such as the song played by Zhou Yu in the seven star city that day when Youming Dao and jinjiuzong invaded the city.

At this time, with Zhou Yu's plucking of the strings, two huge shadows of the Phoenix rose into the sky.

One named Xianhuang, help your soldiers to cure their wounds!

A named magic Phoenix, in the enemy over the use of magic sound through the brain!

"Ah --"

the red phoenix army, which was close to the magic Phoenix, immediately covered her head, screamed bitterly on the ground, and rolled on the ground.

Looking back on the Seven Star City side, the wound just received healed instantly.

The Seven Star City soldiers will not let go of the good opportunity that Zhou Yu made for them. They send out the spirit of killing and killing the red phoenix army one after another!


"Kill the red phoenix pheasant!"

Boom -

the defense lines of the Seven Star City spread instantaneously, and there was a faint tendency to disperse the red phoenix army.

Seventy thousand to three hundred thousand, the momentum is already back pressure!

This is the terrifying role of a high-level strongman in the battlefield!

What makes Liu HuangYin even more frightening is that Zhou Yu's Fire Sea Huang Yin is not over!

Huang Yin in front, fire in the back!

"Brush brush -"

hundreds of small flames appeared in the air.

With a wave of his hand, it rained heavily on the day!

Fire all over the sky, tilt down!

Bloody sea of fire, buried thousands of enemies!

"Bang -"

"Bang --"

the sea of fire fell from the sky and exploded brilliant sparks in the red phoenix army.

"Ah --"



If the flame of gangrene attached to the soldiers, it could not be extinguished.

They feel the pain of burning soul, the body and will both collapse!

As the sound of the zither rose, Zhou Yu threw down a sea of fire and killed nearly 50000 Chihuang soldiers!

Like a dream, fiddle with heaven and earth!

Liu HuangYin took the long halberd's hand and kept shaking.

Even though she had the strength of the initial stage of the Yuan state and even had the idea of going forward to kill Zhou Yu, her body was very honest and stood there, staring at the death of her soldiers in the fire!

She, in the name of HuangYin!

But today, I finally realized what the real "Fire Sea Phoenix sound" is!

As the sound of the piano gradually dropped, Zhou Yu got up and faced the rest of the red phoenix army.

Liu Ying was already dying from his flame!

He was like a native chicken and a dog. He was pressed on the ground by Zhou Yu and blasted his hammer!

"Prince Chihuang? So weak and small, it means to take Phoenix as the totem

Zhou Yu scorned and sneered and hit the remaining Red Phoenix army.

After removing the 50000 souls who died in the sea of fire just now, the remaining 200000 troops have tacit agreement to retreat and no longer be close to Qixing mountain.

They look at the red figure of arrogance and ridicule, but dare not refute a word!

On the whole battlefield, only Zhou Yu is qualified to be the spokesman of Phoenix!

"Retreat, retreat!"

Liu HuangYin issued an order powerlessly.

As long as there is Zhou Yu standing at the foot of the mountain, the opposite will be in an invincible position.

If you go on, you just add a few more plates of fire to roast human meat.

More than 200000 red phoenix troops began to slowly retreat half a mile.

Looking at Zhou Yu, his eyes were full of fear.

The commander-in-chief of the Seven Star City has planted a full shadow in their hearts!

But Zhou Yu's heart was not as calm as it seemed.

Chihuang's army did not retreat completely in this way. Instead, they camped out half a mile away and kept a close eye on the seven star mountain. There must be something behind us!

Zhou Yu spent most of his energy and energy just now.

It's a high level and tiring battle environment.

"I don't know when my Lord will arrive...
