and through the upgrade of skills, it also unlocks a new magic power - [Xiang Zhuang sword].

The sword of Xiang Zhuang: from Chinese history.

In Chinese history, there is a story: in 208 BC, Xiang Yu led a 400000 army to Xianyang, which was blocked by Liu Bang's garrison.

Xiang Bo invited Liu Bang to a banquet in Hongmen.

At the Hongmen banquet, Xiang Zhuang, Xiang Yu's subordinate, danced his sword, but intended to take the opportunity to kill Liu Bang!

This is the origin of this magical power!

It is a secret sword, a hidden sword and a crafty sword.

Unlike Li Shi's other sword moves, Xiang Zhuang's sword should be unexpected and unpredictable.

The false, the real, and the false are hidden between his moves, making it impossible to defend.

It's a practical magic power for sneaking attacks.

But this is not the point. The point is that Li Shi has another chance to summon the Holy Spirit!

"Call on the Holy Spirit!"

In fact, Li Shi was ready for failure. Anyway, the remaining Shengyuan points could be upgraded again.

But it was clear that his luck was once again blessed.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully summoning the Holy Spirit [hands of NOx - dreius]"

When the tower like figure appeared in Li Shi's room, it had already decided the final outcome of the six nation meeting in a few days!

It also declared the tragedy of Li Kun and others.


back to the present, when Li Shi told people about this incident and introduced Hu Shanshan with a smile on his face, all of them were in a state of admiration!

I'm afraid that only Li Shi's evil mind can think of such intrigues, twists and turns, secret chess and conspiracy!

At the moment, they just want to open Li Shi's brain and see if there is a Yin man's book in it!

"Fu Jun, what's next?

LAN Zi was eager to say something, but the rest of them also focused on Li Shi, slightly excited.

They all know what LAN Ziang wants to say!

The internal disputes of the Duchy of Tao and Tang continued to weaken its national strength. It is urgent for a person to stand up and unify the discourse power of Tao Tang!

At this time, Tao Tang won the position of leader of the southeast alliance, and he also needed a person to represent Tao Tang and lead the southeast alliance to make the next year's action decision!

There is no doubt that Li Shi is the most suitable person!

"Yes, the time is ripe."

Li Shimu exposed his essence and added in the bottom of his heart: the main task is almost finished.

He has ordered the Seven Star City to secretly deploy troops to Taodu. It only needs to wait for a few days. The Seven Star City, a long-standing behemoth, will have a head-on collision with the power of Taodu, the capital city!

Li Shi secretly vowed in his heart: the throne of Tao Tang is sure to be won!

But when Li Shi made up his mind to take tough measures, some people moved ahead of him.

And this person is exactly the person that Li Shi has never paid attention to!

A few days after the end of the martial arts of the six kingdoms, the five powerful people who stayed in Taodu gradually left Taodu with a gloomy and returning mood.

However, a small number of people left, but in exchange for more people to sneak in!

This morning, in the western suburb of Taodu, Li Guang looked at the distance seriously.

Since the northern part of the Tang Dynasty, a shadow gradually came.

With his own good strength, Li Guang was surprised to see that it was an endless army.

All over the mountains and fields to Taodu, like a steel flood composed of armor!

When he saw the banners hanging in the army, Li Guangmei's eyes were filled with cold.