The wind is far away!

General Xihu, the style of the army is far away!

"How stupid I am!" Gu Qiancheng pats his forehead in chagrin and instantly finds that she is not satisfied with fengyao

This time, she not only lost her eyes, but also went to the horizon. What Phoenix generals? Is it good that the other party is a foreigner!

If you are not of my race, your heart will be different. Although this is suspected of killing people with a stick, but

It's not my race. I wish she didn't kill me. As for saving me? That's a virgin!

"Asshole." I've lost such a big face.

The more Gu Qiancheng thought about it, the more she felt that she had no face. Fortunately, no third person knew, otherwise she would lose face.

"Now what?" Gu Qiancheng embraces with both hands and stares at the wind

The light of the fire shines on fengyao's face, bright and dark Gu Qiancheng doesn't have time to appreciate fengyao's angular and knife like handsome face. What she wants to do now is what to do with this man?


It doesn't seem to work. After all, this man had many chances to kill her, but he never did.

Why not?

I'm really not reconciled.

"Forget it, let him live and die." Gu Qiancheng thought for a long time, but he didn't come up with a suitable way. He simply ignored the man and gave the token back to fengyao. Gu Qiancheng was very upset and raised his leg to kick

As a result, I don't know whether Gu Qiancheng is too hard or fengyao's sitting position is too good. Gu Qiancheng obviously doesn't use much strength, but fengyao rolls down because of this foot, because his side is a slope


It's too dark. She really didn't notice that there is a slope beside fengyao. But now people are rolling down. It's absolutely impossible for her to go down and pull people up.

Gu Qiancheng clapped his hands and began to think about his own problems

Although she did not see the traces of wild animals in the woods, she knew how terrible the woods were at night. She had to figure out where to spend the night?

Gu Qiancheng is glad that she is not the kind of girl who is timid and afraid of ghosts. Otherwise, if she stays in the woods, she will be scared to death.

After thinking about it for a long time, Gu Qiancheng found that it was the safest tree, and there was a belt on the tree where she stayed before. If she wanted to go back, tie the belt to her body, it would not be easy for her to fall off.

The moon is still round tonight, but it's not enough for Gu Qiancheng to see the road. Gu Qiancheng cuts a branch and then wraps cloth on it to make a simple torch. He holds the torch and goes back

As for the lonely, lying in the mountain bend of the wind away?

I'm glad I didn't kill him. She's not his mother, and she has to take care of him all her life.

Gu Qiancheng didn't feel guilty at all. With his good memory, although he spent a little more time, he arrived at his destination safely.

Four people died under the tree. The smell of blood was very strong, but there was no sign of wild animals coming. Gu Qiancheng once again affirmed that there should be hunters around the forest, so there are no fierce animals nearby. She will be safe this night, of course

The wind is far away, and it will be safe.

Feng Yao's injury is very serious. From the doctor's point of view, Gu Qiancheng thinks that if Feng Yao is not treated in time, he will die tonight. However, seeing the fierce Gu Qiancheng in fengyao, I believe that the man can't die.

Climbing up the tree, Gu Qiancheng tied himself to the tree and had a good sleep.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight came in, Gu Qiancheng woke up and went down the tree smartly. He found that there was no sign of passivity under the four corpses. Gu Qiancheng calmly walked around and walked back along the traces of yesterday

Just in the morning, Gu Qiancheng was tired and thirsty, and his whole body was very sore. At the same time, the people in the special hospital didn't come out to look for themselves, so they saw


Qin Jiyan's other courtyard was burned by the fire, and it was still smoking.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qiancheng's face changed greatly. Despite the pain, he took up his skirt and rushed to the ruins

"Is there anyone?"

"Is anyone here?"

Gu Qiancheng, pale, rushed into the ruins and yelled in a hurry. He searched everywhere, but his voice was hoarse, but no one answered her

Don't do anything, or she won't forgive herself.

Gu Qiancheng's hands trembled and his eyes widened

PATA, PATA, tears fall one by one

When Gu Qiancheng saw the charred body of the first club, he couldn't control it any more and fell to the ground: "ah How could that be? How could that be? "

Gu Qiancheng looked around blankly, the whole person stupefied, tears one by one down: "it's me, it's me who hurt them, it's me who hurt them."

Gu Qiancheng bit his lips and tried to suppress his cry. Then he dug out the burnt corpse with his hands.

From the appearance, Gu Qiancheng determined that the other side was one of the two bodyguards given by Qin Jiyan."Ah..." Gu Qiancheng couldn't help it any more. He clenched his hands into a fist and cried with grief: "general Xihu, junfengyao, I remember you. Gu Qiancheng remembered you!"

She knew that it was not Feng Yao who set fire to kill people, but

If it wasn't for fengyao's stunning, the Xihu people couldn't have set fire easily.

Gu Qiancheng hates himself!

Why did she go back to fengyao?

Why did she save fengyao?

She should have killed the culprit!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Gu Qiancheng is kneeling in the ruins. Her knee is bleeding with sharp stones, but she can't feel the pain

Pulling out the charred corpse, Gu Qiancheng, regardless of the heat of the fire and his exhausted body, stumbles in

One, two

There were not many people in the other courtyard. Together with the guards, there were only five people. Gu Qiancheng soon found their bodies.

A total of five corpses

all burned, all burned!

"It's my fault. It's all my fault." Gu Qiancheng's clothes are dirty and broken, and several of them are burnt out. His hands are bloody, and the backs of his hands are red, swollen and blistered by the fire. His shoes are still smoking, and his face is red with the heat

But at this time, she has no time to care about these, she is now full of regret, full of remorse.

However, in addition to sorry, Gu Qiancheng did not know what else to say?

After settling the dead Wuju, Gu Qiancheng wiped his face and began to deal with the follow-up

Gu Qiancheng runs to the village, finds a villager, takes the hairpin off her head and gives it to the other party, asking the other party to help guard the bodies of the five people, while she goes back to the woods again

She's going to kill fengyao!

However, Gu Qiancheng found the place, but did not see feng Yao's figure, and even the traces were cleared by the other party.

"Ah..." Gu Qiancheng cried out with grief. He hated and regretted.

After biting his lips heavily and smelling the bloody smell in his mouth, Gu Qiancheng came back to his senses. With his anger and killing intention, he went back to the other courtyard which was burned to ruins.

Gu Qiancheng is not in charge of herself. She leads a horse from the stable far away from the courtyard

After such a big thing happened, she had to go back to Beijing , the fastest update of the webnovel!