You can search Baidu for "the mythical emperor summoning system of the heavens to search for novels"( )”Find the latest chapter! Only those familiar with the University of Datao Tang can know how strong the students in the two departments are.

The University of datotang naturally adopts the degree system. Before graduation, it must pass several tests before graduation to obtain the corresponding degree.

And double degree, is more difficult!

It can be said that every double department student is a genius in genius.

Like this young boy, he studied double degree in the Great Tao Tang college at a young age, and he was selected for his talent and strength.

That's why the Falcon bow rides are not worried about.

But the people who lived in the Han Dynasty were not clear about these, and they were still in shock.

A group of adult men were shocked by a young boy. The scene suddenly fell into strange silence.

Fortunately, the Falcon bows and riders remember Li Shi's instructions, and they do not intend to stay here, and they will come out to solve them immediately.

The knight of the leader shook his head helplessly: "blue Ziyang, don't make a noise. They are the guests of your majesty, and leave some face for them."

The young boy, called lanziyang, immediately changed his face and smiled at the leader and said, "rest assured, our blue family have a pole scale for everything!"

The cavalry captain shook his head with a bitter smile, and sighed in his heart that the blue family was really full of evil.

Yes, this blue boy Yang is the brother of LAN Ziang.

The blue boy Yang had the intelligence similar to his brother, and was a rare child who was determined to be in the sand field. At that time, he successfully entered the commander-in-chief of the Great Tao Tang college with his own abilities.

Later, he was dissatisfied with this. With his own cultivation talent and the divine scripture passed on by his brother, he successfully entered the Department of Taoism, shaking the whole college for a while.

Liu Ling seemed to see the blue son Yang extraordinary, and immediately revealed a smile of kindness that was more ugly than crying.

Blue son Yang but did not feel, proudly raised his head, from the street, let Liu Ling not embarrassed.

The episode did not delay much time, and the people continued to go on the road.

Through the broad outer and inner cities, a group of people finally came to the Purple Star Palace.

The magnificent Purple Star Palace, the endless hall group, naturally gave this group of "villains" a lesson.

Tell them what kind of place is called court!

Their fragile nerves have been shocked by the prosperity of Tao Tang Dynasty.

So that it is hard to react to anything later, as if living in a dream.

The Lord's house, unlike other countries, allows only messengers to enter.

Liu Ling, along with dozens of soldiers he brought, were all brought into the hall together.

This is the great power of Tao Tang Dynasty, and also like the Han people show Li Shi's confidence!

Let you thousands of people into the hall, I am not afraid!

On the hall, it seems that Liu Ling has been informed of his arrival. All the arts and martial arts of the Manchu Dynasty gathered here.

The civil servants, the eyes of the light of wisdom flicker, like a group of foxes staring at the weak rabbit.

The first scholar of Confucianism and elegance made Liu Ling tremble.

According to the information description, he quickly recognized the identity of this person - Prime Minister Fan Li of Tao Tang Dynasty!

In the past month, the Confucian prime minister has made the five countries suffer.

He is like a demon who exploits all living beings, and from the body of the five countries, he has taken a piece of interest without any care!

He was depressed by the five envoys with a mouth, and he could not fight his defense.

He is the king on the table!

Compared with the Li Dynasty, the emissaries of the five countries were most afraid of, but Fan Li was still in front of them.

I heard that if someone mentioned Fan Li's name in their ears, they would be angry and unable to eat.