Gu Qiancheng didn't take the opportunity to say how miserable she was before. Those miserable lives were not her experience. She just wanted to let Gu chenghuan understand that he was not the only one who had been humiliated in this world.

Gu Qiancheng didn't say any more words of comfort. She let Gu chenghuan cry until he had enough to cry, and then she said, "chenghuan, there are more people suffering than us in this world. Don't feel that you have been wronged or humiliated, just like the sky is going to fall. The sky will not revolve around you. God won't help you remember your wrongs and humiliations, let alone punish those who humiliate you. If you want to wash away the humiliation, you have to become strong, and then step on the feet of the people who humiliated you.

"Like sister Qiancheng, are you like this?" Gu chenghuan's eyes are red, but he has a lot of spirit. After crying for a while, Gu chenghuan's whole life is relaxed.

Gu Qiancheng Wan er said with a smile, "yes, just like sister Qiancheng, they bullied me. If I have the ability, I will retaliate one by one. If I have no ability, I will endure until the day when I have the ability."

"What if, what if I haven't been able to?" Gu chenghuan thought of what he heard in private about the Qixi banquet. At the Qixi banquet, Gu Guifei bullied Qiancheng sister, but

It's impossible for sister Qiancheng to fight with her concubine.

"Chenghuan, people should have self-knowledge, some people are our poor life can not revenge, this time we have to choose to forget, otherwise living is too painful." Just like the old emperor almost destroyed her face in order to test her, no matter how dissatisfied or angry she was, she would regard nothing as happening, otherwise she would be too tired to live.

"Isn't that bullying the good and fearing the evil?" Gu chenghuan's ears are slightly red. It seems that he can't accept such a statement.

Gu Qiancheng shook his head with a smile, "no, it's not bullying and fear of evil, it's called knowing the practicer as a hero. Chenghuan, my sister didn't teach you to bully people. My sister just wants you to understand that there are rules in this world. It's like a rabbit being beaten by a lion. Does the rabbit dare to go to the lion for revenge? "

"No, I can't. But... " Gu chenghuan stammered, but did not dare to say it.

Gu Qiancheng vaguely guessed, "chenghuan, there are only two brothers and sisters here, but it's OK to say so."

Gu chenghuan swallowed his saliva and said seriously, "elder sister, the rabbit does not dare to take revenge on the lion, but it can dig a trap to plot against the lion."

"Yes, the premise is that the rabbit has this brain, and the lion will be cheated. In the end, the lion won't find out, otherwise the lion will be angry, and the rabbit will die." Gu Qiancheng didn't want to teach Gu chenghuan to be a little white rabbit. He just wanted him to understand that power in the world is king. Unless you have the ability to rebel, otherwise

How the emperor bullies you, you have to be obedient. Even if you have the ability to take revenge, the rabbit's trap can only hurt the lion's skin. When the lion knows the rabbit's resignation, it will not be a small bully, but will swallow it.

Gu Qiancheng's words are complicated, but Gu chenghuan can't figure it out, but it doesn't affect him to do it. Anyway, whether sister Qiancheng's words are right or wrong, it's right to do it.

Sister and brother said a call, Gu chenghuan's heart that little bit of discord completely gone, Gu Qiancheng this just satisfied to leave.

The four maids came back first to clean up the yard. The food and hot water were ready one by one. They could only enjoy it when Gu Qiancheng came back.

The first thing Gu Qiancheng did when he came back to the courtyard was to ask his servants to send the medicine to the prince's residence in Pingxi County, so as not to worry about Yan Qing.

Gu's family is not far from the palace of Pingxi county. After a short rest, Gu Qiancheng reports that the medicine has been sent to the palace of Pingxi county. However, general Yanqing hasn't returned to the palace yet. The medicine is handed over to the princess of Pingxi county. It seems that the princess of Pingxi County doesn't know about general Yanhua's injury.

"I see." Gu Qiancheng just nodded and asked people to step back.

Three days after leaving Gu's house, Gu Qiancheng didn't know if anything had happened in the past three days. He just wanted his servants to inquire about it, so the housekeeper came to say hello.

The so-called greeting is just a token of loyalty. Gu Qiancheng didn't refuse it, and the housekeeper also went on the road. After a few words, he pointed to the main point and told Gu what happened in the past three days without any trace.

As soon as Gu Qiancheng went out, some of his family would jump up, such as the second lady. In front of the old master, the second lady kept saying that Gu Qiancheng had not married and was in the way of qianmeng. She wanted the old master to marry him.

In addition, the second lady heard from somewhere that the old man wanted to marry Gu Guogong. She went back to her mother's house and found a 16-year-old girl, which meant that she wanted to marry Gu Guogong as a second wife.

The second lady is restless. Mrs. Gu, who has been in the yard for a long time, is also restless. The old man wants to make her "recover". During this period, he didn't give her any medicine to drink. Mrs. Gu is in good spirits. As soon as she is in good spirits, she starts to think. These two days, Mrs. Gu has been trying to send someone to the Zhao palace to see Gu Qianxue.

As for Gu Guogong?

I don't know whether he was sick or frightened. Gu Guogong was very peaceful and honest. He took care of his illness in the yard. He had nothing to do except to ask his aunt to serve him occasionally.

The housekeeper has a good eloquence. In a few words, he just pointed out the details of how to take care of his family. As for what Gu Qiancheng wants to do? That's not what the housekeeper can manage. He sends a message to Gu Qiancheng that he is close to Gu Qiancheng. He wants the housekeeper to be used by Gu Qiancheng completely, unless the old master is dead.Gu Qiancheng didn't think about it. He wanted to bring the housekeeper in completely, as long as he kept the status quo. Otherwise

If the housekeeper wants to be fully loyal to her, the old man will definitely change the housekeeper. Now the degree is just within the range that the old man can accept.

The housekeeper didn't stay here for a long time, and then he left.

Gu Qiancheng retreated and sat by the window. He took care of his family in his mind. Then he went to the study.

Gu Qiancheng used to write and draw on paper. This time, Gu Qiancheng wrote: Goddess, Cheng Rui, Wu LIULANG, scholar, aunt, revenge.

From time to time, Gu Qiancheng draws a line or adds a circle between the two. A piece of paper is in a mess, but she is reluctant to throw it away. Instead, she stares at the messy paper in a daze. Until the servant girl reminds her that it's time to have dinner, Gu Qiancheng finds that it's dark.

Rub the sore eyes, Gu Qiancheng folded the paper into his arms, so as not to fall into the hands of others.

After dinner, Gu Qiancheng took a routine walk. His mind was still thinking about the case of Goddess tower. He even thought about the case when he was bathing, and he almost drank the bath water.

Gu Qiancheng laughed at himself and knocked his head to remind him not to think about it any more.

After the bath, Gu Qiancheng took a hair tip to brush his hair and went to the room. As soon as he entered the room, he saw a piece of paper on the table, which said: prepare for the night for the king! , the fastest update of the webnovel!