A woman in white, I don't know from which corner, just in front of Gu Qiancheng. "Miss Gu, don't struggle fearlessly."

Pop The woman in white didn't give Gu Qiancheng time to breathe. She threw the iron claw on her hand for the first time.

In the middle of the night, wearing white clothes and using such weapons, people who don't know it think it's a ghost.

Gu Qiancheng's reaction is very quick to avoid, but the iron claw is like a living creature, actually turned a corner and flew towards Gu Qiancheng, with a sound card on Gu Qiancheng's shoulder.

The iron claw stabbed into the meat, Gu Qiancheng pain of stuffy cry, backhand will claw out, but don't want the iron claw suddenly move, break away Gu Qiancheng's hand, toward her face.

Is this a living thing?

Gu Qiancheng's eyes widened suddenly. His hands reacted faster than his brain. He quickly patted the "iron claw" and flew it out.

Warm. What a living creature!

"You're the first one who's not afraid of spiders." The woman in white touched the "iron claw" on her shoulder and said to Gu Qiancheng.

"Little spider? Is that a spider Gu Qiancheng suddenly felt sick and his scalp felt numb.

Ma Dan, what kind of spider is this big? Is there any poison.

"Don't you know?" The woman in white looks surprised, but Gu Qiancheng can clearly see that she is deliberately, "boring!"

"It's really boring for me to come all the way to catch you." The woman in white came forward. Gu Qiancheng held the dagger still and was ready to attack at any time, but

But the woman in white didn't come forward any more. Instead, she pointed in the air and said, "take the torch."

On the other side of the wall, a fire suddenly lit up. A man in black climbed over the wall and came in. He took a torch to light Gu Qiancheng. Glare, let Gu Qiancheng instinctive retreat.

The woman in white stares at Gu Qiancheng's wound and says discontentedly: "your wound is still bleeding."

"Psycho." Gu Qiancheng knows what the other party is talking about, but how can she cooperate.

"Aren't you Gu Qiancheng?" The woman in white frowned, took down the black spider on her shoulder and stroked it in her hand. It was just a gesture to treat the pet, but the pet was really a little weird.

"I'm Gu Qiancheng." Gu Qiancheng's eyes swept away and secretly calculated that she would kill the other party and then run away.

It seems very small. The black spider in the other hand seems very powerful.

During Gu Qiancheng's calculation, the woman in white came forward and grabbed Gu Qiancheng's injured shoulder. "If you were Gu Qiancheng, how could your wound not heal?"

It's now!

Gu Qiancheng didn't answer the woman in white, but raised his leg and kicked her crotch, and at the same time waved the knife in his hand.

Top crotch this move is useful for men, and it is not small for women.

The woman in white only had to pay attention to Gu Qiancheng's dagger. She didn't expect that Gu Qiancheng would raise her leg and kick her. She was kicked by Gu Qiancheng and curled up in pain. "Damn you, spider, kill her!"

The woman in white releases the black spider again. At the same time, the man in black who holds the torch throws the torch and pours on Gu Qiancheng.

The left and right are all deadly killing moves. It's killing people.

Gu Qiancheng ran quickly to the beam column on one side. When the black spider pounced on her, he picked up the column, raised his leg and kicked the black spider to the man in black.

"Pa..." Black spider's foot from Gu Qiancheng foot across, Gu Qiancheng only feel hot pain.

Black spider was kicked away by Gu Qiancheng. She thought black spider would pounce on the man in black, but

The dead spider did not fly out according to the inertia, but turned around in mid air, and then flew towards her again.

"Damn it Gu Qiancheng couldn't help cursing. She could almost climb out, but she was forced back by this stupid spider.

There is no way, Gu Qiancheng had to run in another direction, but she avoided the attack of spiders, but could not avoid the attack of people in black.

"Asshole, I'm not the one you're looking for. What are you doing with me?" Gu Qiancheng is furious. She really wants Tang Wanjin to be here at this time. She doesn't want Tang Wanjin to help her block the disaster, but let Tang Wanjin beat the stupid spider with one fist.

"Since you know we are looking for someone, you must know where he is. Say it and I'll let you go. " The woman in white walks like a ghost. She quietly appears behind Gu Qiancheng. Fortunately, Gu Qiancheng has a heavy burden, otherwise she will be scared to death.

"Psycho, how do I know who you're looking for. You believe what Jino said. If he asked you to arrest me, you would arrest me. He asked you to eat shit. Are you going Gu Qiancheng swears that after she finds Jinuo, she will not let him go.

That is a shameless villain.

"It's hard to speak Spider, scratch her face. " The woman in white was angry because she was fooled by Jinuo. Now she is even more furious when she hears Gu Qiancheng's words.

Gino is not here. She takes it out on this woman first.

"Crazy woman, don't go too far!" Gu Qiancheng, on the one hand, blocked the attack of the man in black while guarding against the black spider."Too much? I just want to go too far. " The woman in white looks arrogant and throws the black spider out with her backhand.

Black spider head on, Gu Qiancheng know each other really want to make her face. However, just to her liking, it is not in vain that she deliberately angered each other.

Black spider speed is very fast, Gu Qiancheng did not dodge. The woman in White thinks she's scared and stupid. She thinks she has the chance to win. But she doesn't want to be caught by the black spider in Gu Qiancheng's face. Gu Qiancheng's right hand suddenly raises, and a piece of white powder sprinkles on the black spider. At the same time, she flies to the man in black.

"Be careful!" The woman in white quickly pulled the black spider back, but it was too late!

Black spider's whole body was stained with white powder, and suddenly fainted, while another man in black was slightly better than it, and it took several seconds to fall down.

"You dare to hurt my spider." The woman in white suddenly became angry. As soon as she collected her right hand, she turned her palm into a claw and rushed towards Gu Qiancheng. The action was really like a ghost who locked her life.

Gu Qiancheng runs away and shakes her sleeves. When she just sprinkles the powder, her sleeves seem to be stained with a little bit. I hope it works.

Gu Qiancheng is just holding the idea of a dead horse as a living horse, but she doesn't want the woman in white to think that Gu Qiancheng still has powder in his hand. He steps back and opens the distance between them.

Gu Qiancheng's eyes brightened. He didn't expect such a good effect. He didn't hesitate. He turned over the wall, jumped down and ran to the street

"Don't play with me, you're dead! Seeing this, the woman in white immediately jumped up to the wall. Seeing her light movements, she knew that her accomplishments were not low.

At the tip of her foot, the woman in white saw a running figure on the street and did not hesitate to catch up. At the same time, she sent a signal to the people behind to let them evacuate.

If you find the wrong person, what's the point of fighting again?

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