Initially, it destroyed most of its physical body when it practiced the Roc Emperor's scripture.

Now, it abandoned its mechanical body and rushed out. It was ready to fight to the end. In fact, it had a layer of silver-white metal outside its body. It seemed like a precious treasure that protected its flesh and blood. It then fiercely confronted Wang Xuan.


An astonishing collision, a fierce battle. Wang Xuan didn't use any treasures and he didn't deploy the Godslaying Banner. He fought bare-handed and was aiming for the silver armor that could transform. His spirit resonated and trans material boiled. Accompanied by his mental light, he directly slashed at the black Roc with a spiritual sword.

With a thud, the black Roc's eyes bled and its gaze unfocused. Its spirit was severely wounded and it was unable to resist anymore. Then, Wang Xuan peeled off the armor and pulled it out.

Everyone was stunned. It was a disciple from the Imperial Palace of Gouchen in the Land of the Undying. It was a shining star who had broken through the limits. The mechanical black Roc had actually been defeated! Now, not only the transcendent beings on the scene were paying attention but the practitioners from their respective planets were also paying attention to it.

They awaited the transmission of audiovisual messages from the spaceship back to their planets. It was only the first battle, and a star powerhouse was already about to perish! In fact, they didn't know that Wang Xuan had intentionally restrained himself and hadn't fully engaged at all. He didn't want to reveal all his cards as soon as he appeared.

"I had asked you earlier, aren't you afraid of being wiped out?" Wang Xuan spoke while holding the black Roc. He then continued, "Although the rules of the Land of the Undying allow you to act and won't erase you, I can personally erase you!"


A dazzling fist light streaked across and illuminated the cosmic void. With one punch, Wang Xuan had shattered the black Roc. He annihilated it completely and no trace of it was left behind!