It was the next day that Gu Qiancheng received the news from the dark guard. At this time, the capital was under the strictest investigation, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

Yan Qing is in charge of the entrance and exit of the city gate. Although he can help Gu Qiancheng enter the city, the risk is too great. If people want to find out, Yan Qing will not only lose his official position, but also be punished.

Gu Qiancheng can't do this kind of thing that harms others and benefits himself. He just wants to stay in baiyun temple for three days, which makes him very depressed.

"It's a disaster. I'm really good at timing." Gu Qiancheng deeply regretted that she would not go out of the city if she had known such a terrible thing would happen.

No, she should go back to the city immediately. Now

Even if she had someone in the court, she would not be able to enter the city these three days. She could only dress up as a "filial daughter" in baiyun temple. Fortunately, there are many ladies in baiyun temple. When they see Gu Qiancheng's sincere "blessing" for his father, they all praise Gu Qiancheng in private.

Of course, Mrs. Cheng is not included in the praise of Mr. Gu. Mrs. Cheng is not so generous. Mr. Gu ruined Mr. Cheng's imperial examination road. Mrs. Cheng would like to eat Mr. Gu's meat and drink his blood.

Cheng Rui, the daughter of Mrs. Cheng, who has an affair with Wu LIULANG, doesn't have a good face for Gu Qiancheng either. Every time she meets her, she has to sneer at Gu Qiancheng, saying that Gu Qiancheng's reputation is bad, and a woman like Gu Qiancheng should be immersed in a pig cage.

Gu Qiancheng wants to laugh when she hears this. How afraid is Miss Cheng Rui of soaking in a pig cage? How dare you taste the forbidden fruit if you are so afraid of soaking the pig cage?

Gu Qiancheng disdains to have the same opinion with the little girl. Every time Cheng Rui sneers, she looks at each other with a smile at most, and then ignores Cheng Rui's self-care departure.

After several times, Cheng Rui didn't know whether he was guilty or something. Seeing Gu Qiancheng walking around spontaneously, Gu Qiancheng was very satisfied. However, Cheng Rui was easy to send, and Wu LIULANG was a difficult master. After that day, Gu Qiancheng was entangled by Wu LIULANG.

Gu Qiancheng has lived two lives before and now. He has never seen such a cheeky man as Wu LIULANG. Wu LIULANG is a good-looking scoundrel. If she didn't have a secret guard, he would definitely touch her room in the middle of the night.

In the evening, Gu Qiancheng hardly went out, even in the daytime, he did not dare to walk around alone, for fear of meeting Wu LIULANG.

Wu LIULANG is really good at it. Even in the wing room where only female guests are entertained, he can sneak in quietly. Gu Qiancheng has nothing to do with Wu LIULANG, and Qin Jiyan's Secret guard has nothing to do with Wu LIULANG. After a long time of investigation, they have not found out what's wrong with Wu LIULANG.

Wu LIULANG's past can stand close examination. He is a distant relative of Mrs. Cheng. He is Cheng Rui's cousin. He lived in Cheng's family when he was 15 years old. Now he is 20 years old. He is ready to take the entrance examination next year.

Wu LIULANG, a relative of Mrs. Cheng's, knew that it was inconvenient for him to live in Cheng's house. He usually lived in seclusion and only read in his yard. He didn't go out frequently until he met Cheng Rui half a year ago.

The two cousins got along for some time and stole the forbidden fruit by an accident. Since then, their relationship has been growing rapidly and they have reached the point of marriage in private.

Cheng Rui often says good things about Wu LIULANG in front of Mrs. Cheng. Wu LIULANG often goes in and out of the Cheng family during this period. He has a good relationship with several young masters of the Cheng family, but Mr. Cheng doesn't like him.

The reason is very simple. Old and well-informed people like Mr. Cheng really don't like Wu LIULANG who is frivolous and dissolute. No matter how talented he is, he can't get into Mr. Cheng's eyes. He just looks at his daughter-in-law's face and doesn't drive him out.

But the cleaner Wu LIULANG's past is, the more Gu Qiancheng and Qin Jiyan suspect that he has problems. According to what Gu Qiancheng saw, Wu LIULANG is by no means an ordinary scholar. There is something wrong with his past.

Qin Jiyan asks dark Wei to send a message to Gu Qiancheng. He asks Gu Qiancheng not to test Wu LIULANG any more and try to avoid that man. He will wait until he returns to Beijing.

Gu Qiancheng admitted that she did try to test Wu LIULANG's idea, but received Qin Jiyan's severe letter, Gu Qiancheng gave up.

She is still obedient, safety first, lest the person far away in the capital worry.

Yes, I'm worried.

Although Qin Jiyan's words were severe, there was a deep worry inside and outside. He would rather not find anything than risk Gu Qiancheng's life.

"Tell your highness that I won't mess around and return to the city on time in three days." Gu Qiancheng didn't reply, but let the dark Wei send a message. The dark Wei silently looked at Gu Qiancheng, and repeatedly confirmed that Gu Qiancheng really didn't write to the Lord, so he had to leave with regret.

Alas, I wonder if the Lord is not happy to receive the expected reply?

Qin Jiyan is really unhappy, but he doesn't have much time to be unhappy because

Save a life of the fifth prince, do not miss any chance to wear shoes for him.

The reason why the fifth prince appeared at the emperor's side when he met an assassin was that he asked the emperor for a job in the Northern Qi Dynasty under the banner of sharing the emperor's worries.

Yes, the fifth Prince didn't know which nerve was wrong. He took the initiative to ask for this thankless job. But when the emperor was ready to refuse, the assassin came.The next thing, as we all know, the target of the assassin is the emperor. Seeing that he is about to succeed, the fifth Prince suddenly bravely blocks in front of the emperor and makes great contributions to his rescue.

After two days and one night's rescue, the fifth Prince recovered his life, and his position in the emperor's heart was more important. Knowing that the fifth Prince woke up safely, the old emperor went to see him immediately.

When the fifth Prince woke up, he didn't explain more about his rescue. He blamed himself on his face that he couldn't share his father's worries. He was hurt and couldn't go to Beiqi again.

The old emperor was greatly moved. When the fifth Prince proposed not to let Qin Jiyan go to the Northern Qi Dynasty, the old emperor did not want to.

Qin Jiyan is very happy. After receiving Jiao Xiangdi's letter, he goes to the palace and tells the emperor that he has invited himself to the Northern Qi Dynasty to deal with the entanglement between the Northern Qi Dynasty and the great Qin Dynasty. Otherwise

He will become the stepping stone of the fifth Prince this time. Even if the emperor doesn't hate him for this, he will leave a bad impression in his heart.

Qin Jiyan himself suspected that there was something wrong with the assassination. Now it is almost certain that the assassination was related to the fifth prince.

The assassin broke into the palace in the daytime. If there was no one to answer him, he couldn't do it. The most important thing is that the appearance of the fifth Prince is too coincidental.

During this time, the fifth prince was in his palace all the time, copying Scriptures for the king of honor. He didn't step out of the palace, so he even cancelled the invitation to the queen and Gu Guifei.

The only time I came out, I met an assassin to assassinate the emperor. Qin Jiyan didn't believe it if he said it wasn't artificial. It was just

When did the fifth Prince have such great ability to arrange a seamless assassination? The power behind this is really shocking.

Qin Jiyan's brow is slightly wrinkled, and he is beating the table without a moment , the fastest update of the webnovel!