Chapter 1292

of course, it is Wenqu Xingjun.

This is the second time she has helped Li Shi today.

According to the law, she also has the qualification to compete for the inheritance of Taihao Tianting, but she voluntarily gives up to Li Shi.

Not only that, but also helped Li Shi drag down Dugu Nagasaki, otherwise Li Shi would not be so smooth to inherit.

Why is this?

Wenqu Xingjun was silent, but he waved on his face.

The starlight that covered her face was removed, revealing a peerless face that illuminated the three realms of Tianhuan and YangAi.

The eyebrows of moths sweep lightly, and the eyes of stars contain light.

Every twinkle and smile is like a starry sky, which makes people unconsciously fall into it.

She knelt down and said respectfully, "the nine star road is the third star, and the real star spirit [poetic language] greets the master to break away from the cage of Evil Mirror."

Li Shitong's eyes shrink, and the holy way in his body is crazy.

The two yellow lights twinkled on Li Shi and Wenqu Xingjun respectively.

There is an invisible link between the two rays of light.

A feeling of closeness emerged in Li Shi's mind.

He couldn't help but stretch out his hand and put it on the top of Wenqu Xingjun.

Wenqu Xingjun shivered all over his body, his face was red and his ears were red, but he didn't mean to resist.

Li Shi Mou son a shock, countless memories of crazy rush back to the brain.

"The master was chased to the holy mirror star world by the evil mirror.

Before entering the realm of the mirror, the premonition will be trapped there for a long time.

It is in order to separate the poetic language from the sacred doctrine, and let the poetic language ambush in the star world of Wenqu and cooperate with your actions. "

"The evil mirror has blocked the star world of the holy mirror, and the poetry language can only help the master through other means."

"Poetry unifies the world of literature and music, and selects a Confucian and Taoist monk with a special constitution. The book is boundless, so that he can enter the world of holy mirror and help his master out of trouble."

"In order to prevent the Evil Mirror from seeing through, the poem can only erase the boundless memory of the book and only engrave the mission in his mind."

"After tens of thousands of years, I finally saw my master get out of trouble, and I didn't waste my efforts in poetry..."

"I remember." Li Shi sighed with regret: "poetry language, these years, hard work."

It turns out that the so-called Wenqu Xingjun is actually the real star spirit and poetic language of his own holy way.

It is also the third sanxingling after the zodiac Xingwei and Xiaoxuan.

It turned out that Li Shi had been wondering why the third star was not opened. Unexpectedly, Xingling was not in the star map at the beginning, but was placed in the Wenqu star by himself who had been prepared for the future.

But the book is boundless, actually is the poetry language sends to the holy mirror star world person.

No wonder Tianshu Pavilion helped Li Shi everywhere. No wonder that when the Evil Mirror saw the boundlessness of books, it would blurt out a sentence [Wenqu Xingjun apostle].

No wonder...

many things that used to be incomprehensible now have answers.

Li Shi, who had recovered this memory, felt that it was not easy to write poems and books for years.

Not only they, many people around, are doing their best to help Li Shi.

In this case, Li Shi can not live up to their efforts!

With the return of poetic language, Li Shi actually controlled the two star realms in the three realms of one day.

As long as you Huangxing world also recognizes Li Shi's status, a new emperor will be created.


Li Shi sighed silently when he remembered the unwilling look of Dugu Nagasaki before he left.

At this moment, the void suddenly vibrated.


A loud noise came from the distant sky.

The poem frowned, the star on the hand vibrated, and a complex hexagram was drawn in the palm.

"Master, it's you Huangxing world that has an accident."