It's quiet at last!

Qin Jiyan doesn't ask questions any more. Gu Qiancheng just feels that the whole world is clean, and the tight string in his mind can be relaxed

At last, she didn't have to worry. She said what she shouldn't have said, which aroused the suspicion of the king of Qin.

After quickly removing the carrion from the wound, Gu Qiancheng cleaned and disinfected the wound for the last time, and washed his hands again. Then he sewed Qin Jiyan up.

The sewing process is very smooth. Although Qin Jiyan is quite surprised, he doesn't open his mouth to ask. He just stares at Gu Qiancheng without blinking.

He wanted to know where Gu Qiancheng learned his skill from and what kind of person he could teach him?

As far as he knows, at present, only the hospital administrator of Taiyuan hospital can sew the wound with needle and thread, and what the hospital administrator does doesn't seem to be as good as Gu Qiancheng

It's time for him to check Gu Qiancheng. Who does she learn from?

After the wound was sewn up, Gu Qiancheng sprinkled the powder given by the dark guard, and penicillin was also used.

The wound medicine used by Huang changsun is excellent. Gu Qiancheng is not worried about it. She is worried about how to bind the wound.

There is only gauze but no tape. Is it difficult for her to wrap the bandage around Qin Jiyan's waist as before?

Looking left and right, there is no better way, Gu Qiancheng can only do so.

"Your Highness, please sit up." Gu Qiancheng shakes the bandage and says that she wants to bandage Qin Jiyan's wound.

Thinking that they almost hugged each other when they just removed the bandage, Qin Jiyan found his face turned red again. Another look at Gu Qiancheng?

The girl didn't react at all.

Qin Jiyan feels that his emotion is really not like a man. Gu Qiancheng doesn't care about a woman. What does a big man care about?

At this time, you can't say anything in front of a woman.

Qin Jiyan sat up straight and tried to keep calm. His eyes were fixed on the outside, but he didn't look at Gu Qiancheng, but

He can control his eyes, but he can't control his nose. Qin Jiyan is very uncomfortable with his daughter Xiang, but he doesn't dare to move. When he looks at the city, he gives a warning.

This is not the most deadly, the most deadly, is that at that time from time to time from his chest swept the end of the hair, was swept by the end of the hair, crisp numb, so that he could not concentrate.

What a torment!

Qin Jiyan swears that he will never go to Gu Qiancheng to bandage the wound next time. No matter how beautiful she is, he will not have to take care of Gu Qiancheng. Really

What a torment!

For Qin Jiyan, every minute is torture, so time passes very slowly. But in fact, less than a cup of tea, Gu Qiancheng bandaged Qin Jiyan's wound.

Carefully played a beautiful butterfly Festival, Gu Qiancheng nodded with satisfaction: in the case of lack of resources, she can do this step, really not easy.


Qin Jiyan wiped the sweat on his forehead

Gu Qian is no better than him. It's not easy to get around Qin Jiyan's waist bandage. After several rounds, Gu Qiancheng is sweating.

He raised his sleeve and wiped the sweat on his forehead. Gu Qiancheng pretended not to see it. Qin Jiyan's innocent reaction took the clothes to put on Qin Jiyan.

After changing clothes, Gu Qiancheng gave the bandage with blood to Qin Jiyan: "Your Highness, please take it out and deal with it. It's a trouble for you and me to find out."

The people around her were not trustworthy and she had to pay attention.

Is this driving him away?

In Qin Jiyan's eyes, Gu Qiancheng's behavior is another meaning.

Gu Qiancheng opens his mouth. What else can Qin Jiyan say? He takes things and gives Gu Qiancheng a deep look. Qin Jiyan leaves without any nostalgia, leaving Gu Qiancheng in the same place with a puzzled face: "before his royal highness leaves, what does that mean?"

How did she find out that she didn't understand at all?

After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't come up with a reason. However, Gu Qiancheng simply didn't want to think about it. He washed the used needles, thread and scissors and prepared to disinfect them the next day

Although Qin Jiyan is very dissatisfied with Gu Qiancheng's move to drive him away, he can think of the wound that has been dealt with very well, so Qin Jiyan has to bear it.

Gu Qiancheng was so a bandage, as long as his wound does not move, it will not bleed, tomorrow morning do not worry.

Qin Jiyan goes to sleep peacefully. The next day he goes to the morning court as usual. After the morning court, he asks to see the emperor alone.

Qin Jiyan came to plead guilty: "granddad, grandson doesn't know that Yunchu's disease will be spread. Please rest assured that grandson has been looking for a strange person, hoping to cure Yunchu's disease as soon as possible."

"It's none of your business." The emperor is not so confused. Gu Guogong and Rong Wang didn't do it very well. The emperor checked it out, but

"How does Gu know?" This is something the emperor doesn't understand.

Qin Jiyan hesitated for a moment, but he didn't say anything about Gu Qiancheng. He only said vaguely: "the Third Master of Gu family is working in the Ministry of punishment."The emperor can understand the deep meaning.

Because of the student's murder, the emperor was dissatisfied with the Ministry of punishment. Now that the people in the Ministry of punishment can't even control their mouths, the emperor is even more unhappy.

After a few words with Qin Jiyan, the emperor asked Qin Jiyan to go to the empress first and then have dinner in the palace.

After Qin Jiyan left, the emperor immediately called in the commander in chief of the royal guards: "I want to clean up the criminal department."

"No The commander-in-chief immediately took orders and turned to carry out the orders.

At the same time, Qin Jiyan, who had never been to the Queen's palace, received the news with a smile on his face

That's great news, isn't it?

It's a pity that the Third Master of Gu's family took a black pot and left a bad impression on the emperor. But it doesn't matter. He will make it up in the future.

Qin Jiyan collected his mind and walked slowly towards the palace where the queen lived

Although the queen is not Qin Jiyan's own grandmother, it is Qin Jiyan's help in the palace. The queen is very good to Qin Jiyan, and Qin Jiyan respects her grandmother very much.

The queen will take care of Qin Jiyan, not because she is so selfless, but because she has no choice.

The Queen's position in the palace is very awkward. In terms of Rong Chong, she can't compare with Gu Guifei. In terms of birth, she can't compare with Shufei, Defei and Xianfei.

The empress can sit in the back seat and become the emperor's successor, which has nothing to do with Rong Chong's family background. The reason why the empress can sit in this position is that she is not high or low, and she can carry it clearly. Of course, the most important thing is that the Empress has no son and can't have children.

After the death of empress yuan, the emperor did not set up the empress until something happened to the prince. Under the repeated pressure of the court officials, the emperor had to set up the empress to pacify the former dynasty and the palace.

At that time, Shufei, Defei and Xianfei fought fiercely. These three have sons. Whoever is appointed as the successor can take care of his son and make his son his own son.

Li Di Li Chang, who made queen, is equal to her son is invisible prince. This is something the emperor doesn't like to see. Qin Jiyan, his eldest son, doesn't want to get another son.

So the emperor chose a concubine who had no son as his successor, which is the empress of today , the fastest update of the webnovel!