Chapter 1231

At the end of the ocean.

It's hard to imagine such an ocean in the middle of the Alps.

Even Li Shi doubts whether he is still immersed in the illusion.

He pinched his hand and clearly felt the return of the doctrine.

It seems to be waking up from the illusion.

When Li Shilai came to Michael and Lucifer, the golden light flashed in his eyes.

"The remnant volume of Ying long, breaking false!"

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Two invisible shackles were broken near their heads.

They were confused and opened their eyes. When they saw Li Shihou, they were shocked.

"Lord (demon lord), I..."

their faces were frightened and they were about to say something, but they were stopped by Li Shi.

He could roughly guess what they saw in the vision, nothing more than fighting each other.

"To make a long story short, you just fell into a very powerful illusion.

Now we have to find the source of the phantom. "

The two angels nodded hard, and palpitations flashed in their eyes.

Obviously, the illusion just now brought a great shadow to their hearts.

If they don't find out the existence behind this, they will have a hard time sleeping and eating.

"Let's go."

Li Shiyi took the lead and swam in one direction at will.

But Michael and Lucifer began to argue again who should play first.

Li Shi shook his head in front of him.

Although these two goods are brothers, but because of the memory problem, now they are not satisfied with each other.

It seems that this situation can only wait for Li Shi to find a way to restore their memory.

It is not only them, but also the memory of other holy spirits. Li Shi also wants to help restore them one by one.

At that time, according to the memory of the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to find the root of Li Shi.

Thinking like this, I have been swimming hundreds of meters in the ocean unconsciously.

Suddenly, Li Shi looked up and found that there were skeletons floating around his body.

These skeletons contain human, other races and even exotic animals.

There is no sign of destruction on the bones, which seems to be a state of natural death.

Lucifer grabbed a skeleton with his magic arm and pulled it to his body.

He sniffed it with his nose, frowning slightly.

"Lord, these people are dead and alive in the illusion."

Before Li Shi opened his mouth, he found that the sea water around him suddenly began to boil.

"Boom -"

the Red Sea is rolling and countless skeletons are dancing.

It's not hell. It's better than hell.

"Lord, look there!"

Michael pointed to the distant sea.

The color of the sea was even scarlet.

A touch of dark red shadow, slowly emerging from the sea.

It was a tall figure sitting on a chair.

All the chairs are made up of skeletons. On the crooked bones, there seem to be innumerable ghosts roaring.

These ghosts must be the adventurers who have fallen into the endless maze these years.

The figure on the chair is slightly blurred, but it can be seen that the lower body of the creature is a human body.

But the upper part of the body is eerily out of countless translucent red tentacles.

If it had to be described in words, it would have been like a giant jellyfish growing on the human body.

Suddenly, the myriad tentacles of jellyfish suddenly move.

A dark and dreary voice sounded like a bell.

"No one... Can escape from [the magic of the mystical road]..."
