then Xiaoyu changed back to her original form. In the eyes of Xiaoyun, who was shocked, she made up the truth about how she was "threatened" by Li Shi and how she "endured humiliation" to help him.

Xiaoyun didn't doubt that he had him, but his small face suddenly faded: "young master, he went to the North alone... It must be afraid that we were worried.

But he didn't know that we would be more worried about that? "

Xiaoyu licked the rabbit hair on her paws and said with disdain: "the so-called men are pig hooves. This guy must have gone to find a foreign beauty heartlessly!"

"In that case, Xiao Yun can't sit back and watch it!"

Looking at a resolute face of Xiaoyun, Xiaoyu suddenly stupefied: "you, what are you going to do?"

Xiaoyun grabbed her long rabbit ear and solemnly said, "I'm not here these days, the hygiene of Xiangdian will be given to you!"


After that, Xiao Yun changed into a casual dress, picked a good horse from the palace, and also left the Seven Star City. The meteors generally went to the north, leaving only Xiaoyu in the wind, and the rabbit's face was confused.

At the same time, the inner space in the hinterland of Qixing mountain, which is under the Seven Star City, is no longer what it used to be, and has been transformed into a more convenient passage by Mount Tai.

By the sword pool, nearly a hundred demon cubs rescued from the black lion stronghold have grown up for a full circle.

Especially small silver's child, that little silver moon wolf has grown into a three Zhang long body.

Its broad back, sharp claws and silver forehead mark make it the undisputed king among the demons.

Between the eyes of the wolf opened and closed, it showed the domineering and fierce, which was not weaker than that of his mother.

Look at his accomplishments, but he has reached the realm of Di yuan!

The sad wolf king, named Xiaoyin irresponsibly by Chang'e, is lying on the ground in boredom, and his eyes occasionally glance at a boy sitting on the ground with his eyes closed.

Although he seems to be only thirteen or four years old, he is extremely tall.

Thick eyebrows and big eyes, facial features angular, grow up must be a handsome young man.

But the most wonderful thing is still a gap in the young man's forehead.

In the gap, there seems to be a sleeping eye.

Little silver trembled all over. He once saw a black bear with purple back rebellious and defiant. The eyes in the youth's forehead opened angrily. The poor bear with purple back was tied in the air and starved for seven days and seven nights before the boy put him down.

Since then, the hundred monsters have been obedient to the young man, and no one dares to disturb him.

More importantly, everyone is looking forward to the "alchemy" in the hands of this young man.

After this young man's magic power, he can transform his animal constitution and practice the spirit of holy yuan just like human beings!

Therefore, all the monsters are waiting for the transformation of the youth.

Time flies like an arrow.

The monsters grew up day by day, and the boy had grown from a short boy to the present.

At the same time, a small white country dog in the boy's arms also opened his bleary eyes.

Seeing the white dog, little silver's head was buried lower.

If we say that his fear of youth comes from the suppression of strength.

Then for the white dog, it is the double fear of soul and blood!