Chapter 1172

in addition to a few changes, what Li Shi is most concerned about is the flying copy.

The voice of Meier, who had been absent for a long time, suddenly came: "the so-called ascending copy is the plane provided to the Holy Spirit to carry out the Tao and comprehend.

If the Holy Spirit can get enlightenment before flying into the wasteland, then they will be able to pass through the skyscrapers more smoothly. "

Li Shi nodded. It seems that this copy of feisheng is very useful.

The reason why Li Shi had such feelings was that he had seen too many tragedies in the heaven and earth stars in his body recently.

Feisheng, not as simple as he thought!

After the road to ascend to heaven and earth was reopened, many people from the top of Tianyuan realm came to try.

Those people were old monks who had lived in seclusion for thousands of years and were about to disappear.

They have no choice but to take the road of ascension.

However, the road to ascension is extremely dangerous.

As the saying goes, heaven has nine levels, robbery has four levels!

A heavy day, for the earthly sky! It's a common cloud gathering place.

Double heaven is the source of gas! It has free thunder attribute holy Qi, which can collect thunder supernatural power.

Before that, Li Shi's means of returning to the four seas, punishing the four seas by heaven, and lighting the sky with thunder were all formed in the double sky.

Outside the double sky, triple heaven, ordinary people can not reach, collectively referred to as the heaven!

The triple heaven, named chixuantian, contains the first level of red and dark thunder, which is the number of one road, aiming at the monks of Xuanyuan realm!

The fourth heaven, named orange earth sky, breeds the second-order orange Xuan thunder. It is the number of three ways, aiming at the friars of Di yuan realm!

Wuchongtian, named Huangtian! It is said to be the last heavy day in the sky.

This time, people in the dark world finally realized what the power of Huang Tian is!

I remember that day, four times outside the sky suddenly Huang mang big work.

A total of seven yellow sky thunder, staring at the rising old monk one after another.

The old monk didn't even have a fight, so he died in the thunder and turned into dust.

After that, some people tried hard, but like the old monk, they could not resist the thunder.

After that, everyone finally began to shrink back and did not dare to try again.

Among the Holy Spirits under Li Shi's hands, there are countless who have reached the peak of Tianyuan realm.

But because of this, Li Shi was not at ease to let them fly.

Now with a copy of feisheng, Li Shixin's worries can be put down.

But this incident also made Li Shi understand that the so-called jiuchongtian is the shackles of the holy mirror to the Yin Ming world. This rumor is simply farting.

At the beginning, Yinglong, the star of heaven and earth, absorbed the world of yin and hell into it, but it absorbed jiuchongtian together.

For Li Shi, even if the heaven and earth stars were in his body, he could not see through the appearance of the next few days of jiuchongtian, which could only last until the yellow sky.

But in the dark, Li Shi was able to detect that there was a huge force hidden in the sky.

This force is neither good nor evil, with absolute fairness.

In its eyes, those who fail to pass the test of the Ninth Heaven are not qualified to go to the higher plane.

It seems with a kind of Indifference: instead of taking a weak body to the higher plane, it would be better to die under the thunder.

This kind of absolute fairness made Li Shi divide it from the evil of holy mirror in an instant.

Holy mirror is not qualified to control this power.

"Meier, jiuchongtian, what kind of existence is it..."

when Li Shi tried to catch Mei er's words in his mind, he didn't find that Ziying was staring at him when he was communicating with Meier.

As if to see through his mind.