It's a coincidence. Today is the day of the palace examination. All the candidates who win the examination have to enter the palace to take part in the palace examination, so the thieves see the opportunity.

Among all the students, Qi Mao, the son of a rich businessman in Jiangnan, is the most famous. This fame does not refer to his talent, but to his wealth.

Those who know Qi Mao a little know that he is generous and spends a lot of money. He doesn't use silver as silver at all. Privately, he told his friends that when he came to the capital to take part in the scientific examination, he brought a million taels of silver, and he would not lack anything.

Such a rich and boastful master, the thieves should not have their ideas on him.

Qi Mao didn't disappoint people either. He did bring a lot of banknotes with him, but his banknotes were all sandwiched in articles and books. The thief took a look to make sure that there were banknotes in them, so he didn't care about three, seven and twenty-one. He took the baggage and left.

The thief got it and left immediately, but he didn't want to run into someone downstairs. The burden on his hand was scattered by someone, and all the things in the burden were spilled out, just like a woman in heaven and a woman in heaven.

"Silver, silver, lots of silver." People are the first to discover that they are valuable things like banknotes.

In particular, there are more than one banknote, but hundreds.

The inn was full of people and snakes. When someone saw the banknotes scattered on the ground, no matter what moral or immoral, they squatted on the ground and grabbed them.

Some people took the lead, others followed. For a moment, the whole Inn was in chaos. The thief yelled to everyone not to rob, but no one paid attention to him. The more they robbed, the more fierce they were.

Soon the bank notes on the ground were robbed. At this time, someone found the paper on the ground. Several scholars picked it up and looked at it, and their faces changed greatly.

"Report to the official, report to the official, report to the official quickly."

"Something big, something big."

"It's amazing that someone knows the questions in advance and recites them in advance. They just need to write them silently in the examination room."

"It's like this. It's like this. No wonder I'm second in high school."


With the sound, more and more literate people go to pick up the paper on the ground. At this time, their faces are as wonderful as a palette.

"Come on, go and call Ju Zi outside the Gongyuan. This is evidence. This is evidence. No one is allowed to leave. You are all witnesses at the scene. Whoever wants to leave is the prisoner. "

"Also, whose is the burden just now? This man is not the owner of the burden. He is definitely a thief. Take him down quickly."

Hearing this sound, the whole Inn was in chaos. Some people wanted to take the opportunity to run away. But I don't know when a group of strangers appeared outside the inn. These people didn't enter the inn, they just blocked the way.

"What are you doing?" Some people cried out discontentedly, but the other side didn't answer. They just kept the outside to death. However, when Ju Zi and the officials arrived, they disappeared again.

If only the officials were there, it would be possible to suppress today's incident, but with the candidates for this year's scientific examination, today's incident would not be a big one but a small one.

There is a lot of evidence to prove that the government will be embarrassed if it doesn't deal with the matter.

"Heaven has eyes, heaven has eyes!"

"I said that there was something wrong with the examination, and it's not surprising. There is more than one person who knows the subject of the scientific examination. We must find out the truth and give us justice. "

"Those people can make the list even if they have two spare money at home. We have been studying hard for more than ten years. Although our talent is not very good, we are more than ten times better than those people. There are also Feng and Jing Yan. They are famous all over the world these two days. They are very talented, but they are oppressed by a group of clowns. It's unfair! "

Many students have complained about Feng Sijin, and many people have complained about Jing Yan, but no one has complained about Jiao Xiangdi. Afterwards, Jiao Xiangdi knew about it and couldn't help wiping a tear: how much he didn't have a sense of existence?

It is clear that his examination results in these years are only under the cover of Sijin. Why did no one stand up for him and say that he was unfairly treated this time?

All the students cried and screamed, and pulled the official not to let them go. They insisted that the official give them an answer. No matter what the official said, they would not let people go.

Although it is said that the writers' rebellion has not been successful in three years, it is still a headache for them to make trouble. Every official is entangled by several students, and they dare not put too much emphasis on them. Let alone do the right thing, they can't even leave.

The official is trapped in the inn, and the news can't be reported to Shangfeng. However, the news of the release of the examination questions won't be trapped in the inn. The people who were ready to move in Beijing immediately publicized the release of the examination questions after they received the news.

The students who stayed in Beijing and didn't leave were very angry when they heard about it, and they were shouting that they would go to the palace to tell the emperor.

Entering the palace to inform the emperor is not to rush in directly, but to make careful arrangements in advance.

Writing papers, collecting evidence, and looking for highly respected Confucians to help them out, we have to arrange every one of them.

They give full play to their strengths and do their own things well. It's hard for them to write on paper. It's hard to collect evidence and ask great scholars to speak for them."It's OK to be a little late in the matter of evidence. It's better to be a little early than a little late. We must get the news across to Tianting as soon as possible." The person who spoke was a disciple of the Confucius family in Shandong Province.

The Kongs from Shandong Province went to Beijing last year to prepare for the scientific examination. In addition to the Kongs' direct family, there were also a few people from their collateral family who took part in the examination, but only a few people knew about it.

It's funny to say that in addition to the direct family, none of the collateral family was admitted.

Where is the Kong family? The disciples of their family are from the collateral lineage, and there's no reason to be famous. But this time, some of the collateral lineages of the Kong family are not listed. It's just that no one pays attention to them because they are not well-known.

The Kong family in Shandong Province has a superior position among the students, and even the sidelines are deeply convinced by Ju Zi. He immediately got someone to cooperate with him, and everyone was convinced that he was in charge of the overall situation.

"In the capital, there are only a few great Confucians who will and can ask for our orders. I think about it and think that the hermits are the most appropriate. What do you think? "

We couldn't think of a better candidate. We immediately nodded, "we'll listen to brother Kong. Brother Kong, you can rest assured that we're going to invite the hermit."

Under the control of the sun family's disciples, it was like a mess of loose sand. No one was dissatisfied with the students and twisted into a rope. No one was dissatisfied with them. Everyone helped each other, just to find the evidence as soon as possible and give them a clear scientific examination

There are many people and great power. Thousands of students are running around in Beijing, which soon attracts the attention of ordinary people. But the old emperor who is reading the papers still doesn't know , the fastest update of the webnovel!