Chapter 487: Secrets Of The Life Essence Furnace

Chapter 487: Secrets Of The Life Essence Furnace

In the Transcendent Engine Room of the spacecraft, everything was scorched black, and red matter filled the air. Even Chen Yongjie and Liu Huai'an couldn't stand it, retreating far away to meditate.

Zhao Qinghan, Wu Yin, and Qing Mu naturally stayed even further back.

The mechanical teddy bear, skeptical of the danger, ended up melting into a puddle before struggling to reassemble itself, afterwards trembling with fear.

The supercharged engine system roared continuously, emitting sharp alarm sounds multiple times. This type of red super material was so difficult to absorb that most of it was expelled, classified as a highly unconventional energy source.

Near Wang Xuan, a layer of "cicada shell" remained. The golden human skin was peculiar, peeling off in a somewhat intact form, split open from the back. The flesh moved unconsciously, wriggling free.

"Nice figure, huh?" The little fox spirit tilted its head, appraising Wang Xuan.

"Aren't you embarrassed to look?" Wu Yin chided, tugging at its ear gently.

"You’re a big hypocrite, Wu Yin, aren't you looking too?" the little fox spirit retorted, then turned to Zhao Qinghan, "Zhao Zhao, you're watching too!"

"I'm looking at him who was burnt, not him who was surrounded by cicada armor," Zhao Qinghan corrected. In front of them, Wang Xuan smoked again, surrounded by the red material and... turned black in an instant.

Wu Yin vigorously ruffled the little fox spirit's head, saying, "Where was I looking? I was worried about the fire, worrying that he'd self-destruct. What if something happens to the spacecraft?"

It wasn't long before they noticed another change in Wang Xuan; his skin developed patterns, then trembled as if scales were about to emerge.

"He's shedding again? What scripture is he practicing this time?" Qing Mu couldn't stand it anymore. How could it be one shedding after another, each time more bizarre than the last?

His eyes widened in disbelief. Just moments ago was one thing, but now scales were appearing. Would feathers sprout next?

"He must be practicing the Ant Viewing Dragon Scripture, reaching a critical moment. True dragon scales are emerging!" Liu Huai'an spoke up.

Such extraordinary scripture typically involved shedding a layer of old skin and renewing the blood once, but was Wang Xuan truly transforming into a dragon? It seemed the changes within him were even more profound.

The sound of his heartbeat, strong and resounding like drum beats, occasionally resembled the muffled roar of thunder. What immense power must be contained within?

"Will he really transform into a dragon?" Wu Yin asked hesitantly.

"The highest transformation naturally returns to its origins, reverting to his original form," Chen Yongjie explained.

In the void above the meteorite channel, amidst the vast sea of red mist, the Life Essence Furnace floated, glowing red hot like the rising sun.

Wang Xuan was serene, dragon scales sprouting densely over his spirit body. He gazed into the void at the cosmic dragon, transforming from an ant into a magnificent dragon.

Time lost its meaning until he began to shed his skin, the dragon scales clinking melodiously as they fell, reverting back to his human spirit form.

"Another scripture mastered, my cultivation level has increased again. What level am I at now? Is this the true thirteenth stage?" he wondered.

With his endurance strengthened, he once again propelled the furnace upward, diving deeper into his cultivation.

He practiced the Butterfly Transformation Scripture, the Serpent-Dragon Scripture, and the Phoenix Reincarnation Scripture, with his spirit undergoing continuous transformation.

Some practices shared similarities, complementing each other. Eventually, Wang Xuan mastered four extraordinary scriptures, sensing an astonishing change within himself.

His spirit seemed to be condensing, absorbing the essence of his entire spirit into a core mark.

Initially, a miniature, vivid Wang Xuan could be seen, but gradually, he shrank into an obscure mark, almost invisible.

Yet, Wang Xuan could feel the essence of his spirit converging there, as if his entire spirit was collapsing.

Simultaneously, in the outside world, his physical body was also transforming, with the most vibrant life forces and blood essence being extracted and condensed towards an unknown point within his body.

"Has something gone wrong with his cultivation? His body seems lifeless, on the verge of collapse," Zhao Qinghan said, concern washing over her.

Dressed in white, his spirit revitalized, gone was the smoke-blackened figure of before.

"Much more pleasing to the eye!" Little Fox commented, glancing at Zhao Qingcai and Wu Yin for agreement. Both responded—one by ruffling its head, the other by tugging its ear.

"What about me?" Transcendent Ma asked, hopeful.

Seeing him, "Bootlicker" came to mind, Little Fox didn't mince words.

Fuming, Transcendent Ma wished to kick but eventually drooped, defeated.

"Bootlicking... horse!" Mechanical Bear snickered.

"Bear, you're asking for it!" Transcendent Ma turned his frustration towards it.

"I have something to share with you," Wang Xuan began, turning his gaze towards Zhao Qingcai and Wu Yin. He had been holding back on telling them about their families' departure to deep space and the move to a new star, fearing it would disturb their peace. Now, as they embarked on the journey home, the truth couldn't be shrouded any longer.

"During your seclusion, Qing Mu informed us," Zhao Qingcai spoke softly, "I'm not worried about them. In an era where the extraordinary fades, and fleets venture into the cosmos, such firepower could shatter even the mightiest of beings."

"They've settled on a mundane planet, devoid of myths or the supernatural. It should be safe," added Wu Yin, her family's elders having scouted habitable planets long ago.

The trio sat in the tea room, conversing leisurely about matters of the new star.

"The age of myths is ending. What are your plans? Will you settle on the new star?" Zhao Qingcai inquired.

"I have enemies, formidable ones, including supreme beings and even those beyond, soon to emerge into this world. Conflict is inevitable. Of course, I yearn for a tranquil life in the city, just hoping those individuals don't descend into madness. Or perhaps, I'll deal with them all soon enough."

Wang Xuan harbored dreams for the future, but current threats loomed large, especially the menacing Evil Dragon, making it a fight to the death.

Marriage and children would have to wait until after he vanquished the Evil Dragon and the mythic era receded—a matter of just over two months.

Two days later, revitalized and no longer weary, Wang Xuan resumed his cultivation, striving to enter his Inner Landscape where efficiency peaked.

Drenched in sweat after three days, he finally invoked divine inspiration, bringing everyone into his Inner Landscape.

This time, with the Life Essence Furnace in tow, his spirit meditated within it. Here, he mastered the "Phoenix Nirvana Scripture" and "Ascension Transmutation Reversion Scripture". He sensed changes in the Inner Landscape, decaying? Cracks appeared on its deepest walls!

"Something's amiss. I sense a new Inner Landscape condensing, merging into my body and spirit, forming a speck of light, akin to 'a grain of sand, a world in itself'. Similar to the essence imprints in the core of my flesh and spirit, the Inner Landscape too awaits its Nirvana."

Wang Xuan was astounded. Was his Inner Landscape too evolving? With a core seed space condensing, gathering to converge upon his physical and spiritual form!

Was it the multitude of peculiar scriptures he practiced, or the Life Essence Furnace that triggered this transformation? Was he on the brink of an all-encompassing ascension? Such a phenomenon with the Inner Landscape was unheard of.

"From spirit to flesh, and now to the Inner Landscape, why is vibrant life lying in wait for Nirvana instead of initiating immediately?" he pondered, aware of his formidable strength, yet uncertain of its exact magnitude.

"Ahead, someone guards the wormhole!" Qing Mu warned.

A massive battleship lurked in the shadows, resembling a monstrous beast ready to devour its prey.

Wang Xuan opened his spiritual eye, peering ahead. Several bright auras emanated from the dark giant ship, betraying the presence of supreme beings whose spiritual forms couldn't be masked by their physical bodies.

His heart raced at the sight of such powerful entities in this place. The path back was fraught with danger.

"Ah, that's... the aura of the Evil Dragon! It's subtle, almost imperceptible, but it's there. Has he arrived as well?" Instantly, Wang Xuan went on high alert. The Evil Dragon, Qi Tian, was his most dreaded and formidable foe.

In this pivotal era, the Evil Dragon posed a grave threat to his life. Despite the waning age of myths, this man harbored a deep-seated malice, intent on hunting him down.

"If I could slay the Evil Dragon, I would finally be able to breathe easy." Wang Xuan readied himself, his enemy on his mind, and he, too, yearned to hunt the dragon.