Fighting bandits is no stranger to bandits. Every year, the local government will send troops to fight bandits in order to achieve political achievements, and most of the bandits will cooperate, sacrificing more than a dozen people every year so that the local government can hand over their duties.

Suppressing bandits is a tacit matter for the local government and bandits. If the bandits want to stay together for a long time, they can't really embarrass the local government. It's only good if everyone is good.

Over the years, both the government and the local bandits have been quite satisfied with this model. The two sides have formed a tacit understanding and reached a delicate balance. As a result

This time, the sudden and powerful suppression of bandits caught them by surprise!

The local government didn't receive the news in advance. When they knew about it, the army had gone to attack the bandits' nest. They just wanted to inform the bandits to hide.

Wang Bing of Pingxi county was divided into ten routes, led by ten trusted Deputy generals, and separated from each other with the capital as the center. The bandits were not informed in advance. As soon as the military made sure, they turned around and threw the evidence in front of the local government.

"Suppressing bandits? This is the result of your annual crackdown on bandits? "

"The people are rich, live and work in peace and contentment, and there are no bandits. What are these people?"

"In collusion with the bandits, the younger sister of the bandit leader was taken as a concubine. You are so honest, my Lord!"


In front of the evidence, the prince of Pingxi was ordered to handle affairs. Even the local government did not dare to say that the military had meddled in government affairs. Some local government officials are at the top of the line and want to inform their colleagues, but they find that they are more miserable than themselves.

Bandits everywhere want to ask for support, but they find no one at all. In the past, both allies and enemies have been destroyed.

And their strongmen in the stockade were sent out to look for the remains of the prince.

With the vigorous and resolute efforts of the prince of Pingxi County, hundreds of strongholds, large and small, were destroyed in just ten days. Some gangsters' nests, which are still far from the capital, received the news and immediately called their own people back, so that they would not have no hands when the stronghold was found by the officers and soldiers.

As a result, Gu Qiancheng and Yan Qing found that fewer and fewer people were bothering them. When they were the most cruel, they couldn't rest for three days and three nights. Now it's hard to meet three groups of people a day.

"What's the matter? Isn't that group coming? Are you afraid of being beaten by us? " Chenghuan's friends, after more than half a month's battle of life and death, are more mature than before, and their green and astringent faces are replaced by steadiness.

"Xu is behind someone's hand, push these people back." Gu Qiancheng can see clearly.

These gangsters are people who pin their heads on their belts. As long as they have enough interests, they will not be afraid of death. How can they shrink back because they are powerful.

Feng Sijin nodded with approval, "it should be the imperial court, only the imperial court has such a big hand." At the same time, it forces hundreds of villages to stop, which ordinary people can't do.

King Qin No, it should be that his Royal Highness's control over the imperial court has reached an unprecedented height. Only in this way can he force back these bandits who worked for money in a short time.

"It seems that the plan of King Zhao has been abandoned." Gu Qiancheng showed a relaxed smile.

Every day, people say, "Gu Qiancheng, hand over the prince's remains." Gu Qiancheng doubts that the Yi state annals she saw before is really the prince's remains.

"If the king of Zhao firmly believes that you have the prince's legacy, he will not be a good loser. If one plan fails, he will have another plan." Feng Sijin looks worried, but it's not easy to solve in a short time.

"I'm not afraid. As long as I defeat King Zhao, I'll be fine." Zhao Wang will lose all this loss, Gu Qiancheng does not think he has the possibility of turning over.

"I found that King Zhao was in collusion with Xihu in the northwest. It's no use for his royal highness to beat back the king of Zhao. " Feng Sijin was an official in the northwest, and he knew more than Yan Qing and others in the army.

"Xihu is not enough for fear." Although Gu Qiancheng is not in the northwest, she only knows a lot more, "don't worry, this war is Qin His royal highness will surely win. "

Gu Qiancheng is really not used to being called Qin Jiyan's grandson.

Yan Qing was very clear about the troops of the Qin Dynasty. Seeing this, he nodded heavily: "well, we won't lose this battle, even if Xihu sent troops."

"Sister, don't worry, we will win this battle." Chenghuan and his friends are full of confidence. This kind of confidence is not the blood before, but the confidence after dozens of life and death struggles.

They are the strongest!

"I'm waiting for you to make contributions on the battlefield." Gu Qiancheng patted chenghuan's back, "well, we have enough rest, continue to walk."

Even if it is safe all the way, Gu Qiancheng still does not dare to relax his vigilance. Only when they join the army can they be really safe.

It's easy to defend the city, but it's hard to attack it. King Zhao retreats to the inner city. It's impossible for his highness Qin to attack it once, but

After dozens of days of continuous attacks, the defense of the city gate has been loosened. The king of Zhao has lost more people than they did. If there is no accident, he can break the city in two days at most.

Every time the battle was successful, the officers and men were all high spirited and asked to be the vanguard one after another. They wanted to rush into the inner city and catch the king of Zhao alive.All those who took part in the war knew that as long as the king of Zhao was captured alive, it would be the first merit, and it would not be a matter of adding officials to the ranks.

To get rid of the excessive energy of the deputies, Qin Jiyan called the dark guard and asked, "when will they arrive?"

"If you go back to your highness, you will arrive tomorrow afternoon if there is no accident." When dark Wei answered this question, his voice was very light.

This is absolutely good news.

"Finally, it's coming..." Qin Jiyan knocked on the table, his lips gently, with a trace of evil.

Gu Qiancheng, who sleeps out in the suburbs, suddenly wakes up. Yan Qing, who is in charge of the vigil, finds out. He goes up to check it and asks in a low voice, "Qiancheng, what's the matter with you?"

Gu Qiancheng rubbed his eyes and said: "I have a nightmare." I dreamed that his Highness the king of Qin was a big gray wolf, and she was a little rabbit, and then

The little rabbit was bitten by the wolf.

"It's just a dream. It's OK." Yan Qing didn't know how to comfort Gu Qiancheng. Seeing that there was still unfinished water on one side, he poured a cup and handed it to her, "drink water to suppress shock."

"Thank you." Gu Qiancheng was really thirsty, but she did not dare to drink too much. It's not convenient to drink too much water outside!

A little sip, Gu Qiancheng is ready to put the cup back, but Yan Qing first step took the past, "you sleep."

"Good." Gu Qiancheng is not reluctant. She is really tired. She needs enough sleep to make sure she has the spirit to drive tomorrow.

Gu Qiancheng soon fell asleep. Yan Qing, the night watchman, was worried that she would not sleep well. He would take a look at her every quarter of an hour. When someone came to change shifts in the second half of the night, he refused and insisted on staying all night

Words for readers: I went to the temple fair in the evening. There were a lot of people and snacks It's not long since I just got home. There are still two chapters that will be late. Please don't wait. , the fastest update of the webnovel!